Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 594 I was wronged

After a few breaths, Li Xuan was driven out by Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan in great embarrassment.

Xue Yunrou even swung the whip held in Dugu Biluo's hand angrily, and it hit Li Xuan on the head.

Chang Yingying, Queen of Ba She, could not help but show a strong sense of disappointment on her face.

Then she looked at Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan coldly: You hateful women, if you can't capture a man's heart, are you going to stop others from having children together? My love with Xuan Lang is as strong as gold, and we will remain together until death. , you can’t stop us from being together!”

She thought that since Li Xuan's desire for her was beyond the pale, the only resistance between them could be these jealous human women.

No wonder Li Xuan never talked to her after they entered Beijing. It must be the fault of the women around Li Xuan.

The three girls present had different expressions after hearing this. Dugu Biluo's face looked strange, and she tried hard not to laugh out loud, while Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan's faces were blue and black, and there was an evil spirit lingering around them.

Xue Yunrou took three deep breaths before suppressing the anger in her chest. She asked with a cold face: Do you know where the Xuanhei Deer King is? Tell him where he is hiding, and I can let you go.

King Xuanheilu? Who is that? Oh~ are you talking about Lu Chen?

Queen Ba Snake blinked and realized who they were talking about, King Xuanheilu.

She immediately sneered and turned her head to look away: What do you think of me, Chang Yingying? We monsters don't like treachery like you humans. Although Lu Chen couldn't get what I wanted this time, he did things He's still working hard, I won't betray him...

Unless Xuan Lang and I have a child, I will never speak. If you can make me say even half a word, I will lose!

Luo Yan couldn't bear it anymore. She rubbed her forehead: Where is the whip? This snake really needs a whip.

I have the whip here. Li Xuan stuck his head in: As I said, she should be whipped first -

Before he finished speaking, he ran away with his head in his arms, and a lot of things were thrown out behind him.

It wasn't until Li Xuan ran out of the yard that he stopped.

These women are so unreasonable.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look back speechlessly. He just wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Xuanhei Deer King as soon as possible.

Do Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan regard him as a slutty stallion who loves dragons when he sees them, snakes when he sees them, and ghosts when he sees them? This is really unreasonable!

Li Xuan walked out angrily, and then saw the maid sent by Mrs. Jiang.

This was sent by Jiang Yunqi to tell him to go to the Jiangnan Medical Center next door to see the condition of brother Xue Yunrou.

This case was so difficult that even Jiang Yunqi was helpless and could only use the power of acupuncture and medicinal stones to keep his nephew alive.

But the only way to truly solve brother Xue Yunrou's serious illness is to forcibly remove the 'Void Sword Intent' from his soul.

The only person in the world who can do this is Li Xuan, who possesses the 'Void Sword Intent' and possesses the 'Laureate Aura'.

Xue Yunrou's elder brother's name is Xue Bai. Li Xuan once heard Xue Yunrou talk about her brother, who was full of energy and vigor a few years ago. He was a young man with impressive appearance, confidence and sunshine.

Moreover, at such a young age, this man was awarded the title of Jinshi, one of the top eight in the second class, and was considered to be an unparalleled genius in the Confucian sect.

If it weren't for Li Zhetian, Xue Bai might have been promoted to a bachelor's degree in Hanlin at this time, and even had the fourth Confucianism and Taoism.

But the Xue Bai that Li Xuan saw was already as skinny as firewood, with a haggard face and a bloodless face. Only through the facial features that are 70% similar to Xue Yunrou's, we can see a bit of Xue Bai's handsomeness and elegance before he was seriously injured.

Xue Bai was lying on the couch unable to get up, and it was even difficult to breathe.

However, after seeing Li Xuan, he still forcibly sat up and saluted Li Xuan uprightly: Student Xue Bai has met the protector.

Brother Xue, there is no need to be like this. Li Xuan hurriedly walked over and supported Xue Bai: Brother Xue can just call me to be humble. Don't we brothers need to be so polite?

Xue Bai couldn't help but laugh. He knew about the ambiguous relationship between Xue Yunrou and Li Xuan.

When he first heard about it, he was very angry. He wanted to draw his sword and go to settle the score with Li Xuan. Now - he is still very angry.

However, Xue Yunrou had already entered Jitian Master's Mansion, so his resentment had faded away.

Xue Yunrou will never be able to get married in her life. Since she likes Li Xuan, she might as well go with her wishes.

I am paying homage to my contemporary great scholar in Neo-Confucianism. I am paying homage to you, Lord Protector, for your knowledge.

Xue Bai shook his head and said with admiration: I have read Qianzhi's Yuan Dao, Sacrifice to Han Changli and Gewu. Especially Gewu, I love it deeply. If I could read this article, I would Why were you injured to this extent by Li Zhetian in the first place?

Li Xuan thought to himself that Xue Yunrou's evaluation of Xue Bai was really not bad at all. He was just a study nerd and a bookworm.

Everyone is lying on the bed, almost dead, and they still don't forget to read.

If this person does not die, his soul can be fully restored, and his cultivation in Confucianism and Taoism will not be low in the future.

He didn't answer anymore, but grabbed Xue Bai's hand and looked at it carefully.

Mrs. Xue, who was sitting next to her, immediately felt her heart in her throat. She began to pay close attention and observe Li Xuan's face.

At this time, Xue Bai was coughing and talking nonchalantly: I know my injury best. The void sword intention is inseparable from my spirit. How difficult is it to recover? Qianzhi You don't really need to bother.

To be honest, Xue has already seen it. If a man dies, he will die, so why should he be afraid? There is no point in living like this. I just can’t bear my mother’s sadness and I don’t want my relatives to be sad, so——”

Shut up! Xiaoxuan is treating you, so don't talk!

Mrs. Xue glared at Xue Bai coldly, and then asked Li Xuan cautiously: Xuan'er, are you sure?

Jiang Yunqi and Mrs. Jiang, who were sitting on the other side, also looked sideways at Li Xuan.

After Li Xuan opened it, he couldn't help but admire: Brother Xue's heroic cultivation is amazing, and his condition is better than I thought. If there is Xuanlu essence and blood, Brother Xue will definitely be able to recover as before. Maybe -

He hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jiang Yunqi: Please help me, uncle, and use the Thirty-six Needles of God's Gang on him once.

This Shengang thirty-six needle is a secret acupuncture method taught by the Jiang family, specially used to sort out the vitality and stabilize the soul.

Okay! Jiang Yunqi didn't hesitate at all. He flicked his sleeves, and golden needles came out of his sleeves one by one.

Xue Bai was unable to make any reaction as those golden needles were driven into his body.

The master of Heavenly Position is so awesome at acupuncture, he can complete the acupuncture process almost in a snap of his fingers.

Li Xuan grabbed Xue Bai's wrist, filling the room with his magnificent aura.

Xue Bai was stimulated by the golden needles and began to become energetic.

He originally wanted to say something, but he heard Li Xuan say in a condensed voice: Brother Xue, please recite Sacrifice to Han Changli!

Xue Bai had no choice but to recite the article Sacrifice to Han Changli sentence by sentence.

An ordinary man can be a teacher for hundreds of generations, and one word can be used as a law for the world. All of these are related to the transformation of heaven and earth, and are related to the prosperity and decline of fortune——

Mencius said: 'I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring Qi.' This Qi resides in the ordinary and is blocked between heaven and earth. When encountering it unexpectedly, the princes will lose their nobility, Jin and Chu will lose their wealth, and good and ordinary people will lose their power. Its wisdom, Ben and Yu lose its courage, Yi and Qin lose its argument——

Gradually, Xue Bai's expression moved slightly, and his eyes showed a bit of throbbing.

He found that Li Xuan was guiding his majestic energy and forcibly integrating it - no! It is devouring, devouring the void sword intention left by Li Zhetian!

The key is that Li Xuan succeeded.

Xue Bai felt that a ray of void sword intent in his soul had gradually fallen into the control of his will.

Jiang Yunqi's eyes also showed a glimmer of light: Do you want him to integrate Li Zhetian's sword intention?

Li Xuan immediately smiled and said: Although Li Zhetian is not very good, his Divine Sword of Nothingness is still very good in intention, especially suitable for us Confucianists.

Brother Xue's soul has been entangled and confronting the Void Sword for many years, and it is almost a symbiotic relationship. His understanding of the Void Sword may be inferior to that of Li Zhetian himself in this world.

I want to rather drive it away. It would be better to swallow it. This will not only restore Brother Xue to his original state, but can even make up for the gaps in his practice in recent years.

He thought that if the situation allowed, the ray of sword intent that Li Zhetian left in Wuqu Pojun could be given to Xue Bai to try.

This is a good strategy! While Jiang Yunqi was thinking carefully, he was also carefully sensing the changes in Xue Bai's body: It is feasible, but the effect of Thirty-Six Needles of the God's Gang alone is not enough, he must be The will of the soul, and the confidence to inspire it to its peak state——

Just as he was saying this, he saw Xue Bai's whole body shrank again, and some of the blood on his face faded away again.

This is the effect of his Thirty-six Needles of God's Gang, which is already fading.

Li Xuan nodded slightly and put away his glazed aura: Not only do we need more advanced acupuncture techniques, but also better elixirs, and the essence and blood of the Xuanhei Deer King are also indispensable.

He then looked at Mrs. Xue: Don't worry, aunt, UU Reading As long as the essence and blood of King Xuanhei Deer are obtained, Brother Xue's injury from the sword will be easily healed.

Mrs. Xue's eyes immediately turned red and she bowed deeply to Li Xuan: My child's life depends entirely on Xiaoxuan.

Mrs. Xue was so excited that she couldn't help herself, and her words even trembled.

Mrs. Xue had long since given up hope for her eldest son, she only wanted to be able to watch Xue Bai and spend the rest of his life in peace.

But the talisman passed to her by Xue Yunrou yesterday made Mrs. Xue feel as if she was in a dream, and she suspected that she was in a dream.

It wasn't until this moment that her mood settled down a bit.

Auntie, there is no need to be like this! Li Xuan quickly avoided it and said with a wry smile: Brother Xue's business is my business, and my nephew will do his best.

Even if it was just for Yun Rou, he had to do it beautifully. What's more, in addition to Xue Bai, Yu Hongshang and Emperor Jingtai's father and daughter are also looking forward to the mysterious black deer king.

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