Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 64 Living in Hell

The shock from the underground only lasted for about three minutes and then stopped. Li Xuan and the other two had no chance to participate in the whole process. Their force is too weak, so they can only strike at the outside and prevent underground evil cultivators from escaping.

However, the actions of Jiang Hanyun and others should have been very smooth. Soon after, the blood-stained Ma successfully escorted a group of children out. Three hundred and twenty-five in total, all unscathed.

From Ma Chenggong's words, Li Xuan also learned the story of this battle.

There are thirty-four evil cultivators in total, and none of them are lower than the fifth-level tower realm. Including Xue Wuya, who is at the ninth-level tower realm, there are four cultivators who opened the third door. This time they were all captured. ! In addition, there was a corpse king at the tenth level of the tower, who was suppressed by the manager.

Ma Chenggong's expression was filled with admiration and admiration: Our new deputy hall master is really powerful. With just two palms, he blasted Xue Wuya until he was seriously injured and dying, and he also ensured that his palm power did not affect the surrounding three feet. This His abilities are probably not inferior to those of the General Manager. I heard that the higher-ups intend to let this person take over the position of Suzaku Hall Master. If this happens, it will be a blessing for us.

Li Xuan thought to himself that Qiu Qianqiu was indeed powerful. The US military's tactical nuclear bombs could be fired or retracted, but Qiu Qianqiu could control them freely and use them repeatedly - this was a walking miniature nuclear bomb. No, a bomber with a bomb load of more than a thousand bombs was used. to describe it more appropriately.

Today, this person also made him deeply realize how huge the gap in force between himself and these top monks was.

Li Xuan didn't have the idea of ​​'acting like a real man'. He just needed to have the power to protect himself in this world, and he also had to get rid of the threat to his life from the female ghost in red.

However, according to Le Qianqian, if one day he no longer has to worry about the evil power of female ghosts, he will be almost at the level of Qiu Qianqiu.

Next, Li Xuan and others were instructed by Ma Chenggong to escort the children to Dushan Temple for resettlement.

This Taoist temple is currently empty, has enough beds, and has all kinds of daily necessities in the kitchen and warehouse, making it suitable for housing these children.

Although so many people have died in the temple and living here is a bit shabby, Liu Daosi can't find a better place at the moment. Moreover, there will be personnel from Liudaosi stationed here in the next few days, so there is no need to worry about the evil spirits.

What makes Li Xuan distressed is that these rescued children are very well-behaved, even so well-behaved that it makes people feel heartbroken.

They were like frightened deer waiting to be slaughtered, looking at the people of Liudaosi with timid, guarded, yet willing eyes. No matter what Li Xuan ordered, these children would obey obediently.

When these children were given a bath and changed into clean clothes, Li Xuan discovered that not only were they skinny, but they also had large bruises and pinholes on their bodies.

This must have been done by drawing blood, which is a common method used by those evil cultivators. They use children as blood jars to sacrifice and refine evil magic weapons. Until no good blood can be drawn out, they will directly refine their souls.

Ma Chenggong sighed softly and walked out the door: I'll go to Zhuque Hall and ask two doctors to come and take a look at them.

Li Xuan reminded from behind: Ask them to bring some good medicine, don't worry about money. Then hire some chefs from outside to cook some delicious food for these children in the past few days to replenish their bodies.

Ma Chenggong nodded and walked out without saying a word. He knew that although it would be extremely expensive, it would not require money from a poor man like him.

The four people in Li Xuan's group are all wealthy people who spend money without blinking an eye.

And when Ma Chenggong left, Zhang Yue couldn't help but said sarcastically: Is this how Liu Daosi usually guards Nanjing City? More than 900 children disappeared silently, and there are more than 300 A child was locked underground for more than ten days and no one knew about it!

Le Qianqian immediately glared at Zhang Yue: You think we want to? Do you know how many evil spirits there are in this world? Endless, countless! And how many people do we have in the Six Dao Division? Only more than 40,000 in total. Even if they are all like Ma Duwei. If you are capable, you can be foolproof? Except for you second-generation ancestors who are messing around, do you see any of us in the Six Daosi Division who are free? Do you know that these days, the Six Daosi Division has been busy trying to find the murderer of the blood sacrifice case? What happened? What qualifications do you, Zhang Yue, have to say these things?

In the impressions of Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai, she had always been timid and timid, but at this moment, the girl roared like a lioness, leaving Zhang Yue stunned for a moment. : Speaking of which, aren't you also from the Six Daosi Division? But what were you doing while we were patrolling the streets around the clock to investigate the case? You were joking with the girls in the brothel and drinking flower wine!

Zhang Yue's old face couldn't help but turn red, and his lips were so tight that he couldn't speak. Peng Fulai also had a sly look on his face, looking around. Le Qianqian's words swept him in too.

Li Xuan's face was as cold as iron: Shut up!

Le Qianqian was a little afraid of him for some reason. After hearing this, she immediately shrank and said no more.

At this time, Li Xuan glared at Zhang Yue coldly: Taishan, do you know that this year has not yet entered autumn, UU Reading twelve people in our Suzaku Hall have died? The former commander of Ming Youdu , also died two months ago after fighting evil spirits. And Lao Ma, he is usually very busy, and has never been home in the past ten days since the incident. You are the one who enjoys a comfortable life relying on Liu Daosi , what qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks?

Zhang Yue was speechless, he opened his mouth, and then punched the wall next to him, making a big hole in it: I just can't bear to see these children, I feel heartbroken, uncomfortable, and full of stomachache. of fire.”

Li Xuan was a little surprised. Zhang Taishan has always been careless and heartless. Would wealthy second-generation officials like them care about the lives of children from poor families? Can you not stand the injustice in this world?

We couldn't do anything about those who were already dead, but fortunately these children were rescued.

Le Qianqian's impression of Zhang Yue has obviously changed, and her tone softened a lot: Actually, you don't have to be too sad. Things like this happen every year in Dajin, and there are quite a lot of them. The more you see it, the more you see it - —”

She felt that there was something wrong with this kind of advice, so she quickly changed her voice and said, The captain has sent someone to notify the family members. Presumably, their parents will come to pick them up soon.

Peng Fulai twitched the corners of his lips and sneered: Pick them up? What if they are taken back? The ship is the coldest and wettest. Those who have injured their bodies like them may not survive. Even if they survive, the girl's length When you grow up and become a boat prostitute, a man also works hard all his life and is squeezed to death by the government. How is this different from living in hell? It is just living.

Le Qianqian's face turned pale and she stopped talking.

Li Xuan couldn't help but frowned and fell into deep thought.

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