Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 69 Thunder Power + Three

Just when Li Xuan returned to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, two women in red dresses were walking along the underground river where Xue Wuya was captured.

Their figures seemed to be both virtual and real, and they ignored all obstacles such as the soil and stone layers here. Along the way, those Six Paths Demon-Slayers and Yingtianfu Yamen who were still searching for the river had no idea of ​​their existence.

Is this where Xue Wuya was captured?

Finally, the two women stopped on the flat land on a river bank, and the older one began to look around. She is about thirty years old, has a pair of impressive narrow phoenix eyes, wears a high hat on her head, and has an extremely luxurious look.

After about two breaths, she landed on a deep pit.

Those were the battle traces left by Qiu Qianqiu, which actually caused the entire soil within a ten-foot radius to directly vaporize.

Qiu Qianqiu's Great Extermination Palm has reached such a state? Xue Wuya was defeated unjustly. But I heard before that Dushan Temple dealt with it very cleanly, leaving no traces of everyone's souls, so they How did you find this place?

This matter has not been investigated clearly by the disciples. This is a young-looking woman, about twenty years old, with a cinnabar mark in the center of her eyebrows. Her expression is frightening: But according to our insider, the general was discovered this time. The Mountain Blood Sacrifice case, the first effort to capture Xue Wuya, was recorded in the name of Li Xuan. That is, the second son of the Chengyi family——

Li Xuan? How could it be him? Xiang'er, you've made me curious.

The older woman was stunned for a while, and then asked: Speaking of which, why haven't you attacked him yet?

Disciple can't find a suitable opportunity. The young woman called 'Xiang'er' shook her head and said: For some reason, Li Chengji is very concerned about his safety. According to the information we inquired about, this person was a child of Li Xuan when he was a child. He asked an expert to set a ban on him. From then on, no matter where Li Xuan was, Li Chengji could sense the direction.

Therefore, any action is meaningless unless the child is killed directly. Originally, we wanted to take advantage of Cui Hongshu's case and send him to Yingtianfu Prison to slowly process it and remove the legal ban on this person. Unfortunately, we failed in the end. But now, Li Chengji has been dismissed from office and has been in the city.

She remembered something and said apologetically: Just a few days ago, Li Chengji took Li Xuan to Poyang Lake and repaired the ban on Chen Han's tomb at the bottom of the lake. The disciples were worried about their lack of strength and worried about alerting the snake, so It was a small mistake, but he didn't show up to stop it. Chen Han's tomb cannot be entered by anyone other than a seventh-grade official. The disciples guessed that Li Chengji borrowed Li Xuan's help to repair it at that time. Just a few days ago, Li Xuan was promoted to the rank of Demon Slayer.

You were right not to stop him. Lee Cheng-ki's ability in the Yangtze River system is almost as high as the heavens. You are definitely not able to compete with him.

The older woman nodded, and then said incredulously: I didn't expect that this dandy and dissolute second generation ancestor would actually become a big problem for you and me.

As long as the situation permits, the disciple will deal with this person as soon as possible.

'Xiang'er' smiled bitterly and said: But the situation in Nanjing City is very bad now. Qiu Qianqiu is a general of the Six Daosi Division. He has achieved outstanding results in the past twenty years. He is called the Pillar of the Western Heaven of the Six Daosi Division and holds the golden beam across the sea. This is The arrival of this person will definitely give the Suzaku Hall a completely new look. On the other hand, we broke Xue Wuya's arm at the critical moment, and even the Corpse King he refined fell into the hands of the enemy.

But the older woman didn't take it seriously after hearing this: It's a pity that Xue Wuya was captured, but it's a blessing in disguise. Look, isn't the martial law in Nanjing city lifted? The Six Daosi Division will also end the city-wide search .

She smiled brightly and looked at the two demon-suppressing captains nearby who were holding compasses and walking along the river: For us, isn't this the best news? And if this plan succeeds, Qiu Qianqiu will So what if he has the power to cover the sky?


It was late at night when Qiu Qianqiu left Uncle Chengyi's Mansion.

Li Xuan originally thought that Li Chengji would be very happy, but the two people hugged each other at the door, laughed and cried. Not only did they confide in each other, but they also sang loudly. This scene made both Li Xuan and Li Yan look confused.

However, it can be seen that these two people were indeed close friends in their youth.

After bidding farewell to Qiu Qianqiu, Li Xuan hurried back to his bedroom and sat down cross-legged on the bed.

It was already the end of Haishi, which was almost eleven o'clock in modern time. It would be too late if he didn't move Zhou Tian to do his homework.

What's more, he still has three Liudao Ren Yuan Dan in his hand today, which makes Li Xuan even more excited.

But before entering meditation, Li Xuan first took a look at the pill bottle given by Qiu Qianqiu, and then he raised his eyebrows slightly, overjoyed, thinking that today was really his lucky day.

It was the 'Five Thunder Pill' from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain. Its function was to increase the thunder essence.

Li Xuan thought to himself that Uncle Qiu Shi was really discerning, and he could see that he had already embarked on the path of practicing both ice and thunder.

This is currently the most useful thing to him. Even if the thunder power that the 'Five Thunder God Pills' can increase is not much, it is still very meaningful to him.

Every increase in Li Xuan's thunder power can help him fight against the Yin evil.

Those boots are also very good. Although they are iron boots, they are called Flying Thunder. It can greatly reduce the user's weight and make the user's movement speed more agile. UU Reading At the same time, it can also summon lightning to surround it and walk quickly with the help of thunder and lightning.

This was obviously a gift specially prepared for him by Qiu Qianqiu, which showed his thoughtfulness.

Li Xuan took the 'Five Thunder God Pill' that night. It was a completely different feeling from the 'Six Paths Human Yuan Pill'. First of all, it is delicious and feels like candy in your mouth. After taking it, Li Xuan felt numb all over his body, as if thunder and lightning were walking in his body, even the soul was no exception.

When Li Xuan visualized it again, he easily visualized the 'Shenxiao Destruction Thunder' with ten thousand volts and one hundred thousand kilowatt-hours, without any effort at all.

He was extremely surprised, and then he increased the voltage to 15,000 volts and 200,000 kilowatt hours, just as easily.

It wasn't until Li Xuan doubled this number that he felt a little overwhelmed.

This time, Zhou Tian's transportation lasted for more than thirty rounds. It was not until the end of the hour that the power of the 'Five Thunder God Pills' was finally exhausted.

After finishing his meditation, Li Xuan couldn't help but walked out of the room and used the 'Dong Xuan Jing Finger' in the small courtyard.

Without the help of any magic weapon or external force, Li Xuan saw traces of purple electricity wrapping around his body. Especially at the fingertips, a tiny thunder ball suddenly condensed.

This thunder element's true energy has increased more than three times! It is equivalent to his usual practice of more than twenty days.

The key is that the green spot on his chest has shrunk a bit, regaining a lot of lost ground.

Li Xuan couldn't help but smacked his lips, missing the taste of the 'Five Thunder Pills'. Unfortunately, pills like Longhu Mountain are rarely spread among the outside world, and even if ordinary people have money, they have no way to buy them.

He then looked at another pill bottle containing the 'Six Paths Human Yuan Pill', and was already imagining how his cultivation had increased after taking these three pills.

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