Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 431 A false alarm

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ps: I have omitted 2,000 words from the above. The recent inspections have been strict and I dare not write about it for land reclamation. If I have time for land reclamation in the future, I will write an extra and put it in the QQ group file.

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Li Xuan had a long dream, in which he rode a jade unicorn on the battlefield and fought hard. He kept waving his sword and slashing at his enemies.

He eventually conquered his opponents and established a great kingdom, but an uncontrolled flood destroyed everything.

Li Xuan had no choice but to ride his horse and wield his sword again to attack the rebels and put down the rebellion. But just when the world was once again pacified and gradually heading towards a prosperous age, heavy rain poured down from the sky again, and the dragon and the snake came together, destroying all Li Xuan's achievements again.

After about four such reincarnations, Li Xuan felt comfortable all over his body and no longer felt as depressed as before, but his mount also left him at this time.

Li Xuan was very unhappy and dissatisfied. He began to look for his horse everywhere, but he could never find her whereabouts. Li Xuan looked more and more anxiously, and then he suddenly woke up and regained consciousness.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was tied up in a palace with dozens of chains.

Li Xuan was wondering what was going on? Why was he locked up? Then he saw that his crotch had been pulled down to his thighs. Not only was it a mess underneath, but there was also a lot of blood.

Five feet away, in a corner of the hall, lay the jade unicorn that had transformed into the shape of a dragon and horse. The latter laid its head and neck on the ground, looking weak and hopeless.

Li Xuan was stunned for a long time before he realized that he must have experienced a very fierce storm last night.

And judging from the fact that his whole body was locked, it was probably someone...

This person is quite unscrupulous. After doing such a thing, he didn't even bother to deal with it.

After Li Xuan cursed, he felt slightly surprised and thought, who is this?

Judging from the blood stains, it should not be Xue Yunrou, nor Luo Yan, Yu Hongshang or Le Qianqian, nor Jiang Hanyun.

Li Xuan asked himself if he knew these girls. Since they had already figured out how to deal with the power of the medicine in his body, it was impossible for them to actively 'sacrifice' in order to free him.

Li Xuan glanced around again, and then he was horrified to find that there were strict laws and regulations in this side hall.

Xue Yunrou and the others seemed to want to ensure his safety here. They set up extremely strict forbidden laws on the outer wall of the side hall and suppressed them with a total of twenty-four high-level magic weapons.

The key to suppressing this ban is Xue Yunrou's magical weapon 'Yin Yuan Umbrella', Yu Hongshang's 'Dao Heng Xuanji', Luo Yan's spare 'Red Sleeve Sword', and Le Qianqian's 'Tong'. Lingyu'.

Only Jiang Hanyun was a pure martial artist, and there was no magic weapon to suppress him.

——In other words, no one coming or going from here can hide it from these four girls.

Li Xuan was even more surprised, thinking who on earth could have sex with him under the eyes of these girls?

This guy is too awesome——

When Li Xuan was sighing in admiration, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the jade unicorn lying five feet away.

Then an absurd idea came to Li Xuan's mind, and then his whole body froze in place as if struck by lightning.

wrong! wrong!

In addition, there is another possibility. The person who went to Wushan with him last night may not be a human being——

Could it be that? Could it be that? Did he inadvertently achieve the pinnacle of equestrian skills, the integration of man and horse?

Could it be that he has also followed in the footsteps of Officer Cao from the Crime Unit?

Li Xuan's face turned pale, his limbs were weak and he knelt down on the ground in an OTL shape. Large drops of sweat began to drip from his forehead, gradually turning into a waterfall.

He missed Li Xuan, Li Xuan, you have clearly broken through the bottom line of a human being!

He can accept the term 'friendship of life and death', after all, there is a person like Ning Caichen who has been sung throughout the ages. 'Rider on a dragon' is not impossible, and Liu Yi, the senior who hooked up with the Dragon Girl of Dongting, is an example.

But what does it mean to be a man and a horse?

Li Xuan began to study seriously how big a hole should be dug to bury himself.

He no longer has the face to see anyone, so he can just die like this and it will be over once and for all——

What are you kneeling for? Lu Qiluo's figure appeared in front of him, her eyes were strange: Why do you look so dead and alive?

Li Xuan was stunned when he saw her, and then his pupils shone brightly. He grabbed Lu Qiluo's calf as if grasping a life-saving straw: Senior Lu, it was you last night, right? It must be you. ? Hahaha, I knew it was impossible for me, Li Xuan, to do such a thing.

This result couldn't be more ideal. Not only are they 'life and death friends', they are also 'legal lolita', except that the other party may be a little older.

But in this fantasy world, Li Xuan doesn't care much.

Get out! Lu Qiluo's figure floated back a foot, with a slight blush on her face: Who would do such a shameful thing with you?

Her words made the body of Jade Qilin next to her tremble, and her expression became even more depressed.

Li Xuan was almost pushed into the abyss of despair. His eyes were blank: It's not Senior Lu, but who could it be? This is impossible. Normal people cannot enter this secret room.

Then he focused his eyes again and asked with the last glimmer of hope: Senior, please tell me, was it a human or a horse last night?

After saying these words, Li Xuan felt so ashamed that his face turned red like blood.

Green Qiluo was a little angry at first, but when she saw Li Xuan's appearance, she couldn't help but feel happy: How should I put it? It can't be said that he is a human -

When she said these words, she saw that Li Xuan's entire soul was about to disappear, his eyes were blank and lost their energy, and he was already in a state of wandering in the sky. The corners of Lu Qiluo's lips rose again: It's definitely not a horse. It would be more accurate to say he is an immortal.

Li Xuan's soul returned to his original state immediately. As long as it wasn't a horse, he could accept it for the time being. He looked at Green Qiluo in surprise: Really? You didn't lie to me?

What I lied to you about, it won't do any good. Lu Qiluo said coldly: When have I ever lied to you?

Li Xuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, thinking that for now, Green Qiluo's reputation was still very reliable.

He felt that he was resurrected with full blood, and he began to drag his chin with his hand and fell into meditation: Immortal? In other words, this person is a heavenly being?

Li Xuan thought to himself that this made sense. Ordinary people couldn't enter this place. Presumably this person is proficient in magic circles, and God can enter and exit this place at will through people.

So he changed his voice again, Senior Midori, you should have seen her appearance, right? Who is it, coveting my beauty?

Before he finished speaking, he heard the jade unicorn make a sound of 'vomiting', as if he wanted to vomit.

Li Xuan glanced at it sideways and didn't care. This jade unicorn couldn't even be called an immortal.

It is indeed heaven, what does this person say?

Green Qiluo glanced sideways at Yu Qilin next to her: In short, it's hard to explain. I can't say it, and I don't know how to say it.

Li Xuan frowned immediately, and then heard Lu Qiluo say: You don't need to care, she can appear in front of you at any time as long as she is willing.

At this time, she tilted her head slightly and pointed at Li Xuan's lower body as if she couldn't look straight at him: It's you, can you clean up now? It's simply unsightly. Also, your confidante are already here. Now, do you plan to let them see you like this?

Li Xuan looked panicked and hurriedly packed up his lower body, destroying the evidence. He also took out a pair of trousers from his Xiaoxumi Ring and put them on.

——Fortunately, Xue Yunrou and the others did not take away his little Sumeru Ring.

In addition, although his arms are locked, he can still use Hao Qi, and he can use it with ease, even more flexible than his own hands.

As for the one he replaced, Li Xuan hesitated for a moment and threw it into the Xiao Xumi Ring for safekeeping.

After Li Xuan cleaned up the scene, the heavy door in front opened with a rumbling sound.

Xue Yunrou and the others filed in and walked in from the door.

Xuan Lang, are you awake? Xue Yunrou saw Li Xuan. She was happy at first, and then asked worriedly: How do you feel now? Do you feel better?

But when she said this, she immediately looked stunned and looked up and down at her lover with some suspicion.

Xue Yunrou found that Li Xuan's face was no longer flushed, and his eyes had returned to clarity.

But what happened? Based on her attainments in Taoism, it is impossible for this magic circle to solve the problems in Li Xuan's body overnight.

The ten-day period mentioned by Le Qianqian was actually a bit optimistic. According to Xue Yunrou's estimation, it would only take ten and a half months.

When this happens, there is only one possibility: someone helps Li Xuan and releases the power of the medicine——

Following closely behind was Yu Hongshang. She was also stunned when she saw Li Xuan's appearance: Xuanlang, has the power of your medicine worn off?

She then turned around and looked at the girls, including Xue Yunrou, with suspicious eyes.

Her first reaction at this time was that among the girls present, someone came in to 'steal' something.

——This is not impossible. Le Qianqian is the designer of the entire formation, Luo Yan is unparalleled in illusion skills, and Xue Yunrou is a treasure after inheriting the position of Shaotian Master.

The magic tools they left here can also be used as convenience.

Among the five girls, only Jiang Hanyun, who is not skilled in magic, is absolutely innocent.

You guy-

After Luo Yan glanced at Li Xuan, UU Reading also frowned at the girls present. She also suspected that someone secretly entered the side hall last night and had an affair with Li Xuan. thing.

At this moment, Luo Yan felt that the faces of all the women were a little strange, and even Le Qianqian, who looked like a little white rabbit beside him, looked a bit like a fox.

Li Xuan pretended to be indifferent and smiled at the girls: It's almost good. Fortunately, you set up this magic circle. Otherwise, I would have been driven crazy by the power of the medicine. Can you help me untie it now? Don't worry. , I’m fine, I will definitely not go crazy again.”

But when Xue Yunrou and the other girls saw his appearance, their hearts sank. They were familiar with Li Xuan and knew what this guy's expression looked like when he wanted to fool them.

Something must have happened here last night, and it was something Li Xuan never wanted them to know——

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