Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 490 Strategy to Control the Dragon

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Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, was overjoyed and gestured to the prince Ao Mengsheng. The latter laughed dumbly. He immediately clapped his hands and ordered a Gui Cheng next to him to fetch an iron whip and send it to Li Xuan.

Ao Zhujun explained for Li Xuan: "This is the dragon-beating whip that my husband and I combined with the power of the dragon kings of the four seas to forge together. In the future, the champion will use this whip to enforce the law. In the future, who among the dragon clans in these two rivers and five lakes will dare to do it in front of Mr. If you are presumptuous, just use this whip to execute the punishment. Anyone who resists the punishment and does not comply will be regarded as an evil dragon by our dragon clan.

Even those evil dragons, under the suppression of this dragon whip, only have at most one-third of their dragon energy left. In this way, even the evil dragon in heaven is no match for the champion. "

"This -" Li Xuan couldn't help but hesitate: "As the saying goes, if the name is not correct, the words will not be correct. Is it not too late for Li to receive this thing after the Dragon King is officially canonized?"

He thinks you haven’t paid him yet! What about the promised bride price? You haven't paid the bride price yet, and you want him to start working?

Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, was very pleased after hearing this. He thought that this was indeed a Neo-Confucian protector, and he was indeed a person who respected the rules.

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, said with a smile: "Don't worry, the champion, because Xiao Wang often comes to the land, my father entrusted the task of finding the 'Dragon Clan's Order' to Xiao Wang thirty-seven years ago, but he has never been able to do so." Choose the right one. So this time, you only need to complete one procedure.

There is also a bride price, Dragon Palace has already prepared it, and the top-quality magic weapon is called 'Wings of Light and Thunder', which seems to be quite suitable for a champion. "

"Then I'll be ashamed of myself." Li Xuan didn't hesitate any longer and received the iron whip into the Sumeru Ring. At the same time, I thought to myself that His Highness the Crown Prince seemed to be of a high rank and should not be underestimated.

"Our Dragon Clan is in need of upright people like Champion Marquis to rectify the unhealthy trends." Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, was very pleased, and then asked: "By the way, Champion Marquis is a great scholar of the world, a scholar of heaven and earth, and he has just discussed governing the country. When it comes to running an army, the champions are very insightful. I wonder if you have any suggestions for the current situation of our Dragon Clan?"

She then sighed softly: "To be honest with you, the champion, just a thousand years ago, when I was just born, our dragon clan still had fifty or sixty real dragons. But now, the Yuan spirits in the world are clearly It has not weakened much, and the Dragon Clan also controls the wealth of the two rivers, four seas, and five lakes. But now, the number of Dragon Clan that I can use in the East China Sea is getting less and less day by day.

My husband is often worried about this, but has never been able to find a feasible solution. I wonder if the champion has a good strategy to teach me? "

After hearing this, Prince Ao Mengsheng of the East China Sea couldn't help but shake his head. He is happy to see Li Xuan take charge of the 'Dragon Clan's command'.

I thought that this guy would probably find it troublesome and would still leave this job to his sister.

But Ao Mengsheng didn't think so if Li Xuan could come up with any good strategies to improve the current situation of their dragon clan. .

Over the past hundreds of years, he has consulted many great scholars in the world, but these knowledgeable people have not been able to come up with any feasible strategies.

This is the long-standing problem of the Dragon Clan. The nature of the Dragon Clan is that they are lazy and lustful. When they are pampered, they are even less motivated. The Dragon Kings of the East China Sea throughout the ages have tried to correct this trend, but their orders and appeals have been of no use.

What can Li Xuan, a twenty-year-old boy, do about things that cannot be reversed in tens of thousands of years?

But Li Xuan really had some thoughts on this matter. After thinking about it, he looked solemn and said, "I have a good idea, which may work. Now I have the guts to try it out in front of you two. What's wrong with that?" Please forgive me for my mistake."

Mr. Ao Zhu nodded slightly: "The champion, please tell me."

Li Xuan laughed and said: "I think blocking is worse than sparing. The supervision and punishment of the above people alone cannot stop the desires of the dragons."

Ao Gun and Ao Zhihui were sitting close to each other. After hearing this, they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows slightly and their eyes were filled with joy.

I thought to myself that he was indeed their brother-in-law, what a good person he was! It's not worth their usual respect.

Ao Shuying frowned, and the prince of the East China Sea, Ao Mengsheng, also had a look of surprise in his eyes: "Then in the opinion of the champion, our dragon clan's rules of no fornication and no extravagance should be abolished?"

"But I heard that although the Dragon King of the East China Sea is trying his best to implement these laws and rules, because these laws are inconsistent with the wishes of many elders of the Dragon Clan, there are often conflicts between them?"

Li Xuan said with a smile: "My opinion is that we can change it to a gentler method and collect taxes!"

"Collect taxes?" Ao Mengsheng was a little confused: "Xiao Wang would like to hear the details."

He shook his head in disapproval. I thought to myself that this champion was so whimsical and unworthy of his reputation.

"Just like the Lord of the Yangzhou Dragon Palace." Li Xuan pointed to Ao Gun next to him: "If you want him to control your lower body, it would be too difficult for you. It's better to collect some money from him.

For example, Aogun took a concubine and collected a tax of 10,000 taels; Aogun met a foreigner and collected a tax of 10,000 taels; he gave birth to a hybrid evil dragon and collected a tax of 50,000 taels; he slept for a year, A tax of 10,000 taels is collected; for a one-day banquet, a tax of 1,000 taels is collected. "

Ao Mengsheng couldn't help but be a little more serious, thinking that he could still collect taxes like this? It's really unheard of.

If you can have more money, that would be great too.

Regardless of how wealthy the Dragon Clan is, they have to defend against the monsters in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and Yangtze River in the west, and suppress the giant monsters in the deep sea in the east, so the Dragon Palace has always maintained a huge naval force.

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought: "But my father's original intention was to correct the ethos of our dragon clan and save our clan from decline."

"What the prince said is so strange." Li Xuan said calmly: "Financial resources are resources. You dragon clan can use this money to cultivate and encourage those dragon clans who really want to make progress.

As far as I know, there are still many dragons in your dragon clan who are very motivated, but have no resources and are making difficult progress in practice. You can also use this money to subsidize and raise the dragons born so that they can evolve their bloodline. Since you dragons gave birth to them, you must take responsibility, right?

I just don’t understand. The purpose of your dragon clan is to cultivate real dragons. Since Aogon and the others are not willing, why do you need to work hard on them? "

When Ao Shuying and Ao Mengsheng heard this, their eyes lit up and they were moved.

They feel that this method may be feasible. The key is that this method has a high possibility of persuading those rigid dragon elders.

After all, the Dragon Clan also values ​​money.

Ao Zhujun, the Dragon Queen of the East China Sea, also narrowed his eyes: "But this seems unfair to the river dragons and underground river dragons in remote areas?"

Not everyone in their dragon clan is as wealthy as Ao Gong and Ao Zhihui. Especially those dragons of the dark river, except for the genius treasures and mineral deposits in the dark river, they have nothing else.

"So we need to work hard on the progressive tax system." Li Xuan said confidently: "For example, if there are two concubines, the Dragon Palace can ignore it, but after the second concubine, the tax will be progressively taxed, the third concubine will be 10,000, and the fourth concubine will be taxed progressively. The house is worth 20,000 yuan, and the fifth house is 40,000 yuan. The rest can follow this method if you are lucky enough to be a foreigner, give birth to an evil dragon, sleep, etc.

In this way, if all the dragons in the world want more concubines, more foreign races, and more evil dragons, they must work hard to manage the rivers and make their own wealth abundant. But if they themselves lack magic power and remain lazy, how can they control the rivers?

As for the Dragon of the Dark River, if they are willing to make progress and work hard, they can naturally get subsidies from the Dragon Palace. Isn't this fair? "

He said with a smile in the hall, but at this time, most of the dragons in the hall were covered in cold air, and their faces were green and white.

Ao Gong could see that his mother and two brothers and sisters had been persuaded. He couldn't help but think to himself, what the hell, if I want to do what my brother-in-law said, then they would have to pay even if they sleep and drink in the future?

Ao Zhihui looked pale and thought to himself, "Oh no, this time it was self-defeating and led a wolf into the house!"

But at the same time, some dragons' expressions moved slightly, appearing thoughtful.

Dragon Queen Ao Zhujun was indeed greatly moved, with a flush on her face: "But the question is, who will supervise?"

But as soon as she said it, she knew it was stupid. With money, will there be a shortage of supervisors?

In the past, no one in the Dragon Clan was willing to take on this job because it was difficult, offending, and not beneficial. Even if some dragons accepted the errand, they were colluding with the bastard dragons below, and no one was willing to enforce the law seriously.

Her husband was willing to pay an annual salary of 50,000 taels of gold, but he was forced to have no choice but to grit his teeth and squeeze the money out of his pocket. As a result, for forty years later, no suitable person could be found to ‘execute the order’.

But if this tax law can be established, then she estimates that her Dragon Palace can earn at least ten million taels of gold a year, and can afford dozens of bailiffs.

"The champion is indeed wise and lofty. This strategy is thought-provoking and should be revealed." Mr. Ao Zhu raised the wine statue in front of him: "I would like to give you a drink!"

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, also had a look on his face, and he also raised the wine statue: "The champion's method is not only novel in angle, but also touches on the sentiments of our dragon clan. When Xiao Wang returns this time, he will discuss this matter with his father. If this strategy is feasible, we, the Dragon Clan, will give you another generous gift."

Although Ao Shuying said nothing, she looked at Li Xuan with strange eyes.

Li Xuan's scalp was numb from the gazes of the dragons below, but he could still withstand it. He smiled and returned the greeting: "It's just a small glimpse that made you both laugh."

During the following banquet, not only did Lord Ao Zhu treat him like a nephew, but Prince Ao Mengsheng of the East China Sea also became close to him, and even ordered their tables to be put together to make it easier to talk. It can be said that I hit it off with Li Xuan and we have a great rapport.

Because the Dragon Clan has a long lifespan, they always have banquets day and night. It was a pity that Li Xuan had to go to work in the morning, so Li Xuan had to leave two hours later, and Ao Shuying still drove him back to the capital in the Red Thunder Chariot.

At this time, Guicheng came again and sent the bride price of "Dragon Clan's Order" to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was previously worried that the 'light thunder wings' would conflict with his 'divine wings' and would not be able to be used. But after receiving the result, I discovered that it was actually a pair of boots, but there were two pairs of wings on the back of the boots.

He was greatly satisfied and even more joyful.

Coupled with the Black Tortoise Heart Mirror, Dayan Aegis, Yang Yan Divine Hand, etc. in his hand, this 'Sacrificing Life Suit' is already on the verge of being completely replaced.

And just after the two left, UU read Ao Zhujun spoke to Ao Mengsheng with a solemn expression: "Prince, do you think his marriage to Shu Ying can be successful?"

Prince Ao Mengsheng smiled and said: "What? The Queen Mother is attracted to this son-in-law. Wasn't the Queen Mother very disgusted before?"

Mr. Ao Zhu snorted coldly, his eyes flashing: "I'm not kidding you, this champion Hou Zhiyong is both talented, he is really talented. Prince, we must let this person be used by our Dragon Clan."

"It is really necessary to win over." Prince Ao Mengsheng nodded slightly, and then frowned: "This matter is a bit troublesome. From the look on his face, the champion showed that his love for Shu Ying is not unintentional, but he is far from ready to marry. .

Also, this person had several confidantes in the mortal world, all of whom had very good backgrounds, one of whom was even the eldest princess of the Jin Dynasty. When it comes to feelings, it’s not our family’s turn to be sparse. In addition, Shuying's own thoughts are also a problem. Mother, you know Shuying's character. "

"Shu Ying? You don't care what she thinks. This matter is beyond her control."

Ao Zhujun drank a glass of wine lightly, and her eyes flashed: "Didn't Ao Gong and the others spread the word that Li Xuan is Shu Ying's husband? Prince, please let people add fuel to the flames and continue to confirm this matter. Wait until When the time comes, I will ask the emperor to marry me!"

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