Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 699: 0 benefits and no harm

After meeting Fang Ying, Li Xuan returned to the capital without even inspecting the front lines of Huayin and Pingyang.

In the past three months, although the DPRK and China have been politically clear and everything has gone smoothly.

But in terms of personnel, Li Xuan has already had conflicts with several auxiliary ministers led by Chen Xun, the chief minister of the cabinet.

Li Xuan was determined to implement reforms in the Jin Dynasty and eliminate the shortcomings of the Jin Dynasty over the years.

But the key to governing is to govern people, if there are no capable people as his arms and legs. So even if Li Xuan comes up with the best policy, it will not be fully implemented, and it will even be twisted and used by the people below, and it will become a method to destroy the people.

Therefore, before Li Xuan implements the New Deal, he must have a team of bureaucrats who are open-minded, knowledgeable, capable, and down-to-earth. .

If, on this basis, we can still be fair, honest, and have a clean mind, that would be great.

Therefore, Dugu Biluo, as well as the Zhongshushe people under Li Xuan, had an extremely important political task in the past few months during his expedition, which was to collect court officials above fourth rank, as well as all Hanlin officials and Ke Dao He studied the official documents and articles written by the exiled officials, so as to identify their political stance and find those who had similar political views to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan didn't have much hope for civil servants in this era, but even if he could find three to five capable officials in the court who had similar political views to him, it would be a great help to him, and he could use them as The cornerstone of reform.

Then there are those who have no specific political opinions, but are willing to be used by him and have the ability to carry out his decrees - these people can also be relied on.

Due to the previous incident of seizing the palace, coupled with the rebellion between King Xiang, King Ning and King Yi, nearly half of the positions in the court were vacant. It is suitable for Li Xuan to support his subordinates and organize his party members.

In particular, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the elite areas of Jin along the Yangtze River and canals are what Li Xuan must firmly control.

However, Li Xuan's intentions in terms of personnel were far from those of several auxiliary ministers.

Quan Dingtian was helpless after he left, so he could only delay and wait for him to return to Beijing.

Another important reason why he is eager to return to Beijing is because this year's 'Enko' is about to begin.

Enke means that in the imperial examination system, the emperor opened special examinations outside the main examination to obtain scholars. This time, special examinations were opened in the name of the new emperor's accession to the throne.

Li Xuan also specially submitted a letter to increase the number of Jinshi this time to 700 in order to compensate for the previously canceled Spring Ceremony and to supplement the large number of vacant official positions in the court.

He is already gearing up and can't wait to select talents from Enke this time to support his future reforms.

However, after entering Beijing, the first thing Li Xuan did was to rush back to his Fenyang County Prince's Mansion to see the huge wealth totaling 70,000 taels.

Luo Yan temporarily built an underground treasure house under the Fenyang Palace and stored all the gold and silver that took up space in it. The remaining rare treasures were filled into five Qiankun bags with a space of twenty feet.

Li Xuan first looked at all the contents in the Qiankun Bag, and then rolled around on the gold and silver mountains in the underground treasure house with great excitement.

After Luo Yan saw it, he couldn't help but laugh: After all, you are also a dignified king of Fenyang County in the Jin Dynasty, and a dignified protector of Neo-Confucianism. How can you lose your composure and act like this just for some stupid things?

She would not say that after returning to the capital two days ago, she also spent a long time rolling around on this mountain of gold and silver. Then she and Xue Yunrou held various expensive jewelry and compared their looks in the mirror.

It is said that Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Jiang also came in to see it, and they were carried out unconscious at that time.

Li Xuan didn't feel ashamed at all. He smiled: Is it wrong to love money? Don't you know how much this money can help me do? In the hands of others, this wealth is just Some of these things, in my hands, can benefit all people in the world.

Luo Yan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: You also want to imitate young Fu Yujie and donate all this money to the court?

This time, Young Master Yu Jie also divided 20 million taels of various assets, but he turned around and donated this wealth to the court, which made her dumbfounded.

How is that possible? Li Xuan shook his head: I have other uses for these assets.

If these gold and silver treasures get into the hands of the imperial court, it will not be up to him how to use them in the future.

What's more, as a minister, it is inappropriate no matter how you look at it, and it may even cause endless trouble for him to donate so much money to the court.

With the current official administration of the Jin Dynasty, if he handed over this wealth of up to 70,000 taels, would it only breed endless greed among the officials in the inner and outer courts?

It is estimated that in the end, less than three to four tenths of it can actually be used on the people.

This is also inconsistent with Confucian teachings, and saints do not advocate this kind of thing.

Moreover, the total amount of gold and silver circulating in the market during the entire Jin Dynasty at this time was only between 60 million and 80 million. It would be strange to suddenly release such a large sum of money without triggering inflation. Even the cash in it is only about 50 million taels.

Li Xuan would not do such stupid things, and he was not as upright and upright as Yu Jie. He had his own way of Liuli Wuxia, which was different from that of the young master Yu Jie.

After seeing the loot this time, the second place Li Xuan rushed to was a large imperial mansion in the south of the city.

The reason why he went not to the 'Shennongyuan' under his jurisdiction, but to the imperial village outside the city, was because at this time, potatoes had begun to be grown on a large scale in imperial villages all over the country, as well as in the many estates owned by relatives and friends of the Li Xuan family.

The time has lasted for nearly a month, and in another fifty or sixty days, the harvest period will begin.

Many of the stewards and servants of the Imperial Manor were actually reluctant. For them, it was all they could do to save one thing.

Li Xuan understands this, just eat from the public family!

However, Yu Hongshang suppressed it with all her strength. These days, she didn't even care much about the court affairs. All her energy was devoted to sorting out the imperial village and promoting potatoes.

For this reason, she chopped off more than 300 heads, jailed more than 1,000 people, and drove more than 3,000 people out of the palace. She showed off her thunderous methods, which made the stewards of the palaces everywhere stay silent and start fighting twelve times. Focus on handling this matter.

When Li Xuan rode a jade unicorn into the imperial village, his eyes were attracted by a piece of spring wheat in front of him and the continuous millet fields in the distance.

At this time, the fields in the northern part of the Jin Dynasty were generally cultivated in rotation with winter wheat, beans and millet, and the people relied on wheat and millet as their staple food. This can achieve three crops in two years and maximize the use of soil fertility.

Therefore, most of the imperial village is now filled with millet fields, and only a small part is dedicated to spring wheat for the palace and officials to distribute rice.

Corn will be eliminated from the staple food until sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn and other crops appear.

What attracted Li Xuan's attention was the ears of millet and wheat in the fields.

Just as Li Xuan was deep in thought, Yu Hongshang, who had received the news in advance, arrived from the air: The old man in the imperial village said that this year's harvest may be 20 to 30% less than in previous years. But the potatoes are growing well. I I come here every day to see it, and I estimate that the harvest from one acre of land is between thirty-five and forty stones.

Li Xuan was stunned when he heard this: Only thirty-five to forty stones? Did it fall so hard?

It's already very good. Yu Hongshang explained: The gentlemen at Shennongyuan said that the potatoes we sow on a large scale are all grown by Taoism. After all, they are not as good as natural growth, so it will inevitably damage our vitality. And the potatoes are Exotic things also need a process of adapting to the climate and soil here, and it is estimated that they will be much better next year.

The corners of her lips raised slightly: Based on our sowing area, we are expected to harvest between 20 and 30 million dans. Adding in the 8 million dans of grain you snatched from Jinque Tiangong, this year will be more than enough. As for next year, No need to worry.

Shennongyuan's sweet potatoes have been harvested twice, with an average yield per mu of 11,000 kilograms. Although their growth cycle is longer, they do not need to occupy rice fields or wheat fields.

She prefers sweet potatoes, which can be planted on the edges of millet, rice and wheat fields.

There is no need to take care of it or process it. Cut it directly into pieces and cook it with rice, rice porridge, or millet rice porridge. It is extremely sweet.

Yu Hongshang is not the kind of lady who doesn't know the sufferings of the people. She knows that the vast majority of the people can't even take a bite of maltose in a year.

This sweet potato is not only sweet and can improve the taste, but also save rice and corn.

When Li Xuan heard what Yu Hongshang said, he was completely relieved. He then smiled slightly: Speaking of the eight million stones of grain, I hope to separate four million stones of them to Datong, Yulin, Taiyuan, and Xuanyuan. Mansion, and resettlement in post stations in Beizhili and other places. The other four million stones were transported to Liaodong.

Yu Hongshang thought for a moment, and then it became clear: Xuanlang, are you planning to recruit people from Shaanxi and go to Liaodong for farming?

The grain and grass placed at the post station were obviously prepared for recruiting people to migrate to Liaodong.

Li Xuan said with a condensed expression: When the cold wave comes, there will be continuous disasters in Shaanxi. I burned tens of millions of grains in Jinque Tiangong. It is estimated that Shaanxi will be short of food by the end of this year at most. I have to give them Arrange a way to survive.

It should be noted that at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Shaanxi was one of the few provinces that did not experience large-scale wars or famines. Therefore, it was densely populated and accounted for one-tenth of the Jin Dynasty at its peak.

During the reign of Emperor Taizu, he repeatedly immigrated from Shaanxi to the border areas. Later, when Huguang immigrated, it was said that 40% of the population was from Jiangxi and 60% from Shaanxi.

But even so, Shaanxi's population is still second only to Shandong, reaching 17 million.

Once a famine strikes, it will definitely not be able to support such a large population, and it will also be a huge burden on the natural environment there.

At this time, Liaodong was vast and sparsely populated.

Although the cold wave is coming, the temperature in Liaodong will drop sharply. But as long as there is cotton, corn and potatoes, even Liaodong can feed a large population.

In particular, the area of ​​this world is three times larger, and the vastness of the Liaodong Plain is also incredible. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net That piece of black land is enough to feed tens of millions of households. Not only could there be tens of millions of people living there, but it could also become the granary of the Jin Dynasty, reducing the pressure on water transportation, which would be beneficial without any harm.

Shaanxi has too many people. It would be better to move some out.

Yu Hongshang did not hesitate: But before that, we must first mobilize troops in northeastern Liaoning to sweep away the Jurchen tribes and recapture the Nurgan capital headquarters.

This matter is simple. After the defeat of the Tatar tribe, Oara has no power to send troops to Liaodong. It only needs to send a general to march eastward, which is easy.

Li Xuan is not looking down on the current Jurchens. At this time, the Jurchen tribes are indeed in a bad state and are constantly fighting among themselves.

He didn't even need to mobilize troops on a large scale. The strength of the Liaodong Commandery Division and the Jizhou Commandery Division was enough to defeat the Jurchen tribes.

It is said that persimmons are picked when they are soft, and the current Liaodong Plain is the softest persimmon.


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