Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 445 Yangyang Divine Sword

Jinque Tiangong is still the high platform located on the east side. On the piece of animal skin paper in front of Gong Nianci, the 'Lord of Tianshi Palace', a large number of dense words were written in the original blank space.

‘On the 27th of January in the 13th year of Jingtai, at the end of Shenshi (5 p.m.), Princess Yu Hongshang of Changle had a yin and yang reversal, and she needed to sit in meditation immediately and regulate her breathing for a day. ’

‘At the end of Shenshi on the 27th day of the first month of the thirteenth year of Jingtai, all the Xuanzhen temples in Henan were wiped out. Xue Yunrou, the young master of the Tianshi Mansion, was ordered to investigate the case of the massacre. '

These more than 20 lines of text all begin with Shen Shi Mo, January 27, the 13th year of Jingtai and involve Jiang Yunqi, Helian Fulong, Fumo Tianzun Zhu Mingyue, and Qinglong Hall Zun Lingyou Zhenren. There are many Celestial Positions of Li Xuan, as well as many Pseudo Heavenly Positions who have a deep relationship with Li Xuan.

They were either unable to separate due to various affairs, or due to some unknown reasons, they could not get close to the Chang'an Qianhusuo within a hundred miles.

Although there is not a single word related to Li Xuan, murderous intention is already contained in it.

At this time, the sword-wielding young man standing by his side received a message from the capital from a cyan mirror floating beside him. His eyes suddenly showed admiration: Just like Master for more than ten days. As written before, Xue Yunrou went to Henan, Yu Hongshang went into seclusion, and Jiang Yunqi entered the palace, all happened on time.

The key is that after his master wrote these words with the 'Qianqiu Brush', he didn't consume much lifespan. At this time, he was still full of energy and his face was rosy.

It is very different from the previous situation where Master Zhuang wrote those four lines of handwriting and then disappeared immediately and turned into dust.

This is the skill of using the 'Qianqiu Pen'. We only need to follow the trend, so that things with a high probability will definitely happen, and the losses will be minimal.

Gong Nianci saw the thoughts of the sword-wielding boy and smiled slightly: Just like Yu Hongshang, her yin and yang conflict is on the verge of breaking out at any time. Another example is Henan Xuanzhenguan, who fought with No. 4 on the Black List ten years ago. The 'Eight-Armed Demon God' Liao Daozhen had a bloody feud. He wanted revenge all the time, and he had no reason to be patient after he entered the throne of heaven.

Therefore, careful intelligence is also indispensable. This is the purpose of letting you brothers and sisters operate outside for a hundred years.

Disciple understands! The sword-wielding young man accepted the instruction with awe, and then regret appeared in his eyes: It's a pity that Luo Yan and Le Qianqian were not able to be transferred away from Li Xuan. These two women also have false heavenly status at their limit. ability may become an obstacle.”

Gong Nianci shook his head when he heard the words: Then you are wrong. You need to know the principle of going too far and not going as far as you can. It is also said in the Book of Changes that if adversity reaches its extreme, it will turn into good times.

Moreover, everyone in this world has their own destiny, which is closely related to the heaven, earth, and all things. But for people like Li Xuan, his destiny is particularly strong. The Qianqiu pen can determine the cause and reduce its momentum, but the more it is cut, the more backlash it will encounter, which may lead to counterproductive results. Sooner or later, you will have the day to take charge of Qianqiubi, and you must have a sense of proportion.

In fact, Gong Nianci had already tried it, after arranging the whereabouts of Xue Yunrou, Yu Hongshang and others with Qianqiubi. She was about to write down the whereabouts of the girls Luo Yan and Le Qianqian, but the resistance between heaven and earth made her awed.

But when she thought about it, her own arrangements were enough.

From now until tomorrow morning, Li Xuan will not have any strong support around him.

The sword-wielding boy looked sideways to the north, with anticipation in his eyes.

He thinks Li Xuan's enemies should be able to seize the opportunity, right? Empress Dowager Sun, the Zhengtong Emperor, the Mongol people, and the mysterious figure hidden behind Jiudeng and Huaibi - no matter who it is, today is your chance to kill Li Xuan!

He couldn't wait to take back his junior sister.


To the south of Chang'an Qianhu Station, Wang Chang, the captain of the Fumo School, blocked Li Xuan with a solemn expression.

Sir! In view of your humble position, you still need to be cautious at this time. If you have an accident inside and lose the person who is in charge here, the consequences will be unimaginable.

He didn't know the strength of this Demon-Subduing Lieutenant General, and he didn't know why the main hall promoted such a young man who had just entered the third sect and was under twenty years old to a fourth-grade 'Demon-Subduing Lieutenant General'.

But even for a 'Demon-Suppressing General', his combat power is generally at the level of someone who has just entered the fourth sect. At most, it is only slightly stronger than a normal tenth level building, or at the level of an eleventh level building.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, laughed dumbly, thinking that there were only a few people in the north who knew that he had challenged Xiang Yao head-on. The person in front of him was not as well-informed as the spiritual ring master.

Don't worry, Colonel Wang——

When Li Xuan was talking about this, he suddenly heard a commotion. He glanced sideways in the direction of the sound and found that right in front of Sun Chuyun's fourth flag, an evil spirit riding an earthly dragon walked out of the blood mist.

At this time, all the ghosts and evil spirits produced in this battlefield have not had time to condense into form. But not only did this evil spirit have a solid soul, as if it were a body of flesh and blood, it also had a complete armor on its body and was holding a scimitar. A bloody evil aura lingered around it.

This made all the six demon-slayers around them change their colors, and they gathered together to form small-scale formations.

The fourth flag was the first to bear the brunt, and almost everyone was locked under the evil spirit's sword intent.

Sun Chuyun's expression remained unchanged. She held the sword at her waist and her eyes were cold.

Ghost General?

Li Xuan's mind suddenly sank slightly, and he recognized the evil spirit. He should be a powerful general among the Mongol people, and he was at least at the fourth level.

But at this time, it was less than two hours before the battle between the Mongol people and the Jin army. How could a ghost spirit be resurrected so soon?


When Li Xuan spoke, Luo Yan had already connected with him and transformed into light and electricity.

As two red streams of light flashed from left to right, the newly born ghost general turned into pure yin energy and evil force, shattered and dissipated.

Lord Commander, this place is evil. In the opinion of my subordinates, it is best to form a formation——

Wang Chang, the captain of the Demon-Subduing School, wanted to remind Li Xuan that it is best to gather everyone together to form a formation to avoid being defeated individually.

But the two people Li Xuan and Luo Yan in front of him had disappeared. When he turned his head again, he found that the ghost general of the fourth gate had died.

Wang Chang couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't know why, and thought to himself what happened just now?

Master Ling Jie from Jingjue Temple in the distance couldn't help but swallowed when he saw this. He is a Buddhist cultivator in the tenth level of the tower. He just barely saw a trace of the streamer, and he also got a glimpse of the terror of these two people.

Is this the ‘Heaven Strikes Earth and Combines Yangyang Divine Sword’?

It seemed that the news he heard before was not exaggerated at all.

With the sword skills of the two of them, it was not difficult to kill Chang Ze and Wu Zhiqi with the help of several heavenly figures.

Sun Chuyun twitched the corners of her lips and let go of the hand holding the sword. She thought that she could actually defeat this opponent easily, and it wouldn't take long.

Captain Sun, Senior Sister Xuanchen, help me watch them -

Li Xuan also knew that his subordinate had extraordinary fighting prowess, so he turned around and gave Sun Chuyun an instruction. Just continue to transform into flowing light and shuttle forward.

A moment later, Li Xuan and Luo Yan appeared in the center of the battlefield and looked down.

That should be the deep pit dug by Wang Chang, the captain of the Demon-Subduing School, two hours ago. There is a huge amount of Yin Qi, blood evil and evil force mixed in it, almost condensing into substance, and flowing in the shape of a whirlpool.

What exactly is it? Luo Yan moved his spirit to his eyes and used his spiritual vision to peek below, but he also found nothing.

She is actually not good at subduing demons. It's just that the light and fire method she practices naturally restrains evil spirits, so she can be unfavorable in Liudaosi's mission to subjugate demons.

And her psychic powers are also biased towards breaking illusions and fighting.

In Luo Yan's eyes, there was nothing in the pit except Yin Qi and blood evil, and there seemed to be no abnormality below the soil layer.

At this time, Li Xuan reached out and summoned a ball of soil into his hand. Under the observation of his 'Dao-protecting Heavenly Eye', it can be seen that there are some sporadic powders mixed in it.

They are a mixture of red and white, the white ones look like bone meal, and the red ones look like powder mixed with dried flesh and blood.

Li Xuan used his 'Dao-protecting Heavenly Eye' to carefully identify it, and found that there was endless ferocity and hostility contained in it.

It should be these unknown powders, but I don't know what they are.

But there are people in this place who know them.

Following Li Xuan's greeting, Le Qianqian ran over to take a look during her busy schedule, and then her expression changed: This is corpse powder made from the bones of evil people.

Le Qianqian raised her head and looked at Li Xuan: The so-called ten evils are treason, treason, treason, rebellion, immorality, disrespect, unfilial piety, disharmony, injustice, and civil strife. UU Reading Ten Evils Everything is complete, which is rare in the world. They are preparing the physical body for the Qiongqi spirit that was summoned here before.


The seriousness in Li Xuan's eyes became even stronger: Is there any way to stop it?

But at this moment, Li Xuan felt the 'Wuqu Pojun' on his right arm suddenly began to stir, and the two evil stars actually appeared directly above his head.

Green Qiluo's figure also appeared next to Li Xuan: The opportunity for your 'Wuqu Pojun' has arrived. You only need to swallow the spirit of Qiongqi, and this fairy weapon can be fully restored, and can even be You have an opportunity to initially surrender it. But I have a feeling that this process will be very dangerous——

She looked at Li Xuan and wondered whether the 'Innate Gourd Vine' seeds and 'Nine Heavenly Breathing Soil' she had implanted in Li Xuan's body could suppress Li Xuan's luck this time?

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Naturally, Li Xuan didn't want to miss the opportunity to completely restore the 'Wuqu Pojun', but Lu Qiluo felt that something dangerous was happening, and the degree of danger could be imagined.

But he won't have to choose soon. Le Qianqian shook his head slightly: There is no way, Qiongqi's physical body is actually completed.

At this moment, Li Xuan heard a slight tremor on the ground. And when he looked towards the source of the sound, he saw a group of two thousand black-armored cavalry galloping towards this place.

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