Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 677 Food is the most important thing for the people

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Have you found all three crops?

Li Xuan became excited in an instant: This is the talisman letter from two days ago. They should have arrived in Tongzhou by this time, right? Let them enter Beijing as soon as possible and send everything to my house for me to see.

Yu Hongshang looked at him in confusion: They're just some things from overseas, and they're not celestial beings. Do you need to be so happy, Xuan Lang?

Li Xuan replied with a smile: What if the yield per mu of potatoes and sweet potatoes can reach three to five thousand kilograms? What if this corn can increase the yield per mu of northern land by three to five kilograms? The potatoes and corn can also As a staple food?

In the world where Li Xuan came, potatoes were only introduced to China by maritime merchants in the mid-Qing Dynasty.

This is a high-yield grain, and one or two thousand kilograms can be harvested from one acre of land.

After later generations improved varieties and planting methods, the yield could reach three to five thousand catties, or even more than eight thousand catties.

Potatoes are not only suitable for planting in alpine regions such as Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, and northern Shaanxi, where grain yields are extremely low, but they can also greatly increase grain yields in the south.

Sweet potato was introduced to the Ming Dynasty in the late Ming Dynasty. It is also a high-yielding crop, with a yield of several thousand kilograms per mu.

History books say that sweet potatoes are tens of stones per acre, twenty times more valuable than growing grains, and are not suitable without land. They are moist and edible. They can be boiled or ground into powder. Raw food is like kudzu, cooked food is like honey, and tastes like water chestnuts.

Unfortunately, in the first few decades, this plant was cultivated in the south. It was not until the Kangxi period that it was introduced to Zhejiang, and then to Beijing during the Qianlong period.

Corn entered the Ming Dynasty earlier and was recorded before Jiajing. At that time, it was called Yumai.

Corn also has strong environmental adaptability and is resistant to drought, cold, and barrenness. The key is that it can be rotated with wheat, spring cereals, or sorghum to greatly increase grain production.

It was precisely because of these three exotic crops that the so-called Kangxi and Qianlong Dynasties were created, and the population of the Qing Dynasty expanded to 40 million in a few hundred years.

Li Xuan actually didn't have much hope for these three crops. He just drew pictures and asked Yu Hongshang to send people overseas to look for them more than half a year ago with the attitude of giving them a try.

After all, in this world, immortals and demons appear, and Taoism is rampant.

The crops and food grown by the people are also different from his world.

But I didn’t expect that Quanzhou Ship Division would actually gain something.

With a yield of three to five thousand kilograms per mu, can it still be enough for staple food? Yu Hongshang was surprised and looked shocked: Is this really true? Where did you learn about it, Mr. Xuan?

If it is true, although these things are not fairy grass spiritual treasures, to Da Jin, their value is far above the top fairy grass spiritual treasures, and they are things that can truly save hundreds of millions of people.

At that time, the entire Jin Dynasty may no longer have to worry about famine.

Li Xuan made nonsense: I heard about it from some maritime merchants. When I was in Jinling, I often had contact with them and learned about some overseas affairs.

Among them are these three crops. I think since they can feed countless people in overseas lands, can they be introduced to Middle-earth for cultivation? But I still have to see with my own eyes whether the things sent by Quanzhou Shipping Company are genuine.

But Yu Hongshang still couldn't believe it: Can the yield per mu really reach three to five thousand catties? How can there be such a high-yielding crop? Xuanlang, do you know what this means? This is immeasurable merit!

Could it be that those businessmen were spreading lies and exaggerating? It should be noted that the best paddy fields in the south of the Yangtze River have a yield of less than 700 kilograms per mu.

Li Xuan burst out laughing. He thought that in this world, the yield of potatoes and sweet potatoes might be even more exaggerated.

Since the rice production in Dajin can be doubled, it is also expected that the potato and sweet potato production will be doubled.

However, he would not praise such a Haikou until he saw the real thing and the effects of planting.

We will know exactly how it works once we try to plant one. Using Taoism to assist in the growth, we can see the results of the trial planting in more than a month at most.

Having said this, Li Xuan thought of something again: By the way, have there been any new achievements at Shennongyuan recently?

Shennongyuan was built by Li Xuan with the help of her authority when Yu Hongshang first 'supervised the country' a few months ago. It is currently hanging under the yamen of General Diannong Zhonglang in the Chinese Army Governor's Mansion.

The funds were provided by the inner government, and in the name of the royal family, Yu Hongshang forcibly recruited dozens of experts in wood arts from various places, as well as a dozen Confucian disciples who were well versed in farming.

Their current task is to select improved wheat and rice varieties, summarize and improve farming methods, and increase grain production.

Before the New Year’s Day, ‘Shennongyuan’ had already achieved some results.

In their experimental fields in Huangzhuang, the maximum yield of wheat has increased to five dan, and that of rice to nine dan.

By using the rice and wheat seeds selected and cultivated by Shennongyuan, as well as more scientific planting methods, the yield in Shangtian can generally be increased by 20 to 30%, while in Zhongtian it can be increased by about 15 to 25%. .

However, after February this year, due to the treacherous situation between the DPRK and China, Li Xuan paid less attention to the ‘Shennongyuan’.

When Yu Hongshang heard Li Xuan ask this, her face turned slightly green, and there was a little anger in her eyes.

This anger was not directed at Li Xuan and Shennongyuan, but at the Zhengtong Emperor and Empress Dowager Sun.

The orthodox attempt to seize the palace and conspire to rebel also involved more than a dozen cultivators of the Shen Nong Yuan, greatly reducing the power of the Shen Nong Yuan.

At this time, Yu Hongshang attached great importance to the ‘Shennongyuan’.

As the saying goes, Food is the first priority for the people. Yu Hongshang knew that if the Jin Dynasty wanted to stabilize the world, its first priority was to feed the people.

But at this time, due to the selfish motives of the Orthodox Emperor, the research progress of the 'Shennongyuan' was greatly slowed down.

She shook her head: There is not much progress at Shennongyuan. The yield of rice has only increased to 35%, and that of wheat can reach about 30%. In fact, this is very good, although it cannot meet Xuanlang's expectations, but I think the current results can be promoted among the private sector.

Li Xuan thought to himself, how could this be enough?

The experimental fields in Huangzhuang are looked after day and night by dozens of cultivators from the Shennongyuan.

In an ordinary farmer's house, who would have the spare time to do such intensive farming?

Therefore, if the achievements of Shennongyuan can be used by ordinary farmers to increase grain production by half, it would be great.

But Li Xuan's idea is to increase the world's grain production by 30 to 50% within the next two to three years.

This is the basis for his future political reforms. The increased food production and the wealth derived from it will not only stabilize the world, but also increase the error tolerance rate of the political reforms.

He didn't want to end up like Wang Anshi and Zhang Juzheng by forcing reforms.

Of course, low prices hurting farmers is also a problem.

But if the price of food is not brought to the bottom, how can he attract people to work in the city? How can people immigrate to Liaodong and Guangdong and Guangxi? How can we crack down on the powerful landlords in the countryside?

If you want to curb mergers, taking advantage of the situation is the best way.

But then Li Xuan still smiled bitterly and said: That's all, while the spring plowing is not over yet, Hongshang, you can try planting in Huangzhuang first. I will ask the farm at home, as well as relatives and friends to follow suit.

He thought that only a half-percent increase would greatly improve people's livelihood and enhance Jin's national power.

Yu Hongshang nodded slightly when she heard this. She had no intention of forcing the promotion of grain seeds.

Firstly, the number of grains cultivated by the ‘Shennongyuan’ is limited, and secondly, the stakes are not trading.

As long as the output of Huangzhuang and Li Xuan's farm increases significantly, more people will naturally be attracted to follow suit. UUReading www. uukanshu.nett

Li Xuan was thinking about whether there could be an Elder Yuan in this era and this world?

Li Xuan knows the principles of hybrid rice and hybrid wheat, but this cannot be achieved by knowing the principles. It not only requires a lot of meticulous work and experiments, but also requires enough luck.

Li Xuan also revealed this 'idea' to the people of the 'Shennongyuan' a few months ago, intentionally or unintentionally, but so far there has been no feedback.

As far as he knew, the only person in Shennongyuan who was working hard in this area was the 'Xixue Ji'.

After this woman recovered three months ago, she changed her name and took Jue Sin as her Taoist name. She was personally recommended by Longmen Taoist leader Han Yuanzi and joined the Shennong Academy under Li Xuan.

According to Han Yuanzi, Zhao Xixue was not only well versed in music, but also had extremely high talent in wood Taoism, second only to his disciple Hua Shenxiao.

Li Xuan didn't know what Zhao Xixue's wood talent was, but this girl was quite obedient.

All the practitioners at Shennongyuan had forgotten the cross-breeding method 'conceived' by Li Xuan, but Zhao Xixue was the only one who was willing to put in the effort to study it wholeheartedly.

Li Xuan was still looking forward to it, thinking if Zhao Xixue could really achieve something in this area. That was more than enough to pay for the sins she had committed during the White Lotus Rebellion.

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