Li Xuan glanced at the contents of the letter, and then said with a calm face: This is a warning signal from the north. The Mongol Khan Tuotuo Buhua gathered in the 'Tatar Tribe' and the 'Duoyan Sanwei' with 430,000 horses to invade from Zhangjiakou. , troops have already advanced to Xuanfu City.

The nearby Wanquan right guard not only sat back and ignored them, but even took the initiative to give up the fortress along the way. For some unknown reason, Wanquan Zuowei failed to light the beacon in time and notify the court.

Zuo Daoxing's pupils narrowed slightly, and then his face turned purple and he was filled with anger: These bastards deserve death! They sit back and watch the Mongol army enter the Kou Xuan Mansion, how brave they are! How dare they?

He thought that these generals Yudu really couldn't be trusted. Prince Fenyang was still too merciful. These people should be killed and no one should be left alive!

Li Xuan handed the list to Zuo Daoxing: The military situation is urgent, and I must enter the palace as soon as possible. Since Governor Zuo is fine, I will leave it to you, Governor Zuo, to take charge of the matter of arresting the remnants of the Violent Emperor.

He knew that if this matter was left to Zuo Daoxing, there would definitely be indiscriminate arrests.

But Li Xuan really has no time to take care of this matter now.

Fortunately, this is not the final conviction. There are three people including myself, Young Master Yu Jie, and the Minister of Punishment Yu Shiyue. Those who are truly innocent can still hope to escape from prison.

Li Xuan then pointed at Huangfu Xuanji: This person is the confidant of the ruthless emperor and the mastermind of the palace coup. He is cunning. Continue the interrogation and see if there is anything missing.

Zuo Daoxing raised his sword eyebrows and understood. His eyes were filled with murderous intent: He must explain his humble position clearly!

Huangfu Xuanji was extremely panicked. He heard Li Xuan's intention, which was a hint to Zuo Daoxing to continue to torture him.

He couldn't help but curse loudly: I fucked your grandma, Li Xuan, you bastard, you bastard who killed a thousand swords! Listen to me, I won't let you go even if I turn into a ghost in the future!

besides. His Royal Highness, King Yi, is wise and talented, and he will definitely break into the capital and cut all of you rebellious officials and traitors into pieces, and you will never be able to stand up again!

Li Xuan didn't hear anything, and he hurriedly walked out. When he passed a cell, Li Xuan paused slightly and looked sideways through the hole in the cell door to look inside the cell.

Where he stared, Sun Chuyun was sitting expressionlessly on a wooden bed inside.

Her limbs were wrapped with red chains, and there were more than twenty Zhenyuan nails nailed around her body. Her face was slightly pale, her eyes were dull, her hair was messy, and her whole body was like a dead tree.

When Sun Chuyun sensed Li Xuan, her eyes became slightly brighter and she looked far away in the direction of the cell door.

But the eyes quickly darkened, becoming as gray as death.

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly. One of his purposes in coming to Xiuyiweizhao Prison this time was to speak for Sun Chuyun. But the military situation coming from the north today disrupted his plan.

Li Xuan sighed secretly, and then ordered the cell leader next to him: This woman must not be treated like an ordinary prisoner. You must take good care of her. She must have a supply of food and water, and don't let anyone interrogate her. If When Commander Zuo asked, he said it was what I meant...

The cell leader here is also an embroiderer. He immediately bowed and obeyed the order with great respect.

Dugu Biluo, who was walking behind Li Xuan, had a strange look on his face: Xiaowei Sun is actually not deeply involved in the case. Are you planning to keep her here forever, Your Highness?

The Queen Mother Sun initially relied on her to contact Sun Jizong, so locking her up for a few years is not an injustice.

Li Xuan's face was calm: When the time is right, I will naturally let her out.

Emperor Ru's case has not yet been heard clearly. No matter how much he feels sorry for Sun Chuyun, he cannot let her go at this time.

When Li Xuan walked like a meteor and hurried to the Gate of Supreme Harmony in the palace, he found that all the auxiliary ministers and several generals who relied on the imperial court had gathered here.

Almost all the ministers in the palace looked solemn, and the atmosphere was cold and solemn.

Yu Hongshang, the eldest princess of the Supervisory State, also held the child and sat on the throne with a solemn expression.

During the Tumubao Incident in the past, the number of soldiers and horses that went south and north to Zhili was only more than 300,000.

Therefore, Tuo Tuo Bu Hua's 430,000 troops put heavy pressure on them.

What's more, the current situation in Jin Dynasty is even worse than during the Tumubao Incident. The emperor died, the young master was in doubt, and the entire guard army around the capital, as well as nearly one-third of the capital camp, completely collapsed.

In the Jinluan Hall, Guo Congzheng, the left governor of the Chinese Army Governor's Mansion and the Marquis of the City, said loudly: It is impossible to mobilize troops on a large scale from the direction of Datong and Taiyuan. After the Niujiabao battle, the more than 100,000 forbidden troops there have been ordered to serve. They rushed back to the capital. According to military reports, they traveled day and night and have now arrived at Zijingguan.

The remaining more than 400,000 garrison troops not only need to defend the north and stabilize the border defense, but also need to defend Guyuan Town and the direction of Shaanxi. Now Yi Wang Yu Jianshen is causing chaos in Xi'an, with an army of more than 200,000, and nearly 30% of Guyuan Town's troops and horses have fallen to King Yi, so the court must be prepared -

After Li Xuan walked in, he looked at the Fengcheng Marquis intently.

On the night of the Zhengtong Emperor's rebellion and restoration, the left governor of the Central Military Governor's Mansion was nowhere to be seen.

This person did not participate in the rebellion, but he was not seen standing up to help the emperor.

However, after Li Xuan's Shenji Battalion entered Beijing to quell the rebellion, this person appeared again, very actively and high-profile helping Princess Supervisor and Li Xuan handle military affairs.

Li Xuan has not yet obtained evidence that this person was directly involved in the restoration. In addition, after the incident, Fengcheng Hou Guo Cong was flattering and respectful to both Yu Hongshang and him, and he was quite efficient in doing things. He gave up his plan to capture this person.

Now he also needs a few people from Jingnan noble families to act as facades and flags to show that the court is handling the case impartially and considering the matter as it is, rather than deliberately targeting noble generals.

Everyone was originally listening to Fengcheng Hou Guo Cong's words, but when Li Xuan came in, they all looked sideways at him.

Wang Wen, who had accepted the post of Grand Scholar of Jinshen Palace, asked loudly: Prince Fenyang, you are the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies and are responsible for the military affairs of the world. Do you have any way to deal with the military situation in the north? ?”

At this time, even Yu Jie looked sideways at Li Xuan.

According to the rules of Taizu's reign, the Ministry of War was originally only responsible for the strict selection and appointment of military attachés, the conciseness of conquests, and the promotion of Ma Zhengyi.

The battle and defense strategy is solely controlled by the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies.

After the Tumubao Incident, the Ministry of War was in the hands of Jie, and it became a behemoth in charge of almost all military affairs, comparable to the Privy Council of the previous dynasties and Liang Zhao era.

But as Li Xuan led the army to suppress the rebellion, he also took charge of the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army. This war and defense strategy can no longer be decided by the Ministry of War.

No matter how reluctant Shaobao Yujie was, he could not ignore the fact that Li Xuan was the Second Assistant to the Cabinet and the Chief Assistant Minister.

And in this battle of Xuanfu, the only force that the court could rely on was Li Xuan's 40,000 Divine Machine Battalion.

Li Xuan was confident: What is the situation in Xuanfu Town now? Where is the new Xuanfu Commander-in-Chief Fang Ying?

This matter should have been answered by Zuo Daoxing, but the Zuo Governor of the Xiuyi Guard had just woken up after being in a coma for several days and had not yet entered the state. At this time, the person in charge of the military situation in the north was Wei Bailong, the Qianhu of the Xiuyi Guard.

The man immediately held his fists with a solemn expression: Your Highness, the situation in Xuanfu is very strange now. On the day of the palace coup, the Princess of the Supervisory State immediately sent a letter to Xuanfu, ordering the general of Xuanfu to lead troops to the capital to fight against rebellion. However, Fang Ying, the current commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, made no move and did not take any measures to rescue the capital.

But two days ago, some military generals in Xuanfu Town made noises and instigated, saying that the late emperor and the eldest princess of the country were harsh and unkind to the generals and ministers, and wanted to respect King Yi Yu Jianshen as the emperor, so they rebelled. But as soon as they showed signs of appearing, they were suppressed with thunderous means by Fang Ying, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu.

Now, the commander-in-chief has gathered 190,000 troops and horses near Xuanfu, relying on the military fortress near Xuanfu City to hold on.

Li Xuan immediately knew what was going on. He turned to Zhu Guoneng, the former commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu and now the former left commander of the Military Governor's Mansion: If Commander Zhu returns to the Xuanfu now, how many of the troops are you sure you can control?

Zhu Guoneng pondered for a moment, and then said resolutely: If the imperial court grants the appointment of the commander-in-chief, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops in Xuanfu Town, I am sure to control 60% of them.

In fact, he was confident that nearly 80% of the troops and horses in Xuanfu Town would be firmly under his control.

His tenure as the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu for thirteen years was not for nothing.

Zhu Guoneng didn't want to talk too much, and he didn't want the officials in the court to have the impression that he was firmly entrenched in Xuanfu and had great power.

Prince Fenyang! At this time, Shang Hong, the left minister of the Ministry of War, interjected with eyebrows raised: Your Highness, I think it is best to discuss the Shenji Battalion's march north to meet the enemy. Xuanfu Town has a weak military strength and morale. Chaosan, there is no way he can be an opponent of Tuotuo without spending 430,000 cavalry.

He had personally witnessed the Battle of Chengde and the Battle of Chaobaihe, and knew that at this time, only the 40,000 soldiers of the Shenji Battalion had the ability to defeat the 430,000 Tuotuo Buhua cavalry.

Li Xuan shook his head: There is no need for the Shenji Battalion. In this battle of Xuanfu, it only takes me, General Zhu, and Yu Shaobao to defeat the enemy!

At this time, Jizhou Town, Datong Town, Taiyuan Town, Henan Du Commandery Division and Shandong Du Commandery Division around the capital had not yet completed the Qing army.

Within the capital, there are still many remnants of the ruthless emperor lurking. Those noble generals who had his sword on their necks were constantly trying to escape and fight back.

How can he play his trump card now?

Only the 40,000 soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were guarding the capital, and UU Reading some people did not dare to act rashly.

Yu Jie and Zhu Guoneng both looked stunned and looked at Li Xuan in surprise.

Li Xuan clasped his fist at Yu Hongshang above him: We also ask Huailai Deputy Commander-in-Chief Fan Guang to mobilize 90,000 troops and horses in Huailai and immediately go north to reinforce Xuanfu.

Fan Guang, deputy commander-in-chief of Huailai, was one of the most trusted generals by the emperor and his young master Yu Jie. He was an expert in cavalry and shooting, and was extremely brave. He repeatedly defeated the Mongolian cavalry and had great military exploits.

Huailai is an important town outside Juyongguan in the north of Beijing.

In the Ming Dynasty in another world, there was a general with the same name and surname, who was also the deputy commander-in-chief of Huailai.

After the death of Emperor Jingtai, Fan Guang's family was confiscated, and his wife and family home were all given to the Wala people.

In this world, Fan Guang's 90,000 Huailai army is a capable fighting force that the court can fully trust.

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