Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 57 A big cool word

Li Xuan's mood as he jumped into the air was indeed joyful, carefree, expectant, and filled with uncontrollable excitement.

After coming to this world for so long, he could finally experience the feeling of a master torturing food and gratifying his grudges.


With a sharp and ear-piercing sound, Li Xuan and Zhang Jin struck with swords in mid-air.

The latter's sword struck down from a high place, and was even more powerful, knocking Li Xuan directly to the ground.

But then there was a look of panic in his eyes, and he felt a biting cold force coming from the blade of the sword like an overwhelming force.

The situation was the same as before in Xu Guogong's mansion, but the cold power was ten times stronger than before. So much so that the magical weapon 'Fire Cloud Bead' prepared by Zhang Jin in advance was completely unable to resist. Most of his body was frozen in an instant, and he fell heavily like a lump of ice.

Li Xuan, who landed at this time, was also faced with more than a dozen soldiers from the Beijing camp holding sticks below.

He laughed and didn't care. As soon as he drew the long knife in his hand, a beam of dazzling thunder exploded from outside his body.

Phantom Lightning Sword - Dragon and Snake rise together!

Get out of here!

With a bang, almost everyone where Li Xuan landed was paralyzed by the powerful thunder and lightning, unable to pose any threat to him.

Then with just one breath, Li Xuan took another step forward, running in the direction of the Red Moon Boat. This time Li Xuan's speed was neither fast nor slow. He used his long sword to block or block, only defending but not attacking. But every time he took a step, two or three people would turn into ice sculptures.

As long as these Beijing soldiers came into contact with his sword, they would be frozen in the ice by the cold power of his sword.

Within a few steps, he came to Zhang Jin, who was trying his best to resolve the cold power with the help of magic weapon and elixir. After the latter fell, he was caught by several strong men in time and his body was not injured.

But the cold power on Li Xuan's sword still made him temporarily unable to move.

I have read ancient books and deeply admired the chivalrous demeanor of the Zhou and Han dynasties, and I have always longed for them! I once wrote a poem in the past, which is just right for the scene in front of me and can add to the fun. Listen up, readers! The young man hooked the Wu hook, and his spirit is as high as a hundred feet high; I keep my promise throughout my life, and have close friends all over the world——

Li Xuan thought to himself that he was really drifting off, but the fighting spirit burning in his body and the surging blood made him unable to control himself.

The life of a modern office worker can only follow the rules and obey the rules. Now that you are a time traveler, can't you indulge yourself for a while? So what if you were frivolous just once?


When he passed by Zhang Jin, Li Xuan completely froze him into a lump of ice with one palm.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his thirties and strong and powerful rushed over from the boat. He should be the martial artist next to Zhang Jin, with a look of fright, anger and impatience on his face. Raising his hand, there was a sword light, as powerful as a fierce tiger, with boundless fire clouds.

If you dare to hurt my young master, you will die!

Before the words could be spoken, sparks burst out between the two.

Li Xuan's moves didn't have any tricks, they were just sword against sword. With a crisp sound, Li Xuan's figure slid back three feet uncontrollably. But the middle-aged man opposite him had most of his body frozen immediately after the fight, and was unable to move for a short period of time.

Although this martial artist was stronger than Li Xuan by more than one level and had prepared a 'Fire Element Talisman' to protect him from the cold, he was still unable to resist Li Xuan's sword.

This is the case with the Chengyi Li family's 'Cold Sky Sword'. It is not outstanding in terms of technique, but it does its best to blast away the cold power.

You can block my knife, but you can't block my bone-deep chill!

The martial artist also struggled hard, but he had just resisted the cold force in his chest and lungs when Li Xuan ducked in front of him again.

'boom! ’——With one wave of his palm, this martial artist was completely frozen.

At this time, Li Xuan's chanting became louder and louder.

——A gentleman who knows his best will draw his sword towards Qiu Yu; the reason is that he is seven feet lighter, but he is fierce and full of energy to fight!

This is a poem that Li Xuan pieced together during his college days, and several lines were directly copied. But at this moment, Li Xuan was among a group of enemies, fighting bravely, but his roar felt extra special.

No one could stop him. Almost all the soldiers in the Beijing camp instinctively moved to both sides, at least to avoid direct contact with Li Xuan.

In just a blink of an eye, Li Xuan had already broken out of the tight encirclement and arrived at the ladder of the Red Moon Boat. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the astonished Cui Hongan on the fourth floor of Hongyue Fang.

Li Xuan grinned, and then he stood up in the air, and with just one leap, he stepped onto the deck of the Red Moon Boat.

The body is held in a white blade, and the five layers of clothing are stained with blood; the remaining body drinks the cold wind, singing wildly and laughing at the enemies!

As the endless cold power overflowed from where Li Xuan stepped, a thin layer of ice formed on the entire six-foot-wide deck. Within this area, a total of seven people dressed as servants were also frozen in the ice by him at this moment.


On the fourth floor of the boat, Cui Hongan swallowed and couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, away from the railing.

I must be dreaming. Is this Li Erlang of Uncle Chengcheng's house? I've had so many fights with him, but he's so fierce?

The cold power is so majestic that even the cold magic cultivators in the fourth floor can't match it, or even be far inferior.

This is a young warrior next to Cui Hongan carrying a pair of halberds. His eyes are also full of shock: This Young Master Li may have hidden his clumsiness before.

Bullshit! You're hiding a ghost. Don't I still know who that guy is?

As soon as Cui Hongan finished cursing, he found that Li Xuan had rushed directly to his level. Wherever he passed, there was a blanket of frost.

He couldn't help but turn pale, and took a few steps back.

Stop him, come and stop him!

Cui Hongan also looked at the young warrior beside him: Dang Xiong, you go too! Give me a halberd to kill him!

A young warrior named Dang Xiong, UU reading www. But his face turned pale, with a helpless expression: Young Master, I'm afraid I'm no match for him.

His cultivation was only at the fourth level, but the martial artist Zhang Jin brought was a fourth level person, and he hadn't blocked a single sword just now.

Cui Hong'an didn't reply. He was already running towards the stern of the boat. There was a small boat over there that could allow him to escape from the boat.

But this was obviously a delusion, as Li Xuan had already rushed in front of Dang Xiong.

The latter did not dare to fight against Li Xuan's long sword. He divided his halberds and slashed up and down, using the strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries. But Li Xuan had already expected that this time he was not using the 'Hangyi Heavenly Sword', but the 'Phantom Lightning Heavenly Sword'.

Looking back at the sword, the blood is stained and the frost is thin; I am worried about fighting, and I will destroy the five mountains for you!

The sword light flashed. With the help of thunder and lightning, he was able to get out of the way quickly and slashed directly at Dang Xiong's chest.

The latter's body was also covered with a layer of iron armor. Li Xuan's sword could not cut through it, but the power of his sword still smashed the man's body away, flying more than twenty feet like a torn sack.

Then, Li Xuan's figure flashed and came behind Cui Hongan, kicking the guy to the ground.

When the voice fell, Li Xuan also sheathed his sword. He laughed heartily, feeling endless pleasure, and a big word Shuang spread across his heart.

Li Xuan found the feeling of upgrading and fighting monsters. The martial arts practice these days was really not in vain!

——This is the experience Li Xuan wants. He once really dreamed that he could enter the world of immortals in the book, but if he had to be bullied after entering, and he had to be humble and petty all the time, walking on thin ice, then this time travel would be impossible. Life is too frustrating.

Which man has not imagined that he can travel three thousand miles with one sword, and become a million-dollar warrior with one sword?

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