Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 701 The King’s Triumph

About a moment later, Leng Yurou took the balance of five million taels given by Li Xuan and left from the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion with satisfaction.

Green Qiluo couldn't wait to run out of Li Xuan's body and enter her puppet body.

She immediately used her magic power to create a set of clothes to cover her naked body, and then glared at Li Xuan with evil eyes: You are really a pervert! You are so shameless!

This guy just looked up and down her puppet body for half a moment, not missing any detail.

Li Xuan spoke righteously and was displeased: Senior Lu, what are you talking about? I'm checking your body, senior. I spent a total of eight million taels for your Dharma body. What if something happens to you? The question is, isn’t it a huge loss?”

He then even said: This is so unreasonable! No matter how lustful I am, there is no way I am interested in a little girl who has not grown up and a machine with an iron shell. Senior Green, where do you put my character?

However, there was a strange sparkle in his pupils. Green Qiluo in her lolita state and her current girl state gave Li Xuan an unusual feeling.

Strangely enough, the image of Green Qiluo changed, and it turned out to be a completely different flavor.

Also, Leng Yurou’s workmanship is really good this time. He understands a little bit about those modern ‘puppet controllers’.

It was hard for Lu Qiluo to tell the truth from Li Xuan's words, and the words little girl who hasn't grown up and iron-cased machine made her even more embarrassed and angry, and she grinded her teeth for a while.

However, she currently has no good countermeasures, and there is nothing she can do about Li Xuan.

Although Lu Qiluo has a lot of information about Li Xuan and can make Li Xuan capsize at any time, she is not the kind of person who likes to stir up trouble.

Green Qiluo could only snort coldly and made a serious note in her heart.

She then looked serious: Li Xuan, do you really plan to promote those machines? This is a way to kill the people. I have seen the silk reeling machine made by the Artifact Alliance. One machine can be equivalent to the work of a hundred people, which means that it takes the food of a hundred people. , Why is this necessary? Once it becomes popular on a large scale, countless people will not be able to eat.

Li Xuan smiled when he heard this: That's not how the accounts are settled, and I have my own thoughts on this matter, so you don't have to worry about it.

One machine can indeed take away the food of a hundred people, but there will be more positions in the logistics and sales links. Folks no longer need to weave and reel silk, and can spend their extra time raising livestock.

Li Xuan thought to himself how he could increase social wealth if he did not improve production efficiency?

Industrialization and future intelligence have indeed taken away many people's jobs, and the exploitation of capital has become increasingly excessive. But it does make people's lives better, more materially abundant, and easier to live.

Is it okay to just let people work hard all day long doing manual labor or digging food from the fields?

What's more, his business tax reform relies entirely on these factories.

Due to various reasons, the Jin Dynasty, like the Ming Dynasty, did not have any commercial taxes.

Over the past three hundred years, all the ministers in the past dynasties were aware of the problems involved, but no one dared to take a step beyond this.

Li Xuan also did not dare to introduce commercial taxes. He knew that with the official administration of the Jin Dynasty, any increase in taxes would eventually be passed on to the people and bring huge pressure to them.

It is a very troublesome thing to re-establish a commercial tax system covering the whole country.

Even if it is set up, it will be useless. Those wealthy businessmen have many ways to avoid taxes, and the only ones who will really bear the business tax are small businessmen and hawkers.

Therefore, Li Xuan's hopes of reforming commercial taxes were pinned on these factories.

Once these factories are built, he will collect value-added tax directly from the goods leaving the factory. Even if a heavy tax of 10% or 20% is added, these cottons and silks will still be several times cheaper than handmade goods.

Value-added tax is undoubtedly the tax that makes people feel the least pain.

Li Xuan estimated that there wouldn't be much opposition from the people. Is the court going to tax those machines that take away people's jobs? That's great, we should collect more.

The way to collect taxes is even simpler. Just focus on the shipments of these factories and collect them.

Li Xuan kept in mind the principle that in this era of inefficient bureaucracy, the best policy adopted by the court was to eliminate complexity and simplify it.

The simpler and cruder it is, the harder it will be for the officials below to get their hands on it.

Also try not to blatantly touch the existing cake. It is best to steal the cake without people knowing.

Only after industrialization will cause great pollution to the water quality in various places.

If Li Xuan doesn't want to lose the dragon clan as an ally, he must work hard on the purification of industrial wastewater from the beginning.

Fortunately, there is such a thing as Taoist talisman array in this world, and Li Xuan has entrusted Tianshi Mansion to study the corresponding talisman array.

This kind of talisman formation is actually not difficult, but Li Xuan's requirement is to reduce the cost to the greatest extent.

In short, Li Xuan has a comprehensive strategy for future governance.

The explanation was very complicated. Li Xuan did not intend to explain everything to Green Qiluo in detail. He shook his head: Senior, instead of worrying about my governance, it would be better to find a way to add one or two more incarnations to me.

As Li Xuan spoke, he pointed at the official documents that had been stacked close to the roof: Look at these! Don't you want me to fight for the Emperor of Heaven? But how can I have the time to fight now?

Green Qiluo was unmoved: Don't fool me. I know that there isn't much that you really need to deal with, it's just a few signatures. When the assistants you train come on board, you will only be more relaxed.

Then her expression changed: What you want is not actually an external incarnation, but you want to use the incarnation to increase the speed of studying martial arts. But in fact, there is a simpler and more convenient method right in front of you, which can save you dozens of times. Time, why turn to me for help.”

Oh? Li Xuan's eyes lit up and he became a little curious: This junior is willing to hear the details.

Young Siming! Lu Qiluo pointed in the direction of Jiangnan Medical Center: The 'Death Immortal Order' in her hand and the 'Haotian Divine Seal' in your hand are both the 'Zhoutian Xingdou Formation' of the Third Generation Heaven. key.

Li Xuan's body shook slightly, showing surprise.

Just because the ‘Zhoutian Xingdou Formation’ is famous in this world, it has been the world-protecting formation of Heavenly Court for generations.

It is said that this formation requires the refinement of 365 large Zhoutian star banners, corresponding to the 365 main stars in the sky; and then requires 14,800 small Zhoutian star banners, corresponding to 10,000 Four thousand eight hundred secondary stars. Coupled with the power of hundreds of millions of gods and demons, one god and demon representing a star can form an extremely powerful Zhoutian star formation.

With the sun star and the lunar star as the main star array eyes, 365 large star flags as the roots, 14,800 small star flags as the stems, and the power of hundreds of millions of gods and demons as the branches and leaves. The power of the stars in the sky is connected together, which shows how vast their power and power are——

Although these two things cannot help you control this formation, you can still do it with the help of Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and some calculations. What can I say?

Green Qiluo pondered for a moment: This function is very similar to the supercomputer you mentioned to Leng Yurou. Its computing power is extremely powerful. The late emperor once used this formation to deduce a computer that was no less than eight in one day. The body-training method of Jiu Xuan Gong.”

Li Xuan's eyes suddenly fluctuated.

Also. There was a smile on Lu Qiluo's lips, with a meaningful expression: If you are not afraid of capsizing, you can also try to kiss Fangze. If you can win Shao Siming's heart, then what she gives you will be valuable enough. It’s equivalent to three or five East Islands.”

Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh, thinking to himself, how could he be the one who would give up for five buckets of rice?

He dared to pat his chest and guarantee that he and all the confidante around him were acting out of love and not involving any personal relationships.

Lu Qiluo's voice continued leisurely: I know her identity. Although this woman calls herself 'Yuan Taiwei', she is actually the concubine of the pre-Qin Emperor and the most beloved princess of the First Emperor.

She can help you obtain all the wealth buried in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, but the most valuable ones should be the 1.2 million Qin army souls sealed in the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. Without exception, all of them can be transformed into ‘Heavenly Soldiers’. So you only need the help of this woman, and your position as Emperor of Heaven is not only certain, but still 20 to 30 percent certain.

Li Xuan couldn't help but take in a breath of cold air, thinking that this young Siming was really a bit fragrant. He almost couldn't hold on to his own glazed aura.


After Green Qiluo got a little familiar with her body, she left the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion and went to Shennongyuan out of fear of avoiding Li Xuan.

Li Xuan also breathed a sigh of relief. With a loli ghost attached to his body, it was still very stressful to have sex with Luo Yan and the others.

Many special moves cannot be practiced. Li Xuan's skin is not thick enough to ignore everything.

He then immersed himself in the paperwork, and it was not until the early morning of the next day that he properly processed all the backlog of official documents in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion.

At Chen hour, Li Xuan wore a royal robe and six-layered demon-slaying armor, and rode into the Forbidden City fully armed.

Wherever he passed along the way, almost all the soldiers in the Beijing camp were half-kneeling on the ground with solemn expressions, either saying hello or calling them thousand years old.

All the ministers participating in the court meeting along the way also gave way and were respectful.

This is not to respect Li Xuan's status as a county prince, but to respect the invincible and invincible Army God of the Jin Dynasty.

When Li Xuan stepped into the Gate of Supreme Harmony, all the ministers, including the chief minister Chen Xun, had serious expressions on their faces. They all felt an extremely majestic and heavy power coming toward their faces.

I still remember that four months ago, the Jin Dynasty was still suffering from internal and external troubles and was struggling.

Some pessimistic people even believed that the court was in turmoil and could only last for a year and a half at most.

However, within just four months, the situation was completely different.

Although there is still a Yi Wang Yu Jian Shen separatist Xi'an stubborn resistance, but it is unlikely to become a serious problem.

And all this is because of the Fenyang County Prince in front of them.

Li Xuan was captured alive one after another, defeated King Ning and King Xiang, and used a three-foot-long sword to cleanse the world and sweep away the evil atmosphere.

This not only created Li Xuan's invincible reputation on the battlefield, but also put great pressure on the princes in the court.

The first thing that will be discussed in court today is the candidate for the censorship of Nan Zhili.

Standing on the steps in front of Yu Hongshang, Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony and eunuch, glanced at the ministers: This matter has been debated in the court for three months and cannot be delayed any longer.

At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, there were thirteen supervisory censors under the Metropolitan Procuratorate, plus the Northern and Southern Zhili, a total of 170 people. As a seventh-rank official, UU reads www.uukanshu. The net division is in charge of supervising the 13 provinces and the northern and southern Zhili, such as impeaching officials, making reports and ruling, reviewing criminal names, and inspecting ceremonies, etc., and is called Censor of Patrol.

In addition, each province has a chief official, called the Palm Censor.

What they wanted to discuss at this time was the selection of the more than 20 supervisory censors in Southern Zhili.

This matter is simple! Li Xuan flicked his robe sleeves: Since the auxiliary ministers are still arguing, let's submit it to the court for discussion!

At this moment, many auxiliary ministers, including Chen Xun and Yu Jie, could not help but feel a pain in their balls and their faces twitched.

This is what they least want to see. Once the matter is submitted to the court for discussion, it will be out of the control of these auxiliary ministers.

This is what the officials of the third rank and above below are happy to see. Only by entering the court can they have a say in the personnel affairs of the court.

But the final decision-making power on these personnel affairs will fall into the hands of Princess Yu Hongshang.

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