Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 659: Full head and full face

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When many auxiliary ministers came out of the Wenhua Hall, Quan Dingtian looked at Li Xuan with great admiration.

Lao Tzu said, 'The best is like water, which benefits all things without any struggle.' Prince Fenyang really understood this samadhi!

Today was the first time that their eight auxiliary ministers had gathered together for a 'court meeting'. Due to the complexity of various matters, the meeting lasted from Mao hour to noon, lasting for a full three hours.

Quan Dingtian didn't realize anything at first, but as time went by, he was shocked to find that although Li Xuan had a gentle attitude from beginning to end, he never even spoke loudly in the palace.

But in the end, most of the decisions made by everyone followed Li Xuan's will, and even the entire meeting was under Li Xuan's control.

Even Chen Xun, an old fox who had firmly held the position of chief minister for thirteen years, fell at a disadvantage in front of Li Xuan today.

Of course, this was also due to the fact that Yu Hongshang, the eldest princess of the Supervisory State, had completely handed over the power of approving red and sealing to Li Xuan, but the talent of Fenyang County Prince in government affairs was evident.

The Great Situ has given you too much praise. If it had not been for the full support of the Great Situ, how could today's court meeting be as good as my intention?

Li Xuan smiled humbly: But as for the Ministry of Revenue, I have to ask Da Situ to pay more attention.

Among the eight auxiliary ministers appointed by Emperor Jingtai, only Quan Dingtian stood firmly in Li Xuan's camp.

Their positions, views, and political opinions are also the closest among all the auxiliary ministers.

In today's court meeting, Quan Dingtian gave Li Xuan the greatest support.

Li Xuan also gave him a peach and repaid him with Li. He used extremely clever tactics in the court meeting to make Quan Dingtian transfer to the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Naturally, Chen Xun, the first assistant, and He Wenyuan, the official minister, would not let Li Xuan get his wish easily. Even Shaobao Yujie didn't want to see this happen.

In ancient times, the Minister of Hubu was called Di Guan or Da Situ. His status and authority in the court was second only to the Minister of Li Bu, who was known as Heavenly Official.

Now only the Five Army Governor's Mansion and the Shenji Camp under the control of Prince Fenyang have already made Chen Xun and others uneasy. If Li Xuan's henchmen are allowed to control the court's purse again, wouldn't it be even more difficult to check and balance!

Therefore, Li Xuan adopted a seemingly fair method, which was the court recommendation method that began during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong.

In the Jin Dynasty, candidates were generally proposed by the cabinet, followed by officials of third rank or above such as the six ministers, the censor of the capital, the general envoy, and the minister of Dali Temple. There were also six subjects for Shizhong, the censor in charge, and others. vote.

The emperor then selects one person to appoint from among the three with the highest votes.

Quan Dingtian's vote will definitely not be the highest, and Chen Xun and others will definitely attack with all their strength.

But as long as Quan Dingtian's votes enter the top three, he will enter the stage of emperor selection.

Now that the emperor has passed away, Yu Hongshang, the eldest princess of the prison, has handed over the power of approving the red seal to Li Xuan.

This also means that Li Xuan has the final decision-making power.

The situation was just as Li Xuan expected. Quan Dingtian was a great scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, and his connections and influence were quite good. Li Xuan, the 'conservator of Neo-Confucianism', also had a certain influence in the six subjects and the censor. influence.

In the end, Quan Dingtian came in second, so he naturally became the Minister of Household Affairs.

This is natural, Quan Dingtian nodded solemnly: Army expansion, war preparation and wealth are the top priorities of the country today. How dare Quan ignore it?

He also wanted to talk to Li Xuan about some specific details, but the two of them didn't exchange a few words before the eldest princess of the prison country sent someone to recruit Li Xuan to see her.

Li Xuan guessed that the reason why Yu Hongshang came to him was probably for this court meeting.

He immediately set off for the Qianqing Palace where Yu Hongshang kept vigil.

At this time, the emperor's coffin was placed in the main hall of Qianqing Hall.

The place where Yu Hongshang summoned Li Xuan was in a side courtyard near the Qianqing Palace.

In the past few days since the death of Emperor Jingtai, Yu Hongshang has stayed here.

She did not always stay in front of the funeral, but only went to kneel down at specific times in the morning and dusk. However, no one inside or outside the palace accused Yu Hongshang of being unfilial.

Just because this person had to take care of the successor emperor while keeping vigil.

Under the guidance of a female officer, Li Xuan had just walked to the door of this small courtyard when he heard the sound of women crying from inside, and several women were crying and begging.

Your Highness, you have to make the decision for us! Our Pingyuan Marquis Mansion did not participate in the rebellion, so why should Fenyang County Prince arrest our Marquis?

——All the men in my family have been arrested and imprisoned. Prince Fenyang clearly wants to kill my family. You can't ignore it. When Taizong was in trouble, our ancestors also made great efforts.

Before the Battle of Chaobai River, our family had some servants. But at that time Liang Heng came to the door with a knife handle, and we couldn't even borrow it.

Your Highness, the Prince of Fenyang is clearly trying to dig up the roots of the Jin Dynasty! If we noble generals fall, who will help protect the Jin Dynasty? The Prince of Fenyang is clearly using the topic to exclude dissidents in the army. . Your Highness, are you not afraid that the future prince will seek to usurp the throne and follow the example of Cao Cao?

When Li Xuan heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows slightly.

The female officer in front of him immediately explained with shame: Your Highness actually doesn't want to see outsiders, but the one who brought people in is the Princess of Hejian, and she is looking for death and survival. We can't stop her.

Li Xuan understood immediately, and his lips curled up.

Princess Hejian is also the mother of Huangfu Xuanji.

Three days ago, the legitimate emperor was defeated and after the coup to seize the palace ended, Huangfu Xuanji, who participated in the rebellion, wanted to escape, but was personally captured by Li Xuan's subordinate Lu Xue and sent to the Xiuyi Guard Prison for torture.

Long before the battle at Chaobaihe, Li Xuan had ordered 'Lu Xue' to keep an eye on this person. Others could leave, but Huangfu Xuanji could not.

This person was not only an important participant in this palace coup, but also one of the links between the orthodox emperor and the noble generals.

If he wants to completely eradicate the legacy of the Zhengtong Emperor, Huangfu Xuanji's confession is crucial.

What's more, there are still some past grievances between them.

Princess Hejian is interceding for Huangfu Xuanji again? Or is it for Huangfu Yuanji?

Huangfu Yuanji is the second brother of Huangfu Xuanji, and he also participated in the palace coup to a certain extent.

Huangfu Yuanji did not escape, but followed the example of his younger brother and hid in the ancestral hall of the Duke Fuguo's mansion.

As a result, a general from Li Xuan's Shenji Battalion broke into the Duke's Mansion and forcibly took him away from the ancestral hall of the Duke Fu's Mansion.

It's Huangfu Yuanji. She said that Huangfu Xuanji deserves to be punished by the imperial court. Released from prison. She also brought these noble female relatives to plead for mercy.

At this time, the female official paused and said with a bit of hesitation: In their words, they criticized and slandered you a lot.

Li Xuan was not surprised. Just when he was about to step into the courtyard, he heard Yu Hongshang's soft voice inside: Madams, the Prince of Fenyang is the person appointed by the emperor himself to care for the orphan. Gong Zi should believe it without a doubt.

Moreover, His Highness the County Prince is a protector of Neo-Confucianism and a noble man, and is the first-class gentleman in the world. He will never make false accusations out of thin air, so you can rest assured that as long as the man in your family did not participate in the rebellion and is really innocent, then he will be fine. Just wait at home and wait.

Her answer obviously did not satisfy these women.

But just before these women cried and started to make a fuss, Yu Hongshang said coldly: If you think that Fenyang County King's treatment is unfair and you have wronged people, you can go to Yu Shiyue, the Minister of Punishment, to complain. Why do you need to come here to ask for help? My Lord? Come here and send all the ladies out.

At this time, a baby's cry suddenly sounded in the courtyard, and a female official beside Yu Hongshang scolded angrily: Madams! The emperor passed away, and the princess of the prison was heartbroken. But now she not only has to guard the funeral of her father. , and had to take care of the successor emperor and recuperate his internal injuries.

The princess is exhausted mentally and physically, and the majesty cannot be disturbed even in her infancy. What do you want to do if you continue to mess around here? Are you still planning to usurp the throne?

The female relatives inside had nothing to say and had to retire from the hospital.

When they saw Li Xuan walking in from the door, they couldn't help but turn pale and cower in fear.

Only Princess Hejian remained calm and looked at Li Xuan expressionlessly.

Li Xuan didn't care, glanced at them, and walked directly into the hall of the courtyard.

Yu Hongshang was sitting in the hall, holding the successor emperor Yu Youxun in her arms.

The child was still crying loudly and could not be coaxed.

Li Xuan walked over and took a closer look, feeling strange in his heart. He still felt inexplicably that this child was very close to him and that he was very attached to him.

Your Majesty is very angry today. He must be hungry, right? Ask the wet nurse to feed him some milk. UUReading

I just fed him! Maybe he was scared by those women, Yu Hongshang shook her head, with a hint of anger in her eyes.

Seeing the curious look on Li Xuan's face, she suddenly felt a little moved in her heart, and handed Yu Youxuan directly into Li Xuan's arms: Try holding him.

Strangely enough, as soon as Li Xuan took over, the child stopped crying.

He held his fingers in his mouth and blinked at Li Xuan with his big eyes.

Li Xuan was delighted when he saw this, and lifted Yu Youxun in front of him; Interesting, it seems that this kid really likes me.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong. A burst of hot and humid steam suddenly came out of Xiao Yu Youxun's crotch, and his crotch became wet in an instant.

It was midsummer at this time, so Yu Hongshang didn't wrap too many things around the child. The little guy was full of kidney energy, and the urine actually splashed out and went straight to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan couldn't help but sneer when he saw this, thinking that the person who dared to pee on my head was not born yet!

His entire body reacted instinctively and began to defend himself against the urine. But then something felt wrong again. The urine was reflected back by his aura. The force was deadly, and the little guy couldn't bear it.

So Li Xuan instantly removed the force from outside his body, but the urine had already spurted over and sprinkled all over his head and face.

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