Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 711 I have someone I like

When Li Xuan returned to the capital, he still planned to use his two legs to travel.

But when he walked to Nanjing Water Gate, Meng Qingfan, the magic gun of the years, flew up in the sky on her steel flying swallow.

She looked like she had just met by chance: What a coincidence. Is King Fenyang going back to Beijing? I'll give you a ride again.

Li Xuan was stunned and looked up and down at Meng Qingfan with suspicion.

Meng Qingfan looked calm at first, as if nothing had happened, but then his face gradually turned red. Her eyes turned away and she could no longer look directly at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan knew what she was doing when he saw her like this.

He thought, wasn't this what Le Qianqian used to be like?

Li Xuan was secretly proud, thinking that his charm was really unstoppable.

But just in case, he still asked the cowardly dog ​​in his arms.

Li Xuan mainly suspected these two 'accidental encounters' and suspected that Meng Qingfan accurately knew his whereabouts.

Tingtian Mastiff had a hard-to-speak expression. In the end, he could only hum and said vaguely: I don't know, but she didn't mean any harm.

Li Xuan was relieved and returned to the capital on Meng Qingfan's magic weapon.

The speed of this 'Hongfei Shenyan' is indeed not inferior to that of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Shuttle. When Li Xuan arrived in the capital, it was only Shen Shichu, which was around three o'clock.

Li Xuan jumped down from the steel flying swallow, with a solemn expression on his face, and said earnestly: Ms. Meng! I understand what you mean. But I already have someone I like, and they are about to get married, so I really can't do anything else. Accept a new relationship. Miss Meng, you are a good girl, there is no need to spend your thoughts on me.

Li Xuan still has some self-awareness, knowing that if his heart continues to be divided, the ship will capsize.

Although his time management skills are great, they are still close to their limits.

I can't harm girls anymore, my conscience will hurt.

When Meng Qingfan heard this, his chest felt tight and he had the urge to vomit blood.

She grabbed her own spear and stared at Li Xuan's head, feeling the urge to stab this guy desperately. .

What made Meng Qingfan funny and angry was that this guy waited for her to send her people to Beijing before saying these words to her.

Li Xuan was furious when she saw him, wondering if it was love that gave rise to hatred?

He immediately cupped his fists and saluted: There are countless flowers in this world. Miss Meng, you will meet your lover one day. Farewell!

Li Xuan saw that Meng Qingfan's eyes were getting sharper and his murderous intent was getting colder, so he no longer dared to speak any more. His figure flashed and flew towards his palace.


At this time, the Fenyang Prince's Mansion was already decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, giving it a festive atmosphere.

Because Li Xuan was busy with government affairs, he didn't bother about the marriage at all. It was all handled by his mother Liu, with the help of housekeepers Li Sihai and Dugu Biluo.

Originally, according to the rules, Li Xuan's sister-in-law Su Zhaojun should come forward in this matter. However, Su Zhaojun just gave birth to a fat son a few months ago, and he had to take care of the huge property of Chengyi Mansion, so he really couldn't spare the time and effort.

Mrs. Liu was very happy, presiding over the middle feed, Bingjun holding the axe, and scolding Baji - she had not experienced this feeling for a long time since Su Zhaojun got married!

If she hadn't missed her eldest grandson, Mrs. Liu would have wanted to stay in Fenyang Prince's Mansion for her retirement and never go back.

Although Li Chengji also has an uncle's palace in the capital, it is the territory of his eldest daughter-in-law, Su Zhaojun. How can he be free in the Fenyang Prince's palace of his second son?

Li Xuan had just entered the house when he learned good news and bad news from the butler Li Sihai.

The good news is that the missing jade unicorn at home ran back again. Just before he returned, the jade unicorn suddenly appeared in its luxurious stable. But Li Sihai said it seemed to be in a bad mood and listless.

The bad news is that Luo Yan and Le Qianqian both moved out yesterday.

This was actually a sign. They were looking for a house a month ago. Although Li Xuan didn't want them to move, both girls insisted on doing so.

Fortunately, the yard Luo Yan and Le Qianqian were looking for was also in Fenyang Wang Hutong.

The location is right next door to Leng Yurou's workshop, a large six-entry house.

The family had actually wanted to move for a long time. Leng Yurou's workshop next to them was filled with the sound of 'clicking and scratching' every day, and occasionally there would be explosions.

Inside and outside the Fenyang Palace, heavenly pressure would erupt from time to time, sweeping across all directions, making people terrified.

The key is that the court had already heard rumors that it was going to forcibly acquire land next to the Fenyang County Prince's Palace, and reward the Fenyang County Prince to build a palace that conforms to regulations, in order to reward Li Xuan for his contribution to attacking the Mengwu in the north and quelling the rebellion.

So when Luo Yan and Le Qianqian offered a high price, the owner of the house hurriedly moved out.

Then the two girls divided the yard into five.

Li Xuan was also very pleased, although he did not want to see Luo Yan and Le Qianqian move out of the palace.

But since the two girls are still willing to live near him, it means that his boat has not capsized.

Actually, there is no difference. Zhang Yue, as Li Xuan's childhood friend, also ran over to help Li Xuan. When he heard about this, he burst into laughter: You go and ask for an order to expand the wall of Fenyang Prince's Mansion. Aren't they still the same? Live at your house?

Peng Fulai, who was next to him, looked at the main building of Fenyang Prince's Mansion, which was decorated in red and hung with red lights, with some sadness.

I recall that two years ago, they visited brothels and boats on the Qinhuai River, determined to taste all the famous flowers in the world.

Two years later, Li Xuan had forgotten his ambition and became the first of the three of them to get married.

The key point is that he married his future immediate boss, who can slaughter their bloody-handed people, the Iron-blooded Shura, without giving any face, without any reason.

However, this was Li Xuan's big day after all. Although Peng Fulai had a premonition that his future life would be very sad, he still forced a joyous expression on his face and joked: If you want to expand, just expand it a little further. , I remember that the ritual system of the county prince's palace is 200 feet from north to south and 120 feet from east to west. Li Xuan could have included several surrounding alleys, and then let General Jiang Zhonglang be the east palace, Master Xue Shaotian be the west palace, and let Luo Luo be the west palace. The captain lives in Nangong——

Li Xuan actually had such thoughts in his mind, but after Green Qiluo set him the goal of being the Emperor of Heaven, his vision became more long-term.

He turned around and looked behind Peng Fulai expressionlessly: Yan'er, are you here?

Peng Fulai couldn't help being surprised. Luo Yan was also his immediate boss, and he was genuine.

His fat body jumped up like a rabbit, and at the same time he looked back, only to find that there was no one behind him.

Li Xuan laughed when he saw this, waved and left: You guys talk among yourselves, I'll go see my mount.

Peng Fulai couldn't help wiping a cold sweat, thinking that this guy really didn't deserve to be a son of a man, and he was becoming less and less brotherly.

Zhang Yue also sneered: Do you need to be so afraid? Lieutenant Luo won't beat you up. She always talks softly to others. She is also well-known in Liudao Division. She always discusses matters and handles business affairs in a matter-of-fact manner.

Peng Fulai snorted: She can't beat me, but she can use illusions to make you kiss a pig in front of everyone, thinking that the other person is a stunning beauty.

Zhang Yue was stunned for a moment, then thought to himself that this was quite scary.

He was secretly glad that he was transferred to the military. It was indeed a wise choice.

Then Zhang Yue winked again: Fu Lai, what do you think about Li Xuan's wedding tomorrow?

Peng Fulai was slightly moved and responded with a half-smile: Zhang Taishan, you are very courageous. Aren't you afraid that your brothers and sisters will chop you up afterwards?

Zhang Yue's breath was suffocated, and then he spoke decisively: Li Xuan has a poem that says, 'A man's heart is as strong as iron until death'. This is the only wedding in his life. If he doesn't make a fuss, wouldn't it be too boring?

He was actually feeling guilty, worried that the wedding would not go through and he would be beaten by Jiang Hanyun instead.

But Zhang Yue thought for a moment and still believed that at this time, he must not shrink back, even if he was beaten to a pulp afterwards.

Peng Fulai sneered secretly, thinking boring? Hehe, Zhang Yue, are you afraid you have misunderstood something?

Peng Fulai didn't believe that Li Xuan's backyard would be so safe. There might be a big show at Li Xuan's wedding tomorrow.

What's more, does that guy Li Xuan really have only one wedding in his life?

At this moment, a figure wearing an aqua skirt walked over and said, What are you talking about?

Zhang Yue looked over and found that it was 'Xuan Chenzi'. He smiled slightly at that moment: We are talking about Li Xuan's wedding tomorrow. I wanted to have a wedding party with him.

Xuan Chenzi couldn't help but smile: Then you must be careful, Jiang Zhonglang will skin you.

Then he also looked in the direction of the main building, with a hint of envy in his eyes: I just went to the medical clinic to see Jiang Zhonglang trying on the wedding dress. It's absolutely beautiful, Feng Yiluan. The crown is fragrant, the lead is beautiful, and the legendary Xi Shi Diao Chan is even less beautiful.

I'm so envious. If I could wear such a wedding dress once, I would feel satisfied for the rest of my life. Fu Lai——

When Peng Fulai heard her words, his whole body suddenly stood on end with chills and chills: Impossible! Absolutely impossible. Xuanchen, don't you even think about it? Don't you even want to know?

Zhang Yue had suspicious eyes at this time, looking between Peng Fulai and Xuan Chenzi.

During the days when he left Beijing to fight the rebellion with Li Xuan, did something happen between the two of them?

At the same time, at the east gate of Nanjing City, the 'Palace Master Ziwei' was looking at the Suzaku Hall in front of her with her hands behind her back.

Are you sure that Fenyang County Prince has left?

Yes! The person who answered the question was a man in black. His face was solemn and respectful: We observed that this man left the city at noon and stayed at the water gate for a while, meeting with the 'Senior Spear' Mengqing. Brahman leaves together.

Meng Qingfan? This woman finally showed up?

When he asked what was right and wrong, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and there was a sharp look in his eyes.

Jinque Tiangong has also been looking for Meng Qingfan. Unfortunately, only the former Tianshi Palace Master and Dongfang Liang knew about this girl's whereabouts.

The Master of Qinglong Palace may also know about it, but not even Grand Commander can force this person to speak.

Now it seems that this woman has indeed taken refuge with Li Xuan.

However, Meng Qingfan had nothing to do with their action this time. After asking what was right and wrong, he asked nonchalantly: What about the Lord of Tianshi Palace? How much time does it take for him to arrive?

The Lord of Tianshi Palace was originally selected by the Dragon Clan and the two Capital Gods. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett However, after Shao Siming was seriously injured and escaped from the Heavenly Palace, this person did not dare to stay in the Heavenly Palace and escaped soon after.

I happened to ask right and wrong and was ordered to go to Beihai and lift the seal of that person.

Da Siming followed the trend and appointed this person as the new 'Master of Tianshi Palace'.

We've arrived a long time ago. This is our first mission since joining Tiangong. How dare I, a sinner, neglect it?

Following this voice, a burly figure wearing a Tianshiyuan mask appeared silently on the city wall. He looked at the tall building in the center of Suzaku Hall and said in a frivolous and casual voice: Your target is him, right? The one named Qiu Qianqiu?

When asked, he was happy at first, and then nodded heavily, with endless murderous intent and overwhelming coldness in his eyes.

Exactly this person! This Zhuque Hall Master has always regarded Li Xuan as his nephew, and he is also the biggest cornerstone of Li Xuan's stability in Jiangnan. The chief minister has ordered me to take action tomorrow on the occasion of Li Xuan's wedding. When people are killed, when Li Xuan gets married, it is also the memorial day of this Suzaku Hall Master.

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