Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 477 Elders Meeting

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Although Li Xuan and others did not find many clues in Longfu Temple, he was still busy here until late at night.

The prince's case was extremely involved and related to the situation of the Jin Dynasty, so Li Xuan had to act cautiously.

During this period, he even sensed Emperor Jingtai's inspiration. This emperor actually flew directly to the sky above Longfu Temple and looked at the temple from a distance. This shows how much the emperor cared about this matter.

The cabinet, Shuntian Prefecture, Ministry of Punishment, etc. later sent people to inquire about the situation.

Li Xuan asked some people for their confessions here, all of whom had direct contact with Dorje Cairen and Tashi Gonpo.

Then the Xiuyiwei investigation found that two other people died of brain tumors near Longfu Temple, but their family members did not report the case because they were not suspicious.

Li Xuan learned from the confession of Xiuyiwei that one of the two families had set up a stall outside the east courtyard wall of Longfu Temple; the other had gone to Longfu Temple to offer incense in October.

This situation is very suspicious. Although Li Xuan is still unable to determine whether these five brain tumor patients are related to the "Black Epiphyllum" or whether it was the work of the two lama masters, there is no doubt that Longfu Temple is suspicious. .

At this time, Li Dalu also returned to Li Xuan. He worked very neatly and had already found out clearly what Li Xuan wanted to know.

"According to Her Royal Highness the Princess's female officer, the day before yesterday when you did not return to the Marquis Mansion due to official duties, Her Royal Highness the Princess practiced swordsmanship in the backyard for a long time. It is said that the sword energy was so strong at that time that she chipped more than a dozen wooden figures with Li Xuan written on them. Cut into pieces!

She said that the princess finally moved here just to meet you, but you didn't show up all day. "

"Then at noon yesterday, Master Xue Shaotian went to meet with Her Royal Highness the Princess. Although they were in harmony at that time, Master Shaotian's face was very bad when he came back. It seemed that the princess was showing off something to Master Shaotian, and Master Xue Shaotian was very angry."

Li Xuan couldn't help but let out an "ah" sound, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He probably knew the reason.

"Then there is Jiangnan Medical Clinic. Mrs. Jiang is still visiting relatives in Shandong and has not come back yet. Captain Jiang is really free, so she wants to help you get rid of the sword spirit."

Li Xuan couldn't help but let out a long breath, feeling very lucky that the worst situation had not yet come.

Then a look of contemplation appeared in his eyes, thinking of ways to break the situation.

However, in the next two days, Li Xuan really didn't have time to return to the Champion House. He would have to be busy for a while just investigating all aspects of Longfu Temple.

Li Xuan spent time busy, and in a flash it came to April 19, the thirteenth year of Jingtai.

On this day, the atmosphere in the entire Liudaosi main hall was extremely solemn. All the people entering and leaving the Liudaosi had sad faces and were worried.

Li Xuan, however, was unhurried. He handled all his official duties at the Zhongjun Duushiguan Yamen, and did not arrive at Liudaosi until after four quarters (two o'clock in the afternoon).

The meeting of elders of the Six Daosi Division will begin at six o'clock in the future.

Li Xuan is not a veteran and has no qualifications to participate, but as a lieutenant general who subdues demons, he can attend and observe.

When he arrived, there were already nine senators sitting here. Zhu Mingyue sat at the top of the presbytery, her eyelids slightly closed and her eyes not squinting.

In the auditorium, Zuo Deputy Tianzun was standing out.

Behind them are the Red Thunder Commander who has recently become close to Li Xuan, Zhu Chiling, the Lieutenant General of the Subduing Demons, and the Blue Thunder Commander Mu Qiangwei.

"Qianzhi, why did you come here just now?" Zhu Chiling said hello while looking at the eighteen elders in front of him: "I think the situation today is very uncertain. Regarding the bills for which you, the Divine Wings, all requested credit and allocated funds, they should be able to Passed. If the Council of Elders wanted to stop even this, Lao Zhu would definitely have to turn his back on the table.

But Qiu Qianqiu will probably not be able to pass the promotion to Zhuque Hall. Lao Zhu and Lao Qiu were not the same people before, and they would not try their best. "

"You also called me Lao Zhu?"

This was the Zuo Deputy Tianzun. He looked over sideways, and his cold expression made Zhu Chiling shrink back.

Zuo Deputy Tianzun looked at Li Xuan again. For this person, his eyes were a little complicated, and then Zuo Deputy Tianzun snorted coldly: "You and Zhu Tianzun are the same, both are too hasty and too extreme."

After saying this, he ignored Li Xuan and looked elsewhere.

Just after that, Abbot Wei Zhen walked in from outside wearing a golden and red cassock with a red face. Master Wei Xing followed him step by step.

When the two of them saw Li Xuan, their pupils narrowed slightly.

When Wei Zhen passed by Li Xuan, he stopped with a calm expression: "It's not enough that General Zhonglang seized my 'Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple'. I heard that he also captured 'Longfu Temple' the night before?"

Li Xuan looked at this person sideways with a calm expression: "What? The abbot is very concerned about this matter?"

Wei Zhen was noncommittal and looked at Li Xuan intently: "I have told all the Zen sects that after today, all Zen sects in the world must regard you, the champion, as the enemy of the Buddha!"

Li Xuan burst out laughing when he heard this: "Master, you still think you are the leader of the Zen sect? The imperial decree banning your title of 'the leader of the Zen sect' should have reached the hands of the abbot the day before yesterday.

By the way, I heard that the abbot of Shaolin has prepared to convene a Zen conference in Songshan. I wonder if the abbot will be lucky enough to participate? "

——And what if he is really regarded as the ‘enemy of Buddha’ by Zen sects all over the world? Why should he, Li Xuan, be afraid?

Master Wei Zhen couldn't help but clenched his fists in his sleeves, and then he took a long breath and said the Buddha's name: "Amitabha! I hope that the champion will be able to laugh later.

Your Divine Winged City, I must ban it today. As for Qiu Qianqiu, I will definitely not let such a person with bad character and incompetence ascend to the high position of our Six Daosi Division! "

After saying this, this person waved his sleeves slightly and walked forward.

Master Wei Xing glanced at Li Xuan coldly with a knife-like gaze, and then followed his senior brother's footsteps towards his seat.

When Wei Zhen and Wei Xing sat down in front, there was another burst of noise at the door.

Li Xuan looked sideways and saw a tall figure wearing a golden six-path demon-suppressing armor and a large cloak walking in from the door.

This man was in his thirties, eight feet tall, with a narrow waist and broad back, a nose like a jade pillar, and a mouth like a red vermillion. His body was full of vitality, and his steps seemed like wind and thunder.

"This is the Elder Hall of the Six Paths Division? Interesting!" The man glanced around, laughed loudly, and said in a bold voice: "I never thought that I, Liang, would be lucky enough to become the Elder of the Six Paths. I am really honored."

Zhu Chiling looked at this person and suddenly frowned, feeling a little unhappy: "Who is this guy? He's quite arrogant."

Mu Qiangwei spoke calmly: "The former Xuanwu Hall's Demon-Suppressing Lieutenant General Liang Yuan still has an identity. He is currently the General of Zhenshuo, the Left Commander of the Beijing Camp, and the biological brother of Wuqing Marquis Liang Heng! Elder Cao Xing passed away half a year ago. , he will take the senior position of the military strategist."

Zhu Chiling was stunned when he heard this: "Zhonglang will take over as the elder. Isn't this against the rules?"

"It is said that Master Wei Zhen recommended him personally." A hint of ridicule flashed in Mu Qiangwei's eyes.

Li Xuan looked slightly solemn, looking at the person following Liang Yuan - it was Huangfu Xuanji who was supposed to be locked in the Dali Temple prison.

"The champion looks surprised?"

Huangfu Xuanji sat down next to Li Xuan. There was a smile on his face, but he was extremely stiff: "Thanks to my mother who came to the palace to beg for mercy, and because General Liang helped me plead in front of His Majesty, I, Huangfu Xuanji, was able to get out of here." Escaped from jail."

The doubts in Li Xuan's eyes immediately disappeared a little.

Huangfu Xuanji's mother was Princess Hejian and the mother of the first auxiliary Duke Huangfu Shenji.

Rumor has it that the Princess of Hejian was also a heroine when she was young, and her cultivation once reached the realm of pseudo-heaven.

If this person came forward in person, even the emperor would have to think twice.

As for General Liang, he probably refers to General Zhenshuo, Liang Heng, the left commander of the capital camp. Why did this person get involved with Huangfu's mystery?

However, Liang Heng and Liang Yuan were originally northern generals and members of the nobles of the capital, so there was nothing surprising about this.

"My poor mother has to drag her sick body into the palace to pray to His Majesty at the age of 'five declines of heaven and man'."

Huangfu Xuanji looked at Li Xuan with endless hatred, and his voice seemed to come from the Jiuyou underground: "This is a gift from the champion, I, Huangfu Xuanji, will never forget it!"

He laughed again, with a hint of pride and mockery in his eyes: "I, Huangfu Xuanji, think that my ability is limited and I cannot repay the great kindness of the champion. Today, I can only use this meeting of elders of the Six Daosi Division to briefly explain Show respect."

Li Xuan noticed that this person had a guest seal hanging on his waist, then shook his head and stopped paying attention.

He originally wanted to kick this guy out, but since the other person came in as a guest, Li Xuan had no choice but to endure the other person's noise.

Mu Qiangwei, who was next to her, looked at Li Xuan worriedly. She had a premonition that today's elders' meeting would be a storm against Li Xuan.

As all eighteen elders gathered here and took their seats, Zhu Mingyue, who was at the top, finally opened her eyes, her eyes shining brightly: "The sixth hour has arrived, let's get started. Today we will discuss the Divine Wings first. Regarding the matter of reporting merits, everyone in Shenyi has repeatedly made meritorious deeds, and the master of the merit list estimated that there were 567 great merits, but the Council of Elders has not approved it. Today——"

At this time, Wei Zhen, who was sitting at the top on the right, suddenly interjected: "Zhu Tianzun, isn't the top priority of our Sixth Path Division right now, the candidate for the Suzaku Hall? A snake can't do without a head, and a soldier without a master will fall into chaos. It's agreed. The selection of the Master of the Vermillion Bird Hall is the most important matter for our Six Paths Division."

Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord Zhu Mingyue glanced at Wei Zhen. After about a breath, Zhu Mingyue nodded slightly: "Okay, let's discuss it. As far as I know, Qiu Qianqiu, the current deputy head of Suzaku Hall, is very suitable.

Qiu Qianqiu has made countless achievements over the past decades, and his cultivation has reached the level of the false heaven. Once he takes charge of the Immortal Treasure of Zhuque Hall, he can compete with the heaven. With his ability, he is enough to suppress Suzaku Hall and the Jiangnan area. "

Wei Zhen raised the corners of his lips slightly: "I have another candidate here! Shi Xin, the internal supervisor of the Six Paths Division!"

There was a sudden uproar in the entire hall.

Mu Qiangwei couldn't help but glance at Li Xuan again. Shi Xin, the internal supervisor, was one of Li Xuan's few enemies in the Six Daosi Division. But he didn't see any strange color on Li Xuan's face.

The demon-suppressing Heavenly Lord Zhu Mingyue frowned tightly. The candidate proposed by Wei Zhen seemed a little surprised.

"Everyone here, there should be no other candidates." Upon seeing this, Abbot Wei Zhen smiled casually: "Zhu Tianzun, you are all busy people with many things to do. You don't have much time to waste here, why not start voting now?"

Zhu Mingyue glanced at the many elders, and then nodded slightly: "Then let's start voting. According to the past rules, no names will be kept. The one with the most votes will win. Let's start with Qiu Qianqiu."

At this time, the eighteen elders present all picked up a jade talisman in front of them.

In the center of them is a round jade table about three feet wide, with eighteen 'yin and yang fish' wandering on the table.

The results of the voting will be displayed on the 'Yin Yang Fish'. If you agree, it will be white, if you disagree, it will be black.

When Zhu Mingyue finished speaking, there were three 'yin and yang fish' on the round table that had turned black.

At this moment, Zhu Mingyue suddenly had a sharp look in her eyes and looked forward.

Many elders present also felt the commotion at the door. Then they saw a red-robed envoy wearing fourth-grade clothing outside the door, holding a golden order in his hand, and led a large number of imperial soldiers and embroidered guards to break in from the gate.

The Liudaosi guards outside the door also tried to stop him, but they were worried about the golden order in the hand of the imperial envoy and the accompanying embroidered guard Qianhu Wei Bailong, so they were restrained.

"I am here under the order of the Emperor to capture the important criminal!"

That was Wei Zhen, the newly appointed censor of Zuoqiandu. Holding a golden order, this man strode in. After seeing Wei Zhen, his eyes lit up: "Wei Zhen of Huguo Temple, your case has been revealed! The imperial envoy, on the order of the emperor, will take you down for questioning!"

There was a sudden roar in the entire Senate Hall.

Wei Zhen looked pale and looked at Li Xuan immediately.

Liang Yuan, a veteran of the military strategist, UU Reading frowned: "It's ridiculous, this is the Sixth Division! Can you, the Procuratorate, take charge of this place?"

Wei Zhen, the censor of Zuoqiandu, smiled calmly and looked at Abbot Weizhen with hawk-like eyes: "This man, together with a group of wealthy businessmen, corrupted the imperial court's opening of the Zhongfa (Salt Law) twelve years ago. He used expired military rations and rotten bedding. , shoddy goods are considered one of the main culprits of Tumu Fort's defeat.

Afterwards, in order to cover up the crime, Xia Guangwei, the salt patrol censor, was framed and framed! I already have conclusive evidence of the crime. What? The dignified Liudaosi, are you ready to hide dirt? "

The so-called "Kaizhong Law" is the salt law of the Jin Dynasty. It was formulated by Taizu. The imperial court recruited merchants to transport grain to the border army in exchange for salt. By leading the salt transportation and sales to the designated area, it was called Kaizhong. In this way, the loss of transporting a large amount of military food and materials can be saved.

Next to him, Wei Bailong looked indifferent: "In November, this person had discussed scriptures with Lama Dorje Cairen and Tashi Gongpo. These two monks may have been involved in the prince's sudden illness."

Wei Zhen glared at Li Xuan, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his lips again. He didn't expect that this Zhuzi would be so ruthless! No room left at all.

Huangfu Xuanji, who was sitting next to Li Xuan, was also stunned for a while. He also didn't expect that Li Xuan had such a back-up plan.

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