Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 672 Shenmo Temple Calculation

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When Yu Jie killed the Yinshan White Wolf, the Mengwu State Master Aba Shi and another holy beast White Wolf no longer dared to stay in the Zhangjiakou Pass, and fled outside the Great Wall.

The man and the wolf had just escaped, when the white wolf from the Mongol Holy Land ‘Burhan Mountain’ panted rapidly and vomited blood.

The state of the Mengwu Imperial Preceptor Aba Shi was not much better. Not only was his aura extremely weak, but his two arms were also blown off by Yu Jie's majestic energy, and he was slowly recovering.

But the more troublesome injury is still within his soul. Yu Jie's glazed aura lingers in the core of Master Aba's spiritual mind.

This made his brows furrowed and he was in great pain every moment.

Master Aba couldn't care about this for the time being. He looked southward worriedly.

After the Zhangjiakou pass, Li Xuan had mobilized 80,000 infantry troops and a total of 40,000 cavalry troops, gathered in Zhangjiakou, on the west bank of Qingshui River.

However, they did not adopt a defensive posture, but launched an offensive posture. Under the cover of the Yunzhong gunboat, they slowly pressed towards the Wala cavalry under Ye Xian.

Aba Shi couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: This Fenyang County Prince not only knows the art of war well, but also has both courage and agility. It is not enough for him to annihilate the hundreds of thousands of Tatar troops. He actually wants to take the opportunity to cover up and kill the Wala army and horses under the command of the Grand Master.

Wala Khan also twitched slightly at first: Greedy! This guy is just like a ferocious wolf!

He felt that this Fenyang County Prince was the descendant of the wolf, and he was so greedy.

Do you want to completely destroy the national destiny of the Mongol people in Zhangjiakou?

Ye Xian was helpless. The knights under his command had traveled hundreds of miles continuously. They were indeed at the end of their strength and could no longer bear the hardships.

Ye Xian did not have enough troops, with less than 220,000 cavalry.

——There are only so many who can be temporarily transferred here.

The soldiers are tired and there are not enough troops and horses. If you are not careful in this situation, there is a danger that the whole army will be annihilated.

He hesitated for a moment, then grunted: Let all the troops rein in their troops and horses, set up formations on the hill over there, and take a rest.

He did not expect that after the death of Emperor Jingtai, their Mengwu would face such a fierce and terrifying opponent.

If he had known this, he should have let Emperor Jingtai live a little longer. At least the Fenyang County Prince would not have ascended to power so quickly.

But what about the Tatars?

Aba Shi sighed: If this continues, none of them will be able to evacuate.

He didn't intend to give up rescuing people at first. He said with a stern face: I will hand over my 20,000 Qixue army to you, and there will be 2,000 shamans accompanying the army. The National Preceptor will see if he can temporarily create one along the Great Wall. Gap, release their people...

——He is not sure how effective this is. In short, it is a piece of vitality that can be withdrawn one by one.


After all, the Jin army was still unable to annihilate all the Mongol people on the south side of the Great Wall. About 37,000 Tatar cavalry remnants evacuated through the passages forcibly opened by the shamans.

They used powerful earth magic to move mountains and fill rocks between the mountains, causing a section of the Great Wall to collapse, allowing the remnants of the Tatar army to escape.

This was mainly due to the containment of the Oara tribe's cavalry. Li Xuan had to gather 120,000 Jin troops in the Zhangjiakou area, resulting in a shortage of troops and giving the remnants of the Tatar tribe a chance to escape.

However, the result of this battle can still be called brilliant. The 420,000 cavalry troops that Tuo Tuo Bu Hua went south, except for the 70,000 who were stationed at Qingshui River to guard the livestock, a total of 350,000 cavalry were killed in the battle. Of the 120,000, 90,000 surrendered.

Even among the 70,000 Qingshuihe cavalry, 43,000 died in the battle.

They also captured more than 200,000 war horses, more than 300,000 draft horses, and more than 2 million livestock. There are also dozens of cannons, countless tents, weapons, etc. brought by Tuotaobuhua.

——Even in the battle of ‘Yuerhai’ that completely defeated Dayuan in the past, the gains were far less than this battle.

Not to mention that in this battle, they also captured the Mongolian Khan Tuo Tuo Bu Hua and three Taiji from the Golden Family.

After the war ended, Li Xuanze immediately ordered people to go to the capital to report victory.

In fact, on their side, they would send a battle report to the capital every half an hour, informing the court of the summary of various places in Xuanfu.

But this time it was the official ‘Lubu Feijie’, and its meaning was completely different from before.

Afterwards, Li Xuan summoned the local generals of Xuanfu at Fenghuang Mountain Fort in Zhangjiakou.

The first thing he asked was Fan Guang, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Huailai: After this battle, I will ask the court to add 40,000 cavalry troops to Xuanfu, in addition to the original 85,000 cavalry troops in Xuanfu and Datong. , and will be handed over to General Fan. Are you sure that you can command this army so that there will be no more pastures for the Mongol people within two thousand miles north of the Xuanfu Great Wall?

Fan Guang immediately clasped his fists and answered without hesitation: It's easy! With these 120,000 cavalry troops in hand, let alone two thousand miles, the Mongolian people can't even think of living in peace within these two thousand and five hundred miles. grazing!

General Fan has extraordinary bravery, I can rest assured. However, he is cunning and a master of war. General Fan should be as cautious as possible after leaving the fortress.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then looked at General Zhenshuo Zhu Guoneng: Leave the attack to General Fan, and General Zhenshuo will be in charge of Xuanfu and Datong. I need General Zhenshuo to be in charge of both Xuanfu and Datong. Years to make sure nothing happens in the north.

Zhu Guoneng immediately cheered up and said with a smile: Don't worry, Your Majesty the Prince! As long as Zhu is around for one day, Xuanda will be as peaceful as Mount Tai! And the Mongolian people were hit so hard by Fenyang County Prince, I estimate that they will take ten years No one can even think about looking south.

He actually preferred to go out of town instead of wasting time in the capital and scheming with the courtiers.

Zhu Guoneng didn't care about Li Xuan's two-year period. He knew that the court would not allow him to control Xuanda for a long time.

But does Prince Fenyang’s arrangement mean that he is sure to clear up the civil strife within two years, and even pacify Luchuan?

Li Xuan shook his head: Your task is not easy. I must mobilize 120,000 troops from Xuanda to Shaanxi for reinforcements. In addition, General Zhenshuo must also cooperate with the governor of Xuanfu and the governor of Datong. Let’s recruit the Mongolian herdsmen together and choose a place to settle outside the Great Wall to increase our military strength! I don’t want tribes. Instead, I have to organize households to unite the people and set up guard stations and counties to control them with officials.”

Before Xuanzong, the Jin Dynasty had a large number of guard posts north of the Great Wall, which recruited a large number of Mongol herdsmen and small wandering tribes, numbering in the millions.

But after Xuanzong, the Jin strategy shrank, and the Mengwu and Jin changed their offensive and defensive positions.

The many forts outside the Great Wall could not be defended, and millions of herdsmen were completely lost.

Zhu Guoneng answered without hesitation: It's not a big problem. The general can issue a military order to recruit more than 300,000 herdsmen within two years and prepare a 40,000-fighting army.

Xuanzong later abandoned the fortress because the Jin army had basically lost the ability to go out and fight the Mongol people.

But the current situation is the same as that time, with the Mongols being defeated continuously.

The two battles of Xuanfu almost broke their backbone, and the Jin army already had the strength to go out and challenge the Mengwu.

Zhu Guoneng knew everything about the outside of the Great Wall. It would be a pity to abandon the 2,500-mile-wide pasture in the north of Xuanda. There were also many herdsmen on the Mengwu side who were squeezed and couldn't survive.

Li Xuan did not have much expectations for recruiting herdsmen to serve as cavalry. He just did everything possible to attack his opponents and weaken the power of the Mongol people.

This is a very simple principle. If your own potential increases by one point, the enemy's potential will decrease by one point.

With an additional 40,000 cavalry troops on their side, Wala also lost 40,000 troops first.

Young Master Yu Jie watched silently.

Li Xuan was dealing with the military affairs of the Guard Office, which was under the jurisdiction of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. Their Ministry of War only had the right to make suggestions, so they could not intervene.

Prince Fenyang's three consecutive victories also established a high reputation within the Jin army, and he was already the 'number one in the army' both in name and in reality.

Li Xuan has the ability to resolve all matters related to the Wei Suo Army.

Li Xuan then ordered all the generals of the Xuanfu to leave temporarily, leaving only Fang Ying, the general of the Xuanfu.

He pointed at the map and said: The 120,000 troops mobilized from the Xuanda area will be commanded by General Fang and go to Tongguan via Shanxi. I need you to stay in Taiyuan for a few days to help the governor of Shanxi and Taiyuan General Guo Tai. To purge the legacy of the ruthless emperor. You can tell these two on my behalf that those young men in the army must be purged and will not be tolerated.

I will obey the orders of the commander-in-chief! Fang Ying's expression became solemn, and his attitude towards Li Xuan was extremely respectful.

Li Xuan continued: After the incident in Taiyuan is over, you can quickly go south to reinforce Tongguan, serve as the commander-in-chief of Henan, and be in charge of all the troops and horses of the guards in Henan. I want you to make a big splash here and make a grand crusade against Xi'an. , the imperial court will also cooperate with you.

When Fang Ying heard this, she couldn't help but look slightly moved: Just creating momentum?

Just creating momentum!

Li Xuan laughed. I want to talk to smart people, just to make people comfortable: Not only do you have to force King Yi to shrink his troops and stop expansion, it is best to make everyone believe that the next step of the imperial court is to attack Shaanxi. How can it be done? ?”

Fang Ying thought carefully and secretly marveled at the military strategy of the Fenyang County Prince.

He immediately clasped his fists and said: The final general will definitely be able to do it without leakage!

After this matter is properly arranged, the next step is to reward based on merit.

Li Xuan and Young Master Yu Jie are currently the leaders of the Jin Army. The specific reward list can be negotiated between them.

At most, it can be handed over to the cabinet and the Supervisor Princess to sign off and go through the process afterwards. UU Reading

However, the rewards given to the lower-level soldiers gave Yu Jie a headache because the imperial treasury was empty and there was no money left.

The imperial court had not prepared the rewards for the Shenji Left and Right Battalions and the Jizhou Army before.

But the Xuanfu had such a glorious victory, but the court had to express it.

In the end, Li Xuan suggested that 300,000 horses be drawn from the captured horses, plus more than 2 million livestock on the banks of the Qingshui River, and be rewarded as well.

This can comfort the soldiers, and the second can alleviate the pressure on the court to raise horses.

Young Master Yu Jie hesitated again and again, but finally agreed.

This reward was very heavy, but Yu Jie considered that the Xuanfu was on the flank of Beijing, and they had to stabilize this army in order to have enough power to put down the rebellion.

When the news came out, hundreds of thousands of people throughout the Xuanfu army burst into cheers and the mood was uplifting!

Li Xuan climbed to the top of the city at this time and looked to the north.

He found that the Oara cavalry in the north was already quietly retreating to the north.

Li Xuan's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he was observing carefully, watching with eager eyes: Send the order to all the troops, let's press forward!

He has not given up the idea of ​​annihilating this Oara army. Once the Oara Khan reveals any flaws when withdrawing his troops, he will not hesitate to pounce on them and swallow them.

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