Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 443 Lao Peng falls in love at first sight

On the way to the battlefield in Chang'an, Li Xuan found that Peng Fulai kept coming to Xuan Chenzi's side, greeting him with great enthusiasm.

Xuan Chenzi was reserved at first, but gradually, he was amused by Peng Fulai, a seasoned conviviality expert. He laughed so hard that his branches trembled with laughter. He put down his guard and started chatting with Peng Fulai, and from time to time he let out a string of words like silver bells. laughter.

Then Peng Fulai pushed the horse closer to Xuan Chenzi and rode side by side with Xuan Chenzi. The two were next to each other with almost no gap.

Li Xuan felt a little bad, but he couldn't go out of his way to remind him.

Xuan Chenzi was not a fool. If Peng Fulai suddenly left him, he could guess what was going on with his heels.

Li Xuanzheng was planning to use his strength, but he didn't want to offend this person.

It wasn't until they were about to arrive at their destination that Peng Fulai proudly rode his horse back to Li Xuan: Unexpectedly, there are such beautiful fairies in the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain. Li Qianzhi, you are really not loyal enough. You should have introduced it to me earlier.

Li Xuan was speechless. He weighed the difference between his brother and offending Xuan Chenzi, and decided to consider his brotherhood. He coughed and said, Actually, you have seen this Immortal Chief before. Besides, he's not your type. If you just want a casual marriage, Lao Peng, then you've found the wrong person. If you get involved with this immortal, you won't be able to get rid of him in the future.

Have you seen it? When have I seen it?

Peng Fulai wondered, could it be someone close to Xue Yunrou? It should be, it was probably obscured by the Shaotian Master's aura and beauty, so he didn't notice it.

Peng Fulai didn't think much and said with a smile: Who said she is not my type? I fell in love with this Jade Fairy at first sight.

I usually don't like Liangjia because I just find it troublesome, and my thoughts have changed a bit recently. These days, I feel a little disappointed to see that there is a woman beside Taishan who is devoted to him and asking for help.

He thought to himself that this 'Jade Fairy' was just right. She had a youthful and beautiful face, and a enchanting and charming figure. The key was that she had a pure nature, just like a snow lotus on the Tianshan Mountains, spotless from dust.

He had seen too many women in the brothel and was already tired of them. And the 'Jade Fairy' gave him an extra novel feeling.

In addition, this fairy's magic power is very good. At a young age, she is already the fourth master of martial arts and martial arts, and she is likely to be in heaven in the future.

Peng Fulai didn't know if he had any hope of winning a beautiful woman, but if there was a chance, he would give it a try no matter what.

He usually envied Li Xuan, a guy who thrived on soft food. If he could have soft food, who would eat hard food? Peng Fulai has had bad gastrointestinal problems since he was a child.

Li Xuan, however, glanced sideways at Peng Fulai, thinking that this guy was really out of his mind. He had already given such an obvious reminder, but he still hadn't understood?

Jade Fairy? Is Yu, Xuan Chenzi’s surname? Yu Xuanchen?

Zhang Yue was also beside him at this time. After hearing this, he smiled cheerfully: I also think this fairy is good, pure and ignorant, easy to deceive, and with Lao Peng's methods, I'm afraid I can easily catch him.

At Lao Peng's age, it's time to calm down. Recently, I feel more and more boring about brothels. It's okay to go to that place occasionally, but it's really boring to stay there.

Li Xuan said helplessly: This fairy's name is Xuanchen.

Xuanchen? Yu Xuanchen? What a beautiful name -

Peng Fulai looked intoxicated, but in just a moment, he fell into a state of petrification.

It's indeed very artistic! Zhang Yue also nodded in agreement, and then his pupils bulged slightly. Perhaps he was too frightened, and even his voice became shrill: Is he Xuan Chenzi?

Yu Xuanchen? Xuan Chenzi? It seems that this person is cultivating the Innocent Divine Canon.

But he didn't recognize it at all just now. This charming beauty was the Taoist Xuanchen they had just met four months ago——

Li Xuan glared sideways, asking Zhang Yue to keep his voice quiet, and then whispered to Peng Fulai: Anyway, you should handle it yourself, pay attention to your methods, and don't make him angry. I heard that the Wugong Divine Canon has been revised to the fourth level. At the fifth level, the practitioner's thoughts will be very sensitive and extreme, and it will take him to the sixth level to recover.

He didn't know if Xuan Chenzi's mental state had changed, but it was best to be careful.

Peng Fulai's face was pale and bloodless, and his whole person seemed to be covered with frost: But I made an appointment with him to accompany him to Wuyi Mountain if he is free these days. He said he would go there to see it soon. Look, let’s appreciate the martial spirit left by the Six Daosi Heavenly Thrones over the past dynasties.”

He looked like he was about to cry: I also showed off my literary talent, saying that there are vines in the wild and the dew is shining. There is a beautiful person, clear and graceful. When we meet by chance, it suits my wish-

When he hooked up with Xuan Chenzi just now, he felt that he was in a romantic relationship and was very successful.

But now, as proud as he was before, he regrets it now.

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment and looked at each other with Zhang Yue.

Anyway - Li Xuan didn't know what to say, so he could only pat Peng Fulai on the shoulder: As I said before, Lao Peng, you can take care of yourself. If you don't want this marriage, you'd better pay attention to the methods and don't take it for granted. People are pissed off.”

Zhang Yue asked in confusion: There are creeping grasses in the wild, and the dew is dripping? What do you mean?

Li Xuan explained: This is an ancient Yuefu poem called Guo Feng·Zheng Feng·There are creepers in the wild. The full text means that the vines in the countryside are green and covered with crystal dew. There is a beautiful girl, whose eyes are full of love. It was fate that we met today, and I fell in love at first sight.

The countryside is covered with vines and grass, and the dewdrops are crystal clear. There was a beautiful girl with beautiful and affectionate eyebrows. Today I am lucky enough to meet you and walk hand in hand with you. Lao Peng is making it clear that he likes her.

Fuck you! Zhang Yue's heart was beating like crazy: Lao Peng, your hook-up speed is too fast, isn't it?

He wanted to laugh, but couldn't. He could only sympathize with Peng Fulai, but looked at Peng Fulai helplessly: Qianzhi is right, Lao Peng, please don't hurt others' hearts.

Zhang Yue had also heard about the situation of the Innocent Divine Code.

The grievances, grievances, and anecdotes of those who have cultivated the Wugou Divine Canon to perfection have always been circulated in the world.

As the three of them were talking, their destination was already in sight.

Li Xuan's expression gradually became serious. With the help of the 'Sacred Blood Green Luan' flying five thousand feet in the sky, he saw a large number of corpses in front of him. The corpses of Mongol people and Jin soldiers were mixed in, and countless scavenging vultures were circling in the sky.

From a distance, a group of about 2,000 guard soldiers could be seen collecting corpses at the edge of the battlefield. However, the fierce and vicious blood energy here prevented them from getting close to the center of the battlefield.

There are two people responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. One is the demon-suppressing captain of Qinglong Hall named Wang Chang. Under the orders of Lord Qinglong Hall, this man led two hundred demon-slayers to station here.

But this time the situation was beyond their capabilities, so they were forced to ask Li Xuan for help.

The other one is Qian Hu from the local Chang'an Institute, and the other is a military attaché from the fourth rank.

After the Qianhu saluted Li Xuan, he also apologized on behalf of Zhu Guoneng, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu: Commander Zhu asked the last general to tell him that Battle's cavalry in the north was defeated but not broken. They are lingering in the north of Chang'an. He needs to sit in the army to meet him. We are enemies, so we cannot welcome you in person. I would like to thank the Marquis for your forgiveness. He said that after this war is over, he will invite you to drink, Marquis, to apologize.

Your Majesty, Commander-in-Chief, you are very polite. Military affairs are of course the priority now.

Li Xuan replied and glanced at the center of the battlefield in confusion: Why is there so much evil here?

The captain of the Subduing Demons gave a bitter smile: The Mongols used the shaman's blood-burning method. Thousands of people drank the medicine and charged without fear of death. They also used magic to summon ferocious beasts on the battlefield. The strange spirit helped their cavalry charge into the formation. This made the blood here especially fishy.

The army could still be suppressed while it was there, but when Battelle's cavalry withdrew and General Zhu led his army to advance northward and pushed the battle line to the north of Chang'an, the Yin spirits here began to mutate.

Qiongqi? Li Xuan immediately frowned.

Qiongqi knew that this ferocious beast could infinitely amplify the power of all evil.

According to legend, this kind of ferocious beast especially likes battlefields. They will eat up the reasonable party and bite off the noses of loyal people. If someone commits evil deeds, Qiongqi will capture the beast and give it to him, and encourage him to do more bad things. .

Li Xuan did not dare to neglect, he knew that every moment of delay in this dangerous place would cause more ghosts of the war dead to mutate, and it would become more difficult.

Following his order, UU Reading Master Yuanmiao of Shanji Temple and Master Lingjie of Jingjue Temple each took their monks and formed a barrier at the edge of the battlefield.

What is posted in Shanji Temple is Namo Maharaja Prajna Surangama Realm, and what is recited is The Surangama Sutra.

In Jingjue Temple, the Amitabha Realm of Infinite Life was posted, and the Amitabha Sutra was recited.

As these monks chanted scriptures, two golden air pillars suddenly shot up into the sky, forming two huge Buddha statues in mid-air. One of them had layers of lotus petals spread out under his feet, and no evil spirits could exist wherever he passed; the other one pressed down his big hand.

The Taoist priests from Changchun Temple took their time and set up altars at the edge of the battlefield. After the altar was completed, Taoist Chongyou presided over the magic, stepped on the Gang and fought step by step, summoning the gods of the thunder department. Under their control, huge red thunderbolts swept across the four directions, destroying all the evil blood evil spirits and smashing them to pieces. .

As for Liudaosi's method of eliminating demons, although it is not as powerful, it is more efficient.

They planted flags on the ground, gathered the surrounding ghosts together, and then eliminated them one by one, or put them into the Spirit-Suppressing Gourd.

But at this moment, Li Xuan suddenly changed his expression and looked upward. In Shenxue Qingluan's field of vision, he saw a huge golden roc and swooped towards it.

The golden roc's wingspan alone reached forty feet, its body was wrapped with lightning, and its claws were like hooks and pincers. In a flash, he arrived in front of the divine blood Qingluan Cowherd. Before the divine blood Qingluan could be tempered, he grabbed it with his claws.

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