Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 455: One shot of corruption for 300 miles

On the bow of the warship in the cloud, Zhang Guanlan looked at Nankou Pass with his hands behind his hands. His face was cold and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: In other words, not only did you miss the opportunity to surround and kill Li Xuan, you even let Li Xuan pass. Are you preparing for war at Nankou Pass?

Tianshi, you are right. The man in the black hat said with helplessness: If I were completely sure, how could I not take action? There is no other way. What the master and the Great Khan want is that Juyong Pass is intact. But if the two of them are When people are put into Guancheng, they don’t know what will happen.

I don't even have enough chance to win. I can kill them in Guancheng. Isn't this worth the loss?

Zhang Guanlan frowned slightly: Then the 'Heaven Strikes the Earth and the Yangyang Divine Sword' are so terrible? Even if they are combined with Tianyuan, they won't be enough?

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you naturally don't know how scary it is.

The man in black hat sighed: Zhang Tianyuan not only inherited everything from Li Zhetian, but even improved it to a higher level, but he is not good at speed. It's not like I haven't tried it with Dharma King Lobsang Tsundamba, and we also added a Wonder what the outcome will be.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the knife is fast or the escape speed is fast. The key is that the two people have the same mind. Fighting them will feel more tiring than fighting against three or four heavenly beings.

However, this combined attack technique is also very simple to break. The problem is that in Juyongguan at that time, I couldn't come up with such a method.

When he said this, he chuckled again: An opportunity without a chance of winning is not an opportunity, let alone this is very tight? It's just a waste of more shells.

How can a mere 10,000 to 20,000 people at Nankou Pass stop our gunboats?

Zhang Guanlan squinted at him: What if he is determined to defend and wants to fight with us in the street?

Then let's fight in the streets. The man in black and wearing a bamboo hat raised his lips slightly: Isn't it a good thing to let the Mongols lose some troops? Zhang Guanlan, won't you still be attached to your old master now? You only want to serve the Mongols. A plot, right? Do you really think that your master and the Mongol people are close allies?

Ah, by the way, your old master should be the leader of the Tatar tribe, Mongwu Khan, he must have taken off his clothes. Wa Ci is also the first, but he is just a person like Dong Zhuo who holds the emperor in order to control the princes. In your eyes, he should be a rebellious official and traitor.

The so-called Tatar tribe is actually the Mongol and Xue army tribesmen who followed the Mongol Khan back to the grassland after the Mongol Yuan Dynasty was destroyed.

The Waqi Tribe, also known as the Oirat Tribe, are the so-called forest people who stayed on the grasslands after the Mongols took over the Central Plains.

But now that Wasi is powerful, the leader of the Wala tribe first unified the grassland in the name of the Mongolian Taishi, and the Mongolian Han Tuotuo Buhua was also hijacked by him.

Zhang Guanlan's face turned slightly green when he heard this. He looked at the man in black clothes and hat with a cold face, murderous intent concentrated in his eyes.

The man in black clothes and hat didn't care at all, he kept holding the knife with his hand and seemed to be smiling.

Finally, Zhang Guanlan snorted and turned his attention to Nankou Pass again: My master's request is that the Mongolian troops must reach the gates of Beijing by tomorrow morning at the latest. If this is not possible, I will only ask you.

The man in black hat couldn't help but laugh: What does this have to do with me? The failure to kill Li Xuan was because the intelligence was wrong and you underestimated him.

As for the Nankou Pass, if these 70,000 cavalry and 23,000 surrendered troops cannot even attack a destroyed pass city, then it is their incompetence...

Just as he was saying this, his expression suddenly changed and he looked down.

At this time, the collapsed gate tower of Shangguan City had raised its flag, and the broken city gate slowly opened amidst the rumble.

This caused the tens of thousands of Mongol troops in front of Chen Bingguan City to cheer like mountains and tsunamis.

As a desolate horn sounded from behind the battlefield, these Mongolian cavalry all moved with a roar and marched towards the city gate in an orderly manner.

Juyong Pass has also been opened and closed.

The men in black hats discovered that Juyongguan, located behind Shangguan City, had not only opened Guancheng, but had also raised the Yuan flag from the top.

The man in black hat raised his sword eyebrows slightly: Congratulations, Master Tianshi. The only thing left is the South Pass. As long as we break through here, no matter it is the city of Beijing in front, or Yu Jie's hundreds of thousands of troops, or The Heavenly Master’s Mansion and the Heavenly Master’s Taoism that you have never forgotten will be at your fingertips.”

Zhang Guanlan was quite annoyed by the strange and sinister words in the black-clad bamboo hats, but when he saw Juyongguan opening the city, he couldn't help but feel refreshed and excited.

Order the ships to move forward at full speed! They will stop eighty miles from Nankou Pass.

There is no God-Splitting Crossbow at Nankou Pass, and the twenty-odd red cannons there, even with the help of the magic circle, have a range of only eighty miles.

So when facing this city, Zhang Guanlan was no longer as cautious as before.

In this city, there are only a few heavenly figures worthy of his fear.

But today, even at the heavenly level, they still have the advantage.

Even if it was a street fight, Zhang Guanlan actually didn't have much to worry about.

He thought that by noon tomorrow at most, the Mongolian cavalry below would be stationed under the walls of Beijing.

It was time to get back the things he lost three hundred years ago.

Zhang Guanlan will definitely pay back tenfold for all the humiliations the Jin Dynasty royal family put him through.

At this time, below the battleship, the little prince Ashe Temür of Watsa was looking up at the five battleships in the clouds suspended at an altitude of 18,000 feet. He was full of wonder, envy and jealousy in the rain. Meaning: Every time these warships fire, I am shocked. The uncanny craftsmanship of the people of the Central Plains is astonishing. They can create such a ghost weapon that can destroy cities and countries.

A guard next to him knew what he meant, and he said with a respectful expression: Taiji, as long as we take Beijing City, we will have countless coins and enough craftsmen to build our own warship in the clouds. It is said that the Great Khan has asked for the drawings from Zhang Guanlan.

Ashe Temür smiled when he heard this, and then encouraged the sitting dragon to run forward: Let's go meet the guy who killed my elder brother for a while, and then insert our Waqihan flag into the Go to Beijing.


Just a little later, in Xuanfu Town, Yu Jie was looking at the map in front of him, with his eyebrows furrowed into the character Sichuan.

At this moment, in front of the lobby, there was a Qianhu embroidered guard who was bowing to report: Sir, the Golden Arrow from the south sent a message that Juyongguan has indeed changed. When the news came, Juyongguan had already opened the city.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Yu Jie's mouth: It's my fault. I recommended the wrong person. I, Yu Jie, have failed the emperor and the world.

The embroidered guard Qianhu immediately interrupted: My lord, this matter has nothing to do with you. We found out that Yuan Jun, the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan, did not surrender to the enemy. It was his general Li Yan who suddenly launched an attack three days ago and captured the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan. With this incident.

Yu Jie shook his head, thinking that he, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan did not notice the changes of their subordinates, which was the biggest dereliction of duty.

He looked solemnly at the Langkou Pass on the map: Is there any new news about Nankou Pass and Jingan Marquis?

Dudu Zuo has led the Rusty Guards and 7,500 people from the inner factory to move into Nankou Pass. In addition, Dudu Zuo has also temporarily recruited a total of 3,000 generals from various noble families in the capital. This has increased the army and horses at Nankou Pass to Thirty thousand people.”

The Qianhu master bowed: Also, the city wall at Nankou Pass is being reinforced.

Reinforce the city wall? A nearby general who was watching frowned: What kind of city wall should be reinforced at this time? No matter how strong the city wall is, can it be strong enough to pass Shanhaiguan?

Yu Jie was silent. He remembered the talisman book Li Xuan sent him not long ago.

The last general had customized a piece of ordnance at the Artifact Gate a few days ago, and he was 80% sure that he could sink five Yunzhong battleships in front of Juyong Pass.

-This is Li Xuan's original words in the letter.

Now that Juyong Pass has surrendered to the enemy, Li Xuan can only retreat to Nankou Pass.

I wonder if the Jin Jin Marquis can still fulfill the promise in his letter?

He is looking forward to a miracle. Will it happen?

Almost at the same time, in a military tent in Tangshan, Emperor Jingtai was wiping a sword in his hand with his sleeve: It was my fault, I failed Yu Aiqing. Yu Aiqing suggested to me half a year ago that we When I changed the generals of the border army, I was concerned that Yi Chu was about to come, and I needed to put stability first, so I rejected his advice. For my own selfish reasons, the world has been in turmoil to this extent, and I am ashamed to be the emperor!

Then the eunuch beside him changed his expression in panic and said: Your Majesty, how can this be your fault? It is obvious that the people below are greedy and evil-hearted.

What's more, didn't Marquis Jing'an reply to the letter? He is indeed sure of sinking those five warships in the clouds. Lord Jing'an Hou has never let you down.

Emperor Jingtai couldn't help but smile bitterly. He raised his head without saying a word and looked at the tent door.

Marquis Jing'an had indeed promised him this, but he had also seen with his own eyes the power of the five warships in the clouds, and the cannonballs with a range of one hundred and eighty miles, which were powerful enough to collapse mountains and split seas.

How could he still have confidence after seeing this scene?

Agreeing to Marquis Jing'an's request before was just a desperate attempt to survive with the last glimmer of hope.

What Emperor Jingtai didn't know was that at this time, on the hilltop behind Nankou Pass, Leng Yurou had finally assembled the strange cannon in front of her.

At this time, the five Yunzhong battleships were exactly 250 miles away from Nankou Pass.

Li Xuan first estimated the distance, then glanced at the power storage array next to him, and estimated that the power stored in this array was about three rounds.

However, they still have a large amount of magic stones in their hands, enough to support fifteen rounds of cannonballs.

Li Xuan no longer hesitated: Let's start, let's try the gun first!

Leng Yurou turned around and said, Actually, we can hit them closer. We can sink them all within 220 miles.

Li Xuan shook his head. He flew up, landed behind the super electromagnetic cannon and began to control the formation.

Leng Yurou has full confidence in this cannon, but he has never seen this thing test the cannon, so he still has to leave a certain distance as a margin.

As Li Xuan formed his hand seals, thunder and lightning flashed around the railgun.

Many onlookers, including Zuo Daoxing and Yu Hongshang, frowned. There was both expectation and worry in their eyes.

Only Jiang Yunqi looked calm. UU Reading He had learned about the principles of electromagnetism from Li Xuan, so he was confident.

At this time, on the bow of a warship in the clouds, a man in black hat also noticed something unusual in the mountain behind Nankou Pass. A look of astonishment appeared on his face: What are they doing? There are lightning and lightning. This is doing what?

Zhang Guanlan also frowned and looked in that direction.

But at the moment when the man in the black hat just finished speaking, a flash of light that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye came from that direction, passing by less than three feet away from the warship in the cloud, causing a huge wave of air. This huge air battleship was shaken violently, and at the same time a moxibustion heat spread out.

The man in black clothes and hat couldn't help but be stunned for a while, what on earth was that just now? What flew over the edge?

That seems to be a fusiform cannonball?

The man in black hat suddenly turned around and looked in the direction where the cannonball disappeared, and then there was an extremely strange meaning in his eyes.

It looks like a cannon? The range is probably more than 350 miles, Zhang Tianshi, we seem to be in trouble.

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