Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 680 An unprecedented prosperous age

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Shennongyuan was built in a farm outside Chaoyang Gate in the east of the capital. It is adjacent to the Chaobai River and has dry and paddy fields.

This place was originally the property of a large salt merchant in Tongzhou, but this person participated in the Xia Guangwei case and his whole family was confiscated, and then the place was allocated to Shennongyuan by Yu Hongshang.

When Li Xuan rushed here in a hurry, Yu Hongshang had already been waiting here for a long time. She hugged little Yu Youxun and looked at Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou with strange expressions.

Xue Yunrou and Yu Hongshang's eyes met, and sparks of electricity seemed to burst out from where their eyes collided.

Then the two girls smiled happily, holding arms with each other, and came together like sisters.

Li Xuan, on the other hand, was already deep in the city and had a face as thick as a wall. He ignored Yu Hongshang's sight and went directly to several magicians in charge of potato cultivation to inquire about the situation.

The potatoes brought by the Nanyang merchants this time were about twenty dan, a total of twenty-two sacks.

Li Xuan once asked about the origin of these potatoes.

In another world, potatoes are native to South America. When this plant was first brought to Europe, people only used its flowers as decorations. Later, it soon became the second staple food of Europeans.

Li Xuan asked about this because he wanted to know whether the land given by the gods on the east coast of the sea existed and what extent the Westerners' great voyages had reached.

It is a pity that these Nanyang merchants did not know anything about it. They only said that they bought it from the Flemish merchants who sold spices. As for the specific origin of these potatoes and corn, they did not know.

The Folangji people were a mixed name for the Portuguese and Spanish in the Ming Dynasty.

According to Li Xuan's instructions, these potatoes were cut into pieces and planted on different plots of land with different temperatures.

Since the number of existing potatoes in their hands is still very limited, and Shennongyuan does not have that many magicians, larger-scale experiments have not yet been carried out.

The potatoes harvested this time were from a three-acre piece of dry land near the river.

According to Li Xuan's instructions, the temperature is basically maintained between 17 and 21 degrees for a long time, the soil layer is thick and loose, and the light is sufficient.

The mercury thermometer was made by Leng Yurou based on Li Xuan's 'creation'. The scale division should not be much different from modern thermometers.

Therefore, these three acres of potatoes are the fastest to harvest.

After Li Xuan arrived, several magicians began to take out the potatoes from under the soil one by one, carefully calculating the yield.

As time went by, everyone's breathing gradually became stagnant.

Xue Yunrou looked at the large pile of potatoes piled on one side, and estimated with a flash of surprise in her eyes: The yield per mu should be about 12,000 kilograms.

She didn't expect that this inconspicuous crop, which was as big as a horse bell, could actually have such an exaggerated yield.

Yu Hongshang felt a little difficult to breathe and her mind was a little dizzy. She tried her best to stay calm and said: The output is jaw-dropping, but this field is stimulated by magic and is carefully taken care of. Under normal circumstances, , the yield per mu cannot reach such a high level.

In addition, there is water. This potato has much more water than wheat and rice. After removing the water, the yield is not exaggerated. Therefore, these items are not suitable for sufficient military rations, and they are difficult to transport.

But even with such shortcomings, Yu Hongshang was so happy that she almost lost her temper.

She has a lot of knowledge and is also good at farming.

Yu Hongshang could imagine it in her mind just by looking at the production conditions of these potatoes.

——This thing is placed in the south, and a round of potatoes can be planted after one season of rice.

——In the north, hundreds of millions of acres of barren wasteland can be utilized and developed.

The people don't even need to worry about taking care of them. After they plant the potatoes, they just wait for the harvest.

This thing may not sell for much, but it is a food to satisfy their hunger.

The key is, how to eat this thing? Xue Yunrou asked curiously: Is it cooked like this?

There are many ways to eat it. It can be steamed, stir-fried, or boiled. It can be made into mashed potatoes, potato cakes, or potato flour.

Li Xuan thought to himself, forget about French fries, they consume too much fuel, and now people may not be able to afford them.

He has ordered Shennongyuan to study the rotation of soybeans, corn, and wheat in Liaodong.

Only with enough soybeans can we have enough soybean oil for private use.

In addition, the bean dregs after oil extraction can also be fed to livestock, and a large number of pigs and cattle can be fed for human consumption.

In his world, Northeast China was originally an excellent producer of soybeans.

During the Republic of China, soybeans from the three northeastern provinces were a hot commodity internationally. Marshal Zhang relied on soybeans from the Northeast to support hundreds of thousands of well-equipped Northeastern troops.

It is a pity that Shennongyuan has too many projects to study, and now only a part of the land in Liaodong near Shanhaiguan is still in the hands of Dajin.

Li Xuan looked at the potatoes: In short, let's expand the planting volume first, and then consider how to eat them.

In fact, you don’t have to worry too much about how you eat it. When people are extremely hungry, they will even eat tree bark and Guanyin soil.

There are also many people in Jin Dynasty who are experts in cooking, and they have the ability to invent various ways of eating.

At this time, he discovered that ‘Green Qiluo’ ignored the risk of being noticed by Yu Hongshang. It actually manifested directly outside his body, looking blankly at the pile of potatoes in front of him.

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, slightly surprised: Senior Lu?

Naturally, he didn't speak with his mouth, but communicated with his thoughts.

Lu Qiluo had a complicated look on her face. She ignored Li Xuan and remained dazed and silent.

After about half a moment, several magicians finally calculated the results.

Twelve thousand, three hundred and twenty-five pounds——

This number shocked everyone. Even the dozens of magicians working in the distance temporarily stopped their work and looked towards them.

At this time, no one knew who it was, and he sighed softly: This is really God's blessing for Dajin!

Yu Hongshang hugged Yu Youxun unconsciously, thinking that this was of course God's blessing!

This is Xuan Lang descended from heaven to bring me great success!

Next, the Jin Dynasty will surely be prosperous - it will be a prosperous age beyond the imagination of all ancients!

She could even feel that her own dragon energy was boiling and growing.

Huge dragon roars shook her eardrums.

——This is a sign that the dragon veins of the Great Jin Dynasty have been greatly nourished by the induction of heaven and man.

How lucky is the little guy in her arms to be the master of this unprecedented prosperous age?

However, Xiao Yu Youxun obviously didn't feel anything and started to cry loudly.

Yu Hongshang hurriedly relaxed her strength: In the next three months, Shennongyuan will put its other work on hold and focus on cultivating these potatoes and studying planting methods in the north and south. Within three months, I will need the potatoes provided by Shennongyuan. Meet the planting needs of the entire North Zhili and South Zhili.

In three months, it will be almost the harvest season for rice and wheat. At that time, it could be planted for one season in North Zhili and South Zhili.

Li Xuan hurriedly stopped him and said: Corn and sweet potatoes still need to be studied. The significance of these two crops is not inferior to potatoes.

Corn can be grown in rotation with wheat, and sweet potatoes do not take up much soil. Sweet potato rice and sweet potato porridge are not only delicious, but also very satisfying.

Research on hybrid wheat and rice cannot be stopped, but only Zhao Xixue is researching these two items, so there is no need to mention them.

Yu Hongshang nodded slightly when he heard this: Don't worry, Mr. Xuan, I will dispatch another 200 wood magicians from all the great sects to take charge of this matter.

The importance she attaches to Shennongyuan now is completely different from before today.

Xue Yunrou also said solemnly: I, the Tianshi Mansion, will also give my full support.

She realized that these inconspicuous little things have great merits and may even affect the rise and fall of luck.

The Tianshi Mansion she is in charge of, Zhengyi, must participate no matter what.


On the way back to the capital, the faces of Li Xuan and others were more or less strange.

Their moods were obviously very exciting, but they were deliberately suppressing them.

After entering Chaoyang Gate, Yu Hongshang rushed directly to the palace. She wanted to formulate a plan to mobilize the magicians as soon as possible.

Xue Yunrou also left in a hurry. Regarding potatoes, she thought it was necessary to have an in-depth talk with Zhang Shenye who was far away in Tongguan.

Li Xuan also had to return to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, and after processing some official documents there, he went to the Taihe Gate in the palace to participate in the court meeting.

While rushing on the road, Li Xuan curiously asked Lu Qiluo: Senior Lu, what were you thinking about just now?


Green Qiluo shook her head after appearing: I just didn't expect that there are such miraculous crops in this world. Now I am more and more confident in you, Li Xuan. Li Xuan, you may really be the luck of the Jin Dynasty. Love it.

Li Xuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this: What's the destiny of human nature? It's not as exaggerated as you said. This time it's actually luck.

He didn't expect that potatoes were actually transported to Nanyang——

Humanity's luck gathers in you, and your luck is naturally extraordinary.

Lu Qiluo's expression was serious: By the way, I want to ask Li Xuan for something. Can you let Leng Yurou and Xue Yunrou join forces to make a puppet body for me?

Puppet Dharmakaya? Li Xuan was slightly surprised: Senior, are you not afraid of being noticed by your enemies?

Now the gap has been opened. Green Qiluo explained: As long as I don't leave you too far, it's not a big problem. Li Xuan, don't you want to study hybrid rice and hybrid wheat? I should be able to help. busy.

I have observed hybridization of closely related species in nature before, and I feel that Li Xuan's idea is feasible. Whether it is preventing and controlling diseases or increasing yields, hybridization can do it.

She thought, how could she be absent from such a grand event?

Green Qiluo thought to herself that if she had an entity, then she could multiply those potatoes to enough to cover the entire northern and southern Zhili in three months, and summarize all the characteristics of this plant. UU reading www.

She is the being who masters the two extremely heavenly methods of Taichung and Life and Death.

Taichu, also known as Yuanshi, is the origin of all things and the beginning of all things.

His ability in studying crops far exceeds those of magicians.

Li Xuan's eyes lit up and he thought this was a good idea.

He was well aware of Green Qiluo's ability in wood spells.

But Li Xuan then pushed further: That's okay, but Senior Lu, can you also help me condense an incarnation? I don't ask for a second soul, just use it to handle official duties.

Green Qiluo immediately rolled her eyes at him: Get out!

She thought to herself that even if she died, she wouldn't be able to condense the body of this guy again.

She knew what Li Xuan was going to do, and if she really condensed it into Li Xuan, then this guy might be on the woman's belly all day long.

Unfortunately, these past few nights, she could only hide in the depths of Li Xuan's soul and sleep, not daring to wake up - just because the situation outside was really eye-catching. .

Lu Qiluo wanted a puppet body, and also wanted to stay away from Li Xuan at night, otherwise it would be impossible to live this day.

Li Xuan felt regretful, and then his expression changed: By the way, Senior Lu, what is the gap in the sky you are talking about?

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