Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 560 Healing Yu Hongshang’s Injury

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About two days later, in the Wenhua Hall, the Wushan clouds and rain here had come to an end.

At this time, Yu Hongshang hugged Li Xuan's waist tightly and rested her head on Li Xuan's abdomen.

Occasionally, when I see a place that I can't look directly at, I can't help but smile: It's so energetic, it can persist until now.

Li Xuan lay on his back on the stone steps, falling into a state that later generations would call a 'sage'.

He emptied his mind and looked satisfied, but his face was a little pale.

I thought that with a beauty like you being so provocative, of course it would be energetic, but the problem is that I can't stand it any longer.

Li Xuan originally thought that he was successful in cultivation, physically strong, and full of vitality.

Nowadays, if you do this kind of thing, let alone one day and one night, it can be done for ten days and ten nights.

But he forgot that if a cultivator wants to do this kind of thing, the loss will be ten times as much as before.

Li Xuan's body will indeed not be exhausted due to this, but his energy will be lost.

There is a saying that one drop of something brings ten drops of blood. Li Xuan didn't think so before, but now it feels very reasonable.

The key is that in order to create this thing, his Dantian consumed ten drops of his blood essence as a third-level martial artist!

However, his opponent is still a heavenly person who possesses the power of extreme yin and yang, and is particularly good at squeezing.

The power of yin and yang twisted and twisted, and the juice came out, and Li Xuan couldn't resist it at all.

Li Xuan has deeply realized that mortals cannot surpass the level and compete with the real heaven in this regard.

It's all Yunrou's fault. This 'Heaven Position' that relies on external forces gave him the illusion.

Seeing that Yu Hongshang was in high spirits and wanted to continue to destroy her, Li Xuan decided to say something to divert the other party's attention: The spring night is short and the sun is rising. From now on, the king will not go to court early. Chang'er, you said we are like this, Will it delay you from handling state affairs?

Yu Hongshang was happy when she heard this: Don't worry, I have already sent a letter to Chen Shoufu and the Supervisor of Ceremonies. If it is not an important matter, the Cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies can take charge of it.

I have also entrusted Hu Hui, the Minister of Rites, with full authority to handle disaster relief matters within the capital. He is an old minister during the Xuanzong period and is known for his integrity and loyalty. He will never let me and the people of the capital down.

Hu Hui was already the Minister of Rites during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong. He served as an official in six dynasties since the reign of Emperor Taizu. He was also one of the five ministers of Emperor Xuanzong in the past. He was one of the only remaining heavenly positions in the Confucian sect. He was highly respected in the court.

When Emperor Jingtai tried to change his position, the biggest obstacle was actually not Gao Gu and Shang Hong in the cabinet, but Hu Hui.

But he was an upright and upright gentleman who never formed cliques or groups. He advised Emperor Jingtai several times, but also in private, caring about the king's face. .

After hearing that the prince had lost his virtue, Hu Hui did not step forward to stop the emperor again.

Such a loyal and upright minister is undoubtedly respectable and trustworthy.

Yu Hongshang looked up at Li Xuan: In short, they know that I have been plotted against me and need time to heal. They won't say anything for three to five days.

Li Xuan wanted to pay back three or five days? Three or five days later, almost all of his people were gone. He continued to talk to him: By the way, Chang'er, how about you leave the matter between 'Red Thread Lian' and the magician to me?

As expected, Yu Hongshang was distracted and nodded slightly: Of course I'll leave it to you, Mr. Xuan. I don't have the time to do it next. But what are you going to do? Do you want me to give you a decree to let Xiu Yi Will Wei and the Internal Supervisory Committee cooperate with you?

Li Xuan said coldly: This is not about solving a case. What do I want the Embroidery Guard and the Internal Supervisory Factory to do together?

He has a way to make everyone involved pay the price.

No matter Liang Heng, King Xiang, or even the Queen Mother - no one can escape.

But then his expression changed slightly: Okay, we have to find a way to find the whereabouts of the magician. Two of his three incarnations have been damaged, so it is the best time to get rid of him.

Yu Hongshang smiled slightly, thinking that he was indeed his Xuan Lang. Then she looked solemn: Xuan Lang, let's talk about our affairs. The matter is over -

At this moment, the closed door made several loud bangs, and someone knocked heavily on the door outside.

At the same time, the voice of Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the eunuchs, came from outside the palace.

Your Highness! There is a severe drought in Shanxi. Several prefectures and counties there have not had rain for two months, and there may be no harvest this year. The intention of the cabinet ministers is to use the military rations stored there, but they dare not make the decision on this matter. Please, Your Highness If it’s convenient, discuss disaster relief matters with them as soon as possible.”

Yu Hongshang frowned. She was extremely reluctant, but she still stood up without hesitation and put the bright red palace dress on her smooth and delicate body.

Quickly tell them to come to the Wenhua Palace! Also, send me the memorials of all the civil and military ministers in Shanxi within two months.

She knew that rescuing disasters was like putting out fires. If she delayed for a moment longer, countless people would die of drought and starvation in Shanxi.


Li Xuan secretly went out from the Xihua Gate. He was invisible all the way and did not dare to alert any of the guards in the palace.

Finally, with the help of the 'vacuum' power of the Holy Mother of White Lotus, it was moved directly to a place hundreds of feet outside the palace city.

After all, Yu Hongshang's reputation was at stake, and Li Xuan did not dare to reveal any clues.

Since the Tang and Jin Dynasties, no matter which dynasty, people have attached great importance to a woman's chastity and reputation. Confucian scholars in the Jin Dynasty paid special attention to honor and integrity.

After all, this world is governed by Confucian scholars.

If Yu Hongshang's reputation is damaged, she will lose the name and foundation of supervising state affairs on behalf of the emperor.

And when Li Xuan sneaked all the way back to the Champion Hou Mansion, he saw Luo Yan with her arms folded across her chest, looking at him with cold eyes like a sword.

Even if Li Xuan guessed with his heels, he knew what Luo Yan was thinking.

Others didn't know where Li Xuan had gone, but Luo Yan knew it.

——This guy ran to the palace and spent nearly two days with Princess Changle behind closed doors in the Wenhua Palace. What on earth was he doing? Are you doing this or that with Princess Changle?

Li Xuan looked calm and slightly surprised: Yan'er, why are you here? Have you finished handling the official business of Liudao Division?

After all, they had just experienced the White Lotus Rebellion, and now it was noon, which was the busiest time for Liu Daosi.

His second spirit is now so busy that he doesn't even have time to rest.

I happen to be working on a case nearby. Come back and see if you're back.

Luo Yan snorted coldly, and then looked up and down at Li Xuan with sharp eyes: How are you? Have you been comfortable these two days? Everyone is so busy that your Jade Qilin is still unconscious in the nearby medical clinic. Wake up. It would be better for you to be rolled around in the palace and enjoy all the tenderness.

What nonsense are you talking about? Li Xuan immediately straightened his face and said confidently: Where did you get the idea of ​​being rolled over and enjoying all the tenderness? I went to the palace to heal Your Highness. Your Highness the Princess suppressed the Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation. During this period, he encountered a plot by a magician and was seriously injured.

It wasn't that he deliberately wanted to hide it from Luo Yan, but the matter was of great importance, and it was best to just keep it in his and Yu Hongshang's stomachs.

Healing? But you were locked up in Wenhua Hall for not just three or five hours, but two days, two whole days!

Luo Yan couldn't help but sneer. She stretched out two fingers and waved them in front of Li Xuan: What kind of injury needs to be treated for so long in two days? You, Li Xuan, are not a famous doctor. Do you have to do it? There are all kinds of things you can do for two days.”

Li Xuan finally felt a little guilty, thinking that the past two days seemed to be a little long, right?

He sighed: This is an ancient spell. It is very troublesome and cannot be solved by ordinary medical methods. Look at Yan'er, my face is pale, and my vitality has been lost to this extent.

Li Xuan specifically pointed to his face: Look at my legs and feet. They are all weak now, as if I have stepped on cotton. I can hardly stand still.

When Luo Yan saw this, she was slightly startled, wondering if she had really misunderstood him? Judging from the appearance of this guy, his vitality is indeed severely damaged.

She was still a little suspicious in her heart. Just when she was about to say something, a clear voice came from outside the gate: Li Dalu, is your young master's injury healed? Is he out of confinement?

Li Xuan recognized the voice of his uncle Wei Zhen, the censor of Zuoqiandu.

In the past two days, he had been treating Yu Hongshang's injuries, but the real body could not appear, so he had to use the excuse that he was seriously injured in the battle with Bai Lian and needed to retreat. He also deliberately brought Li Dalu back to guard the house, and together with his father Li Sihai, he dealt with visitors to the house.

Li Xuan immediately walked to the door and said with a smile: Uncle Wei Shi, I'm fine.

Wei Zhen was stunned at first. He looked at Li Xuan carefully, and finally breathed a sigh of relief: It's okay, it's okay. But Li Xuan, how come your face is so white? But the White Lotus Rebellion hurt Your roots?”

Li Xuan subconsciously touched his face, thinking that he was treating Yu Hongshang's injuries to become like this.

However, the magician may have colluded with Bai Lian, so it doesn't seem wrong to blame Bai Lian for this matter.

Fortunately, my nephew just lost a little vitality. He can make up for it by taking some pills later.

Li Xuan then curiously asked: Uncle Wei Shi came to my mansion, but what's the important matter? Li Dalu said that you have come three times in the past two days.

This is what Li Dalu said to his second soul.

Wei Zhen immediately smiled and said: It's my colleagues in Yushitai and Liuke who asked me to ask about you. They are very concerned about you. Your injury is the top priority of the Confucian sect now. You Do you know that almost all the scholars in the capital are now worried about your situation?

Li Xuan was stunned: No way? It's such an exaggeration. UUReading www.uukanス

No exaggeration at all.

Wei Zhen shook his head and sighed in admiration: You don't know your current reputation in Confucianism, especially the sentence in your Yuan Dao, Yao passed it on to Shun, and Shun passed it on to him. Yu, Yu was passed down to Tang, Tang was passed down to Zhou Gong in civil and military affairs, Confucius was passed down to Confucius in civil and military affairs, and Meng Ke was passed down by Confucius.

This sentence can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the Confucian people of the world. Many people think that just because of this sentence that establishes the Confucian orthodoxy, the Confucianists of the world should be led by you, Li Xuan, and think that you, Li Xuan, will be the most respected Confucian school in the world.

Hu Xike, the Minister of Rites, personally praised, After the death of Confucius and Mencius, the Great Dao was abolished and heresy raged for more than a thousand years, and then he got the words of the Yuan Dao and established it; the Minister of the Ministry of War. Shanghong, the elder of the pavilion, also praised you in front of others, The meaning of his discussion of benevolence and righteousness is very beautiful, and his role is comparable to that of Buddha and Elder. The so-called struggle for the confusion of the four generations is better than that of Ju Yang and Mo.

By the way, the altar of heaven and earth was broken two days ago, and Mr. Shangge's cultivation level has exceeded the heaven level. This is the third great heaven-level Confucian in our Confucian school. His words are full of weight.

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