Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 461 A fight to the death

PS: Due to the changes in the rules of the starting list, the update time of the land reclamation has to be changed. It is now updated at midnight and 12 noon. You may be a little uncomfortable with it, and Kaihuang hereby apologizes, and I hope you can continue to support us!


Seeing Luo Yan being moved and sent away, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a headache.

The power of ‘Heaven Strikes Earth and Yangyang Divine Sword’ is indeed powerful, but it is too easy to crack.

Fortunately, he had the backup plan to obtain the seal of General from the Ministry of War and the Emperor, as well as the decree from Emperor Jingtai, in order to prevent this scene from happening.

Li Xuan immediately pulled out the Shangfang horse-killing sword named 'Kaiyuan', gathering the power of thousands of troops, as well as the thoughts and blood of more than 20,000 people in Nankou Pass. The whole person was still like a meteor, falling in the direction of Zhang Guanlan.

At this time, his ‘Martial Arts Breaking the Army’ suddenly released countless bloody demons. They are gathered together like bloody chains. It was like a coiled dragon, wrapping around his right arm and the 'Kaiyuan' on his right hand.

With this slash of the sword, Li Xuan relied on the invincible belief and tenacity he had cultivated to raise his spiritual consciousness infinitely, control the power of thousands of armies, and turn everything in front of him into nothingness!

But then, he saw a figure in black armor blocking Zhang Guanlan. The man's arms were made of flesh, blood and bones to form a giant shield, blocking Zhang Guanlan behind him.


Li Xuan's 'Kaiyuan Sword' shattered the black-armored man's shield with devastating force, and his unparalleled sharpness even went a step further, breaking open the black-armored man's breastplate and creating a huge wound.

But what surprised Li Xuan was that his void sword intention encountered great obstacles.

Li Zhetian's core sword intention is nothing, and all matter is reduced to nothing by the blade.

However, Li Xuan felt a similar power in the black-armored man's martial intent, and the two sides offset each other's losses. The sword intent that caused Li Xuan to penetrate into the opponent's body was quickly cleared away.

The black-armored man's two swords were already slashing in Li Xuan's direction like a violent storm.

Although he could not control the army, he drew blood from the entire battlefield and recovered all his injuries in just one breath. Even the black armor was restored to its original state.

The aura of the man in black armor was like that of a wild beast, extra ferocious and domineering. His bloody eyes stared at Li Xuan, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour and devour him alive.

Li Xuan felt a little strange. He felt that the black-armored man's sword intention was not only similar to that of the Void Blade he was currently using, but the thoughts rushing towards him also seemed to contain endless hatred and violence.

Could it be that?

Li Xuan already had a vague guess in his mind, but more evidence was needed to confirm it.

It was useless to think too much at this time, so Li Xuan immediately dismissed all distracting thoughts. Extremely calm response. He converted the Void Sword into his own 'Ice Thunder Sword Intent', and the 'Kaiyuan Sword' and 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' in his hands actually slashed more than 700 swords in an instant, fast against fast.

The four long knives on both sides exploded into countless sword shadows within a square inch. Sparks flew out for a while, and the sharp sword energy spread across thousands of meters. The true energy energy scattered by both sides was magnificent, filling the canyon. In it, everything is destroyed.

This left the surrounding Mongolian cavalry with nowhere to hide and could only retreat far away. Their arrows were only fired in the direction of Li Xuan, but most of them were torn apart by the sword energy of the two men.

The remaining part was outside Li Xuan's body, sputtering out pieces of sparks and making a continuous 'ding-dong' sound.

At this time, even Mengwu Shenshe of the fourth gate was helpless against him.

Their arrows can break through Li Xuan's golden body, but the golden body is not only for defense, but also for recovery. Li Xuan could recover from minor injuries in just one breath, and he didn't even need Green Qiluo's power.

This allowed Li Xuan to completely ignore the threats around him and only focus on fighting Li Zhetian.

Ashe Timur next to him saw this and couldn't help frowning: Master Tian, ​​you should send this guy away first.

That Luo Yan is at most a fourth sect or a pseudo-celestial being. Even if he stays, he will not be able to shake the battle situation.

But this Li Xuan controls the power of thousands of armies, and his combat power has reached the level of heaven. His martial arts is particularly suitable for the battlefield, and he is obviously much more difficult to deal with than Luo Yan.

Especially the battle between these two people hindered their siege.

The formation of his cavalry had been destroyed. Not only was it impossible to cover Guancheng with arrows, they even had to rely on the mountain ridges on both sides of the canyon to pass.

——Only in this way can we avoid being affected by the sword energy of these two heavens.

Zhang Guanlan cast a sidelong glance at Ashe Timur: I would like to, but it's a pity that I don't have the Void Magical Artifact in its heyday.

The difficulty of sending Luo Yan away is completely different from that of sending away Li Xuan.

Zhang Guanlan estimates that even the top-quality void magic weapons in their heyday may not be able to achieve this.

At this time, he hesitated for a moment, but finally took out fifteen palm-sized stone arrow towers and threw them eight miles in front of Nankou Pass.

These stone arrow towers actually swelled in the wind like those 'giant statues of gods', rising to twenty feet high in an instant, forming fifteen majestic arrow towers about a hundred feet wide.

The key is that these stone arrow towers can withstand the sword energy of Li Xuan and Zhang Tianyuan.

Only the giant cannon in Nankou Pass with a range of 350 miles could not withstand them. However, these cannonballs can penetrate these large watchtowers, but they cannot collapse them.

The one who can really threaten them is Xue Yunrou on the opposite side. This person's eyes were slightly cold, and then the pair of 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Swords' slashed out from behind Xue Yunrou like a dragon, slashing the stone arrow rests into rubble and dust one by one with a sweeping sweep.

Zhang Guanlan's eyes showed surprise. It seems that he didn't expect that a heavenly position with external force on the opposite side was suppressing the earth platform. In addition to controlling the statue, he still had the energy to use the 'Sword of Righteousness and Subduing Demons'.

The next moment, two red and red sword lights flew out from his sleeves, bringing out two rainbow lights in the air.

Their quality is far inferior to the 'Zhengyifu Demon Sword', but Zhang Guanlan's superb swordsmanship and powerful magic power make up for the shortcomings of the artifacts. The four sword lights entangled and bombarded in mid-air, circling and slashing, as if they were four giant dragons biting and fighting.

Xue Yunrou's 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Sword' destroyed nine arrow towers in a row, but was entangled by two sword rainbows and could no longer do anything.

At this time, Zhang Guanlan's face showed a look of difficulty: Your Highness, please send people to the stage quickly. These six arrow towers can accommodate 1,500 soldiers, which should be enough for you.

Ashe Timur frowned and began to arrange for his elite archers to board the arrow rest.

The six archery towers can only accommodate 9,000 archers, which is a smaller number, but better than nothing.

Next, Ashe Timur held a shield in one hand, pulled out his scimitar with the other, and flew away in the air.

Zhang Guanlan subconsciously felt something was wrong. He remembered what the man in black hat had told him about the powerful martial artist who could prevent anyone from detecting his existence.

At this time, his magic power was exhausted and he had no power left, so he needed someone to protect him.

But before Zhang Guanlan could speak, Ashe Timur had already joined the dense curtain of knives set off by Li Xuan and Zhang Tianyuan.

Although this man is a pseudo-celestial being, he can gather the strength of 60,000 cavalry in one body. The sword he cuts out is not only light and sharp as a scimitar, but also as heavy and majestic as an army of 10,000. A round iron shield was pure domineering, hitting or blocking Li Xuan's sword attack until it was scattered.

Although the cooperation between him and Zhang Tianyuan could not be said to be a tacit understanding, the attacks from the left and right had already put Li Xuan into a dilemma in less than three breaths.

Zhang Guanlan also closed his mouth. He knew that Ashe Timur's mentality was already unstable.

The siege situation ahead was unfavorable. The tens of thousands of cavalry were unable to charge up the city wall after losing the protection of arrow rain. The Jin army on the opposite side hid behind the wall and fired continuously with cannons and muskets, killing the brave Mongol knights one by one.

The Wala prince could no longer bear the heavy casualties and was eager for a quick victory.

And at this time, Zhang Guanlan was not without ways to protect himself.

There was a look of pain on his face, and he shook his sleeves. As the nine purple-gold paper figures slid out, they instantly turned into nine guards wearing golden armor, forming a nine-palace formation, guarding him.

And just after a series of blows, Li Xuan's chest received a heavy blow from the black-armored man's long knife, and his entire body slid back a full twenty feet.

But there was still a knife mark on his right chest that almost pierced his heart.

The black-armored man's sword actually regarded Li Xuan's two layers of armor, the Taiyan Aegis and the Xuanwu Heart Mirror as 'nothingness', and cut the sword directly into his chest.

Are you Li Zhetian?

The surprise in Li Xuan's eyes couldn't be restrained. This sword demon who dominated the world had obviously died in his hands long ago, and a part of his soul was harvested by his 'Wuqu Pojun'.

Xue Yunrou, who was far away on the city wall, also heard these words. Her pupils suddenly opened and she stared at the man in black armor.

——She has also been paying close attention to this person for a long time.

Li Zhetian’s ‘Magic Sword of Nothingness’ will never be forgotten by Xue Yunrou!

There was a hint of confusion in the eyes of the man in black armor, UU reading www. He felt that this name was very familiar.

But the man in black armor then pushed this thought out of his mind, and his offensive became more fierce. He slashed wildly with his two swords, setting off a wave of tens of millions of swords.

Li Xuan was almost overwhelmed by the sword light from the two men, and could only take a defensive position to support himself.

But the two people on the opposite side still kept slashing at him, leaving deep scars.

Be careful! Lu Qiluo appeared and said in his ear: You have less than two months left to live. It will take at least four months to break through the eighth floor. I can't help you recover anymore. .”

Li Xuan had already felt that the power Lu Qiluo had put into his body was leaving, which greatly slowed down the recovery of his injuries.

But there was no panic in his heart.

Seeing this, Lu Qiluo felt a little strange: Are you planning to use the martial arts of 'Wu Qu' and 'Po Jun'? I suggest you not to do so. You have just surrendered them. Now your soul cultivation level is also We have just reached the Seventh Level Tower Realm and cannot control them yet. Using them rashly will leave great hidden dangers.

Green Qiluo thought that at this time, only Wuqu Pojun could help Li Xuan turn defeat into victory.

The martial souls of ‘Wu Qu’ and ‘Po Jun’ are the greatest value of Wu Qu and Po Jun.

Lan Yu and Fu Youde's martial arts were close to the divine realm, much stronger than Li Zhetian's. However, if Li Xuan merged with their evil spirits at this time, it would only bury the possibility of devouring the master again.

The key is that this guy has used up all the heavenly essence in the 'Four Symbols Refining Furnace'. Where can he find the strength to use Wuqu Pojun?

Li Xuan shook his head slightly: We haven't reached this point yet. Look at the back. Today's victory has been decided.

Lu Qiluo immediately looked back, and then her thoughts were locked on Xuan Chenzi, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

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