Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 716 Wedding Night Two

After Li Xuan saw Tingtian Mastiff, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He wanted to hear that the Tianzhan came at the right time and could come to help him with advice.

Before he knocked down all the girls with the 'White Cloud Immortal Brew', Tingtian Mastiff could provide him with an early warning to avoid falling into a trap.

Li Xuan immediately used his true energy to grab Tingtian Mastiff in front of him.

But the Tianmastiff dodged and avoided Li Xuan's capture, and moved directly to the stone table in the waterside pavilion.

It casually picked up a jar of 'Baiyun Xianjiang' wine, then raised its head and drank it all in one gulp, with a heroic spirit and a handsome posture!

After Li Xuan saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised: Brother Tingtian, this is the 'Baiyun Xianjiang' known as the tyrant among wines. Are you actually interested in this kind of strong wine? You should have told me earlier, I will have someone give it to you later. Several altars.”

What Tingtian hated most in the past was strong wine. What he liked most was yellow wine like Huanglongzui and Nuerhong.

Don't look at the word drunk in Huanglong Zui, but it actually doesn't make people drunk at all.

Tingtian Mastiff was confused, wondering if this was the ‘Baiyun Immortal Brew’ from Huashan Yuquan Academy?

Seems a little hasty? Isn't this just adding insult to injury?

But then a more ferocious wave of drunkenness hit him, and Tingtian Mastiff shook his head violently, ignoring everything.

It suddenly let out a deep growl, glaring majestically at Li Xuan like a real 'mastiff': Li Xuan, listen to me now! I have many things I have always wanted to say to you. , but it’s always stuffy in my stomach. But today I can’t help it, I’m not going to vomit or feel unhappy!”

His words immediately attracted the attention of all the girls in the waterside pavilion.

Luo Yan couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face: Is this really Tingtian's cowardly dog? Why does it look like a different dog? Could it be that he was faked and replaced by someone?

Xue Yunrou was also interested: Yan'er, what do you think it wants to say?

She and Luo smoked and drank together today, and they seemed to be laughing away their grudges, and their words became intimate.

Ao Shuying nodded slightly with appreciation: That's right! With such courage, he is worthy of being the guardian beast of my seat, Ao Shuying.

Li Xuan also held the wine glass and smiled casually without feeling dissatisfied: Brother Tingtian, if you have anything to say, just say it.

He thought that as long as the dog didn't intend to confess, it didn't matter what he said.

Listening to those words just now, it was like a single guy who mustered up the courage to confess his love.

One is my Yuanjun! Tingtian Mastiff really didn't care about his own life and death. He looked dissatisfied and serious: My Yuanjun has always been concerned about you, and we are already called husband and wife. Li Xuan, why are you still pretending to be confused?

Yuanjun, she has been waiting for you, but when will you be willing to go to Donghai to propose marriage? Do you have to wait for my Yuanjun to speak? You bastard scumbag!

Li Xuan couldn't help but look stiff and his eyes were dazed. He now also suspected that Tingtian Mastiff had changed his dog, and now it was just wearing the Tingtian Mastiff's dog skin.

Ao Shuying stood up with a roar, her face turned red and she was extremely embarrassed.

Especially when several girls in the waterside pavilion came to pay attention, Ao Shuying was so depressed that she wished she could be buried.

Li Xuan, don't listen to it, it's drunk and talking nonsense. Ao Shuying suppressed her embarrassment and instinctively reached out to grab the Tianmastiff. .

But then she was stunned and found that her consciousness could not lock on this guy. He couldn't catch the Tingtian Mastiff standing on the table. The latter escaped from her grasp with a twist.

Ao Shuying's eyes suddenly hardened and she began to become serious, but her second and third attempts still failed.

At this time, Tingtian Mastiff was as elusive to her as a fish swimming in the water.

I'm not talking nonsense! Tingtian Mastiff snorted and raised his neck: Li Xuan, you don't know that my Yuanjun imitated your appearance half a year ago. He made more than a dozen life-size dolls. She I have to hold it every day to sleep, and I have to change it every day.”

The reason why it had to be replaced was because when Ao Shuying woke up the next day, the doll was always wet from her licks.

Ao Shuying's face was more than burning red, if she showed up in the shape of a dragon at this time. Then the whole body must be red from the inside out, from the dragon horns on top to the dragon scales on the bottom.

Nonsense! I didn't, please shut up!

——She just missed the feeling of holding Li Xuan for the first time and felt that this kind of doll pillow was very comfortable.

Ao Shuying was already furious. If she hadn't been able to capture the Tingtian Mastiff, she would have skinned the dog now!

Several girls were overjoyed when they heard this. They actually had a clear idea of ​​Shui De Yuanjun's thoughts, and they were all happy to watch Ao Shuying's jokes.

Li Xuan gave Tingtian Mastiff a thumbs up in his heart, thinking that the window paper was very good. It was rare for this guy to be so courageous.

But it would be even better if we could change the time and place.

There were so many girls in the waterside pavilion, it was difficult for him to express his opinion.

He could only put on a dignified and serious look on his face, and there was just the right amount of surprise on his face.

But hearing the second sentence that Tianmastiff roared next made him immediately break the power: The other one is Jade Qilin. You have had a relationship with someone, and now that you are married, do you want to be irresponsible?

Li Xuan was confused for a while, thinking when did I have sex with my jade unicorn? There is also the reality of husband and wife.

This cowardly dog ​​is crazy, right? How dare you spread rumors about me?

Several girls in the waterside pavilion looked at Li Xuan in disbelief.

After Luo Yan was shocked, she instinctively held down her red sleeve knife.

She thought, was this guy so horny that he wouldn't let go of his own mount?

Tingtian Mastiff looked at Li Xuan confidently and glared at this scumbag: Li Xuan, have you forgotten that night at Yiyang Taoist Temple? Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know? How long will you continue to be confused? Your mount Jade Qilin is actually the magic gun of time——

Tingtian, shut up!

At this moment, outside the water pavilion, a woman's sharp shout suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a stream of light flashed past.

It was a silver-white spear, pointed directly at Tingtian Mastiff.

Li Xuan saw that although the gun was sharp, it had no intention of taking the life of the mastiff. The target was just to listen to the crossbones in front of the mastiff's neck, hoping to make it unable to speak again.

The key is that it's too late for him to get help now. Not only did this shot come unexpectedly, it also contained the power of timing.

However, after that unparalleled energy passed, Tingtian Mastiff was safe and sound. It actually perfectly avoided the shot of Times.

The gun shadow wanted to keep up his efforts, but Ao Shuying had already reacted.

Although she wished she could cramp and skin the Tingtian Mastiff, she could not allow others to touch her guardian spirit beast.

And when Ao Shuying's fist collided with the tip of the spear, there was a choking sound, and infinite power and shock waves suddenly erupted.

Fortunately, Li Xuan was alert and immediately used the 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron' on Dugu Biluo to suppress all the energy that escaped from the two of them. This ensured that the waterside pavilion was safe and sound, and the guests in the outer courtyard were not disturbed. Alarmed.

But at this time, Li Xuan looked at the golden-armored girl who was forced to show her figure not far away and was stunned for a while: Are you the Time Spear Meng Qingfan?

Is it also his mount Jade Qilin?

At this time, all the clues came together in his mind, and a look of surprise gradually appeared in Li Xuan's eyes.

Although the girl in golden armor covered her face with a visor, she was obviously extremely shy and did not dare to face the eyes of everyone in the water pavilion.

After the plot to 'kill the dog and silence it' went bankrupt, the girl in golden armor turned into a stream of light and flew away.

Li Xuan looked at the direction in which the light was flashing, which was directly to the south of Fenyang Palace.

He thought to himself, well, his mount is gone again.

Comfortable! Master Mastiff, I see that you two are confused, unclear, and stupid, which is really annoying. Do you want to ride on others for the rest of your life?

Tingtian Mastiff exhaled a long breath and said with an extremely comfortable and happy expression: But there is still more!

It looked at Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan: There are two more of them!

Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan suddenly tightened their expressions, and alarm bells rang in their hearts.

One of the two held down the red hidden sword in his sleeve again, and the other used his mind to summon her 'Zhengyi Demon Sword'.

They were all prepared to cut out the stupid dog's tongue before hearing the Tianmastiff say anything outrageous.

Don't you know I'm pregnant?

Tingtian Mastiff was not afraid of the threatening and bullying gazes of the two men, and roared angrily at Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan: How dare you still drink here? Have you ever thought about the child in your belly?

Then it tsked again: Although both of them are cheating and neither of them drank a few drops of wine, this is still very bad. Master Mastiff, I can't stand it.

But at this time, there was a deathly silence in the waterside pavilion. All the girls were silent, looking at the bellies of Luo Yan and Xue Yunrou.

The two girls both looked slightly red and looked at each other strangely.

Luo Yan was thinking about this Longhushan Shaotian Master. He really had a dark heart and even cheated when drinking!

Xue Yunrou secretly thought that this Luo Yan was indeed the Purple Butterfly Witch. She was indeed cunning and untrustworthy. This illusion technique is also very good, so that she can't see any flaws. UU Reading

Li Xuan's head had turned into a ball of paste.

He thought that Xue Yunrou and Luo Yan were both pregnant? When did it happen? Are you going to be a father? Have a son?

An endless surprise and panic began to fill his heart.

Listening to the Tianmastiff, I felt my heart was at ease, and I felt that I had never been so happy and comfortable in my life.

Then his eyes began to wander to several girls present.

Wherever it looked, Leng Yurou, Le Qianqian and Dugu Biluo all felt tense and their faces stiffened.

However, Tingtian Mastiff's eyes finally fell on Yu Hongshang and Yu Youxun in her arms.

Yu Hongshang's expression gradually became serious.

At this time, Ao Shuying and the others were not in a hurry to kill the dog. They were all thinking that if they wanted to be embarrassed, they should be embarrassed together. They couldn't be the only ones who were unlucky.

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