Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 479 The dust has settled

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Zhu Mingyue looked at Li Xuan and Abbot Weizhen coldly, thinking that this was really nonsense.

This has always been the rule of the Six Daosi Division. Votes involving personnel appointments are not kept anonymously. How can it be changed at the drop of a hat?

"Tianzun!" At this time, Liang Yuan, a veteran of the military strategist, also responded: "I also ask Tianzun to grant his request. This time, the registration system will be used."

His voice was as strong as a bell, and at the same time he glanced at everyone present with a fierce tiger-like gaze: "The rule of secret voting is to prevent the jealousy of rats, but we, the elders of the Six Paths, are all upright, so why should we be afraid?"

"That makes perfect sense!" That was a Confucian elder, he smiled and said: "Just use the registration system. Lord Tianzun, people's words are terrible. Since some people say that this vote is suspected of fraud, then you still have to Don’t treat it with caution.”

Zhu Mingyue's expression moved slightly, and his eyes also looked around the faces of many elders: "So what do you elders think? Whether to register or not is entirely up to you."

As a result, nine of the seventeen elders present agreed to vote by registered vote, while the rest remained silent.

Zhu Mingyue nodded slightly after seeing it: "Then this time we will make a special exception and vote by registered vote. Everyone, please start. We won't use this magic weapon this time. Just state your opinion whether you agree or disagree."

When Luo Yan heard this, she couldn't help but tense up again, and tightly held the pair of red sleeve knives in her sleeves.

Le Qianqian did not hug her hard this time. She whispered in Luo Yan's ear: "This monk is very stupid. It's okay that he doesn't need to vote by register, but it will be even more embarrassing after using a register.

In fact, General Zhonglang also wanted to see who had taken away the votes. Originally we expected it to be thirteen votes, but someone turned traitor on the battlefield. "

But at this time, the seventeen elders fell into silence. They looked at each other with serious eyes, and the atmosphere at the scene was both depressing and embarrassing.

After a while, Liang Yuan, a veteran of the military strategist, spoke first. He pressed his hands on the armrests with a look of disdain in his eyes: "Why don't you say anything? That's all! Let us, the military strategist, make the first move. Liang thought that Shi Xin, the internal supervisor, was the most suitable one. Candidate. Lord Zhongguo, what do you think?"

The loyal Duke Yu Yi, also a veteran of the military strategist, sat beside Liang Yuan. After hearing the words, he did not speak immediately. Instead, he looked at Li Xuan in the audience from a distance.

After a moment, the man's eyelids narrowed slightly: "Yu thinks that Shi Xin has been working in the inner hall all year round and has never been in charge of local affairs, so it is not suitable."

"You!" Liang Yuan, a veteran of the military strategist, couldn't help being surprised. He looked at Zhongguo Gong Yu Yi in complete disbelief: "Yu Yi, you are crazy! You are related to the Huangfu family by marriage."

Yu Yi looked calm and looked elsewhere. They both turned a deaf ear to the questioning and puzzled looks of Abbot Weizhen and Huangfu Xuanji.

Luo Yan couldn't help but have a look of astonishment in her eyes.

In her expectation, the two votes from Bingjia must belong to Shi Xin.

"It's because their news is delayed." Le Qianqian explained the reason: "Yu Yi has been seeking a comeback and has obtained the position of Nanjing garrison from the emperor and the Ministry of War. But now General Zhonglang is in charge of the five armies' affairs officer, and He was born as a general in Nanzhili, so how could he dare to be an enemy of General Zhonglang?

It's good that Huangfu's family is his in-laws, but that is their ancestor's business, and Huangfu's family can't help him now. Therefore, General Zhonglang only needs to hand over a name to be tattooed, and he can make Lord Zhongguo think twice before taking action. "

After Zhongguo Gong Yu Yi, there were two legalist elders, both of whom were also Confucian scholars. They looked at each other and rejected Shi Xin outright.

"The two of us believe that during his tenure as Internal Supervisor, Shi Xin was unable to be impartial and often acted in ways that harmed the public for private purposes. He is not suitable to be a leader."

Next came the two elders of the Mo family. Mo Changsheng was more concise and concise: "The two of us voted for Qiu Qianqiu."

There are only two elders in the three schools of Art of War and Mo. There are four Confucians who follow.

The four great scholars also did not hesitate at all, and they all rejected it in unison. One of them even sneered and said: "Internal supervisor Shi Xin is far inferior to Qiu Qianqiu in terms of ability, character, reputation, and achievements.

Is this person worthy enough to be in charge of Zhuque Hall? Abbot Wei Zhen, you pushed Shi Xin out, are you probably doing it out of selfish motives? "

At this time, Abbot Wei Zhen's hands and feet were already cold. Now there are only eight votes left to vote, but the situation is one to nine.

For the next Taoist family, at least two votes belong to Li Xuan. The majestic Longhushan Tianshi Mansion does not even have this little control.

This means that their defeat today is determined! Shi Xin can only get seven votes at most.

Abbot Wei Zhen couldn't help but look at him with cold eyes, and swept away the four Confucian people and the two Legalists.

He thought that he would eventually lose with these votes. Not one of the six votes cast by Confucianism and Legalism turned against him!

Although he never got a firm commitment from these people, Wei Zhen believed that there was a righteous coercion to prevent Zhu Mingyue from destroying the tradition of Liudaosi, and he gave them what they wanted.

——In order to control today's Council of Elders, he even promised four high-grade magic weapons, nearly 900,000 taels of property, and various private granting of internal positions in the Six Daosi Division.

Wei Zhen expected that among the six people, he would be able to influence three or five, but the result was quite different from what he imagined.

Now it seems that Li Xuan's status as a 'conservator of Neo-Confucianism' has far greater deterrence and influence than he imagined.

Abbot Weizhen realized clearly that the vote by registered vote was still a bit reckless.

Anonymous, these six people still have the possibility to vote for him. After the open vote, these six people never had the courage to turn against Li Xuan.

Next came the four Taoist elders, and just as Abbot Weizhen expected, two of them voted against Shi Xin.

The other two, one is from the Baiyun Temple in Beijing and has always had a close relationship with the imperial nobility; the other is from a Taoist sect and does not care about the authority of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, so he voted in favor.

Finally, there is Buddhism. The two votes representing Pure Land Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism also voted for Shi Xin.

It's just that the situation has reached this point and it's no longer helpful.

Abbot Weizhen's heart ached, like thousands of ants eating his heart.

But then, Abbot Wei Zhen saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

His junior brother, Master Wei Xing, stood up and clasped his hands together: "Shi Xin is a man who looks down upon others and is narrow-minded. My senior brother and I believe that this person, not to mention the Suzaku Hall Master who rules most of the south, is even under internal supervision." Shi Xin is also unqualified for the post."

"Junior brother?"

Abbot Weizhen's heart was as cold as ice, and he turned his head to look at his junior brother with a dull expression.

He suddenly realized that the one who really betrayed them in the previous vote was the loyal Duke Yu Yi, and the other was actually his junior brother!

Why is this? Junior brother Wei Xin worships the same master as him, and they are both members of the 'Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple'. Shouldn't he fully support him?

Why did Wei Xing stab him in the back at this moment?

This knife could be said to have gone straight into his heart, causing him pain in his heart and lungs!

In the spectator seats, Huangfu Xuanji's face also changed from green to white.

The scene before him was something he would never have imagined beforehand.

"What's going on?" Luo Yan looked at Le Qianqian with the same puzzlement: "Isn't Wei Xing the junior brother of Wei Zhen? I heard that Master Wei Xing has always been loyal to Wei Zhen. Follow and follow suit."

Le Qianqian raised the corners of her lips slightly: "Just because he obeys orders does not mean that he is not dissatisfied in his heart. Wei Zhen embezzled the temple property at home and acted recklessly outside. In the past, Wei Zhen was able to make the reputation and property of Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple disappear. With prosperity, Wei Xing can endure no matter how dissatisfied he is.

But now, do you think he can endure the situation at Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple? What Wei Zhen is doing now is no longer to protect Dalong Shanyou Huguo Temple, but his own power and life.

Ever since your identity was revealed, Sister Yan, Wei Zhen has been making waves in the Senate Hall, targeting General Zhonglang and you everywhere. His purpose was not to maintain the traditions and rules of Liudaosi, but he just didn't want General Zhonglang's power to continue to expand. This would be a disaster for him and those behind him.

It just so happened that the Mongol invasion to the south gave him the opportunity to launch an attack——"

While Le Qianqian was quietly explaining to Luo Yan, Zhu Mingyue, who was at the top, glanced at Wei Zhen with pity and disgust, and then said in a majestic voice: "Thirteen votes in favor! Five votes vetoed! From now on, Qiu Qianqiu will be promoted to the Demon Subduing Manager and take charge of the Suzaku Hall!"

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