Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 592 Changes in Shuying

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Inner demon? Li Xuan was also slightly frightened, and the uneasiness in his heart was extremely strong.

The ‘inner demon’ is also the so-called ‘other-transformation demon’ in Buddhism, but the name is different.

Taoism believes that inner demons are creatures from outside the territory. They cannot have physical bodies in this world and can only exist as conscious bodies.

Inner demons rely on people's desires to survive, and gain power by stealing or corrupting the Taoist fruits and cultivation of practitioners.

Buddhism has a similar view on inner demons. They believe that besides the human world, there are six heavens of desire: the Heaven of the Four Heavens, the Heaven of Trayastry, the Heaven of Yama, the Heaven of Tusita, the Heaven of Transformation Lottery, and the Heaven of Other Transformations.

Among them, the Other Transformation Heaven is the head of the Six Desire Heavens and is dominated by the sixth heaven demon Bo Xun.

Legend has it that Buddhism conquered the Four Heavenly Kings and enthroned the four guardian kings to guard this world and became Buddhist protectors; it also surrendered the Thirty-Three Heavenly Kings of Trayasy, making the Lord of this world Emperor Sakyamuni become the patron saint of the Buddha. ; And the Yamatian is used to accommodate their believers, as well as Jialan, Vajra and other fruition statuses are all in this world, illuminated by the light of the nightmotian that does not fall, and they can enjoy bliss forever.

Buddhism also turned Tushita Heaven into the residence of all Buddhas; it also made many powerful beings in Hualue Heaven become their allies.

Buddhism, however, has nothing to do with the other-transformation-in-itself-heaven.

The creatures in this world will instinctively follow the Buddhas and their disciples, trying to disturb them, and use temptation, coercion and other methods to try to hinder practitioners from practicing the Tao.

The 'Devil's Tribulation' is also recognized by Buddhist and Taoist practitioners as the most difficult calamity to overcome.

The Confucians don't care much. They have very few magic powers and rely entirely on their own mind and will to interfere in the world and rely on their strength to produce miracles.

Therefore, if a Confucian scholar does not have a strong will, he will not be able to reach the level of heaven. If one can cultivate to the heavenly level, who is afraid of the devil?

Of course, it is another situation where Wang Mang's belief collapses and wavers.

Li Xuan was also puzzled. Ao Shuying was only promoted to Zhongtian, how could he attract the inner demon?

In terms of Ao Shuying's belief, will, cultivation, martial arts, and divine power, she should not have been coveted by his inner demon.

Those inner demons are bullies and fearless beings. They won't work on hopeless people, and they won't bite those seamless eggs.

Just like Li Xuan, although his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds this year, he has never seen the shadow of his inner demon.

Ao Mengsheng was also stunned for a while, looking incredible. Then he sighed slightly and looked at Li Xuan with strange eyes.

This is a sin of love and a calamity of love——

Ao Shuying, who had never had any thoughts about men in her whole life, once she started to care about a man, her mind and will would be shaken extremely violently.

This can be seen from Ao Shuying's condition. At this time, the pupils in her dragon eyes were dilated, the scales and dragon skin were falling off in disorder, and the blood seeping out of her body also turned red gold. .

This is a sign that Ao Shuying can no longer control herself and master her own transformation process.

She couldn't even control her own energy and blood, causing a large amount of blood containing her life essence to leak out.

Ao Mengsheng originally didn't care about Ao Shuying's fate, but now he can't help but worry.

If Ao Shuying cannot control her emotions and lust, there is a high chance that she will be defeated by her inner demon this time.

Ao Mengsheng couldn't understand Ao Shuying's behavior, thinking that since you are attracted, why not go to him? Why are you so depressed and patient?

Whether it's love or desire, unless it's a true love-free or sexual relationship, it's better to avoid it than to block it.

This is good, but this actually gave him an opportunity to turn into a demon.

Ao Mengsheng frowned and looked as dark as water as he looked at the thin mist lingering outside Ao Shuying's body and the increasingly sad shape.

The level of the 'other demon' that attacked Ao Shuying was extremely high, almost reaching the level of being truly invisible and formless. This is an existence at the heavenly level, and its interference with people's thoughts is extremely powerful.

But at this time, he has the power to reach the sky and the earth, and he is helpless. The inner demon exists in Ao Shuying's soul. Can he break Ao Shuying's soul into pieces and extract the inner demon?

But could it be that he just watched his sister die here today?

At this moment, Ao Mengsheng suddenly felt a magnificent inspiration. He immediately turned his head and looked to the side in surprise.

Li Xuan, what are you doing?

At this time, Li Xuan had suddenly attracted the Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron from afar.

Before Ao Mengsheng could say anything, Li Xuan smashed the 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron' onto Ao Shuying's head, making a roaring sound.

With this smash, Li Xuan almost used all his strength, and the 'Four Elephants Refining Furnace' trembled crazily.

The 'Tian Zhen Yuan' he had accumulated for two months was released from it, and 30% of it was extracted in just an instant.

But the effect was immediate. The extremely heavenly method called suppression forcibly suppressed Ao Shuying's soul and the other-transformed demon of freedom in her soul, making their thoughts freeze. Stagnation, unable to give rise to any consciousness.

At the same time, Li Xuan was filled with glazed majestic energy that penetrated the heaven and earth.

His pupils flashed with the color of red gold, and he roared like thunder: It's already this time, Ao Shuying, what are you thinking about? If you can't even focus your mind and keep your energy, how can you survive?

This 'Shen Kui thunder sound' directly shocked the depths of Ao Shuying's soul.

When the heavenly essence in the 'Four Symbols Refining Furnace' was completely vented, the 'suppression' power also completely failed, and Ao Shuying's eyes finally returned to clarity.

She took a deep look at Li Xuan with her huge dragon eyes, and then concentrated on the transformation of her own flesh and blood.

Ao Mengsheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

He knew that the next problem would not be big. If it weren't for this sudden inner demon, Ao Shuying's disaster would have been easy.

Ao Mengsheng then looked at Li Xuan with gratitude and admiration: Ao will thank you in advance for the kindness of the champion Hou to help his sister-in-law. It's all thanks to you this time, otherwise Shuying would definitely have to carry him this time.

He was so excited that he originally wanted to call his brother-in-law directly, but he still didn't feel good after speaking.

Li Xuan's expression was a little complicated: Prince, you don't need to be like this. It's because of me that Shuying changed her fate.

He is not a straight man, how can he not understand the reason why Ao Shuying has evil thoughts?

If he thought that the relationship between Ao Shuying and him was more of a 'friend' before, he doesn't think so now.

As expected, there is no pure friendship between men and women in this world.

Besides, what I'm doing now is just delaying her inner demon's calamity, and it will only become more severe in the future.

Ao Mengsheng thought that this was indeed a troublesome matter, but a ready-made solution was right in front of him.

As the saying goes, it is better to clear things up than to block them.

As long as Ao Shuying makes up for the flaws in her soul, everything can be solved.

Actually, Ao is not worried about my sister-in-law, but is more worried about you waiting for the championship.

Ao Mengsheng looked at him with concern in his eyes: He turns into a demon, but he is very vindictive. If you ruin its good deeds this time, you will probably be targeted.

Li Xuan just smiled and waved his sleeves dismissively: If it dares to come, I won't ask for it.

Anyone in the Confucian lineage who can obtain the true inheritance will not take him as a demon, and Li Xuan is no exception.

After hearing this, Ao Mengsheng looked at the glazed air pillar around Li Xuan and his heart with surprise.

If I read it correctly just now, your Seven-Orificed Exquisite Heart, Champion, is about to be formed, right?

Li Xuan subconsciously touched his heart, and then raised a smile at the corner of his lips: It's almost over, it's just a recent thing.

Isn't it that he has been teaching tirelessly in the past two months to accelerate the growth of the 'Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart'?

The day when the 'Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart' is completed will also be the moment when he steps into the fourth gate.

For him, that would be a transformation that was not inferior to advancing to heaven.

That's great! Ao Mengsheng was even more satisfied. He nodded: When the champion is promoted to the fourth sect, I, the East China Sea Dragon Palace, will have a surprise for you.

After Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He didn't know the intention of Ao Mengsheng's words. What was the 'surprise'?

Xuan Chenzi, who was watching quietly next to him, had a clear understanding of Ao Mengsheng's thoughts.

He was keenly aware that Ao Mengsheng's attitude towards Li Xuan was actually very different. In the past, this person tried his best to bring Li Xuan and Ao Shuying together, and did not force them if they could not be together.

But now, if Ao Shuying is not with Li Xuan, he may not survive the calamity of the Great Heaven Realm. The mentality of the Prince of the East China Sea is naturally very different from before.

Xuan Chenzi's face remained calm, but he was thinking in his heart that he would have to report the news to Xue Yunrou when he turned around.

Lest his junior sister think that she is just a breadwinner by Li Xuan's side.

Ao Shuying's body transformed at an extremely fast rate. At this time, her followers numbered in the millions, which provided her with a steady stream of incense. These human wishes are helping her to continuously transform her physical body.

While Li Xuan and Ao Mengsheng were chatting, Ao Shuying's dragon body had been replaced with a layer of dark golden scales.

The next moment, she soared into the air and penetrated into the clouds.

As Ao Shuying's dragon body swept across, the thunder and dark clouds in the sky were swept away in an instant.

Originally, the sky above the capital was covered by dark clouds, and a heavy rain was brewing. But as Ao Shuying's dragon body rolled, large beams of sunlight shone down instantly.

At this time, in the street, Shui Deyuanjun's temple blessing also had people lift the statue again and continue to parade on the street. The people who had dispersed before and wanted to take shelter from the rain also gathered back together. They followed the statue and smiled happily. UU reading

Li Xuan looked at Ao Shuying's strong figure in the clouds and was slightly distracted. It was not until a long time later that he looked back.

At this time, he noticed that Dongfang Liang was also looking at Ao Shuying with frowning eyebrows.

Li Xuan laughed: What? Are you envious? It's a pity that the heavens have rules, otherwise I would be happy to see your promotion.

Ao Shuying is a god, the god of incense under the control of Jinque Tianzhang, so he has the opportunity to be promoted to the middle heaven position in this world.

However, Dongfang Liang was bound by the rules of heaven and was regarded as a traitor by the heaven. He was afraid that he would never have the chance to be promoted to Zhongtian.

Dongfang Liang's eyes were indeed slightly dim, and his expression was green and black.

But at this time, Lu Qiluo, who was hiding in Li Xuan's body, suddenly interrupted: It's not without a chance. You can use Wenshan Seal to absorb him.

Li Xuan's sword eyebrows suddenly raised slightly.

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