Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 643 Return to Master Eight

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About two moments later, everyone led by Liang Heng withdrew from Qianqing Palace.

The arrival of Xue Yunrou and Jiang Hanyun gave Qianqing Palace strong support, and the death of Cao Jixiang dealt them a heavy blow.

Under the circumstances, Liang Heng estimated that they were no longer able to break through the Qianqing Palace, so he simply evacuated from the Qianqing Palace and prepared to find other strategies.

After exiting, Liang Heng immediately swallowed a pill while breathing heavily.

The two secret techniques of 'Dragon Magic Form' and 'Transforming Dragon into Demon' consumed a huge amount of his true energy, and Liang Heng could no longer sustain it.

He didn't understand that Luo Yan, how could she maintain the ultimate method for three moments.

When the energy in his body recovered a little, Liang Heng looked at the Qianqing Palace in front of him with a gloomy expression.

At this time, he racked his brains and could not think of a way to capture the Qianqing Palace as soon as possible.

The power at the heavenly level here is already impressive, and combined with the 'Nine Cauldrons and Five Dragons Hunyuan Formation', the combat power can compete with them head-on.

The Art of War says that the way to attack a city is to surround it with ten, to attack it with five, and to fight if it is doubled - but now that both sides have equal strength, how can they attack?


At this time, the Zhengtong Emperor quietly appeared behind Liang Heng. He looked ahead with burning eyes: I can take over this place. I will personally take care of these traitors in the Qianqing Palace!

Liang Heng instantly thought that the Zhengtong Emperor was dissatisfied with him, and his face turned slightly green: Your Majesty! You——

Before he could say anything, the Zhengtong Emperor raised his hand and signaled: Listen to me! Li Xuan's Jizhou Army can enter the capital before up to 5 o'clock in the morning (five o'clock in the morning), and now the soldiers and horses at the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion are recruiting But the progress is slow. I have been thinking about this matter for a long time, so I can only entrust this matter to you.

There are also the noble generals in the capital, since that cheap servant just messed up the morale of our army with rumors. Many of them are hesitant, and I need you, General, to convince them personally.

Liang Heng's mind suddenly tightened slightly. He knew that this matter was also very important.

Those noble generals not only held a large number of servants, but also had great influence on the local guards.

Without the help of these northern generals, they would not be able to organize a sufficient army.

But this Qianqing Palace——

I told you to hand over Qianqing Palace to me. The Orthodox Emperor waved his sleeves slightly: General, you can go quickly! I don't want to have Li Xuan's army enter the capital after taking Qianqing Palace and wipe you and me out in one fell swoop.

Liang Heng immediately smiled bitterly and bowed deeply: I will go to the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion immediately and prepare to leave the city to meet the attack! Your Majesty, if it is not possible, you can wait for me to defeat Li Xuan's traitor and then solve the Qianqing Palace. In the meantime, You only need to seal off the Qianqing Palace so that Yu Hongshang and the so-called emperor's grandson cannot escape. You must not allow these two people to escape from the capital.

As long as the emperor's grandson is still alive, young masters Yu Jie and Li Xuan will still have righteousness and will never be at their mercy.

Don't worry about it, just go!

The orthodox emperor shook his head, his face calm.

When Liang Heng rode away, Emperor Zhengtong pulled out a knife and cut his wrist.

A large amount of blood sprayed out instantly, and then formed into a blood dragon and flew towards the six dark dragon guards next to him.

Qizhen, what are you doing? Queen Mother Sun was surprised and looked at him intently.

She knew that the Orthodox Emperor was sacrificing his life essence and blood to strengthen the combat power of the six Dark Dragon Guards.

At this moment, the Zhengtong Emperor lost at least one hundred and twenty years of his life.

We should fight hard, Queen Mother! An obscure meaning flashed in the eyes of the Zhengtheng Emperor: According to those imperial doctors, Jiang Yunqi can suppress Yu Qiyu's injuries at most tomorrow morning.

Once he recovers from his injuries, we will all die. Li Xuan and Jingtai, no matter where this internal and external trouble goes wrong, we will all die without a burial place!


When the battle clouds were rising again in Qianqing Palace, the nine thousand cavalry troops under Li Xuan and the 40,000 Shenji Left and Right Battalion had already passed fifty miles past Xifengkou.

Among them, the outpost cavalry has even reached Zunhua City.

Li Xuan's precautions before the war worked. He mobilized a large number of horses and dragons near Chengde in advance, and allocated all the oxcarts of Jizhou folk, just to ensure the rapid maneuverability of the Shenji Left and Right Battalion.

Many of his generals could not understand it beforehand, but now they all admired Li Xuan's foresight.

In fact, Li Xuan didn't have any predictions about this palace change in Beijing. He was just taking precautions instinctively.

The 'Palace Seizing Incident' that happened in another world has always been weighing on his heart like a huge stone.

Therefore, Li Xuan never feared to use the greatest malice to predict his opponents, and never dared to be careless in any way.

The 'Shenji Left and Right Battalion' is the strongest force in his hands. Li Xuan must ensure that this all-musketeer force can be used in any direction in the shortest possible time.

It was with the help of these horses and bullock carts, as well as the magic of the accompanying military magicians. The 'Shenji Left and Right Battalion' can gallop more than three hundred miles in one hour.

Li Xuan knew that in the Ming Dynasty in another world, those who could march eighty miles a day were rare elite soldiers. Even a Mongolian light cavalry with one person and three horses cannot travel more than 200 miles per day.

But in this world, the speed and endurance of livestock are far beyond the comparison of cattle and horses in another world.

The magician's spells can multiply their power.

The key is that during the reign of Taizu Taizong, in order to conquer the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Taizu Taizong built a large number of straight and straight roads in Jizhou and north of the Great Wall.

This made their march faster and more convenient, and many soldiers could even use the oxcart to take a break and restore their physical strength and spirit.

It is a pity that many soldiers of the Shenji Battalion are not good at riding. Most of them tie their legs to the horse and walk, otherwise the marching speed can be faster.

Just above this 'chidao' filled with torches, people and animals, Li Xuan was standing on a flying boat.

Xue Yunrou's 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle' flew to the capital, but Heavenly Master Zhang Shenye had various flying magic weapons in his hands.

This 'Qingming Shenzhou' is one of them. Its speed is not very fast, only about ten thousand miles per day, and its flying height is only a hundred meters. Kesheng has a larger space inside, with an area of ​​fifty square meters, which can accommodate Li Xuan's entire command team.

More than 120,000 troops have gathered outside Chaoyang Gate? The great nobles and generals in the capital have been 'forced' to recruit 7,000 soldiers and servants? What a forced recruitment!

Li Xuan looked at the military information sent by Luo Yan's subordinates, then sneered and clicked on the map ahead according to the lights in the flying boat: So, he is preparing to go out of the city to fight in the field. As expected, I and I The place where Liang Heng’s decisive battle took place is nearby. Tongzhou and Sanhe, and along the Chaobai River!”

Around him, many generals, including Zhang Yue, looked at the map and fell into deep thought.

Wei Zhen, the censor of Zuoqiandu, immediately asked in confusion: Why is it in the Chaobai River?

The Chaobai River is between Tongzhou and Sanhe, and to the west of Tongzhou is the capital, which is also the northernmost end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

Although Liang Heng has an arrogant and domineering personality, I have seen that he is always bold and careful when using troops. He is still more cautious in using troops.

Li Xuan explained calmly: How can this person not take precautions when he learns that I am annihilating Shuluping with 100,000 troops? He does not know the foundation of our army and will never dare to rashly engage in a decisive battle with our army. Also, Chengde victory report The news must have reached the capital, and the restoration of orthodoxy was unpopular, so people were inevitably panicked.

Even if Liang Heng could rely on the power of the northern generals to forcefully conquer the garrison troops near the capital, it would be difficult to gather military morale. Therefore, his best choice is to set up formations along the Chaobai River to prevent our army from crossing the river, or to attack halfway across the river, which allows him to avoid disadvantages to the greatest extent.

Li Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the two cavalry generals in front of him: You know what to do, right?

One of them immediately clasped his fists: You will understand, our mission is to rush to the Chaobai River as soon as possible, occupy the bridges along the river, collect upstream and downstream ships, and seize the opportunity!

Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded slightly with satisfaction: One more thing. My father, the commander-in-chief of water transportation, Li Chengji, personally led 30,000 canal troops northward two hours ago. They took canal boats to go northward faster than us.

I estimate that the Cao army arrived in Tongzhou at about the same time as you. You need to coordinate my father's efforts to establish a solid stronghold on the west bank of the Chaobai River.

He then looked at Zhang Shenye next to him: I also ask Lord Tianshi to go with the army and choose a place to build an altar near the Chaobai River! This time, I not only need the entire Tongzhou and Sanhe areas to be rain-free, but also need to prepare the entire army to participate. Preparation for water crossing.”

Zhang Shenye pondered for a moment after hearing this: The water level of the Chaobai River is indeed not high, but it is still inappropriate to wade across the river, and it is easy for others to take advantage of it. Let's use the ice method. It is the late spring weather, and I can use this to help. Temporarily freeze the Chaobai River.

Li Xuan thought that it would be more appropriate to freeze the river than to wade through it on foot.

Then it's settled, and I ask the Heavenly Master to start taking action as soon as possible.

At this time, the sooner Zhang Shenye establishes the altar, the more advantage he will have in the 'fighting'.

Just like the battle between Qianhu in Chengde, Xue Yunrou had combed the surrounding earth veins and dragon energy in advance and suppressed them on the altar, so there were very few earth veins that Zhang Guanlan could use.

And just after the two cavalry admirals and Zhang Shenye left, Li Xuan asked again: What happened over there in Miyun? Where are their six thousand elite cavalry?

The entire Jizhou Town now has a total of 50,000 cavalry, but only 19,000 of them are truly capable of fighting.

After all, Yu Jie's Qingtian administration was less than half a year old, and the combat effectiveness of the Weisuo army was far from being restored to the level of Taizong's reign.

The six thousand cavalry troops in the direction of Miyun were arranged by Li Xuan to guard against the Three Duoyan Guards.

Years ago, the three guards of Duoyan were swept northward by the Jin Dynasty, and their original pasture was occupied by the newly built 'Changming Guard' of the Jin Dynasty.

Li Xuan was worried that the three guards of Duoyan would take risks and attack and plunder the Changming Guards whose foothold was not stable, so he deployed a cavalry army in Miyun as a defense.

Now that the Chengde Thousand Households had won a great victory, Li Xuan believed that no matter how bold the three guards of Duoyan were, they would not dare to offend the Jin Huwei, so these six thousand fine cavalry could be used to suppress the rebellion.

Although there are 370,000 troops in Jizhou Town at this time, Li Xuan actually doesn't have many that can be used in combat. The number of those who can reach Tongzhou before 9 o'clock in the morning is even smaller.

These six thousand fine cavalry are a very important part of Li Xuan's temple strategy. They are not enough to determine the outcome, but they can reduce the casualties of the 'Shenji Left and Right Battalion'.

Every one of the soldiers in his hands is precious.

The latest news is that they have arrived near Zhenluo Pass!

Zhang Yue was assisting Li Xuan, mainly responsible for organizing and collecting military information: The news over there said that the commander of Miyun City hesitated for about an hour, but finally let him go. Their marching speed is very fast, and they are expected to be able to Arrive at the battlefield before Mao hour.”

Li Xuan couldn't help but hum, thinking that the commander of Miyun City was quite sensible.

Otherwise, he will definitely beat him as a traitor and behead him!

However, after this rebellion, this person can no longer be used. The Liaodong border is a good place for him, and it does not insult this man's military skills.

At this moment, Dongfang Liang hurriedly flew into the ship with his sword, and he threw a man wearing the armor of a Jin general directly in front of Li Xuan.

This is the commander of the Shimen Guards. When I rushed over, he not only demolished several nearby bridges, but also disbanded the entire Shimen Guards' army and returned them to their respective camps.

Li Xuan couldn't help frowning. Although the water levels of several rivers in Shimenwei's territory were relatively shallow, they could be waded into them, or the rivers could be frozen by magicians.

But the demolition of these bridges will still cause a lot of trouble to their march.

Drag him out and behead him! Li Xuan didn't even raise his head: Dongfang Liang, you will go to the Shimen Guards later to carry out this general's order. The Shimen Guards will behead all the generals from the commander down to hundreds of households above! Their heads were sent to all the guards to serve as a warning! This time, take my supervising team with you and let them help you.

Dongfang Liang immediately showed no expression on his face and dragged the man out.

The commander of the Shimen Guard immediately turned pale and roared angrily: Li Xuan, how dare you? I am the commander of the third-grade guard, how dare you kill a general of the imperial court without orders?

Also! You, Li Xuan, are so brave. You actually dare to raise troops and enter the capital without permission. I ask you if you have a court edict? You are treason! Now that Emperor Jingtai has become famous, the emperor's succession is not only in line with etiquette and law, but also in line with the people's hearts. The direction is exactly what the heavens and the people want——

Li Xuan didn't bother to pay attention, and the man's roar became farther and farther away. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net until it stopped abruptly after a moment.

This is Dongfang Liang, who has already beheaded the commander of the Shimen Guards.

At this time, in the boat, Shang Hong, the Grand Scholar of Zuo Chunfang and the Minister of War, cupped his hands with a pale face: The Champion, this person——

This man disobeyed military orders and should be executed according to law! Wei Zhen sneered and looked at Shang Hong: What? Do you, Bachelor Shang, also want to accuse the champion Hou Wuzhao of marching with the intention of treason? You also believe that the emperor's succession is destiny. Where to go?

Shang Hong murmured for a moment, but then sighed slightly: If it doesn't come to this, why doesn't the Champion Marquis rein in his troops here to see the situation in the DPRK? How long has it been since the White Lotus Rebellion years ago that the capital has been peaceful? What does the Champion Marquis want? Forbearance and let the capital suffer another military disaster?

Sister Business, you just want to deceive me with your righteousness, and you want to persuade this general to surrender.

Li Xuan glanced at him coldly: Why don't you say these words to the emperor and Liang Heng? I admire your Confucian cultivation as a business scholar, but if you dare to say another word, I will definitely kill you. Head sacrifice flag.”

At this time, he felt something in his heart again, and subconsciously looked towards the capital, feeling a strong sense of anxiety in his heart.

What Li Xuan is most worried about is the Qianqing Palace and Emperor Jingtai. Before he enters Beijing, I wonder if the other side can hold on?

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