Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 675 30 Fame and Dust

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Outside Zhangjiakou, Li Xuan finally bit off a piece of meat from the more than 200,000-watt cavalry army.

He took advantage of the fact that the entire Oara army was evacuating on its own initiative, and used the Yunzhong warship to cover the cavalry assault, and then used the infantry to follow up and respond.

The Great Khan of Wala also first experienced once again Li Xuan's ruthlessness and fierceness in using soldiers, as well as his ferocity and greed like a wolf.

In fact, he arranged enough rear and supporting troops. The armies staggered back and covered the front and rear.

But this basically had no effect. Li Xuan temporarily organized two troops equipped with a large number of muskets and tiger squatting cannons, and were good at riding.

They were arranged on both sides of the cavalry, using their horses to maneuver quickly, then dismounting and fighting on foot, approaching and shooting at close range.

This caused the Wala army to suffer a lot, and seventeen thousand riders were killed in the battle.

In the end, relying on his familiarity with the terrain, he finally managed to throw the Jin army away by seven miles in the early morning.

After a brief break from contact, all the Wala soldiers under his command fled north as hard as they could. He was afraid of being entangled by the Jin army commanded by Li Xuan.

As far as a battle is concerned, this can be said to be a defeat, and it was another huge blow to Ye Xian's reputation.

But he really didn't have the courage to fight the Jin army. The cavalry under his command had traveled a long distance and were extremely exhausted.

However, the Prince of Fenyang across the street was evil to the core and had been harassing them in various ways, preventing them from getting any rest.

At this time, the Xuanfu Jin army not only had an advantage in strength, but also had high morale and sufficient physical fitness.

He didn't dare to delay it any longer. He estimated that by dawn, Li Xuan's entire army would be pressing on him.

At that time, the army under his command will only become weaker and more exhausted.

Li Xuan didn't chase him far, and stopped after chasing him for 150 miles from Zhangjiakou.

The Xuanfu Jin army under his command was almost reaching its limit. If you continue to pursue it, you won't get much benefit, but it will increase the risk dramatically.

He just regretted that if he had another 20,000 elite cavalry in his hands, these Walas would have to lose at least another 100,000 lives here!

After leading the army back to Zhangjiakou, Li Xuan left all the follow-up affairs here to the governor of Xuan Mansion and Zhu Guoneng. He and Yu Shaobao escorted Totuo Buhua and the three Mongol Wu Taiji, together Return to the capital on the Red Thunder Divine Chariot.

The soldiers at Xuanfu hoped that Li Xuan could stay here for a while and finish the celebration banquet before leaving.

But there is no way, Li Xuan is really busy now.

Military affairs are only part of Li Xuan's current affairs. In addition, there are also government affairs of a country that need to be dealt with, and Liudaosi cannot ignore them. After all, Li Xuan also holds the position of the Six Daosi's 'Demon-Subduing Lieutenant General and Lord of the Divine Wing Palace'.

Although there were cabinets and auxiliary ministers handling various government affairs in the DPRK at this time, Li Xuan also had his own ideas and strategies for national affairs, and did not intend to be a hand-off minister in the cabinet.

Li Xuan thought that it would be fine if he was no longer in his position, but now that he has become the second minister of the cabinet and has the authority and strength to implement his own political strategy, he should do his part.

Mencius said, If you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are powerful, you can help the world. He is a contemporary protector of Neo-Confucianism and should practice this statement.

As for the Six Daosi, after Li Xuan was appointed as the Assistant Minister, he had the idea of ​​resigning from the Six Daosi, but Zhu Mingyue rejected it.

The Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord did not explain the reason to him. He only said that there was no suitable successor within the Six Daosi Division for the time being, and asked Li Xuan to concurrently take on the position of the Lord of the Divine Wing Palace first, and then wait and see about the situation in the future.

Li Xuan considered that Luo Yan and Le Qianqian were mainly responsible for the affairs at Shenyi Mansion. Having a force in Liudaosi would also help him assert his authority in the court, so he agreed naturally.

But when he thought of Zhu Mingyue, Li Xuan couldn't help frowning, showing a little worry.

Li Xuan thought to himself, Tianzun, he didn’t know how he was doing now?

Previously in Chengde, Fumo Tianzun fought with injuries, and his opponent was Shulu Ping who also mastered the Ji Tian Law.

Although Zhu Mingyue successfully suppressed the late Empress Dowager of Liao after several hours of fierce fighting.

But after Zhu Mingyue returned to the main hall, she stayed in his Six Paths Tianzun Building for several days and never came out.

Although Zhu Mingyue also met with his subordinates and handled official duties, this was very rare for Zhu Mingyue.

In the thirteen years since he served as the Demon-Subduing Heavenly Lord, he was either fighting against demons or on the way to fight against demons. He rarely stayed in the main hall for more than ten days.

So now many people are worried about Zhu Mingyue's injury.

Li Xuan couldn't see what was going on with Zhu Mingyue and didn't know the extent of his injuries.

But if Zhu Mingyue's state continues, there will likely be trouble within the Six Paths Fumo Division.

While Li Xuan was contemplating, the young master Yu Jie opposite was dealing with official duties.

He is also a busy man. His position in the court is like that of the privy envoy in the former Zhao and later Zhao periods. He also holds the position of auxiliary minister and can intervene in political affairs.

This person likes to seize power, but unlike Li Xuan, he does not have a second soul that can act as agent for some affairs.

Therefore, Yu Jie must seize all the time to deal with various official documents.

At this time, Yu Jie suddenly raised his thick eyebrows and looked at Li Xuan with dagger-like eyes: The prince is going to demote the governor of Jiangxi and denounce Shanxi. At this time?

That's what I meant!

Li Xuan knew that Yu Jie had seen the memorial he had submitted to Yu Hongshang a few days ago. He smiled and asked: In the four years since he took office as the governor of Jiangxi, he has tolerated and supported the traitors of Prince Ning's Palace, which has caused Prince Ning's Palace to expand its power in Jiangxi. He is obviously not up to the task. He's in his position. Is there any problem if I transfer him?

Young Master Yu Jie looked at the memorial in his hand and frowned deeper and deeper.

This is actually a copy of Li Xuan's memorial, copied by the central minister and circulated to the auxiliary ministers.

The original copy already has the seal of approval from Yu Hongshang, as well as the votes of Wang Wen and Quan Dingtian, two assistant ministers of the cabinet, so in terms of regulations, this memorial has been passed.

——This is the reason why many auxiliary ministers are extremely afraid of Li Xuan.

Yu Hongshang, the eldest princess of the prison kingdom, obeyed Li Xuanyan and got everything he asked for.

Therefore, as long as Li Xuan recruits any two or three people as allies among the existing cabinet ministers, he can remove any minister of third rank or above in the court.

The personnel power of the eight auxiliary ministers will also be in vain. As long as Li Xuan holds a court meeting and ensures that the person he recommends will not fall into third place in the 'court recommendation', he can use Yu Hongshang to achieve the final victory.

Young Master Yu Jie shook his head. He decided to discuss the matter first: I have no objection to your denigrating the governor of Jiangxi, but what about the person who will take over as the governor of Jiangxi? Who do you prefer, Prince?

Li Xuan did not hesitate and said with a smile: The governor of Raozhou is thunderous and powerful.

Young Master Yu Jie couldn't help but be stunned. This was not because of the lack of ability of the Raozhou prefect.

On the contrary, the prefect was a rare capable minister in the local area. Not only was he good at governance, he was also proficient in the art of war and had quelled civil unrest several times.

Moreover, this person had a lot of grudges with Prince Ning's Mansion in Nanchang. Raozhou and Nanchang were close to each other, separated by Poyang Lake.

In the past few years, the contemporary King Ning often reached out to Raozhou, but was severely blocked by the prefect of Raozhou.

Young Master Yu Jie thought that the Fenyang Prince had ulterior motives. He stroked his long beard and fell into deep thought: Is it possible to rise directly to the position of governor from the position of prefect? ​​There is no precedent in the court. The ability of Lei Li is enough for him. Governor of Jiangxi. But if this happens, Prince Ning will definitely rebel.

Your Majesty, now that the imperial court has won a great victory over Mengwu, its foundation has been firmly established, and its majesty has been established. Is it necessary to be so radical? You need to know that there is a saying in the art of war, The first step is to attack the enemy with the enemy, then the second is to attack the enemy, and then the second is to attack the enemy.

Yu Jie has been preparing for a rebellion in Prince Ning's Mansion in recent days.

But that was based on a weak center and internal and external troubles.

But today's great victory of Prince Fenyang has greatly improved the general situation of the world both inside and outside the court.

Now they can not only free up hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, a large amount of financial resources, but also several heavenly positions.

The deterrent effect on the local area has far exceeded what it was a few days ago.

In Yu Jie's opinion, Prince Ning may not dare to rebel at this time.

Li Xuan understood what Yu Jie meant. Yu Jie believed that the court could solve the problem through political means and there was no need to use troops.

The so-called the first step is to attack the enemy with troops, and the second step is to attack the enemy is what Sun Tzu said. Krasewitz's On War also said that war is a continuation of politics.

But he prefers the phrase Political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Of course, these three sentences are not contradictory.

However, the barrel of a gun is the foundation. Without enough power, how can we use strategy? How to cut off a relationship?

You can't be political either. They'll slap you to death.

Li Xuan said with a leisurely expression: What do you mean by this, young master? Since Lei Li's ability is enough, why can't he be appointed governor of this province? Just because he is worried about a vassal king, even if he says this, it will make people laugh.

Yu Jie's expression changed at this time: Prince, do you intend to force Prince Ning to rebel? Why is this?

That's what Li Xuan wanted to do, to force Prince Ning to rebel.

But he refused to admit such a thing, so as not to give others a handle.

He whispered noncommittally: I was so angry that I leaned on the railing, and the rain stopped. I looked up and roared to the sky, and my heart was strong. UU Reading Thirty years of fame and dust, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon .Don’t wait any longer. The young man’s head will turn gray, and he will be filled with sorrow——”

Yu Jie's eyes sparkled when he heard it halfway. After a 'huh' sound, he looked thoughtful.

Li Xuan looked at him, smiled slightly and said: Master, you must have felt it, right? There are turbulent undercurrents in the world, and troubles may appear one after another at any time. The imperial court will only leave troubles in the future if the hidden dangers are not eliminated.

Also, Master, don’t you always have the feeling that life is short and time is waiting for you? There are a lot of things you want to do, but you may fail due to limited time in the future and too many constraints?

He has the ability to solve problems quickly, cut through obstacles and eliminate hidden dangers with one stroke, so why should he use such a gentle method to drag it out?

Li Xuan wanted to do too many things, but he had no time to waste on this Prince Ning.

It should be noted that the clans of the Jin Dynasty all followed King Xiang and King Ning as their leaders.

And for what he wants to do, one of the biggest obstacles is the Jin clan! How will he govern in the future if he does not scare these people?

In this way, Lei Li is currently the most suitable candidate for governor of Jiangxi.

Yu Jie had already understood what Li Xuan meant. He actually felt deeply for Li Xuan's words and greatly appreciated them.

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