Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 603 Audacious Li Qianzhi

In this Synodic Dynasty, the discussion of the Golden Sword Case alone took nearly half an hour.

When all the ministers paid their dues and retreated their troops, it was time to give up. The sun was already rising outside.

Li Xuan thought that the next situation could be a little calmer. But in the end, another green-robed minister appeared, and when he opened his mouth, he was shocked.

Your Majesty! For the sake of the country, I risk my own life to ask your Majesty something. I heard that your Majesty practiced the secret method of locking the origin before ascending the throne to break through the realm of heaven, and that he is no longer able to give birth to children. Is this true?

Li Xuan was immediately startled and looked over, thinking who is this? Is he dying?

He found that the man was wearing a green robe with mandarin duck patchwork. Among the Taihe Sect, the only one who can be ranked in the palace with a seventh-grade body is the Taoist official. .

Li Xuan immediately looked at Prince Xiang. But he saw that the face of King Xiang Yu Zhanzhen also had a look of shock.

At this time, there was an uproar in the entire court, and all the courtiers were shocked.

They were shocked by the boldness of this Taoist official, and also by the emperor's practice of the 'Secret Technique of Locking the Origin'.

Emperor Jingtai's face was already flushed, his fists were clenched, and his eyes were so cold that they could kill.

Hu Xi, the Minister of Rites, also had a cold expression on his face, and walked out of the ranks of ministers with a murderous look: Where is the Han general in the palace? Why don't you take this bastard without a king or a father to me!

How dare you despise your Majesty and break the rules of my court when the Ministry of War is in trouble? Right Minister of Rites, please go out and give him thirty lashes first!

Immediately, several tall and strong warriors came out of the hall and dragged the man outside.

But the man struggled desperately: I am asking for the sake of the country! Your Majesty, Your Majesty! If the country does not have a prince, the world will be uneasy and the people will be uneasy! This year's floods and the white lotus evil evil are all warnings from the sky - —”

At this time, an alert strongman blocked the man's mouth with a sock and dragged him down.

As the man was dragged away, the sound of needle dropping could be heard throughout the hall.

And just a moment later, hundreds of courtiers came out together and knelt down in the court hall.

Your Majesty, we would like to ask your Majesty to establish a crown prince as soon as possible. In the current dynasty, only Prince Xiang is benevolent and can inherit the great rule. He will surely be able to stabilize the country and bring peace to the people both inside and outside the court!

At this time, almost everyone looked sideways at King Xiang Yu Zhanyi.

Yu Zhanzhen's face turned pale, and he took off the beam crown on his head, and then knelt down on the ground: How can I be so virtuous and capable as to be the crown prince? Your Majesty, I would like to resign from the position of Dazongzheng and return to the country of fiefdom.

At this time, more ministers came out to kneel down.

Your Majesty, I would also like to ask Prince Xiang to be the emperor's uncle.

Your Majesty! For the sake of the country, your Majesty, please invite His Royal Highness Prince Xiang to be your crown prince.

——In all the clans of the dynasty, there is no wiser person than His Highness King Xiang.

Li Xuan found that Emperor Jingtai's expression had calmed down, and his expression was noncommittal and impassive.

At this time, opposite Li Xuan, Gao Gu, Xiao Ci, Shang Hong and others also turned pale.

Wang Wen, the Minister of Rites, hesitated for a while and then stood up.

Your Majesty, I think that the proposal to establish a crown prince can be postponed, but I would like to ask your Majesty to make King Xiang the auxiliary prince to show that he is different from the other kings!

As Wang Wen finished speaking, many courtiers' expressions perked up, and more people came out.

In just a short moment, nearly a third of the more than a thousand courtiers in the court knelt on the ground.

The commotion soon spread outside the hall, and those civil and military officials below the sixth rank who were not qualified to attend the hall also knelt in the corridor.

Li Xuan sighed slightly and put the wat tablet in his hand into his sleeve.

When he went to court this time, he originally had other important matters. But judging from the current situation, there is no way to say this.

He walked out and raised his fist towards Emperor Jingtai who was sitting on the throne: Your Majesty, I recently found out that the Golden Knife case may be related to Prince Xiang. Therefore, I thought that before the case was found out, The imperial court is not suitable for discussing the establishment of a crown prince.

At this moment, Li Xuan felt King Xiang looking towards him. The wise king's eyes were as cold as a knife.

Xiao Ci, the Minister of Household Affairs, immediately brightened his eyes and asked: Young Champion, do you think that this case may have been framed by King Xiang? Do you have any evidence, Champion?

I didn't say that Prince Xiang framed him. Li Xuan shook his head: I just said that Prince Xiang was suspected of being involved in the case. In short, until I find out the truth, the imperial court's proposal to establish a crown prince needs to be suspended.

Emperor Jingtai, who was sitting on the throne, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and felt a little grateful to Li Xuan in his heart.

He didn't know whether Li Xuan said this intentionally, but Li Xuan's words greatly improved the situation he faced.

Emperor Jingtai was not unable to deal with the situation of these ministers forcing the palace, but it would inevitably require the use of force, which would leave endless consequences.

But then Emperor Jingtai thought of Yu Hongshang who was 'retreating', and he thought with peace of mind that it was right for Li Xuan to help resolve the matter.

This brat has the audacity to do this——


After the dynasty dispersed, Wang Wen, the official minister, came looking for him aggressively.

In the case of the Golden Knife, Lord Champion, you have no conclusive evidence, how dare you make baseless accusations against Prince Xiang?

Li Xuan had already expected this. He smiled and asked, How did Master Tianguan know that I have no evidence? If I tell you now, wouldn't it give King Xiang time to destroy the evidence?

After Wang Wen, the Minister of Civil Affairs, heard this, he asked in surprise: His Royal Highness King Xiang is really involved in the golden knife case?

Li Xuan was still noncommittal and refused to tell the truth: I said before that I am still investigating whether Prince Xiang is involved in the case. It is really inappropriate to discuss the throne now.

At this time, he asked again with profound meaning: I am afraid that what Master Tianguan did today is not what His Majesty would like to see.

Why don't I know this?

Wang Wen's face looked a little ugly: However, His Highness the Crown Prince has been unconscious for nearly a year, and before His Majesty ascended the throne, he did practice the secret method of locking the Yuan. If we don't take precautions now, in case something happens in the future, will we just sit back and watch the Emperor? Failed to restore the throne? I am planning for the country, the country, and the country, and I am offering sacrifices to His Majesty’s name after his death. How can I cherish this life?”

When Wang Wen said this, he sighed again: I also know that the emperor still misses the heir and the prince, so I just proposed that His Highness Prince Xiang be the auxiliary prince.

In this way, once the emperor gives birth to an heir in the future, or the prince wakes up, both the emperor and Prince Xiang will have room for change, which is beneficial to the country.

Li Xuan had nothing to say when he saw his face was cold and solemn, and his aura was as majestic as a cloud.

He could only clasp his fists: Then please be patient, Master Tianguan, and wait for Li to get to the bottom of the golden knife case.

Wang Wen frowned, and then snorted coldly: But if there is no result in the Golden Knife case, I will keep waiting like this? I can wait for you for two months. If after two months, the champion can't come up with the evidence of Prince Xiang's involvement in the case, Evidence, then the matter of assisting the prince is imperative.

He suspected that Li Xuan was not investigating the case at all, and everything he said today was just to delay time.

So after Wang Wen finished speaking, he rolled his sleeves and walked towards the Meridian Gate.

Li Xuan was not surprised. He knew that if he could not produce any conclusive evidence, the Golden Knife Case would only be able to suppress the officials for two or three months at most.


At the same time, King Xiang Yu Zhanyi had walked out of the Meridian Gate.

His complexion was green and black, his breath was cold, and he had an air of keeping strangers away.

The surrounding officials also understood that anyone who was dragged into the 'Golden Knife Case' for no reason would be in a bad mood.

Many of the ministers who participated in the invitation to establish King Xiang as the crown prince were themselves in a state of mental disorder.

King Xiang's virtue and loyalty are well-known both inside and outside the court; but the champion, Li Xuan, has a heart full of blood and courage, and is also a protector of Neo-Confucianism with flawless character.

They couldn't judge the two of them, who should they believe?

There are still many people who are in panic. They are kneeling down with the crowd today, just for the sake of speculation and to gain support.

But this undoubtedly offended the Emperor and King Yi Yu Jianshen. The key is that the champion Hou also stood up today.

This made them feel a little uneasy. Now the champion was rising like the rising sun in the court. Not only did he hold great power, he was followed by many civil and military officials. He also had great influence within the Six Daosi Division.

It is said that he can mobilize as many as ten people, making him one of the most powerful people in the world.

If the champion really intends to block this proposal, then His Highness Prince Xiang may not have any hope of aspiring to the throne. This is an extremely bad thing for them.

Prince Xiang's crown prince Yu Qiyong, who was walking beside King Xiang, also noticed the expressions of the officials around him.

With a cold face, he spoke in a secret voice: I knew that guy would fall out with my father sooner or later. Father, you helped him kill Ban Ruyi earlier, so you should have some backup.

Prince Xiang glanced at him speechlessly, thinking that it was easy for him to talk, but in the situation at that time, how should he have a backup plan?

What's more, he gained a lot from this matter.

Even killing one of the Empress Dowager's most trusted men made Li Xuan give up the idea of ​​forcing him to surrender to the country.

It should be noted that the situation at that time was different from now. At that time, he had not yet achieved great success in the court. Once he returned to his fiefdom and joined the country, he would really become a country.

Unlike now, it has become a public discussion in the court that he should succeed the emperor. Even if he is kicked back to the Xiangyang fiefdom, he can still make a comeback.

At this moment, UU Reading A familiar voice sounded in their ears: His Royal Highness, Prince Xiang, seems to be in a bad mood?

King Xiang looked sideways and found that it was his confidant Xu Yuanxian, the General Political Envoy Si You Councilor.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly: How can I be happy about today's situation?

The Champion Hou Hengdao's obstruction is indeed worth worrying about.

Xu Yuanxian frowned, but then said in a calm voice: But why don't you, Your Highness, look away? Today we still have something to gain. Now that you have become the successor emperor, your unification has been recognized by the courtiers.

If Li Xuan cannot produce conclusive evidence within a few months, then His Highness will be the auxiliary prince. With the emperor's human nature, he will definitely give in to his ministers. If something happens to the emperor in the future, as long as someone rises up and shouts, the ministers will respond and support His Highness on the throne——

This is all I can think about now. King Xiang smiled bitterly, and then looked back behind him with stern eyes: However, this champion prince makes it difficult for me to sleep and eat well. This golden knife case continues to drag on. It’s not good for me.”

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