Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 457: 1 shot of corruption, 300 miles and three


The first sound of cannon fire from three hundred miles away belatedly reached Zhang Guanlan's ears.

The second cannonball fired from over there had already arrived first.

Die! The man in black hat used all his strength to catch the trace of the cone-shaped cannonball with his spiritual mind.

But when he took out the sword, the cannonball suddenly increased in speed and made a small serpentine deformation. The conical cannonball easily passed through the light of the sword slashed by the man in black and bombarded a ship. The rear of the battleship in the clouds.

——It tore through the defense at the stern of the ship with devastating force and penetrated several layers of iron armor behind the ship.

Fortunately, the shell did not hit the ship's ammunition depot and did not explode and burn; unfortunately, it hit the propulsion system, causing the ship to make an unpleasant rattling sound and then had to hang. Stopped in place unable to move.


Zhang Guanlan's eyes were about to burst. He squeezed the seals with his hands, and veins popped up all over his body. A dark cloud gathered between the sky and the earth, covering all the remaining three ships. Another strong wind blew up, boosting all the warships in the cloud to fly north.

But at this time, Li Xuan's spiritual thoughts were firmly targeting the three gunboats through the vision of the divine bird Qingluan Niulang.

This Qingluan was gliding at an altitude of 30,000 feet, less than 80 miles away from the three gunboats in the clouds, and was completely unaffected by those clouds.


Following Li Xuan's thoughts, the third cone-shaped cannonball was suddenly pushed out under the influence of electromagnetism, and once again turned into a blue and red flash of light across the 253 miles of cloud sky, flying towards it. Target.

This shot was blasted from the lower edge of the stern of the gunboat, and then penetrated through the forward deck. Its powerful armor-piercing ability allowed it to penetrate everything, and actually destroyed the ship's core power furnace and central magic circle with one shot.

Then there was a violent explosion. The energy in the core power furnace and the central magic circle was extremely violent. In an instant, it tore the huge spaceship, which was a hundred feet long, into pieces and set off a mushroom cloud in the sky.

Li Xuan did not look carefully at the results of his victory. He locked the fourth spaceship in the dark clouds, his eyes as cold as a knife. The surrounding thunderous electricity roared again.

At this time, in front of the city gate of Nankou Pass, Li Yan, the general of Juyong Pass, was standing in front of a square formation, his face was as white as paper.

He looked at the warship in the cloud that was escaping with all its strength in the distance, his eyes were filled with fear and disbelief.

How can it be?

Li Yan murmured in his mouth that he could not believe that the scene in front of him was real. He must be dreaming now.

How could there be something so terrifying in this world? The range is as high as 350 miles. How on earth did they do it?

Since the imperial court has such a magical thing, why didn't it tell you earlier?

If he, Li Yan, had known about this thing, how could he dare to be rebellious?


Yuan Jun, the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan in the prison, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Li Yan originally ordered his soldiers to plug his mouth with mud, but before these people could do it, the shells fired from the Nankou Pass flew across the sky and sunk a warship in the clouds.

After that, everyone, including Li Yan, stared at the sky in stunned silence, unable to concentrate for a moment.

Therefore, Yuan Jun can still laugh freely, and his expression is extremely cheerful: Interesting, really interesting! Our Jin Dynasty actually still has such a magical thing, and the national destiny of our Jin Dynasty is indeed prosperous and prosperous for thousands of generations -

Old dog!

Li Yan cursed angrily, swung his long whip, and smashed it in the direction of Yuan Jun. He used all his strength to vent his anger and fear, smashing Yuan Jun's flesh and blood into pieces, and his skin was torn apart.

But instead of being angry, Yuan Jun's laughter became even louder: Li Yan, the Duke of Mongolia, I, Yuan, will wait and see when you will be beheaded! When will you be cut into pieces with a thousand knives! Waiting under the Nine Springs Lords and princes forever!

Just as Yuan Jun was laughing, the little prince Ashe Timur of Wala, who also came to the Nankou Pass, almost crushed the riding whip in his hand.

He looked at the scene in the sky for a while, then turned his head with a livid face and looked at Guancheng ahead.

Ashe Timur hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, Send orders to all the tribes to prepare to attack the city!

Looking at the situation in the air, he knew that the gunboats in the air were unable to protect themselves and would not be able to help them break through the city wall of Nankou Pass in any case.

A timid bodyguard of Ata Timur next to him looked hesitant. They had full confidence in the five Yunzhong gunboats before, but they were in a hurry, so they marched lightly and did not carry any engineering equipment since they broke into the Monolith Castle.

But this man then rode out, preparing to convey Ata Timur's order to various ministries.

Just because he knew that at this time, they would have to attack even if they didn't want to.

If they can't take this Nankou Pass, their previous thousands-mile attack will be meaningless. Even if there is a complete Juyongguan in hand, it will not help.

It is said that Yu Jie used a partial army to detour thousands of miles and intercepted Anguli Nao. The more than two million sheep and 15,000 horses stored there by Mengwu were poisoned and killed.

Without these livestock, the meat carried by their army could only last for twelve days of fighting.

If they were unable to obtain supplies from North Zhili, their army would have no choice but to retreat to the grasslands.

If they still refuse to leave, these hundreds of thousands of troops will collapse without a fight.


Ashe Timur summoned several of his personal guards. His eyes were bloodshot and his tone was cold: Let the surrendering troops attack first. Sukhbalu, you go and lead three thousand households to supervise the battle. Everyone retreats. Then kill! Go and get some more people to move all the defense equipment from Juyong Pass and Shangguan City over, the faster the better.

Several personal guards immediately took the order and left to convey Ashe Timur's will to the entire battlefield.

Li Yan, the general at Juyongguan who was beating Yuan Jun, also received military orders from Ashe Timur. He suddenly frowned, looking a little reluctant: Can you ask your superior to tell His Highness the Prince? Our soldiers and horses at Juyongguan have just surrendered, and their morale is not yet stable. If we let them attack the city at this time, I'm afraid the whole army will be unrest——

His voice stopped suddenly because he found that the timid Xue Yuzhang guard had already held down his sword, with a hint of displeasure and coldness in his eyebrows.

Li Yan immediately bowed slightly and changed his tone: Please Shangguan report back to His Highness, the general will do his best!

Yuan Jun, the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan, couldn't help but laugh boldly again: Is this what it feels like to be a dog for others? The so-called princes and princes for generations? That's great. Let's all go and die for your Mongol masters.

Not only did he hate these hereditary generals in Juyongguan, he also hated the many soldiers in Juyongguan.

If these soldiers were not bewitched by Li Yan and others, and even colluded with them, how could he, the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan, be captured so easily?

At Juyongguan, he can take advantage of the power of thousands of troops, and his combat power is equal to that of the heavens!

So these bastards are dead! All dead!

Li Yan was so agitated that he held down the long knife with his hand and looked at Yuan Jun's eyes with murderous intent.

But Yuan Jun was not afraid at all: Come! Kill me! I, Yuan Jun, will definitely turn into an evil spirit today. If I don't kill the aliens here and you rebels and traitors, I, Yuan Jun, will never get rid of my hatred!

He smiled hey: I want to see how much effort you need to spend to surrender Yuan Jun.

Li Yan's expression turned cold. He had wanted to directly kill Yuan Jun to sacrifice the flag because he expected that the Nankou Pass would also fall with a drum and there would be no big battle. A lonely wandering ghost cannot become a person, and he can be transcended by just finding a few lamas accompanying the army. They even refined the soul of Yuan Jun into their battle flag and became a boost to the army.

But the situation today is different——

Look at him!

After giving orders to his soldiers, Li Yan rode his horse forward and began to urge his Juyongguan soldiers to advance.

There was still murderous intent in his eyes, and Li Yan thought that no matter what, he must capture Nankou Pass.

Only in this way can the Mongol army take control of the Central Plains, and only then can Li Yan have the hope of becoming a prince, and can he bless his descendants!


Li Xuan's fourth consecutive shot was finally intercepted by the opponent.

He was not surprised at all. This was because the opponent's defensive area had become smaller. Only two of the five cloud battleships were intact, but the opponent's ship was guarded by three heavenly beings.

If even this can't stop them, then these high-ranking people are really useless snacks.

Li Xuan didn't care about this: Yu Rou, it seems that ordinary artillery shells are useless. This time we will give them a 'Thousand Bullets'!

Leng Yurou handed a red-gold cannonball to Li Xuan's hand. It was also cone-shaped and about the thickness of a human thigh. The appearance was no different from the previous cannonballs.

Leng Yurou looked sideways at Li Xuan: Young Master, you have to be accurate. I only made two of them in total. Also, they are heavier, have a shorter range than ordinary artillery shells, and have different ballistics, Young Master. You have to pay attention.

These 'thousand bullets' were a kind of cannonball that Li Xuan asked her to make specially. Since it was very troublesome to make and the materials were more expensive, Leng Yurou only had two made.

——It’s not that she doesn’t have enough manpower, or that she can’t make it, it’s because she has no money.


Li Xuan took the cannonball in his hand and weighed it. He first felt its center of gravity and weight, and after a moment of estimation, he had a good idea.

Ballistic calculations, when he was a forensic doctor, would have been blinding and confusing.

But since his cultivation gradually advanced and his majestic energy broke through the seventh floor, Li Xuan's mental arithmetic ability has increased more than a hundred times.

At this time, the electromagnetic gun had completed charging, when Li Xuan pushed the shell into the gun rail. Just a moment later, a blue and red stream of light spurted out from the front of the gun rail.

In just a blink of an eye, this stream of light rushed to the rear of the two warships in the cloud.

Arrogant! How can you still think of succeeding? The man in black hat estimated based on the trajectory of the streamer, and knew that the shell was aimed at the battleship at his feet.

The long knife in his hand was unsheathed instantly, weaving a piece of cold knife light and tearing the cloud sky.

But at this moment, the cone-shaped projectile suddenly split in mid-air and turned into a thousand cone-shaped projectiles as thin as a finger, shooting through the sky and covering the earth.

The man in black hat couldn't help but be stunned for a while. He could only watch these projectiles pass through the sword curtain he had woven, then break through the defense of the warship in the cloud with great force, and blast into the ship's body. Then they all burned violently, igniting into a raging golden flame in an instant.

Immortal fire?

The expression of the man in black hat changed drastically, and he hurriedly rushed into the cabin and tried to put out the fire. But this kind of legend is a magical flame coming from the nine heavens, but it has the property of burning everything and being almost impossible to extinguish. In just seven breaths it expanded to the entire ship, burning,

Li Xuan!

When he saw that the fourth ship was also destroyed, Zhang Guanlan felt his heart contract and almost break.

Zhang Guanlan hated the Marquis of Jing'an of the Jin Dynasty to the extreme in his heart, and wished he could have his muscles cramped, peeled off his skin, and his flesh raw.

But at this time, Zhang Guanlan noticed that another stream of blue and red light was flying towards this direction.

——Is this the kind of projectile that can split a thousand sons?

Zhang Guanlan only hesitated for a moment, then UU Kanshu used Taoist magic to cover the entire void with a magnificent golden power. It was like a huge semi-arc shield, covering the ship The ships are covered.

Tian Yuan!

Following Zhang Guanlan's instructions, Zhang Tianyuan, who was covered in black armor beside him, suddenly drew his sword and weaved a large black void sword curtain a hundred feet in front.

But this time, the stream of light did not split. It just changed its trajectory and accelerated slightly. It penetrated Zhang Guanlan's Gengjin magic shield and passed through Zhang Tianyu's sword curtain, and then smashed through the rear of the cloud battleship. Enter, destroying the propulsion system at the stern of the ship.

Asshole! This bastard! How dare you do this, how dare you destroy my treasure ship!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Guanlan felt his eyes go dark, and a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

At this time, Li Xuan had already changed the target. He was adjusting the trajectory of the gun, lowering the firing range and pointing it at the front of the Nankou Pass.

——At this time, in the narrow Jundu Trail, there was a large, dark crowd pushing towards Nankou Pass. There were Mongols and Han people who surrendered.

Li Xuan did not hesitate. When the electromagnetic gun was fully charged, he fired directly.

At this moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere in the narrow valley in front of the Nankou Pass, and everything the projectile passed through was completely rotten!

At this moment, except for the roar of cannons, the rest of the world was dead silent!

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