Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 600 Li Xuan is not doing his job properly

When Li Xuan received the imperial edict from Emperor Jingtai, he was not surprised at all.

After all, the momentum created by Yiwang Yu Jian Shenxue is already huge, and Takatani Shanghong is also adding fuel to the fire.

Even Chen Xun and Shaobao Yu Jie sent people to ventilate the situation privately, hoping that Li Xuan would take over the Golden Knife case for the sake of national stability.

For a moment, there was an atmosphere in the court that said, If Li Xuan doesn't come out, what will happen to the people?

Li Xuan just sighed secretly, thinking that this troublesome matter would be handed over to him after all.

Li Xuan asked Li Dalu to take the imperial edict to the ancestral hall for worship, and then asked the eunuch Wang Chuanhua, the leader of the governor who delivered the edict to him: Besides the edict, does your Majesty have any instructions?

Wang Chuanhua immediately clasped his hands in his fists: Your Majesty only asked this old slave to tell you that all you have to do is submit the case to the judge. As stated in the edict, all champions can decide on their own in the Golden Sword Case.

All personnel from the Embroidery Guard, Neijishi Factory, Sanfa Department, Senglu Department, Daolu Department and other institutions can be freely called by the champion. . Those of rank three or below in Chaozhong only need to be involved in the case, and the champion can capture them directly without asking for instructions.

Any minister of civil and military affairs in the DPRK who obstructs the handling of the case will be regarded as treason. The champion should just act with peace of mind. This imperial edict was drafted by the cabinet.

——Under normal circumstances, the cabinet would never have agreed to Emperor Jingtai granting Li Xuan such authority.

But at this time, Gao Gu and others only asked Emperor Jingtai to agree to Li Xuan's investigation as soon as possible, so they didn't bargain much.

Li Xuan's eyes were already shining with a hint of joy: Please tell your Majesty for me that I will do my best to deal with this golden sword case and will never disappoint Your Majesty.

Wang Chuanhua was surprised as to why he used the word within one's ability, but then he thought to himself that the champion must have used the wrong word.

The dignified Neo-Confucianism and Dharma protection, and the execution of famous teachings actually made such a mistake——

Then he returned to the palace with a little joy, and followed Li Xuan's words to reply to the emperor.

Wang Chuanhua also had high expectations for the champion, and hoped that the golden knife case could be settled as soon as possible, so as to avoid panic among people both inside and outside the court, and to make those rebellious officials and traitors pay the price as soon as possible.

But less than fifteen days later, Wang Chuanhua couldn't help but feel confused. He was called to the imperial court again by the emperor because of the golden knife case presided over by Li Xuan.

Emperor Jingtai asked Zuo Daoxing, the commander of the Xiuyi Guard, with a strange expression on his face: You mean that after Li Xuan took over the case, he did nothing? He didn't even interrogate a single criminal, and he didn't even open the file?

Exactly! Zuo Daoxing's expression was very strange: As a humble official, I can confirm that the case file was still the same as it was when Lu Qianhu sent it to him. It has accumulated a layer of dust.

Emperor Jingtai frowned and asked in confusion: What about Ruan Lang, the eunuch in charge of Nangong? What is the state of this person?

Zuo Daoxing gave a wry smile and replied in an accurate manner: This person was imprisoned in our Xiuyi Guard, and the Champion Marquis has never seen him. However, the Champion Marquis has given instructions to us to guard him carefully and never let him go. If something happens to him, no one should be allowed to come into contact with him.

Champion Hou even hired famous doctors from the Jiangnan Medical Center to nurse him back to health, and also ordered a lot of good medicine from the Royal Medical Supervision Bureau. He is much better now than he was a dozen days ago.

Just before Li Xuan took over, Ruan Lang had been tortured to the point of dying by Lu Zhong, the embroidered garment owner.

The eunuch in charge of Nangong was very tough. Although he was tortured in various ways, he never let go.

Ruan Lang not only claimed that the 'Big Sun Golden Rainbow Sword' was framed by Lu Zhong, but he also insisted on refusing to admit that Emperor Zhengtong ordered him to contact internal and external ministers.

Even if Xiuyiwei asked an expert to search for Ruan Lang's soul, nothing would be gained.

They tortured Ruan Lang until he was about to die.

This is also the reason why Emperor Jingtai agreed to hand over the case to Li Xuan for trial.

Just because there has been no decisive breakthrough in this golden knife case so far.

Although Qianhu Lu Zhong, the Xiuyi Guard who presided over the case, had obtained confessions from several of Ruan Lang's trusted servants ten days ago, he could not escape the suspicion of being beaten into a crime.

Therefore, there is also a certain amount of suspicion in the foreign countries now.

Emperor Jingtai frowned and was confused for a moment: Li Qing has always been smart, and the way he handles cases is often clever and unexpected. He must have other methods, and there is no need to interrogate the criminal.

I don't know about this. Zuo Daoxing shook his head: But Your Majesty, I am paying close attention to this case, so I have been keeping an eye on the champion.

As far as I know, during these fifteen days, Li Xuan spent half of his time giving lectures during the day and half of his time with women. His real body spent two days practicing Taoism with Xue Yunrou, two days working on cases with Luo Yan, and two days patrolling the Yellow River with Ao Shuying, dealing with criminal dragons as the dragon clan's enforcer;

He also discussed state affairs with the princess seven times, five of which he was so focused on discussing state affairs that he lost track of time and had to stay to have dinner with Her Highness——

Zuo Daoxing noticed that Emperor Jingtai's expression was a little strange, and he immediately changed his tone: In short, judging from the whereabouts of Champion Hou, he shouldn't have any time to investigate the case. As for his second soul, he spends most of his time in Zhongjun Break Official affairs are handled within the official yamen and the Liudao Division.

Emperor Jingtai became even more confused, thinking what the hell is my champion doing?

Is it because people have slacked off after repeatedly performing extraordinary feats? Or is it floating? Is there anything else besides women in his mind now?

Emperor Jingtai couldn't help but think deeply: So what about the Queen Mother and the Emperor? What is the situation in these two places? Have they relaxed control?

That's not true. Zuo Daoxing said thoughtfully: Not only did it not happen, Champion Hou actually strengthened the blockade of Nangong and Ciqing Palace. After taking over the case, Champion Hou's second soul would find time to go there almost every day Nangong and Ciqing Palace, the time is uncertain.

In addition, the champion has recently recruited a pseudo-celestial level magic cultivator named 'Lu Xue'. He wants to find a minister who can help him apply for the identity of a hundred households of embroidered clothes guards, and he will be a permanent resident in the future. Responsible for guarding at Ciqing Palace.

Lu Xue?

Emperor Jingtai's face became even more strange. He then laughed and said: Since he is a master who pretends to be a heavenly master, then the position of a mere hundred households is too humiliating. You can give him the position of deputy of a thousand households.

Then Emperor Jingtai turned his attention to Wang Chuanhua, the eunuch leader of the Imperial Guard: Exactly what the champion said to you back then, please tell me clearly.

Wang Chuanhua was confused, but he still said respectfully: The champion said that he will do what he can and will never let His Majesty down.

Do your best and you will never let me down?

Emperor Jingtai murmured, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter.


At the same time, in the Forbidden City, Takagu, the second assistant, said categorically in the study room of Wenyuan Pavilion: What a champion! He just wants to drag this case out, and he has never thought about it. Go check it out!”

At this time, Xiao Ci, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, was also there. He half-closed his eyes, and then he exclaimed: Wonderful! It's really wonderful!

Also present was the Minister of Industry, who responded slowly and was asking in a deep voice: Excuse me, what's so wonderful about this?

The wonderful thing is that prolonging this case will be of great benefit to the imperial party.

Xiao Ci, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, then sighed: Now that the Queen Mother and the Emperor are locked up in the deep palace, unable to move, and until the case is not clear, we and other orthodox old officials can only swallow their voices and accept humiliation. This is very difficult for the emperor. , isn’t it an excellent result?

And even if the truth is found out, what good will it do to the emperor? From now on, let the party of Prince Xiang and Wang Wen dominate the court? Then how should the emperor deal with the queen mother and the emperor? Do you want to bear the reputation of killing your mother and brother? But if he doesn't want to kill, he just needs to be more strict. Isn't it the same as now?

The key is - Tsusuke Takatani said with a wry smile: I actually feel that if this situation continues, it is not unacceptable. At least it will be better than the final situation of death and defeat.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He gradually understood: But he can't last long if he does this, right? There is no result in the golden knife case. How can there be no one in the matter between the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Six Ministries to give to the Queen Mother? Speak to the Emperor?

Xiao Ci, the Secretary of the Ministry of Revenue, shook his head: The question is His Highness Prince Xiang, how can he allow the Emperor and the Queen Mother to escape from this case? He will definitely not allow the Golden Knife Case to be overturned. But if His Highness Prince Xiang intends to take over the case, Then we-

We will never allow this to happen!

A look of helplessness appeared on Gao Gu's face: This is his cleverness. Before the balance is broken, there will never be a conclusion to this golden knife case.

Also, now I kind of regret the imperial edict I drafted half a month ago. Now I just hope that the champion can take the overall situation into consideration and not abuse this power.

Xiao Ci, the Minister of Household Affairs, couldn't help but change his color when he heard this.

And just when he was about to say something, a chamberlain from the Imperial Palace came in and said, This slave is here to inform some of the elders on the orders of His Royal Highness, the Imperial Palace, of the memorials that have been accumulated since August. I hope the cabinet can clarify everything within five days.

Gao Gu and Xiao Ci couldn't help but look at each other, knowing that this was the reminder from the Princess of the Prison Kingdom.

The Golden Knife case has come to an end for the time being and will not endanger any of them. The ministers in the cabinet can concentrate on handling government affairs and stabilizing the court.

At the same time, in Liang Heng's Wuqinghou Mansion.

The man in the iron mask was tapping his forehead with his fingers as he had a headache: Sorry, UU Reading I didn't expect that in the quarrel between snipe and clam, the cabinet would make such an omission. Now this champion is right Our threat is probably ten times greater than before.”

Liang Heng looked at him in confusion: Mr. Tie, why do you say this?

The Iron Masked Man smiled bitterly: I have read the report from the General Affairs Department of the imperial court. The decree issued by the imperial court is that during the handling of the case, all personnel of the Embroidery Guard, Internal Police Department, Sanfa Department, Senglu Department, Daolu Department and other agencies , the champion princes can freely call upon them. Those below the third rank of the court only need to be involved in the case, and the champion princes can capture them directly without asking for instructions. Any civil and military ministers in the court who obstruct the handling of the case will be regarded as treason.

When he said this, he sighed softly: This means that as long as there is no result in the Golden Knife Case, this authority will always be in his hands. This person can mobilize all the power of the Embroidery Guard and the Internal Affairs Factory, and can also use the money involved to In the name of the sword case, any civil and military minister below the third rank will be captured.

In other words, as long as Li Xuan is willing at this time, he can arrest anyone including Liang Heng, Sun Jizong and his iron-faced man and imprison him for torture without consulting the emperor and the cabinet.

His authority is as great as that of Wang Zhen in the past.

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