Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 725 Amazing yield per mu!

While Li Xuan was inspecting workshops and warships in Tianjin, he was far away in Xi'an. However, King Qi Yu Jianshen was standing on the city wall with Da Siming, observing the porridge outside Xi'an.

Starting from the National Day, Xi'an City has started food management and distribution.

Because all directions in Xi'an city were attacked by the imperial army, millions of young men were expropriated, a large amount of land was abandoned, and an unprecedented cold wave passed through.

From top to bottom, everyone in Prince Yi's Mansion realized that they would definitely not be able to count on the food in the fields this year.

Therefore, Prince Yi's Mansion had prepared for a rainy day. Starting from October, almost all the food in the city was confiscated. Even many wealthy families inside and outside the city were not spared.

They collected more than six million stones of mimaida before winter, which made half of the gentry and village tyrants in Shaanxi resentful, while the other half of the gentry in Shaanxi shared the same hatred.

The situation of the people under the rule of King Ke Yi has been greatly improved.

Prince Yi's Mansion distributes porridge outside the gate of the city under his control every day. Although the rice porridge is thin, it can at least keep people alive.

Da Siming was dressed in a plain robe, and her figure was as graceful as a fairy. She looked down at the city with her hands behind her back, and her eyes showed satisfaction: Your Highness's staff are still honest and capable... I have looked at the gates on all sides, and there is no deduction. The distribution of rice porridge is also very fair, and there are no hooligans and local gangsters causing trouble and bullying the people——

Yu Jianshen was not happy, he said with a wry smile: But the porridge we cooked can't even stand up with chopsticks. Even so, we can only survive until October next year.

His brows were furrowed, and there was deep worry in his eyes.

There is a price to pay for forcibly confiscating grain and grass. Yu Jianshen has already felt the changes in people's hearts throughout Shaanxi, and many people are resentful of Prince Yi's Mansion.

His righteous reputation is becoming increasingly difficult to use.

The set of spies left to him by his father and the Queen Mother reported to the city of Xi'an that literati from all over the country had begun to criticize him.

Confucian scholars from all over the country generally believed that raising the flag to rebel in the Yi Palace was a disaster for the world, and that robbing people's wealth was like a violent act, treating scholars harshly, and being arrogant and unethical.

In the past, there were scholars who traveled thousands of miles to Xi'an to serve for him, but no one does this anymore. Many of the officials in Prince Yi's Mansion even fled.

Yu Jianshen also knew that the forced food conquest would encounter backlash, but if he did not do this, their Yiwang Palace might not survive until March next year.

That's enough! Da Siming's expression was flat: It's a foregone conclusion that the harvest in the north and south of the Jin Dynasty will be bad. By the end of spring at most, the Jin Dynasty will encounter famine, and their lives will only become more difficult.

Da Siming knew that Li Xuan's subordinates had plundered a lot of food from Dongdao. But how much rice can such a small number of people get in half a night?

Da Siming estimated the number to be between six million and nine million stones.

Calculating three kilograms of food per day for an ordinary soldier, this small amount of food is not enough to feed the million-strong army and more than one million civilians gathered by the imperial court in Shaanxi for five months.

And if there is a famine in various places, the Jin Dynasty will definitely have to allocate food relief.

Although the Jin Dynasty built Changping warehouses in various places in the north and south for storing grain.

But during the Zhengtong period, the government was corrupted, resulting in Changpingcang being empty. It was not until the reign of Emperor Jingtai that the grain storage situation in Changpingcang improved.

However, due to the continuous war between the north and the south, the Jin Dynasty's grain reserves in various places were only 15 million shi.

Having said this, Da Siming said with some doubts on his face: According to my estimation, the Jin army should be short of food now.

Yu Jianshen shook his head slightly, his expression not very optimistic: My spy said that there is still an endless stream of grain ships along the Yellow River, and there is a steady flow of horses and cars on the straight road. The military rations they sent to Guanzhong have not been reduced at all.

This is what makes Da Siming puzzled and surprised. The intelligence system of Jinque Tiangong is only more knowledgeable and vast than Yu Jianshen.

As far as she knew, the imperial court was still sending large amounts of food to Shaanxi.

This should not be a lie. Yu Jianshen pointed to the east: Their military morale has always been very high, and they have been conducting offensives every day. However, in the past few months, there has not been any noise or trouble among the imperial troops. Together, this shows that there is sufficient food and grass.

Although the imperial army's counter-rebellion troops had been away from home for several months, their morale was not much lowered.

This is because many people may not have enough to eat at home, but on the front line of Shaanxi, the court has enough to eat, and you can still see meat and fish every three to five days.

In addition, they also have silver rewards to win.

Yu Jianshen knew that all the logistical affairs of this response were personally supervised by Yu Jie, the Minister of War, so no one below dared to make any deductions.

Then let's wait a little longer. This food cannot be created out of thin air. If they use it now, they will use less.

Da Siming said expressionlessly: Don't worry, I have sent people to Shendu to buy grain. It is also a grain-producing area. It is estimated that we can buy two to three million stones by summer.

The grain yield per acre of Shendu is also extremely high, but the people are very lazy. They prefer to spend their time worshiping the gods. In addition, there are many countries in Shendu's territory and there are constant wars, so there is not much food left.

The main reason is still lack of money. After the East Island catastrophe, Da Siming tried his best to gather money and even sold various magic weapons for this purpose. However, it is still difficult to maintain the operation of Jinque Tiangong.

The reason why they were able to spend money to buy food was because the Antarctic Immortal Emperor from outside the territory had given her another financial aid not long ago.

Although there is a shortage of food outside the territory, various mineral deposits are abundant.

Such as meteorite gold and so on, there are all kinds of things outside the territory, and they can all be exchanged for money in this world.

It's a pity that because of the 'First Emperor Yuan Feng', the 'Antarctic Immortal Emperor' doesn't support them with much mineral deposits every month.

At this moment, Da Siming saw a golden stream of light flying from a distance.

That was one of the twelve ‘Golden Eagles of the Great Sun’ raised by Jinque Tiangong, and the direction it looked at should be coming from the south ocean direction.

Da Siming immediately raised his hand and took it in his hand. Then his face changed slightly, and anger showed in his eyes.

Palace Master, Yu Jianshen saw this and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: Excuse me, is this? Is there any bad news?

Da Siming hesitated for a moment, but still answered truthfully: In the early hours of this morning, the auxiliary Duke Huangfu Mao commanded the Guangdong Navy, plus the 75,000 Nanyang pirates he recruited, and more than 300 ships. A surprise attack on Hanoi in the Cochin Kingdom.

Li Yuanlong, the leader of the Cochin Kingdom, was unprepared. Not only did Hanoi fall, but he was also severely wounded by Huangfu Mao with the help of thousands of troops. He had to abscond overnight and still does not know whether he is alive or dead.

She knew about this, and Yu Jianshen would know the details sooner or later. There was no point in hiding it.

Da Siming's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were as gloomy as water.

Judging from the intelligence she received successively, the Jiaozhi Kingdom encountered a storm on the way to capture the city, and Li Yuanlong commanded an army of 370,000. Nearly 130,000 people died in the storm, and 70,000 others are missing.

After that, Li Yuanlong had to withdraw his troops and dispersed his army to suppress various places.

Li Yuanlong's father raised an army to fight against the Ming Dynasty in the name of supporting the bloodline of the previous Annan king 'Chen Hao' to become the king. Afterwards, he poisoned Chen Hao, so the country was unfair.

In addition, Li Yuanlong was extremely strict in governing the country, and the country was never peaceful, and there were many people who harbored resentment towards Li and his son.

With the heavy losses of Jiaozhi's elite and signs of food shortage, the situation in Jiaozhi has become turbulent. Li Yuanlong had to divide his troops to defend the territory. There were less than 15,000 troops stationed in Hanoi.

This gave the Jin army an opportunity to make a surprise attack on Hanoi at the pass where the storm left the country, and quickly captured the city gate with the help of internal forces.

Huangfu Mao's father, Huangfu Shenji, once brought peace to Jiaozhi and governed Jiaozhi for ten years. He was very famous, which gave Huangfu Mao great help.

This surprise attack by the Jin army dealt a heavy blow to Da Siming. She originally expected Cochin to survive this winter and survive the famine.

By next summer, Cochin will still be a major grain-producing land and can provide them with a large amount of food.

However, the Jin attack on Hanoi was another heavy blow to Jiaozhi. The prestige of Li Yuanlong and the Jiaozhi court was bound to suffer a heavy blow.

The best situation at this time is that Li Yuanlong can stabilize the situation and then find a way to conquer Hanoi. The worst-case scenario is that rebellions will break out, causing civil strife in Cochin for several years.

But both situations are bad news for Da Siming. They will not be able to buy grain from Jiaozhi next summer.


At the same time, in a farm outside Jinling City.

The contemporary Duke of Xu, Xu Laizheng, was sitting under a pergola, watching his farmers working in the fields.

They were digging out the yellow-brown tubers one after another from the soil and piling them on the ridges next to them.

That is the 'Potato', some people also call it 'Fanyang Potato', a strange plant that is said to originate from Southeast Asia and was introduced to the Central Plains by the 'Prince Fenyang'.

As time goes by, these potatoes pile up more and more, like a hill.

Not long after, several stewards of the farm came to Xu Guogong with strange expressions on their faces.

Sir, we have clearly calculated that the average yield of these potatoes per mu is 4,300 kilograms.

That's forty-three stones?

Xu Guogong Xu Lai's body suddenly shook. He then glanced at the small mountain of potatoes and thought that the number should be true.

A few months ago, he heard that this kind of crop was being planted in the manors of Huangzhuang and Chengyi Bofu, and the yield was said to be frighteningly high.

It happened that the rice fields under the name of Xu Guogong's mansion had reduced production, so he had a try attitude and asked people to buy some potatoes from Chengyi's mansion for planting.

Before this, Xu Guogong Xu Lai never thought that the yield of this crop would be so exaggerated!

And as far as Xu Lai knew, the farmers in his farm didn't bother to take care of these things at all, and they didn't know how to take care of them.

He then asked the cook on the other side, whom he had brought over: Have the potatoes been roasted?

Immediately, someone brought baked potatoes to him.

Xu Guogong Xu Lai didn't mind the burning of his mouth and swallowed three of them in one gulp.

Then he looked slightly solemn and read a book www. The taste of this potato is not very good. For Xu Lai, who is used to enjoying delicacies from the mountains and seas, it is like food for pigs and dogs, but this potato is definitely enough to satisfy his hunger.

Xu Lai thought about the general trend of the world and the bad harvest in the entire Jiangnan area, but finally shook his head and let out a long breath: The destiny is in Jin!

He waved his hand and pushed away all the people in front of him, leaving only one confidant beside him, who was the leader of the guards in his palace.

Xu Guogong Xu Xulai's expression was gloomy: Where is King Yi's messenger? You didn't let this person have contact with outsiders, right?

The leader of the guards immediately bowed: This man is raised in Jiangjun Mountain, where he drinks and eats every day. Our people are watching to ensure that he has no chance of contact with outsiders.

Behead it!

Xu Lai, Duke of Xu, shook his head, with a cold look in his eyes: The destiny lies with Jin, and on this day, I, Duke of Xu, will no longer have any contact with King Yi or Shaanxi.


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