Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 74: The former serf sings

Is this another good thing you did? Jiang's voice also raised an octave: Master Li admires you, so he asked you to meet. Is this how you, Jiang Hanyun, treat others?

How can you blame me? Jiang Hanyun felt that she had suffered a great injustice: It's obviously his fault. This guy, he, he -

When the words came to his lips, Jiang Hanyun stopped again. I feel like these dirty words about staying in a brothel and having one dragon and three phoenixes will only taint my mother's ears.

Jiang just pretended that she couldn't tell, and sneered: I can't make it up, can I? I'll give you time, you make it up, you keep making it up! I still don't know who you Jiang Hanyun is? Let me talk to you Don’t worry about whether it’s good or bad, how many of you haven’t been severely beaten by you? Mr. Li is such a noble character, the City God sits down as a mythical beast, but he has said it himself that he is a flawless gentleman!”

Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but make a sound in her heart. Her mother was a frequent visitor to major Buddhist temples in Nanjing, but the one she admired the most and believed to be the most effective was the city god.

At this time, Li Xuan couldn't stand it anymore, and he bowed to Jiang with a guilty conscience: Auntie, please listen to me, this is a street after all, please take care of Hanyun's face. Also, what I have suffered this time The injury is indeed Li Xuan's fault, and I have no complaints against Huanyun.

He was worried that Jiang Hanyun would settle the score later, which would be terrible.

How miserable Jiang Hanyun is now, how miserable Li Xuan will be in the future.

She is indeed a child with excellent character. At this time, she is still speaking for her.

Jiang couldn't help but sigh, and she seemed to be more satisfied with Li Xuan. She patted Li Xuan's shoulder affectionately: Don't worry, I will give you an explanation after she returns home in the evening. You don't have to be afraid. , I will give you a way to protect yourself, and I will guarantee that this girl will not dare to attack you again!

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Jiang Hanyun whose expression changed drastically, thinking that there is such a good thing? It was an unexpected surprise, a blessing in disguise.

At this time, as Jiang beckoned, a woman who looked like a maid or a guard beside her took out a conch the size of two fists from her sleeve and handed it to Li Xuan.

This is the Baili sound conch refined by her father. It contains forbidden magic. After the sacrifice, it can be used within a hundred miles of Nanjing city. In the future, if this girl wants to do anything violent, you can use your spiritual thoughts to activate this conch. I It will definitely make her look good!”

At this time, Jiang Hanyun looked at Li Xuan with an obvious threat. Her expression seemed to be saying, 'You will try this next'?

Li Xuan smiled nonchalantly, and took the conch in his hand as if he was flattered: Auntie's love is beyond words!

After putting away the conch, Li Xuan raised his lips provocatively towards Jiang Hanyun.

I took it, what do you dare to do? Violent woman, today we can be regarded as turned serfs and sing.


In accordance with Jiang's proposal, which can also be said to be his decree, the two of them had to go shopping on this street.

Jiang Hanyun held the sword in his hand all the way, with a livid face, exuding the aura of keeping strangers away; Li Xuan grasped the conch in his hand with a focused expression, as if there was infinite beauty in this thing that attracted him.

The sacrificial refining of this thing is very simple, just pour a trace of true energy into it. Not long after Li Xuan got it, he had already refined it.

How long are you going to look at this thing? Jiang Hanyun couldn't bear it anymore: It's been two quarters of an hour.

Li Xuan squinted at Jiang Hanyun's hand holding the waist knife: You have held this knife for more than two seconds. When are you going to pull it out, Captain?

Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but laugh with disdain: Do you really think that thing can protect you? If I really want to beat you, even the King of Heaven can't protect you!

But at this moment, Jiang's fierce roar came from the conch: Jiang Hanyun! Who do you want to beat? If I can't do it, then your mother can?

Jiang Hanyun's face turned pale, and most of her arrogance was gone. She looked helpless: I'm not beating anyone, I'm joking with Li Xuan, mother, don't make such a fuss. What are you doing? Eavesdropping. Others talk?

Li Xuan thought, let me go, does this magic conch have the function of stimulating keywords? He clearly didn't activate the device just now, but the conch started running automatically. Jiang Hanyun's words should have been transferred directly to Jiang's side.

He also noticed that Jiang Hanyun was looking over with cold eyes, and Li Xuan innocently spread his hands, indicating that it had nothing to do with him.

When the forbidden law in the conch subsided, Li Xuan shook his head: Why do some of the functions of this conch seem to be directed at you, the captain? It's quite strange to me, why does Auntie have to force you to go on a blind date? , forcing you to get married?

As a modern person, Li Xuan actually understands Jiang Hanyun quite well. A strong woman who has the ability to support herself, why does she have to find a man for herself?

In his time, there were many women who remained single and liked to be free.

What makes Li Xuan strange is Jiang Hanyun's parents. As a family with a long tradition of subjugating demons, the Jiang family should not care too much about worldly opinions.

If it were him, he really wouldn't be happy for a young cabbage like Jiang Hanyun to marry off and take advantage of other people's children.

Jiang Hanyun, with a pretty face, glanced at Li Xuan with a strange look, and then snorted: You are too busy with me. Whether I marry or not, what does it have to do with you?

Then her expression became concentrated again, and she looked in a certain direction, with a bit of joy in her eyes: Xiao Lei said that he found the guy's location! The guy is still in the Qinhuai River!

When the voice fell, UU Reading Jiang Hanyun's figure had already flashed ten feet away. At this moment, she was like a flash of lightning, her speed was extremely violent, making it difficult for people to catch her sight.

Li Xuan was soon left far away, and he could only use his own extreme speed to follow Jiang Hanyun's breath and keep shuttling through the houses.

Fortunately, the distance was not far, about twenty feet later, Li Xuan saw Jiang Hanyun again.

This is the backyard of a brothel, with an area of ​​five feet square. Jiang Hanyun is standing next to a well in the courtyard.

Love Wanlou?

Li Xuan knew the Goulan area in Jinling City very well, and he knew where it was just by looking at it.

There is indeed a reason for this guy's kidney deficiency——

Then he saw Jiang Hanyun already jumping into the well.

Sir, won't you wait? Li Xuan asked urgently: I think we can call on some more people -

There's no time! Jiang Hanyun's people have disappeared at the mouth of the well: She has noticed it and is likely to escape.

Li Xuan sighed secretly, knowing that this man was powerful with force, so he had nothing to fear.

Without thinking, he took out a talisman, opened his hand and shook it, and the talisman turned into the shape of a paper crane and flew towards the Suzaku Hall.

This is to notify the on-duty personnel of the Six Daosi Division to follow up. If something unexpected happens, then this crane talisman is a call for help.

Li Xuan then jumped down. When he fell two feet, he found a hole in the well wall. Thunder and lightning immediately sprung up behind him, propelling his body into the cave.

Then he saw a black figure inside, rushing towards him from the opposite side. Jiang Hanyun's voice also came from the depths of the cave: Li Xuan, stop that little one.

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