Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 714 Optimus Giant Pillar Qiu Qiu

When Qiu Qianqiu recited the spiritual words, the four people present looked in shock and surprise.

Just because they have never heard of the name of the Supreme Emperor Miluo to the True Xuanhuang Emperor.


The corners of Guo Jing's lips raised slightly, showing a hint of sarcasm and disdain.

He guessed that Qiu Qianqiu asked for help from an evil god. The dignified Demon-Conquering Manager of the Six Daosi Division, Lord Suzaku, actually asked for help from an evil god before he died?

It's really ridiculous.

Palace Master Ziwei's eyes were cold as he asked what was right and wrong. The brilliant sword light continued to break through the heavy weight of Gang Yuan in front of Qiu Qianqiu, and it split apart Qiu Qianqiu's body that had reached the level of 'Indestructible Vajra' like a broken bamboo. Train your body horizontally.

No matter which evil god Qiu Qianqiu seeks help from, this person must be killed here! Apart from this, there is no second outcome possible.

But when the void behind Qiu Qianqiu opened, those chains, accompanied by endless ferocious energy, rushed down like a black tide, and the breath of the four people was suddenly suffocated. .

The ridicule and joking in their eyes were also frozen in the depths of their pupils.

God general?

Guo Jing was taken aback. He looked intently at the two groups of brilliant divine lights in those black chains, as well as the two stalwart figures in the divine lights.

Although the aura of these two people is extremely fierce and violent, more like a fierce ghost than a 'god'.

But the boundless divine power and tyrannical will that came rushing towards him were unquestionably the ‘Great Celestial Position’ and the true ‘divine general’ level.

But at this time, Guo Jing felt extremely ridiculous.

Since the Qin Emperor sealed the sky, the only gods that can still remain in the world are the City God, the Mountain God and the Water God, the Kitchen God.

In the past ten thousand years, even those emperor-level gods have been unable to penetrate their power into the human world.

What's more, the 'divine generals' under his command were brought directly to the mortal world?

——Has the ‘gap’ in this world become so serious? So much so that these two divine generals were able to descend here in their perfect form!

So what kind of god is the ‘Tai Shang Miluo Zhi Zhen Xuan Huang Emperor’? Or is it a new divine name created by some ancient god?

Guo Jing had no time to think about it anymore. What shocked him was the extreme magic that came with those two violent ideas!

——Tenacity! Cuffs! seal! Sharp! Behead! die!

In addition to tenacity, a whole five kinds of heavenly power were applied to Guo Jing's body from afar.

This did not come from the two ‘divine generals’ who came, but from the two broken artifacts under their control.

But even if it is a broken artifact, even if the user is not very skilled in controlling these two artifacts, its power is far superior to any fake artifact in the world!

Guo Jing didn't even have room to react as he was tightly bound by those black chains, and then the broken guillotine blade flew toward his body at the speed of a stream of light.

Guo Jing's pupils shrank for a while, and then suddenly opened in anger, his face was distorted, and he was very angry: Delusion! In the battle of Jitian, a large number of laws and regulations are not effective! You want to kill me, you are simply talking nonsense!

Guo Jing's whole person suddenly became 'distorted', his body, the chains around him, the space within a thousand feet nearby, and even the five heavenly methods that Ling added to his body and mind were all distorted. Twisted out of shape.

Then his whole body exploded, scattering countless blood powder and flying in all directions.

This is exactly Guo Jing's distortion and dispersion methods of Jitian. Although these two laws are not very powerful, they can make him almost immortal.

In the past, even the Jinque Tiangong had no choice but to seal most of his body and soul in the extremely cold place, sealing his extreme heavenly law with the extreme cold.

But at the same time, those black chains also dispersed and split into tens of thousands of tiny chains. They followed the laws of 'shackles' and 'seals', capturing all the flesh and blood that Guo Jing exploded, and Cuff and seal one by one!

The broken guillotine blade was killing all the pieces of Guo Jing's body with unparalleled sharpness!

Just when Guo Jing was fighting fiercely with the two great generals, Qiu Qianqiu flicked his finger and struck the brilliant sword light in front of him, causing a heavy metallic sound of 'clang'.

The hundred-foot-long sword light, brilliant martial intent, and immeasurable starlight that were struck by Palace Master Ziwei were all dimmed in an instant, and the flying sword itself was also knocked away thousands of feet away.

At the same time, Qiu Qianqiu raised his hand and waved.

The power of destruction behind him condensed, fissioned and fused endlessly, emitting infinite light and heat. Suddenly, dozens of annihilating divine lights were blasted out, blasting the sword light that the Xuanwu Palace Master returned to Beihai to smash into pieces. The unparalleled chill that followed the sword was wrapped in the infinite light and heat of the annihilating divine light. Sweeped away in an instant.

At this time, Qiu Qianqiu's annihilating martial intent also exploded endlessly, covering the entire void. The vast ocean was free to use clouds and rocks to reach the sky and the earth.

He did not specifically attack the heavenly female cultivator 'Li Lianxian' from Jinque Heavenly Palace, but the countless green wind blades that Li Lianxian blasted were all shattered and rolled back in an instant.

These wind knives that split the world collapsed before they could get within twenty feet of Qiu Qianqiu.

Li Lianxian's face couldn't help but turn slightly pale. They were both in the realm of Xiaotian, but the gap in combat power between the two was like a chasm in the sky, as different as clouds and mud.

His breathing was also suffocated, and there was a little fear in his pupils.

Jinque Tiangong has many eyes and ears and is extremely well-informed.

Someone told him a long time ago that Qiu Qianqiu now is Zhu Mingyue thirteen years ago. Its power and power have already reached the extreme level of the Small Heaven Realm from the moment it entered the Small Heaven Realm.

When asked about right and wrong, he did not doubt the claims of those intelligence agencies at all, just because this Suzaku Hall Master had become famous in the northwest more than ten years ago.

Qiu Qianqiu is the pillar of the Six Daosi in the west. His Great Destruction Palm and Tongzi Henglian are invincible under the throne of heaven.

At that time, both the big and small Simings had the intention to recruit Qiu Qianqiu into the Heavenly Palace as a candidate for ‘Si Ming’.

So when he released Guo Jing, the first target he chose was 'Qiu Qianqiu'.

Li Xuan already has a 'middle-class layman' and a 'Jiang Yunqi' beside him, and there cannot be a third existence that can compete with Da Siming in the future.

But today, when I asked myself to feel the power of Qiu Qianqiu's martial intention, I knew that this person was indeed extremely close to the ultimate method!

And because of the ‘Great Destruction Palm’ technique, his lethality will only surpass that of Zhu Mingyue thirteen years ago!

Qiu pretended to be empty in Zhuque Hall and showed weakness to the enemy, just to lure the enemy. But I didn't expect that I didn't fish out those demons lurking in South Zhili, but instead fished out the Golden Que Tiangong. It's ridiculous, if not Xiaoxuan went to Nanjing for a trip, I’m afraid it’s really hard for me to be lucky today——”

While Qiu Qianqiu laughed at himself, there was an infinite chill in his brows and an infinite murderous intention! His aura and annihilating martial will are constantly improving.

The 'Suzaku Seal' hanging on his side showed a crimson brilliance, and a Suzaku with a wingspan of hundreds of feet suddenly appeared behind Qiu Qianqiu, emitting a monstrous red fire.


Xuanwu Palace Master Gui Beihai knew that Qiu Qianqiu was gathering momentum - when the momentum was completed, the three people here would have little chance of survival.

Today's siege plan has suffered a disastrous failure. There is no need to continue.

He flickered directly, and with the help of the power of the surrounding water vapor, he flew out of the void, separated directly from Qiu Qianqiu's eyes, and dived into the nearby river.

The speed of the other two's movements was not as fast as Gui Beihai's.

Li Lianxian escaped even before he asked what was right and wrong. She knew that she was the weakest among the three. Once Qiu Qianqiu was ready to attack, she would definitely die.

But then, she saw the shadow of a Suzaku encircling the crimson palm, suddenly penetrating through the void, and a wind wall with a heavy force that could isolate the void, bombarding her chest.

Li Lianxian's whole body overflowed with blood, and then his whole body turned into a ball of bright light.

The power of destruction caused her whole body to fission, and finally there was a loud noise and a huge mushroom cloud. Infinite waves of wind and air swept across the mountains and fields, and the infinite light, heat and radiation were absorbed by Qiu Qianqiu, condensed into his second palm of great annihilation, and blasted towards Gui Beihai, the master of Xuanwu Palace, from afar.

Gui Beihai's pupils shrank, showing a bit of despair.

He exhausted all the heavenly essence in his body and all the cold martial spirit, manipulated the infinite cold power between heaven and earth, and slashed at Qiu Qianqiu's big red hand.

But this cold knife, which could freeze mountains and rivers for two hundred miles, was instantly melted away by the Great Destruction Palm.

Then Gui Beihai's whole body began to evaporate. Although he did not expect to be treated as a material for extinction fission like Li Lianxian. But the infinite light and heat contained in Qiu Qianqiu's palm still extinguished all the vitality in Gui Beihai.

Next, Qiu Qianqiu struck the 'Palace Master Ziwei' with another palm and asked what was right and wrong.

This palm print directly traveled through the void forty miles, and collided with the questioning 'North Star Sword'.

The latter's mouth suddenly overflowed with blood, and his whole body was on fire.

But his people still turned into a starlight, contacted the power of the stars in the sky, and fled further away.

Qiu Qianqiu also knew that he could not kill this person, so he stopped pursuing him.

His escape speed is comparable to this person's, and the hope of catching up is very slim. Being able to severely damage him is already pretty good.

Qiu Qianqiu snorted disdainfully and turned to look behind him.

The Lord of the City Palace, Guo Jing, had also fled that day. Fu Youde, the Prisoner God General, and Lan Yu, the Heavenly Punishment God General, both put away the artifacts in their hands.

The two of them nodded slightly towards Qiu Qianqiu, and UU Reading the divine body turned into dots of starlight and dispersed one after another.

Qiu Qianqiu felt that it was a pity that these two divine generals had mastered the artifact for too short a time and had not yet fully refined it; second, the artifact itself was damaged to the core.

Otherwise, these two great generals are enough to rival the real ‘Jitian’.

Even if the demon Guo Jing can reach the sky, he can't even think of escaping from here today.

Qiu Qianqiu then shook his head and walked to the 'sky gap'.

He took out a red seal with the words Great Qin Tingwei from Wang Shouyi's arms, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and then applied a palm to the gap.

At this moment, Qiu Qianqiu suddenly felt something in his heart and looked outside the 'sky gap' using spiritual vision.

He saw countless pairs of eyes opening outside, staring at him.

Each pair contained infinite majesty and power, so much so that the bones all over Qiu Qianqiu's body made a clicking sound.

His flesh and blood began to lose control at this moment. The golden hegemonic body that was as strong as 'indestructible' and even 'immortal' had the potential to change at this moment.

Qiu Qianqiu's body stagnated for a moment, and then he slammed his hand to forcefully seal the 'sky gap'.

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