Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 607 Decisive outcome

Li Xuan originally thought that the golden sword case in his hand could suppress King Xiang and his ministers for two to three months.

But the fact is that in less than a month, the DPRK and the Central Government were already in an uproar, impeaching Li Xuan's corpse, and incompetently handling the case.

The eunuchs in the inner palace prison were like a bunch of mad dogs, catching and biting the gang members around Li Xuan.

After Li Xuan forced the Fusang people to submit, he no longer interfered with the 'Kanhe Trade', but the battle between him and the internal officials continued and became more and more intense.

These internal servants have been severely weakened. In the past two months, the eunuchs, young eunuchs, and several officials of the eunuchs have been killed one after another by Li Xuan and Zuo Daoxing.

The rest of the people were miserable and fearful. Not only did he try every means to give them eye drops in the emperor's ears, but he also used his connections from outside the court to attack Li Xuan and all the courtiers who were close to Li Xuan.

In Li Xuan's eyes, these servants are actually not a problem.

In the past two months, Zuo Daoxing went to the inner treasury of the palace to bring back 6.5 million taels just by ransacking his house.

Emperor Jingtai was originally upset because of the proposal to establish King Xiang. After hearing about the corruption of internal officials and prison officials, he became even more upset. .

The purchase price of an egg is as high as ten taels of silver, and the purchase price of a pound of ordinary dragon's beard noodles is as high as eighty taels - only people from the inner government prison can do this.

No matter how ignorant Emperor Jingtai was of the sufferings of the world, he also knew that his money had been cheated.

This made Emperor Jingtai furious. Since Taizong, these officials and supervisors have become increasingly rampant and do not know how to restrain themselves. At least 30 million taels of silver in the inner treasury fell into private hands.

Not to mention, the illegal income of the internal officials from the Kanhe trade, as well as the exploitation of imperial merchants.

According to Zuo Daoxing, these chamberlains have lost their sacred hearts, and the next step is to wait for the completion of the accounting and then wait to die.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if the people in the inner official prison are backed by the eunuch Qian Long, the eunuch and eunuch, even if they try their best, it will be difficult to hurt them.

It would be even more difficult for them to shake Emperor Jingtai's trust in Zuo Daoxing.

Although Emperor Jingtai had the kindness of a woman, his ears were not soft.

As for Li Xuan, he never relied on the emperor's favor to gain a foothold in the court.

But as King Xiang's forces got involved, the situation was completely different.

The offensive they launched was like a violent wave, one after another, continuous.

By December 27, twenty-nine civil and military officials had been criticized and impeached.

Among them, only six were directly arrested and imprisoned, but three of them resigned, and six reported being ill at home and wrote letters of self-defense.

These Qingliu people have a huge problem, that is, they cherish their feathers.

Most of the criticisms made by King Xiang's people were based on rumors and there was no substantial evidence.

But these people thought it was a great humiliation for their character to be questioned, so they simply gave up their jobs and wanted to wait for the court to prove their innocence.

Fortunately, Li Xuan and the others also responded well and minimized the losses.

Quan Dingtian was in charge of the General Affairs Department, and all memorials in the court had to go through his hands.

Quan Dingtian adheres to the word drag and delays all impeachment memorials criticizing Li Xuan's party as much as possible and withholds them as much as possible.

Or find out the errors in the words and sentences of the memorial, and then return them to their original place.

He is a gentleman, and he originally disdained to use this official method.

But the King of Xiang, Yu Zhanyang, made Quan Dingtian really angry. After mid-December, he used all his methods to almost eliminate his two deputy envoys.

In particular, Xu Yuanxian, the confidant of King Xiang, the General Political Envoy Siyou Councilor, could not touch the impeachment memorials for half a month.

Quan Dingtian used the excuse of busy New Year affairs and redistributed the affairs in charge of the two deputy envoys, making Xu Yuanxian temporarily responsible for the account books, congratulatory forms, etc. inherited from various places. Things are messy and busy, but they don't matter.

Wei Zhen, the censor of Zuoqiandu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, tried his best to run for several of his colleagues who were imprisoned.

He also adheres to the word procrastination and does his best to delay the case handling process.

Just postpone the trial of these people's cases for a month or two, and the results will be completely different.

Li Xuan had no intention of covering up shortcomings, but he was absolutely unwilling to sit back and watch his colleagues be destroyed by party strife.

Fortunately, at the end of last year, Dali Temple was cleaned up only once. Currently, the highest judicial authority in the Jin Dynasty is still dominated by the imperial party.

Yu Shiyue, the Minister of Punishment, was the backbone and leader of the imperial party.

Li Xuan and Wei Zhen's face is still very easy to use at present, and they can get what they want.

Xue Bai, who was in charge of the Ministry of Industry, took up the banner of counterattack.

He pointed the finger at the current governor of the rivers. During the Synodic Dynasty held in advance on December 27, he accused the Ministry of Industry and the river yamen of building false stories and even cutting corners on the dams built in many river sections such as the Han River and the Yellow River. It's a waste of money.

This simply stirred up a hornet's nest. The court debated the case for a full three hours that day, but ended in vain.

After the dispersion of the dynasty, the General Affairs Office received dozens of mails about Xue Bai in just half a day.

Xue Bai's move can be said to be a direct hit. He almost single-handedly attracted all the firepower of King Xiang's party, greatly reducing the pressure on the others and even forming a counterattack.

At this time, Cifu Gaogu, Xiao Ci and others were extremely wary of King Xiang, and were also worried that Li Xuan would be forced to give up the Golden Knife Case, so they used the court to help Li Xuan to deflect the incident.

By December 28, the increasingly fierce party dispute between North Korea and China came to an abrupt end.

Just because the New Year is coming next, from the 28th to the seventh day of the first lunar month, almost 90% of the departments in the court will be locked up, and the entire Jin Dynasty will be paralyzed.

Although there is a Zhengdan Dynasty on the first day of the first lunar month, it is to pay homage to the emperor's birthday. Everything must abide by the national etiquette. No one would be stupid enough to stir up trouble at this time.

New Year's Eve is Li Xuan's twentieth birthday, and it is also Yu Hongshang's birthday.

But Yu Hongshang has not shown up since she began her retreat at the end of October. She just sent a talisman letter every two days to put Li Xuan's mind at ease.

Li Xuan didn't make any big deal here. It was only at this time that many people had to report illness at home or even be arrested and imprisoned because of him.

How could Li Xuan have the nerve to celebrate his birthday in such a big way?

He didn't have the guts to celebrate his birthday and bring several girls together?

So on New Year's Eve, Li Xuan overturned again.

He tried to control time, but Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai remembered their previous lesson and stayed away from him. Li Dalu simply used official duties as an excuse to hide in Liudaosi and refused to go home.

Li Xuan was helpless and suffered another defeat. On New Year's Eve, he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, which was extremely miserable.

But now he has realized that there is nothing wrong with letting a few girls vent their anger——

It was the eighth day of the first lunar month, and with the end of the annual holiday, the smoke of gunpowder rose again in the court hall.

There are no less than 300 bullets about Li Xuan in the General Affairs Department every day. The rhetoric became increasingly fierce, and some people even directly accused Li Xuan of being a 'national traitor'.

As time went by, Li Xuan was unable to produce evidence that King Xiang was involved in the Golden Knife case. More and more courtiers in the court turned to King Xiang, and the number of bullets increased day by day.

Li Xuan himself was indifferent and didn't bother to care, but his subordinates couldn't stand it.

Especially the three backbone figures Wei Zhen, Xue Bai and Quan Dingtian, there are hundreds of articles about them every day.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Wang Wen, the official minister, also joined in.

He kept his promise and waited for Li Xuan for two full months.

Then on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, after the Manchu ministers accompanied Emperor Jingtai to offer sacrifices at the Temple of Heaven and Earth, they presented two memorials at the same time.

One impeached Li Xuan for his incompetence in handling the case, while the other recommended that Prince Xiang Yu Zhanxian be elected as the Prince Assistant and enter the cabinet to participate in government affairs.

Moreover, the memorial was submitted directly to Emperor Jingtai without going through the general affairs envoy.

By this time, Li Xuan knew that Prince Xiang's case could no longer be delayed.

Just because after the first month, more and more courtiers have been involved, many of whom are upright, honest and capable people.

If these people are affected by the King Xiang case and delay their career in the future, it will definitely not be a good thing for the court.

But on the 22nd of the first lunar month, when Li Xuan was about to attack King Xiang, Luo Yan gave him a 'surprise'.

That illusionist, I am now about 60 to 70% sure that he is hiding in this location.

As Luo Yan spoke, she looked at Li Xuan with teasing and expectant eyes: Now it depends on Li Xuan whether you have the courage to take this gamble.

Li Xuan looked at the 'map of the capital' in front of him, and the location pointed by Luo Yan with his hand was the 'Prince Xiang's Mansion'.

He only pondered for a moment before bursting into laughter: Don't be afraid, but the time will be seven days later, the first day of February, the New Year's Eve!

This was the key he had been waiting for for two months. How could he give up?

Li Xuan raised his head with cold eyes and looked outside the champion's palace: On the first day of February, I will have a showdown with that Prince Xiang.


On the early morning of the first day of February, it rained heavily in Beijing.

Li Xuan finished his training on time at the fourth quarter of Yinshi. Then he put on the bright yellow Feiyu suit that Le Qianqian had ironed for him personally. He wore the six-layered demon-subduing armor, with a pair of Great Sun Divine Swords slung around his waist, and rode on him The jade unicorn went to court.

But Li Xuan had just walked out of the Champion Hou Mansion when Xue Bai galloped over with a hurried expression.

This person's face was pale and his breath was impetuous: Something happened, Qianzhi! Some people are planning to go to the imperial examination, and some students from the Imperial College are going to Chengtianmen to kowtow at the gate. There are already 400 people kneeling in front of Chengtianmen. It is said that there are still More people are heading that way.”

Li Xuan couldn't help but look stunned. His information network spread all over the capital, and he had great influence in the Imperial College, with a large number of students.

But before that, he didn't receive any news.

Xue Bai then explained the reason: Yesterday, someone from the Imperial College held a cultural gathering in the name of a birthday, and held a grand banquet in Yongfang, Dashi, for those who came to Beijing for the Spring Festival, as well as students from the Imperial College.

The banquet lasted until late at night. Someone suddenly talked about the emptiness of the country and instigated those who were attending the banquet to go to Kouque. At that time, nearly 60% of the candidates and Imperial College students were bewitched, and then these people called on their friends, and their momentum gradually increased.

His expression was full of hatred: This should be King Xiang's handiwork. It was really unexpected. He was determined to win the position of 'Prince Assistant' proposed by Wang Wen.

Xue Bai was not worried about King Xiang succeeding, but was resentful of the wise king's methods.

Thinking that this is for personal gain will involve numerous students and students, ruining their futures.

The emperor is kind and generous by nature, but in the future, the princes of the court will inevitably look at these people who participated in the establishment of King Xiang differently.

Li Xuan was a little stunned and then calmed down: Let's go take a look first.

When they arrived at Chengtianmen, they saw a large number of Confucian scholars kneeling on the stone slab in front of Chengtianmen despite the heavy rain. The number of people had reached seven hundred. There were also many civil and military officials who were preparing to go to Chengtianmen to go to court. Beside them, they were either pointing or talking.

Li Xuan glanced at these Confucian scholars, and then rode over directly: Zhang Dan, what are you doing here?

The 'Zhang Dan' whom Li Xuan called was one of his students in the Imperial College. Because of his open-mindedness and generous nature, he was quite famous among the students of the Imperial College and was considered a leader among them.

Someone immediately stood up in the crowd. He glanced at Li Xuan with an embarrassed look, and bowed deeply to Li Xuan: Mr. Hui, we are just knocking on the door! The emperor has no heirs, and the court has no reserves. As a result, natural disasters occur frequently. , and there are even signs of comets attacking crape myrtle. This is clearly a warning from the sky, and the court cannot ignore it, otherwise there will be great harm.

So you are trying to force the imperial court to appoint Prince Xiang as the crown prince, right?

Li Xuan asked coldly, and then saw that Zhang Dan did not answer in silence, and only gave him a deep salute. Li Xuan sighed secretly, and his eyes became even colder: Take your classmates back, Prince Xiang. People with bad character and arrogant ambitions must not be used as hoards.

When the students around him heard this, they couldn't help but burst into an uproar. Some people frowned, some were surprised and doubtful, and some looked at Li Xuan angrily.

Zhang Dan was also stunned for a while, and he looked at Li Xuan hesitantly: Students heard that the Champion Marquis has a grudge against His Highness Prince Xiang, so he doesn't want to succeed Prince Xiang?

Li Xuan looked calm and said: In your eyes, Zhang Dan, am I the kind of person who harms the public out of personal hatred because of resentment?

He looked at Zhang Dan with burning eyes: How about just trusting me for one day? There will be a result in the court today. Tomorrow, if you still think that Prince Xiang can be the heir, it will not be too late to come back to the throne.

Zhang Dan's face changed from pale to pale for a moment, then he bowed deeply and said, Disciple, I obey, but at most I can only persuade half of the Imperial College students here to come back.

Li Xuan thought that even if it was only half, that would be pretty good and could save many talented people for the court.

He then rode his horse and headed straight for the Meridian Gate.

After entering the Meridian Gate, Li Xuan met Zuo Daoxing who looked anxious.

Qianzhi! Zuo Daoxing's face turned extremely ugly: I just received news that some courtiers are trying to conspire to force the palace today!

After hearing this, Li Xuan pointed to the Jinshui Bridge on the side: I've seen it, it's over there.

Just in front of the five Jinshui Bridges leading to the Gate of Supreme Harmony, some civil and military officials were unscrupulously calling friends and colleagues according to the classification of six ministries, nine temples, five prisons, and the five military governor's offices, and gathered together to discuss secretly.

The faces of those who were called over varied, some were pale, some were flushed; some were excited, while others were frightened.

Zuo Daoxing's eyes became even colder: Prince Xiang intends to reserve his throne and force the emperor to submit.

Li Xuan chuckled: Then you have to get through me first. Don't worry, he will never succeed. By the way, I will send some personal and material evidence to the palace later. You can arrange some reliable and capable people. Bring them in.

Zuo Daoxing glanced at him steadily, and the trust he had developed through long-term cooperation made him look slightly relaxed.

At this time, bursts of 'uproar' came from not far away.

His Royal Highness King Xiang!

King Xiang is a thousand years old——

Hail, Your Majesty——

In the midst of these calls, King Xiang Yuzhan, wearing a big cloak, strode forward like a dragon and a tiger.

He paused for a moment as he passed by Li Xuan, and looked sideways with a meaningful look in his eyes: Is there any progress in the champion's golden knife case?

Li Xuan clasped his fists and responded concisely: Not yet!

I also guessed the same thing. The Champion has not seriously investigated the case so far. How can there be any progress?

King Xiang Yu Zhan's face suddenly turned as dark as iron, and his tone was as cold as ice: I have always been generous, but so-called Buddhas are also angry. What do you, Li Xuan, mean by criticizing me without any basis or evidence? How long will it take before you give up?

When he said this, his voice was like a loud bell, which attracted the attention of the surrounding officials.

Then King Xiang looked at Zuo Daoxing again: When will you Xiuyi Guards be willing to release my daughter Yunhuang?

Zuo Daoxing also looked indifferent and bowed: The principal of Changning County is involved in the attack on the princess, and the suspicion has not been cleared yet.

In fact, it was no longer up to him to decide whether Yu Yunhuang would stay or go.

At this time, Yu Yunhuang was the only thing the emperor could use to undermine King Xiang's reputation. How could he be released so easily?

Suspicion? I asked you to provide solid evidence, but you don't have it.

King Xiang sneered and tapped Zuo Daoxing with his finger: Give you one more day, and I will see Yunhuang in one day. Otherwise, I will invite all the clans in the world to submit a letter asking the emperor to punish you, a treacherous villain!

After saying this, he strode into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zuo Daoxing's face suddenly became as dark as iron.

After that, all the officials entered the palace one after another. Due to the heavy rain, those officials below the fifth rank did not stay in the square, but lined up on both sides of the corridor outside the palace.

Li Xuan keenly discovered that Wei Zhen, Xue Bai and Quan Dingtian who were standing behind them were all isolated.

Around the three people, the courtiers kept a certain distance from them.

Afterwards, Emperor Jingtai also entered the palace and sat down on the throne.

He obviously knew about the courtiers' conspiracy. UU Reading His aura was extremely cold.

Just after the nine whips were fired, Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, said, If you have something to do, you will come to court, but if there is nothing to do, you will retreat. There was a sudden boom in the court hall, and more than six hundred people left their positions and knelt on the gold bricks in the center of the hall.

The courtiers outside who were of rank five or below also walked into the rain and knelt down in the rain.

They all spoke in one voice, like thunder: I respectfully request that Your Majesty, in accordance with the instructions of the celestial phenomena, appoint King Xiang as the 'Prince of Assistant Government', join the cabinet and participate in government affairs, and prepare to be the national reserve.

The emperor's face suddenly turned green and cold as iron, and he looked at Prince Xiang with sharp eyes like blades. His hands tightly grasped the armrests of the dragon chair, and veins popped out.

In the court hall, people like Chen Xun, Gao Gu, Xiao Ci, and Shang Hong all looked solemn.

King Xiang Yu Zhanyi had a look of uneasiness and fear on his face.

At this time, Li Xuan stepped out with a wat tablet in hand and saluted Emperor Jingtai: Your Majesty! I thought that the matter of establishing an 'Assistant Prince' could be slowed down a bit. Before that, I had a matter involving Prince Xiang. The major case needs to be reported to Your Majesty!

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