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Half an hour later, the banquet had dispersed, and Li Xuan saw the head of Qinglong Palace, Shenhua.

When Li Xuan walked out of the box, he found this man standing in the courtyard of the restaurant with his hands behind his back.

His temperament is like an immortal, and he is incompatible with the surrounding environment.

Even though he was treated so lightly by Li Xuan, this person was neither angry nor annoyed, just like a deep pool with no bottom.

After seeing Li Xuan, Si Shenhua, the head of Qinglong Palace, looked over with a smile: Master Champion Hou really made Si wait.

Li Xuan saw that he showed no displeasure and his demeanor was as refreshing as spring breeze, so he couldn't help but take a high look at this man.

His face was still calm, and he cupped his hands lukewarmly: I'm sorry, I'm busy with business, so I can't wait for you, Palace Master.

Where? I came here presumptuously and disturbed the champion's banquet. Also, our Xuanwu Palace Mistress offended her a lot in the previous episode, so I am here to apologize on her behalf. The Palace Master Lian has always disliked worldly things and has no regard for the world's sophistication. Very transparent, please forgive me, Champion...

The head of Qinglong Palace, Si Shenhua, smiled casually: I wonder if the champion might take the time to talk to Si now?

I happen to be free. Li Xuan nodded, thinking that you have blocked the door, how can he not be free?

In fact, he later made an appointment with a Gi Shizhong from the Ministry of Rites, intending to discuss the issue of King Xiang with this person.

Fortunately, their appointment was late this time. Both of them were busy with work and only had time to come out of the Etiquette Department for the banquet late at night.

Li Xuan then made a gesture of invitation: Palace Master Si, I still have to go to Jiangnan Medical Center to see my horse, why don't we talk while we're walking?

Just today, his Jade Qilin finally woke up.

Due to the copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang, Jade Qilin recovered very slowly, and it was only now that most of its body was restored.

This is also the reason why Li Xuan is so angry about Jinque Tiangong.

At this time, the face of Qinglong Palace Master Si Shenhua was a little strange.

He knew that Li Xuan mentioned Yu Qilin at this time just for the sake of their subsequent negotiations; but he also knew clearly that this Yu Qilin was Meng Qingfan, the disciple of the former Tianshi Palace Master Gong Nianci.

Even in the Heavenly Palace, few people knew that Meng Qingfan's 'beast body' was a unicorn.

But Qinglong Palace Chief Si Shenhua, as a good friend of Gong Nianci, happened to know.

Si Shenhua did not dare to tell the truth. If he really did this, it would not only be Meng Qingfan who would be embarrassed.

He looked at Li Xuan solemnly: Master Champion Hou, this time Si came with 120,000 points of sincerity. If you have any requests, please feel free to make them, as long as they are within the capabilities of our Jinque Tiangong. , Si will never refuse.

After Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but laugh: Shouldn't you be the one to offer the extra bet first and let me choose?

Li Xuan knows that in negotiations, whoever makes the first offer will suffer first.

He can completely judge the other party's bottom line from the price offered by the other party.

Besides, I said before that you must first give a satisfactory explanation to the court and the people of the world.

The head of Qinglong Palace, Si Shenhua, frowned, thinking that this champion was indeed difficult to deal with.

At this time, the pressure from the East China Sea Dragon Clan and the gods headed by Lord Wen Zhonglie on Jinque Tiangong was increasing.

Even the scope of the storm continues to expand, and it is no longer limited to the land of the water god and the city god. All kinds of gods in the world have jumped out, such as the kitchen god, the god of vegetation, etc.

Naturally, they did not dare to be enemies with Jinque Tiangong, but they were still waving flags and shouting.

It would be nothing if these gods just made simple accusations. The key is that the North and South City Gods and the Lord of the East China Sea Dragon Palace are discussing to get rid of the Jinque Tiangong under the instigation of the champion prince beside him.

They actually planned to build another system to restrain the gods in addition to the Golden Palace.

This would give Jinque Tiangong a huge headache if it lost its authority to govern the gods in the world. So what is the significance of the existence of Jinque Tiangong?

Even the power of the sacred treasure 'Golden Que Tianzhang' will decline significantly.

This is a tool that binds the Divine Way and Human Way in the world, and its power also comes from gods and mortals.

If all the gods do not believe in and recognize the rules and regulations of the ‘Golden Tower Heavenly Seal’, then these rules and regulations will naturally have no power at all.

But the master of Qinglong Palace knows that the knot of all this lies with Li Xuan.

As long as this person is satisfied, everything will be solved.

So he then burst out laughing: What I, Da Siming and Xiao Siming want to do is that we offer two copies of the middle-grade elixir that can improve your cultivation and replenish your vitality, as compensation for Lord Shui De Yuan and your Excellency's mount. .

In addition, Tiangong used a false divine treasure in exchange for a copy of the Tianzhang in the hands of the champion. This is an item of equal value to the copy of the Tianzhang——

What a shame! Li Xuan shook his head and repeated before he could finish his words: And I said, you have to satisfy the court and the gods in the world first.

This is a very simple truth. A copy of the Jinque Tianzhang is indispensable to the Jinque Tiangong.

But a false divine treasure is nothing more than a high-grade fairy weapon with power close to that of a divine treasure.

Li Xuan's 'Wu Qu Po Jun' and 'Taotie' can also reach this level if their cultivation is restored to its peak.

The Lord of Qinglong Palace raised his lips slightly: Wouldn't the Champion please listen to what kind of immortal treasure we brought out?

Li Xuan looked at him sideways, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

He was also curious as to where the other party had the confidence to think that they would definitely be able to exchange a 'Copy of the Heavenly Seal' from him.

It's this thing.

The Master of Qinglong Palace waved his hand and displayed a strange-shaped bracelet in front of Li Xuan's eyes.

This bracelet is about one finger wide and is entirely golden. It is inlaid with gemstones of different colors and evenly distributed in six directions on the bracelet.

In addition to this gem, there is also the shape of a spirit turtle coiled around it.

Li Xuan looked at the bracelet curiously: What is this?

The Six-Phase Spirit Turtle Bracelet. The Master of Qinglong Palace looked at him calmly: This treasure is an enhanced version of the 'Four Symbols Refining Furnace' in your hand. It possesses the six heavenly powers of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and thunder. You can treat it as half a Waidan.

However, the greatest value of this thing is that it comes from some of the Ultimate Heavenly Methods obtained from a ten-thousand-year-old spirit turtle. That’s ‘extending years’, the extension of turtle life.

This thing can extend people's life, let mortals live to two hundred years old, and celestial beings live to two thousand years. It can also keep people's bodies in the best condition at all times.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look at the Master of Qinglong Palace with mocking eyes: Your palace has really put a lot of effort into it, but this thing has no destiny for me, so you can keep it for yourselves.

This Six-Phase Spirit Turtle Bracelet sounded very powerful, but for him, it was of little benefit.

In terms of combat power, the improvement of the Six-Phase Spirit Turtle Bracelet to him can be said to be minimal.

The person next to Li Xuan. Only Le Qianqian can use this thing. The Six-Phase Spirit Turtle Bracelet allows her to easily attract the power of heaven without putting a burden on her body.

However, the effect of the fairy treasure that Le Qianqian is trying to exchange for is not as good as that of the Six Phase Spirit Turtle Bracelet.

However, its ability to extend life can really make the world go crazy about it.

Even Li Xuan couldn't help but be moved by it.

Among Li Xuan's relatives and friends, Le Qianqian's cultivation is difficult and it will be difficult for him to break through the heavenly realm in the future; Luo Yan's cultivation of Nine Suns Silkworm Transformation will make his future life expectancy worrying.

And Li Xuan's parents will reach the end of their lives sooner or later.

The problem is that people in the world are not worried about scarcity but about inequality.

Who will use this thing after he gets it?

From this point of view, your palace's sincerity is actually limited. Li Xuan said coldly: Let me put it bluntly, if you want to get a copy of the Golden Que Tianzhang from me, you must get one with a combat type. In exchange for the pseudo-divine treasure of Ji Tian's Law, plus three middle-grade immortal weapons, or something of equal value.

This is only from my side, if your palace wants to calm the situation. You have to agree to our two conditions. One is to add three palaces of heaven, earth and people within the Jinque Heavenly Palace. One person from the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the City God Land and the Imperial Court will each serve as the palace master, and they will share the Golden Palace Seal and Qianqiu Brush with you.

His way to deal with the enemy of Jinque Tiangong is to mix sand into it——

This is impossible! Palace Master Qinglong couldn't help but raise his voice, with a strong look of resistance on his face.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look over in surprise: Why not? What the gods and the East China Sea Dragon Palace want is nothing more than to supervise the use of the Qianqiu Bi and the Golden Que Tianzhang.

This is because the rewards and punishments of your Jinque Heavenly Palace in the past were really criticized for too many things, so the gods felt it was unfair.

To be honest, if your palace can't do this and let the world see your attitude of correcting evil, I won't be able to convince the Dragon Palace and the court.

At this time, Li Xuan's lips slightly raised again, and he continued with a mocking tone: Do you know how big a temptation it would be for the imperial court, the Dragon Clan, and the land of the City God to set up a Heavenly Palace without you?

The Master of Qinglong Palace could not help but turn pale. It was precisely because they realized this that he appeared here today.

Li Xuan's move can be said to be a direct attack on the weakness of Jinque Tiangong.

And now in this world, only this person can knead these three forces together.

The Lord of the Qinglong Palace hesitated for a long time, and finally let out a long breath: The asking price of the Champion Marquis is too high. Our Lord and Master will never agree to give out three middle-grade immortal weapons under any circumstances. At most, one , plus some elixirs equivalent to the value of immortal treasures.

It is absolutely impossible to build three palaces of heaven, earth and people. The nine palaces of big and small Siming and three walls and four elephants are in charge of the Jinque Tianzhang and Qianqiu pen. This is the rule set by the Jinque Tiangong a long time ago and has lasted for thousands of years.

And even if we agree, the three palaces of heaven, earth, and people cannot truly integrate into the heavenly palace. The Great and Small Simings and the Lords of Three Walls and Four Symbols all contain part of the power of the ‘Golden Que Tianzhang’. Only with this power can they control Qianqiu Bi.

He then changed his tone: However, if the gods in the world only want to supervise the use of Qianqiu Bi and Jinque Tianzhang, I can suggest to the Chief Commander to increase the number of candidates for our Tiangong's orders to seven.

These two additional seats, UU reading www. can only be given to Lord Wenzhong Liege and the East China Sea Dragon Clan, but it is absolutely impossible for the imperial court. Champion Hou, you need to know that the 'history' written by Qianqiu Bi is of great importance and must not be leaked. Moreover, if the imperial court interferes with the way of heaven with human nature, there will be endless hidden dangers.

Li Xuan thought it was right, so he smiled back: Let the eight Heavenly Palaces serve as commanders. The extra one will be appointed by the imperial court within your Jinque Heavenly Palace. In addition, the successors of your Tianshi Palace, From now on, the decision must be made jointly by the Jin Dynasty, the Donghai Dragon Clan, and Wenzhong Lie Gong.

He was still very satisfied with the attitude of Palace Master Qinglong.

As the saying goes, asking for a high price and paying back the money on the ground, the other party's counter-offer was already much higher than his bottom line.

The master of Qinglong Palace, Shenhua, instinctively wanted to make a counteroffer, but Li Xuan didn't give him a chance. He clasped his fists and said: This is my final bottom line. If you, Jinque Tiangong, don't agree, then this matter is unnecessary. Let’s continue the conversation. Jiangnan Medical Center has arrived, I have to go and see my Qilin’s injury. Farewell!”

Then he left the Qinglong Palace Master behind and strode into the nearby medical clinic.

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