Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 682 Young Master, you are a pervert!

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Li Xuan turned his head sideways and looked at Leng Yurou, whose face was covered with a glass mask and dressed in work clothes from later generations, and then smiled and said: I'm also very strange, what kind of magic does my mother have that makes you dare not go home for several days? She was still talking to me about you, saying that you kept the door of the workshop closed so she couldn’t get in.

Leng Yurou's face suddenly looked strange, thinking to herself, why else could she?

Mrs. Liu has been making insinuations all day and night, asking her to think more about herself, to take action if she likes someone, and not to regret it in the future; the Artifact Alliance and Peacock Villa also need a man to inherit their business, Ding Yunyun— -No one can stand this.

Leng Yurou didn't dare to contradict, so she could only avoid the fight as much as possible.

However, she had no intention of explaining to Li Xuan. Leng Yurou held her hands on her chest and looked at Li Xuan with cold eyes: I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, just tell me! What else do you want me to do? If it's for firearms, we The three thousand muskets and twenty artillery pieces recently built by the Artifact Alliance have been delivered to the Ministry of War. There is no need to make a special trip.

Li Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the coin machine in front of him: When was this thing made? Why didn't you tell me?

It happened half a month ago. Leng Yurou shook her head: The coin stamping machine is actually very simple. It is not worth mentioning compared to the mechanism puppet. I can make it easily.

The problem is that the cost of refining aluminum powder and then melting the alloy cannot be reduced to the number you mentioned. I am improving it. But the spinning machine and cotton gin you mentioned have been built. When are you going to launch them?

The cotton gin is used to remove cotton seeds. Cotton was introduced to China during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The reason why cotton has not been used for a long time is the problem of cotton seeds. Manual removal of cotton seeds is very troublesome.

Li Xuan's pupils were slightly bright. He valued these two things more than the coin mint.

But then he shook his head slightly: It's not yet time, but your Artifact Alliance can reserve a batch of cotton at merchants in various places. Cotton is usually sown from April to May, and now is the time.

Leng Yurou pursed her lips, reluctantly.

She knew that this cotton would be very profitable in the future, but she had no intention of letting the Artifact Alliance expand its business for the time being.

The Artifact Alliance currently lacks thousands of technicians and craftsmen just for the newly built iron factory and gun factory. How can it have the energy to take care of other things?

Not to mention, this would take up a lot of money from their Artifact Alliance.

Li Xuan understood her thoughts clearly, and he glanced sideways: The imperial court will conquer Liaodong this year, and immigrants will open up and colonize. It will require at least six million cotton-padded clothes and jackets. Adding the entire north, 20 million cotton-padded clothes can easily be sold.

There are also frontier troops. I am pushing the Ministry of War to have all guard troops replace their cotton armor. You spend some money to collect cotton now, and when you sell these orders in a few months, you will reap several times the harvest.

After the appearance of rune flintlock muskets, traditional heavy armors were no longer vulnerable. Instead, cotton armor lined with iron sheets and fixed with copper nails on the outside was more practical. Not only is it more protective, it is lighter, and it also saves money.

He also asked Uncle Chengyi's Mansion to handle this business. Uncle Chengyi's house has insufficient funds and can only spend more than 500,000 taels of silver.

However, several rich women around him, such as Luo Yan and Xue Yunrou, were very interested, and they all had large sums of money in their hands.

In modern times, this is considered insider trading and is illegal, but in this era, there is not so much emphasis on it.

He must also significantly increase this year's cotton production through the order control of the Artifact Alliance.

Otherwise, when they really need it, there won't be much cotton available, and the merchants will raise the price and exploit it.

Leng Yurou's eyes lit up as expected, and a smile appeared on her face: That's pretty much it.

Li Xuan then took out another roll of blueprints and handed them to Leng Yurou: I'm here to ask Yurou to help me build a Dharmakaya puppet. Here are the blueprints. See if you can make it.

Leng Yurou looked at it for a while after taking it, and then looked at Li Xuan with strange eyes: Master, are you afraid that you are not reincarnated as a pervert? Luo Yan and the others, as well as those dragons, snakes and unicorns, can no longer satisfy you. Already?

Li Xuan was a little confused: What the hell are you talking about?

He snatched the drawing from Leng Yurou's hand, and then his eyes froze.

On the drawing, there is a LUO girl with beautiful facial features, enchanting beauty, and a delicate body, who is like a beauty in the world.

This should be the image Lu Qiluo designed for his Dharmakaya puppet. Even the width and length of the face, the height of the nose, the length of the eyes, waist circumference, etc. are all clearly marked.

——Just not wearing any clothes.

Li Xuan had never seen this drawing before. Previously, Green Qiluo used wood magic to summon countless bark and leaves, and accomplished it with a wave of his hand.

Li Xuan knew that the dharma body puppet that Lu Qiluo needed must have special needs, otherwise there would be no need to ask for help from Master Leng Yurou and Xue Shaotian.

Just because Green Qiluo herself has mastered many techniques of avatar transformation.

Li Xuan is not interested in this. He has no time to delve into the ways of runes and mechanisms for the time being.

Don't look! Lu Qiluo's voice sounded belatedly in Li Xuan's ears. A roll of green mist around her covered the drawing with a layer of mist, insulating Li Xuan. Xuan's sight.

She is the body of a ghost, and there is not much abnormality on her face, but her voice is very unnatural: A gentleman should not look at anything inappropriate. Li Xuan, you are a protector of Neo-Confucianism, a great scholar in this world, don't you even understand this principle?

Li Xuan was not interested in a Dharmakaya puppet. He just squinted at Lu Qiluo, who was only 120 centimeters tall, flat and looked like a lolita. Then he chuckled: I finally understand. Sure enough, people are getting better and better. The more you lack something, the more you want it.”

The green and beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised, and there was a hint of murderous intent in her emerald eyes.

She thought that this guy was seeking death!

A moment later, cyan thunder suddenly erupted in Li Xuan's body.

Li Xuan was caught off guard and was shaken slightly by the electric shock, with smoke coming out of his head.

Green Qiluo dealt a cruel blow this time, making his whole body feel as if he had been bitten by thousands of ants.

What are you doing? Leng Yurou looked at him suspiciously, scanning Li Xuan up and down: Why are you electrocuting yourself?

Li Xuan finally survived the electric shock, and then he laughed forcefully: I was using the thunder method to train my body, and I just lost control a little bit. By the way, can you make this dharma body puppet? If it doesn't work, the performance of the puppet can be reduced, and the magic circle The density can also be simple, but the appearance must be exquisite, and the requirement is to resemble a living person, the more like the better.”

When he saw Leng Yurou looking at him with suspicion and contempt, he had no choice but to explain: Who do you think your young master is? A lustful evil spirit with no moral integrity? This puppet is not mine either. , I was entrusted by a friend.”

Leng Yurou then put away her strange expression and fell into deep thought: I'm still a little interested. This drawing involves some ancient mechanism secrets and has research value. However, it is very expensive to build it. Purchasing the materials will cost at least eight million taels of silver, and the cost is almost the same as an immortal treasure. Are you sure you want to build this thing?

Li Xuan's face suddenly froze, thinking that this is really fatal——


Li Xuan still made up his mind and placed an order for Green Qiluo.

The 'Seven Orifices Exquisite Furnace' given to him by Lu Qiluo was of immeasurable value, almost equivalent to a divine treasure. Li Xuan could not bear to part with even eight million taels of silver.

Moreover, after Green Qiluo had the Dharmakaya puppet, he was the biggest beneficiary.

The main thing is that he still has money in his hands, at least on his books.

In the previous battle of Chengde, Li Xuan obtained a large amount of wealth from the former Yuan Tianshi Zhang Guanlan.

When this man resigned from the post of Heavenly Master, he took away all the savings of the Heavenly Master's Mansion for hundreds of years, making him extremely rich.

After the father and daughter Zhang Shenye and Xue Yunrou took revenge, they were too embarrassed to keep all the relics around Zhang Guanlan, so they gave half of them to Li Xuan.

There was a damaged fairy treasure in total, as well as various rare treasures, magic weapons and pills worth tens of millions of taels.

Then during the Battle of Chaobai River, the Zhongliu layman borrowed flowers from the two pseudo-divine treasures belonging to the White Tiger Palace Master and the Ziwei Palace Master and gave them to Li Xuan.

One is the 'Soul-Suppressing Seal' which possesses the supreme method of 'soul-suppressing', and the other is the 'Eight-faced God Sword of Decline' possessing the supreme method of 'weakening'.

Both of these items are priceless items that cannot be measured in money.

Even if the Jitian method is removed, these are still top-quality immortal weapons with great power.

But precisely because these two things were too precious, Li Xuan had not found an owner for them yet.

The few girls around him either don't have any use for it, or they think they deserve it and are unwilling to take it.

Li Xuan's idea was to barter for something they could use, but he didn't have a suitable trading partner yet.

At the level of a pseudo-divine treasure, it is very difficult to get rid of it, let alone find something of equal value to trade? We can only take our time.

In addition, the White Tiger Palace Master and the Ziwei Palace Master carry a lot of various rare medicinal pills with them, which are worth about three million.

Then there was the recent battle of Xuanfu. He also obtained two million taels of silver and two immortal weapons from Tuotao Buhua.

These two immortal artifacts are related to dragon energy, and Yu Hongshang has decided to acquire them and store them in the Ancestral Temple.

The imperial court would not allow such artifacts imbued with dragon energy to be scattered outside, lest they be acquired by heroes with evil intentions and cause disaster.

The problem is that even though everyone in the imperial court is clamoring to buy it, UU Reading neither the Ministry of Revenue nor the inner treasury can come up with a penny.

Li Xuan can only hope that his government reforms can collect more taxes and money for the court, and then make up for his debts.

All in all, although Li Xuan doesn't have much cash in hand now, in terms of books, he is rich.

Leng Yurou also knew about his situation and agreed to his credit.

Green Qiluo felt a little embarrassed, and said apologetically when she came out: Don't worry, I will find a way to replenish the money to you.

Li Xuan was happy when he heard this: Forget about the money, the innate gourd vine and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil you gave me are both extremely rare treasures. But what I need most now is the art of avatar transformation. You——

As he said this, his expression suddenly changed and he looked towards the sky.

I saw a ball of red light in the sky, crashing down here like a meteorite.

The Five Dragons and Nine Cauldrons Hunyuan Formation in the capital responded spontaneously, but did not block the red light. Li Xuan waited until the red light fell close to him, only to find that inside was a woman in palace clothes with her eyes closed and in a coma.

Li Xuan thought to himself, what does this mean? Beauty sent from heaven?

His body's reaction was faster, and he had already jumped up spontaneously, and began to use his magic power to lift the woman's fall.

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