Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 657 Let him explore the way first

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Soon after, King Wala’s tent was located in the northwest of the grassland.

Wala Khan, who was wrapped tightly in furs, stood up from the bed first and said, Emperor Jingtai is dead? Are you sure?

His eyes were shining brightly as he looked at the kneeling figure in front of him.

That was one of his ‘Nighthawks’, the ears and eyes he had cultivated for himself first.

They usually soar in the night sky, keeping an eye on all the disturbances in all directions for him.

However, these 'Nighthawks' would only break into the king's tent when he was recovering from his injuries only if it was a major event that would endanger his safety and affect the rise and fall of the Oara tribe.

Great Khan, Emperor Jingtai of the Jin Dynasty died at 2:30 p.m. (9:30 a.m.). Not only the people we arranged in the Imperial Palace of the Jin Dynasty saw it, but also many civil and military officials of the Jin Dynasty witnessed it with their own eyes. They are now working for Emperor Jingtai. Prepare for the funeral.”

Wala Khan was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. He was so happy that it shook the sky.

However, with his laughter, Wala Khan's whole body was also split with more than twenty sword wounds - all of them were left by Emperor Jingtai a few days ago.

Ye Xian also felt an extreme heat rushing through his body, which could ignite him at any time.

That was Emperor Jingtai's martial intention, which he still cannot resolve.

At first, he could only use the fur of the Immortal Treasure level to prevent his body from turning into a torch and igniting the king's tent and the surrounding areas.

So has the Orthodox Emperor ascended the throne? How is Yu Jie's life and death now? Has the Orthodox Emperor ever kept his promise?

The 'Nighthawk' was suffocated, and then said in deep admiration: Back to the Great Khan, at the beginning of Chenshi, the champion of the Jin Dynasty, Hou Lixuan, defeated Liang Heng at the Chaobai River. The orthodox emperor was gone and could only die together with Emperor Jingtai. .

Therefore, the current emperor of the Jin Dynasty is the grandson of Emperor Jingtai who was appointed during his lifetime. It is said that before his death, Emperor Jingtai ordered Princess Yu Hongshang of Changle to supervise the country and take control of the country before the dynasty. He also gave the emperor's grandson Tuogu to the champion marquis.

The Great Khan of Wala could not help but be stunned again: You said Liang Heng was defeated? But at midnight last night you reported that Li Xuan could only gather 100,000 people into the capital at most. Liang Heng's army was 320,000. Between 400,000 and 400,000.”

Liang Heng was also deeply impressed at first. He was one of the few generals in the Jin army who could defeat him.

Our information is correct.

'Nighthawk''s face was a little complicated: In this battle, Li Xuan forced across the Chaobai River with less than 100,000 men and defeated Liang Heng's 370,000 troops. It is said that in this battle, Li Xuan killed tens of thousands and captured another 170,000 people. It suffered less than a thousand casualties.

He also frowned heavily at first, with a look of concentration in his eyes. .

Seriously? How did he do it? Did he rely on his all-muscle combat method and that kind of musket? You have to find out about this matter. I want to know all the details of the all-muscle combat method.

He had a headache. Although this setup caused the death of Emperor Jingtai and caused the Jin people to kill each other and greatly damaged their vitality, it still failed to achieve its full success.

Young Master Yujie, the great enemy of the Mongol people, is still there, and he still stands like a rock in the Jin Dynasty.

Now there is another champion Hou Lixuan who makes it difficult to see the truth——

He has never faced off against this person before, but several of his failures were related to this person.

One more thing!

'Nighthawk' leaned over and bowed: Tuotuo Buhua seems to have also known about the palace changes in the Jin Dynasty. He has already sent out the golden arrows from the royal tent and summoned the troops of the Tatar tribe. It seems that he is preparing to take advantage of the turmoil in the Jin Dynasty to go south. Loot.”

——This is the real reason why he broke into Ye Xianwang's tent and interrupted Ye Xian to heal his injuries.

Wala Khan's pupils suddenly condensed slightly.

He knew that Tuotuo Buhua's purpose in doing this was to establish his prestige in the grassland and regain his authority as the Mongol Khan.

The time was exactly when he was defeated in Niujiapu and was seriously injured and unable to act.

The people of Bo'er Jijin's family are indeed the descendants of gray wolves. They are looked down upon by eagles and are difficult to tame.


He couldn't help but sneer, thinking that at this time, although the Jin people had suffered a heavy blow.

But Yu Jie is still there, and the Jin army that defeated him in Niujia Fort is still there.

He pondered for a moment, then threw a golden arrow in his hand: Go and send an order to the 'Alazhiyuan' and ask him to mobilize 250,000 warriors to coerce the Datong area.

The 'Nighthawk' couldn't help being surprised: Khan, Tuotuo Buhua has mobilized the Tatar cavalry this time, which can reach up to 400,000 cavalry! The three guards of Duoyan are also very close to them.

He knew that he had sent troops southward several times, and the Tatar tribe had great reservations.

After thirteen years of self-cultivation, the Tatar tribe has gradually regained its vitality. At this time, Ye Xian actually wanted to help him?

I know what I'm doing. You just go and deliver the message.

Without bothering to explain to 'Nighthawk', he just brushed his sleeves.

He thought that if he didn't let Alazhiyuan suppress the soldiers and horses in the direction of Datong and Taiyuan, he would never be able to penetrate deep into Shanxi and force out the 40,000 Shenji Battalion of champion Hou Lixuan.

I first thought to myself, didn’t the Mongol Khan want to establish his prestige? Just let him try Li Xuan's depth.

If Tuo Tuo Bu Hua wins, he will find a way to send him back to the Immortal Heaven; if Tuo Tuo Bu Hua loses, this descendant of the Golden Family will have no choice but to be at his mercy.


At the same time, in Prince Ning's Mansion in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Ning Wang Yu Dianpei, who looks in his thirties, has big ears and a majestic temperament, is handing a purple-gold talisman to the man in the iron mask next to him: This is the information sent back from the capital, sir. Take a look.

What's surprising is that the 'Iron Mask' who once advised Liang Heng appears here.

After he read the talisman book, something strange appeared in his eyes: Liang Heng actually lost.

He was surprised that the Zhengtong Emperor failed to succeed in the palace transformation despite having a good hand. He was also shocked by Li Xuan's victory in Chaobai River.

A great victory at Qianhu in Chengde and a great victory at Chaobai River. King Ning Yu Dianpei also lost his mind for a while and frowned tightly: Based on these two achievements alone, he can be ranked among the top ten among the famous generals of the Jin Dynasty.

Sir, the current situation is different from what you and I expected. Yu Hongshang is still there, Yu Jie is still there, and Li Xuan is still there. It seems that the great cause of the lonely king may not be achieved.

The key was still Li Xuan. The newly promoted ‘Prince of Fenyang’ had an astonishing record, which made Yu Dianpei feel a little frightened in his heart.

Even if Prince Ning's Mansion raises a large army at all costs, they will only have at most 70,000 elite troops equivalent to the Beijing camp, and 190,000 guardsmen. Compared with Liang Heng's strength at Chaobai River, there is a huge gap.

Although Yu Dianpei was confident that the soldiers and horses under his command were united, they were by no means comparable to the rabble commanded by Liang Heng.

But he didn't have any confidence that he could defeat the Fenyang County King on the battlefield.

How lucky is the imperial court that after Yu Jie, such a famous general appears again?

The Iron Masked Man's eyes have calmed down: The situation is exactly the opposite. Xiaosheng thinks that this is good news and is more beneficial to His Highness.

Oh? Prince Ning Yu Dianpei immediately looked at it intently, looking like he was willing to hear the details.

The man in the iron mask explained one by one: Your Highness, I thought that Emperor Jingtai failed when he established the emperor's grandson Yu Youxun as the successor emperor and also ordered the princess to supervise the country. The emperor's grandson is still in his infancy, and it is inevitable that he will dominate the young country. Doubtful, and the bloodline of this heir emperor is still very doubtful.

The matter of a princess supervising the country is even more unprecedented. How can this convince all the civil and military officials and the clans of the world? Your Highness, you only need to concoct some rumors to cause the clan to rebel and the world to be in turmoil.

Prince Ning Yu Dianpei couldn't help but let out a huh sound, and a bright light appeared in his eyes: Sir, what you said makes sense!

The Iron Masked Man continued: Then there are the orthodox emperors, they will definitely not be convinced. Especially King Yi Wang Yu Jianshen, he has been the prince for decades. And now the governors, governors, and envoys of the generation of Kansai and Henan , both came from Hanlin and were the former teachers of King Yi.

Judging from my expectations, King Yi will definitely abscond after the failure of the orthodox restoration. If those orthodox and empress dowager ministers did not want to be labeled as rebellious and have their whole families killed, they would definitely move closer to him. At that time, even if King Yi had no intention to rebel, he had to raise troops to rebel against the Jin Dynasty.

Then there is Yu Qiyong, the eldest son of King Xiang. Since this person has escaped from the capital, King Xiang will definitely raise an army! King Xiang Yuzhan had been seeking the throne for a long time and had been gathering in this place for decades. Relying on his reputation as a virtuous king, the court undoubtedly trusted him and almost never asked about the military equipment of King Xiang.

Their strength is still superior to that of our King Ning Fan. It is not a problem to raise an army of 300,000 troops, and they have the majestic city of Xiangyang to rely on.

Ning Wang Yu Dianpei has regained his confidence. He calmly walked towards the front of the palace with his hands on his back, looking at the heavy rain outside the door: This is only an internal invasion. There are also foreign enemies in the Jin Dynasty. The Mongolians in the north and the chieftains in Yunnan , and the Timur Empire to the west.

Indeed, as Mr. Jin said, the situation in the Jin Dynasty was so dangerous that even the lonely king felt numb after hearing it. So sir, can you give me some advice so that the lonely king can win from this chaos?

The man in iron mask clasped his fists and said, Your Highness can follow Taizu's story, accumulate grain widely, build high walls, and slowly become king!

Gather grain widely, UU read Build the wall high, slowly claim the throne? King Ning Yu Dianpei murmured: Then what should I do?

To be specific, we don't raise the rebel flag, but occupy the surrounding prefectures and counties, and use the financial resources for our own use to train troops and horses. The court's current focus is mainly on King Yi Yu Jianshen, and on Prince Xiang's son Yu Qiyong, so it has no time for the time being. Take care of my Prince Ning’s Mansion.”

The man in iron mask held his fist and said: Next, your highness only needs to seize the Huguang granary and seize the wealth center of South Zhili. There is no need to worry about the great cause. Then you can follow the tactics of King Zhongshan and start the Northern Expedition! And -

The Iron Masked Man raised his hand again and displayed a picture scroll in front of Ning Wang Yu Dianpei: I also attach great importance to the 'rune flintlock rifles' and 'smoothbore cannons' used by the Shenji Battalion. Before going south, I once Detailed drawings of this gun have been specially surveyed and mapped.”

Yu Dianpei perked up: King Gu will let the workshop imitate this gun!

After hearing this, the Iron Masked Man gave a bitter smile: It's actually not difficult to imitate. The problem is that I can't think of reducing the cost of this kind of gun to six hundred taels of silver, or even making it for two thousand taels. Don’t come out.”

——If this cost is not reduced, they will never be able to equip them on a large scale, and they will not be able to imitate Li Xuan's all-musketeer combat method.

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