Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 440 This is impossible

Yu Hongshang looked outside in confusion, then her eyes changed slightly and her expression became strange.

The Bingdi Shenxin she took with Li Xuan last time allowed her to sense Li Xuan's general location within a range of twenty miles. Within five miles, a certain degree of spiritual communication can be achieved.

——But this can only be done if the other party is willing.

But Li Xuan, since he went to the tomb of Liao Taizu in the north a few days ago, he used some excuse to turn off telepathy, and then refused to turn it on.

However, within a short distance of one mile, Yu Hongshang was still able to sense this guy's position without Li Xuan's permission.

Now she sensed Li Xuan's aura and was sneaking towards her boudoir.

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but be confused for a while, thinking how did this guy get into the palace?

Also, according to Yunrou, didn't this guy spend the entire night accompanying Luo Yanle, Qianqian and the others? Her Fire Cloud Phoenix was staring at the sky all day long.

Yu Hongshang was slightly happy at first, thinking that this guy still remembered her.

But then her mood became a little complicated.

On the one hand, it's because this guy came at the wrong time. Yunrou is still here! On the one hand, she wanted to see Li Xuan again. It had been a long time since she had had a good talk with Li Xuan.

This is an indescribably complex taste.

Yu Hongshang thought that this was really retribution. When she was in Yichang before, she took action to stop Xue Yunrou's good deeds. As a result, today, the other party also interfered with a night party with Xuan Lang. How can we repay grievances?

She hesitated for a moment, and then conveyed her thoughts with her spiritual consciousness: Xuanlang, go back!

Li Xuan outside was stunned for a while, thinking to himself, are you asking me to go back? I spent fifteen days of my life just to get here! As a result, I didn’t see anyone, so do I have to go back? What a bad deal!

He then burst into laughter, thinking that Yu Hongshang must be angry with him, right? Or maybe I'm shy.

It seems that I will have to put some effort into coaxing him later.

So instead of walking back, Li Xuan speeded up and arrived outside Bitao Tower like thunder and lightning.

Go back! Yu Hongshang felt Li Xuan's breath approaching quickly and couldn't help but feel helpless: Don't come over, Xue Yun——

But before her message could be heard, Li Xuan's figure had already flashed in.

He had no intention of being impatient. After entering through the window, he straightened his clothes first and then walked to Yu Hongshang's window looking like a handsome young man.

As he walked, he recited poetry.

There is a beautiful woman here, and you will never forget her when you see her; if you don't see her for a day, you will miss her like crazy - Chang'er, do you know how much I miss you?

Li Xuan didn't notice the strange look on Yu Hongshang's face. He first kissed Yu Hongshang on the forehead, and then prepared to kiss Yu Hongshang's red lips, touching her until death.

But then Li Xuan felt something in his heart and looked to his side with a pale face.

Does he think so? This is impossible, absolutely impossible -

But Li Xuan was still desperate when he saw Xue Yunrou getting up from the bed next to her. Although her face was expressionless, her eyes looking at Li Xuan were as deep as the sea and as if they were bottomless abyss.

I haven't seen you for a day, and I'm thinking about you like crazy! Xue Yunrou raised her lips slightly and said with a smile: Mr. That’s what I said too.”

Then Li Xuan felt as if Yu Hongshang, whom he was holding, had transformed into an iceberg, freezing him to the point of freezing his whole body.

Green Qiluo floated behind Li Xuan and looked at Li Xuan's back with sympathy.

She thought to herself, why bother? Do you spend fifteen days of your life to go through such a Shura killing field just to enter the palace?

This guy, he won't die here tonight, right?


In the early morning of January 21, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, who hurried back to the capital, saw Li Xuan with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Peng Fulai was immediately surprised: Qianzhi, what's wrong with you? How did you get hurt like this?

Yes, who hurt you? Zhang Yue also scratched his head, unable to understand: Aren't you very majestic in the south? With Luo Yan's twin swords, the combat power reaches the heaven, Wu Zhiqi and Xiang Yao has been beheaded by you. Also, with your horizontal training skills, who can hurt you to this extent?

Now he doesn't dare to say things like, 'Let's beat you back together', probably because they can't afford to offend someone who can hurt Li Xuan like this!

Hearing this, Li Xuan touched his swollen chin and cheeks with lingering fear, as well as his blue eyes, and then the corners of his eyes twitched slightly: Stop talking, these are two powerful demons. The head is ruthless and hard to defeat.

He felt a sharp pain from the redness and swelling in his eyes and face.

Yu Hongshang's fist penetrated into Li Xuan's flesh and blood, making it impossible for him to get rid of it for a while.

At this time, Li Xuan was most fortunate that he had cultivated the Henglian Ba ​​Body, otherwise he would have to lie in bed now.

Two female devils in the heavenly realm, right?

Luo Yan looked at him sideways, feeling a little gloating: Actually, I'm also curious. Xue Yunrou is obsessed with you, and Yu Hongshang is the one who loves you the most among the girls. Li Xuan, what did you do to make them hate you? Are you so cruel?

After hearing this, Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai looked at each other, and then they tacitly agreed not to say a word, and did not dare to say more.

Both of them knew that expressing an opinion on this matter would be fatal.

Even if it were to be said, it shouldn't be an occasion where both Le Qianqian and Luo Yan were present.

Li Xuan smiled awkwardly and avoided answering: Let's go quickly. It is said that there was a fierce battle in Xuanfu. Seven military fortresses were overrun by the Mongols in the north. Thousands of people were killed and injured on both sides. The Tatar General Battle's 70,000 cavalry The Longmen Guards' defense has been broken, and the troops are pointing directly at Chang'an, so we'd better rush there as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the result of that night was good. Li Xuan did not run away. He showed an honest attitude of admitting his mistakes and allowed himself to be beaten and punished. He forced himself to be beaten several times by Xue Yunrou and Yu Hongshang.

I stayed with them for another day the next day, which finally made the two girls' resentment subside a little.

Incidentally, he was forced to take back thirty thousand taels of grain silver used to transform the 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong' from Leng Yurou, and bought them both a small gift.

Fortunately, the two girls probably knew that he was in financial distress. They didn't say anything in person, but afterwards each secretly sent him fifty thousand taels of personal money, which not only filled the gap on Leng Yurou's side. After getting married, Li Xuan made more than 60,000 taels.

Speaking of the money, he also saw ghosts. During Li Xuan's trip to the south of the Yangtze River, the bounty he got from just killing the three big monsters Chang Ze amounted to one hundred thousand taels of silver. Uncle Chengyi's Mansion also gave him twenty thousand taels of silver in the New Year. A huge dividend of 50,000 taels was paid, but in the end Li Xuan still couldn't make money.

Following Li Xuan's order, more than 320 Shenyidu cavalry swarmed out from Liudaosi and galloped out of Beijing city like thunder.

Liudaosi is not an army, so there is no formation or military discipline, but their momentum is very impressive. After all, the more than 300 people in Shenyi City are all elites who are above the fourth level of the building, wearing helmets and armor, and are armed to the teeth, and their mounts are all water dragons.

At this time, a black mass of iron cavalry was galloping on the official road. From a distance, it looked like rolling dark clouds, and the sound of hoofbeats was like continuous thunder, which made the ground rustle, making all pedestrians look at it with pale eyes and turn to both sides. avoid.

Juyongguan is not far from the capital. About an hour and a half later, Li Xuan saw the majestic and huge city of Juyongguan, which was decorated with hundreds of pheasants.

This pass city is as famous as the Jiayuguan Pass of the Jin Dynasty, and is also known as the most powerful pass in the world. It blocks the northernmost military capital of the Eighth Routes of Taihang. Together with the Nankou, Juyong Pass, Shangguan and Badaling, it blocks the north gate of the capital.

The chief soldier guarding Juyong Pass is Yuan Jun, a veteran general who is 170 years old. In the last years of Emperor Taizong's reign, he followed Emperor Taizong in two northern expeditions against the Mongols. However, due to his lack of success in battle, he has not yet been awarded a title.

However, he was praised in the army and the court as without great achievements, but able to guard the frontier, and he was successful in practice. Before the age of eighty, he reached the peak of the fourth gate, half-step to the realm of heaven. , so he lived for 170 years, which is far longer than the life span of ordinary people.

Yu Jie appointed this person as the commander-in-chief of Juyong Pass to ensure that Juyong Pass would not be lost with the help of his prudence and experience in the army for more than a hundred years.

After Li Xuan entered the customs, he immediately went to the General Military Mansion to visit this person, but he was rejected.

This military veteran asked someone to give away his name card on the grounds that he was busy with military affairs.

The person responsible for delivering the message to Yuan Jun was the sentry guarding the gate of the General Military Mansion: Master Li, my general has many things to do every day. Not only does he have many military affairs to deal with, but he also inspects the surrounding fortresses and prepares the army for war. It is estimated that in the next ten days or so, I don't even have time to meet you.

So if you have nothing important to do, sir, there is no need to come here again. What the general means is that you Liudaosi personnel have no jurisdiction over our border troops and cannot interfere with each other. As long as they do not interfere with military affairs inside and outside Guancheng, you can go your own way.

Not only did this person's demeanor and tone of voice appear indifferent, there was even a hint of hostility in his eyes.

And just when Li Xuan and the others had no choice but to leave, this one spat on the ground: A bunch of bastards responsible for collecting corpses and burning them for burial!

Li Xuan couldn't help but frowned and looked behind him. Luo Yan's eyes narrowed even more. She held the knife in her hand and looked at this person with a cold expression.

If Luo Yan's past temperament was followed, he would have already taken action at this time to make this rude guy look good.

Li Xuan shook his head slightly and withdrew his gaze.

He could guess the reason. On the one hand, Liu Daosi had a bad reputation among the border troops; on the other hand, he was rejected by the northern generals.

The arms smuggling case that Li Chengji detonated in Datong and the attack on Huangfu Xuanji will more or less arouse the resentment of some northern generals.

Then there are probably the personal factors of Yuan Jun, the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan.

Li Xuan didn't pay attention and continued walking to the south of Guancheng. There is a demon-subduing branch of the Liudaosi over there. The six demon-subduing people mobilized by the Liudaosi, as well as the many monks and Taoists, must also be there.

But when Li Xuan arrived here, he found that the atmosphere here was also very bad.

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