Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 493 Red Hidden Sword and Big Sun Sword

Chapter 496 Red Hidden Sword and Big Sun Sword

Li Xuan was preparing to enter Tibet. Although the emperor was very eager to capture Dorje Cairen and Tashi Gonpo, he also knew the principle of "preparation will lead to success, failure to preempt will lead to failure".

After discussing with the ministers, the emperor even summoned Li Xuan alone.

"I will issue an order. After you arrive in the snowy area, my dear, you can mobilize all the military forces in Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai-Tibet. The Sichuan capital will command the envoys, and the Yunnan capital will command the envoys. All the garrison posts must be under your control.

There are also experts who will accompany us. I will also ask Zuo Daoxing to draw 300 elite people from Ouchi and Xiuyiwei to accompany us. "

Li Xuan nodded slightly: "There is no need to accompany you. Time is precious. Your Majesty will lend you the Red Thunder Divine Chariot, and I will go there first. These three hundred people will come later."

Emperor Jingtai nodded: "Yes, in addition to the Red Thunder Divine Chariot, I will give you the Shangfang Sword 'Kaiyuan' for your use, as well as the power of life and death for officials below the fourth rank in the two provinces of Sichuan and Yunnan. Officials below the second rank will be punished if they violate the order." Lift, I allow you to capture him first."

Li Xuan was previously awarded the Shang Fang Sword 'Kaiyuan', but after the battle at Nankou Pass, the imperial court took back this immortal weapon, which was called a sword but was actually a sword.

He actually couldn't use this immortal weapon, just because the four top-quality magic knives that Liu Daosi had made for him and Luo Yan were about to be released.

As for things like immortal weapons, if they are not refined, cannot be used as desired, and do not conform to one's own military will, their power will only be less than one-fifth.

However, in addition to its own value, Shang Fangjian also represents the authority of the emperor.

So Li Xuan is still preparing to proceed: "I would like to thank Your Majesty for your trust, but this time I go south to Uzang, can I ask Princess Changle or Helian Fulong to accompany me?"

He would not trust anyone, even though there are twelve Dharma Kings in Qinghai-Tibet area, only two of them are truly heavenly.

But as far as Li Xuan knew, the other ten, like the Mongolian "Dragon Elephant Dharma King" Tsongkhapa, all had heaven-level combat power.

In addition, the five "capital commanders" in the Qinghai-Tibet area are not simple roles.

"Mr. Fulong's old injuries have not healed. He has suffered new injuries after the battle with Mengwu. He needs time to recuperate. This time I will let Changle go with you."

Emperor Jingtai looked solemn: "Besides Changle, who else are you going to bring with you, Aiqing? Don't even think about Master Zhang Shaotian of Longhu Mountain. Now Badaling, Dushibao, Shanhaiguan, Juyongguan and other important fortresses are in a state of damage.

Now that the imperial court finally has some money, it is necessary to repair these passes as soon as possible. This requires the power of Zhengyi and Quanzhen, and it requires the coordination and coordination of Master Zhang Shaotian. "

Li Xuanzheng wanted to take Xue Yunrou with him, and this was the strongest magician around him. However, repairing Monolith Castle, Shanhaiguan and other important towns is also the top priority of the current government.

He thought for a moment: "My subordinates Luo Yan and Le Qianqian must be brought there. Then there is Demon Fu School Lieutenant Jiang Hanyun. It is almost enough for her to accompany Chang Le. If the situation is urgent, I will It's not too late to invite people from the capital.

However, this matter requires your Majesty to negotiate with the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord and borrow someone from the Six Daosi Division. "

"The Demon-Subduing Captain Jiang Hanyun?" Emperor Jingtai squinted his eyes: "Is she the daughter of Divine Doctor Jiang? Sure!"

He thought that Li Xuan brought Jiang Hanyun with him because he was preparing to involve this great master for Jiang Yunqi.

Li Xuan then said goodbye and left the palace. He first rode the jade unicorn to Leng Yurou's workshop.

In the past two months, Leng Yurou not only dismantled her Peacock Thousand Machines, but also Li Xuan's Demon-Suppressing King Kong to pieces. The excuse was to strengthen the body of the Demon-Subduing King Kong and improve its power.

She said that the previous upgrade was too hasty and left many hidden dangers. The power system of the Demon-Suppressing King Kong was not able to play its maximum role, so it had to be adjusted.

Li Xuan didn't know whether it was true or not, but the internal skeleton of the Demon-Conquering King Kong had indeed been replaced. In particular, an entire spine was replaced with black meteorite iron.

This is the material for forging the best magic weapons. It has excellent solidity, flexibility, and ductility. It also has a certain shape memory function. As long as it is not crushed, it can be restored to its original shape.

Leng Yurou may have known that he had gone bankrupt by refining the "Liuhe Immortal Sword Diagram" for the sacrifice, or he might have made a lot of money from the "Super Railgun", so surprisingly she didn't reach out to ask him for money this time.

But the current situation is a little troublesome.

Leng Yurou must help him assemble the ‘Demon-Subduing King Kong’ in the shortest possible time.

Li Xuan is still very dependent on the defensive capabilities of this mechanism puppet, especially the two fourth-order "Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Extermination Divine Needles" installed in the body of the "Devil-Suppressing King Kong", and he is extremely looking forward to it.

Fortunately, the emperor gave Li Xuan two days, and Leng Yurou agreed after a little hesitation.

Li Xuan then ran to the weapon refining building of Liudaosi and waited with Luo Yan for the four top magic weapons to be released.

Originally, these four weapons could have been completed a month ago. However, due to changes in the Council of Elders, it was delayed for some time.

Li Xuan and the others exchanged their merits for these four weapons. The procedures were legal and compliant, and even the Elder Council could not do anything about it.

But Wei Zhen and the others were able to use their power to coerce the people who refined these four weapons.

Fortunately, the Master of the Artifact Refining Building was highly respected and had a transcendent status in the Six Paths Division, and Zhu Mingyue intervened forcefully and directly pushed back the elders headed by Wei Zhen, preventing these four top magic weapons from failing.

One day later, a sharp sword energy rushed out of the weapon refining building located to the east of the main hall, breaking a huge hole in the clouds high in the sky.

Li Xuan was overjoyed with two newly minted long knives.

This knife is about four feet three inches long, with a long and narrow blade, although it has no unnecessary decoration. But the blade is full of light, gold and silver are mixed together, it looks not only extremely beautiful, but also very cool.

The magic circle inside the sword specializes in the three magics of 'light', 'thunder' and 'fire'. The key is to use both swords simultaneously to resonate with each other and increase their momentum.

The two swords combined have a power that is only inferior to that of the immortal weapons.

The blades of Luo Yan's pair of knives are much shorter, only two feet and five inches, but the blades are wider. The shape is similar to the red sleeve knife and can be hidden in the sleeve.

She was equally happy because the pair of knives in Luo Yan's hands were tailor-made for her and were much stronger than the previous pair of red sleeve knives.

The red sleeve knives are just stronger high-level magic weapons, but the pair in her hands are the best.

It's not that Luo Yan doesn't have a better knife in his hand, but the weapon is different from other magical weapons. Weapons must be in harmony with their own true energy, sword intent, etc. Otherwise, no matter how sharp and powerful they are, they will not be able to display their own martial arts.

Therefore, Luo Yan always used the Red Sleeve Knife, and Li Zhetian also used the Sun-Blocking Void Knife before his death.

"You two can try your Yangyang Magic Sword." When the weapon-refining master mentioned the word 'Yangyang', there was a slight expression on his face: "According to our expectations, these four swords are perfect." Divine power, equivalent to immortal soldiers!"

Li Xuan and Luo Yan looked at each other, and then they both raised their swords at the same time, turning into light and electricity that flashed back and forth in the air.

When they landed, the joy on Li Xuan's face increased even more.

These four swords were second to the increase in their speed and the power of the swords. The key was that when they wielded the swords, they felt that the connection between the two of them was even more obvious.

You must know that at this time, they have not yet refined these four swords.

"They are very strong." Li Xuan gently stroked the blade, his eyes full of care: "Thank you all, Li will not let these two famous weapons become dusty."

"As long as you are satisfied. These four swords are also the most powerful masterpieces in our weapon refining building in the past twenty years. I am also proud of them."

The owner of the weapon-refining building stroked his beard and smiled: "You can name them, and we will carve the names of the swords on them. This is the last step. These four swords have spirits and can be promoted to the level of immortal weapons in the future. A suitable sword Names can stabilize their spirituality."

"My pair of swords are called Hongxiu." After Luo Yan finished speaking, he thought about it again: "The one on the left is called Hongxiu Fuguang, and the one on the right is called Hongxiu Lianying."

Li Xuan had a headache. He thought for a while and then smiled and said: "Mine is called the Great Sun Thunder Sword, the Great Sun Divine Light on the left, and the Great Sun Thunder Wings on the right."

This is because he has two swords on his left and right, each with different directions. The divine light of the great sun is biased towards light, and the thunder wings of the great sun are biased towards thunder.

After the master of the weapon refinement building and others had finished carving the name of the sword, Luo Yan and Li Xuan sat down cross-legged, each dripping blood essence into the blade, and took the time to refine the two swords in their hands.

One day later, Leng Yurou delivered the assembled 'Demon-Subduing King Kong' to Li Xuan again. Yu Hongshang and Jiang Hanyun, who were accompanying them, were also ready to leave.

Before Li Xuan left Beijing, he met Xuan Chenzi one more time.

"After I leave the capital, you have to help me take care of Peng Fulai, Zhang Yue and the others. I'm worried that if Luo Yan and I are not in the capital, someone will do harm to them."

Xuan Chenzi immediately narrowed his eyes slightly, and then smiled sweetly: "Don't worry, Qianzhi. If someone is really born with such a courageous dog, I will make them fat. UU Reading "

He recently fell in love with growing flowers, and the corpses of humans and beasts were the best fertilizer for flowers.

Li Xuan looked at the pair of swords Xuan Chenzi was carrying on his back and nodded with relief.

In the past four months, Xuan Chenzi's cultivation and combat power had not improved as rapidly as Jiang Hanyun's, but it was still extremely exaggerated.

In particular, the 'Great Technique of Divine Heaven Returning to No Yin and Yang' and 'The Combination of Positive and Negative Instruments, Heaven and Earth Strike' have been initially mastered by him. Leng Yurou collected another pair of high-level swords for him, which was enough to make Xuan Chenzi one of the most terrifying people in the world today.

"It's all up to you in the capital. If you encounter a situation where you are unable to cope, you can always ask for help from Jiangnan Medical Center and Mr. Fulong. And the Mo family's Juzi, I helped him some time ago, he shouldn't refuse Take action.”

After hearing this, Xuan Chenzi smiled conceitedly: "I understand!"

He thinks that Li Xuan still underestimated him. There will never be more than five people below the rank of heaven in this world who can be his rivals. Even if he is in heaven, he still has the ability to struggle with it for a while.

The key is that he is not afraid of the enemy joining forces to attack him! No matter how many enemies there are, they can't defeat his extreme speed.

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