Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 728 I have a broad mind

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, when Li Xuan came out of Luo Yan Mansion, his face was slightly solemn.

Dugu Biluo, who was waiting outside, saw this and took out her needle box: My lord, do you want me to treat your injury? I have recently learned all the acupuncture techniques from my father.

A year ago, Dugu Biluo took the time to learn medical skills from Jiang Yunqi, and now he has some attainments.

She was very talented in medical skills, not only far better than Hanyun, but also better than many of Jiang Yunqi's disciples, which surprised Jiang Yunqi. When I meet everyone, I always praise Dugu Biluo and say that my medical skills will eventually be passed on.

In fact, the current Dugu Biluo has changed his surname to Jiang and is called Jiang Biluo.

However, Li Xuan still habitually likes to call her Dugu——

What kind of injury do I want you to heal? Li Xuan's face turned green and he glared at her fiercely: I am in high spirits now, I'm fine!

That was my misunderstanding. Dugu Biluo put away the needle box and stroked his hair lightly: His Royal Highness was crying and howling inside just now, saying no, no, no, no, I thought you were beaten by Sister Yan.

Before she finished speaking, several palace guards waiting next to her burst into laughter.

Knowing something was wrong, they quickly turned their heads and looked away. .

Li Xuan himself was also extremely embarrassed. He suddenly remembered that Luo Yan and Le Qianqian's new residence had not yet had time to install the talisman array, and the sound insulation effect might not be very good——

I see! Then you have misunderstood. Yesterday the King asked Yan'er to help me practice the Hegemony Body. Maybe the voice was a bit loud.

Li Xuan was as thick-skinned as a city wall, yet he rode on the Earthly Dragon next to him without any trouble.

At the same time, Li Xuan looked at the sky sadly, thinking that this was the price.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight; if you want to hold a rose, you must bear its injuries——

Li Xuan secretly thought that he was indeed happy too early. During the past few days when Jiang Hanyun was in Beijing, his life was so happy and wonderful.

But as soon as Jiang Hanyun left Beijing, he fell from heaven to hell.

After the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the court began to partially resume operations.

The result was just as expected by several auxiliary ministers. On the eighth day of the lunar month, as soon as the key to the General Affairs Office was opened, memorials to impeach Li Xuan and several auxiliary ministers poured into the General Affairs Office like a tide. The number reached an impressive More than three hundred copies.

Not only the Yushitai, but also the Sixth Ministry, the Hanlin Academy, and the Department of Science and Technology, there were also many people who wrote the memorials with great momentum.

Their firepower was mainly focused on Li Xuan's fake military field of the guard station and the invitation to buy people's hearts.

However, after it was revealed that the ministers responsible for presiding over the field allocation of the guards were headed by Yu Shiyue, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, assisted by Wang Wen and Shang Hong, and Li Xuan was only supervising as the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army, the opposition became much smaller.

The remaining people pinned their hopes on the refutation of the Kedao officials. Theoretically, the dozen or so Ge Shizhong from the Ministry of War had the right to refute the emperor's imperial edict. Naturally, they could also refute the auxiliary ministers and the princess. The chaotic life was sealed back.

It's a pity that Li Xuan was prepared for it. The Ministry of War was already Young Master Yujie's territory. Coupled with Li Xuan's personnel changes beforehand, this major political edict finally passed the test.

As for the subsequent 'new currency issuance' and the new 'clan worship law', no one even mentioned it.

Even if someone mentioned it, they were drowned in the huge waves caused by the Gunda Nagaten Tenancy Law.

From top to bottom, the imperial court tacitly approved Li Xuan's proposal to make five million taels of silver 'consecration money' a permanent one.

What is controversial is that Li Xuan used his ministers to deceive the emperor, which was not the courtesy of a human minister; and whether those clans can explain it to the people, they can't make enough noise.

Li Xuan didn't bother to care about the storm outside. He looked magnanimous and calm, doing whatever he had to do.

Li Xuan attaches great importance to procedural justice in his work. The three major policies he issued this time have no problems in terms of procedures.

Even the ‘Law of Permanent Tenancy of Military Fields’, strictly speaking, does not violate the ancestral system.

Therefore, the criticisms and accusations made by the Qingliu in the court are all conjectures, and there is no defensible reason.

Afterwards, Li Xuan felt at ease and collected all the bullets and wrote down the names of these people one by one.

Li Xuancai never thought about settling accounts after the fall, taking personal revenge or anything like that. He was not so narrow-minded.

However, there has been a shortage of officials in local areas recently, especially in Liaodong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Gansu, Ningxia, and especially in those places north of the Great Wall.

These people are an eyesore in the court, but their character and ability are trustworthy, so you can put them down to experience them.

This is to cultivate talents for the imperial court and also benefit the people in the border areas. It is a matter of immeasurable merit.

Because of the Long Tian Tenancy Law, the storm in the court had been ups and downs for more than a month, and it had not calmed down for a long time.

However, by February, the three ministers headed by Yu Shiyue were still extremely determined to carry out this major policy.

Although Yu Shiyue was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, he had the experience of defending against Japanese pirates in his early years and was demoted to guard the border. When the Ora army attacked Beijing, he assisted the governor Wei Ying and led an army of 120,000 to defend the two gates of Desheng and Anding.

Therefore, this person was well aware of the shortcomings of Wei Suo and was one of the five ministers who strongly supported Li Xuan's Long Tian Tenancy Law.

Even Wang Wen did not impose any constraints.

This person had participated in pacifying the Bailian Rebellion and pacifying Ningxia. He was also experienced in military affairs.

What he opposed was not the Long Tenancy Law of Military Fields itself, but he was worried that the court would be unbalanced and Li Xuan's influence in the army could no longer be restrained.

Wang Wen is a gentleman. Since the resolution has been passed in court, he will implement it without any tricks.

The remaining one, Shang Hong, had an awkward position in the court. It was rare for him to have something to do, so he naturally tried his best.

In fact, this ‘Law of Military Land Permanent Tenancy’ has already begun to bear fruit even before its implementation.

Those military households in the guard station who heard the news suddenly became attentive in taking care of the military fields in the guard station.

During this period, several cases of military land occupation by guards officers also broke out - under the heavy pressure from young masters Yu Jie and Li Xuan, they did not dare to actually invade military land.

These people just subcontracted the farmland in the guardhouse that should have produced four or five stones per mu, and then made a profit on the difference.

They only need to pay two stones to the court during the harvest season according to the 'normal' output of the military fields.

In the past, these fields belonged to the imperial court and had nothing to do with these military households. Naturally, the Shangguan could do whatever he wanted, and the local military households did not care much.

But now the court is about to divide the fields, and it is expected that the preliminary division of the fields will be completed by the end of May before the winter wheat matures. In other words, the food grown in this land will be owned by the military households in the future.

The interests of these military households are at stake, so naturally they cannot tolerate the small flags above, and the general flags will do whatever they want.

As a result, various farm-related scandals broke out one after another in Beizhili.

And just after the time entered April, Li Xuan got another piece of good news that cheered him up.

The potato fields and sweet potato fields planted in Dajin Huangzhuang have entered the harvest season one after another.

Because Yu Hongshang strictly ordered the imperial villages in various places to stop planting winter wheat, the Imperial Guard allocated 4 million acres in the north to plant potatoes, and allocated 500,000 acres in the south to plant sweet potatoes.

Therefore, the output this time was extremely exaggerated, with a total of nearly 160 million dan of potatoes and 30 million dan of sweet potatoes.

——This is only the royal family's land. In addition, the hundreds of thousands of acres of land in the Chengyi Mansion, as well as the land owned by noble nobles in the north and south, are not included.

Li Xuan estimated that this number should be between sixty to eighty million stones, enough to support the world's 150 million people for three months.

Even if those unregistered households are included, it is more than enough to ensure the food supply in various places.

At this time, Li Xuan completely ignored the war in Shaanxi.

As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, you will not panic in your heart.

Since Shaanxi has enough troops and food, the next step is nothing more than a confrontation.

It would be useless to fight this stupid battle relying on fortifications, even if Li Xuan passed by.

The affairs at hand now, whether it is the training of the Shenji Battalion, the immigrants from Liaodong, the Yunzhong battleship, or the military field Yong Tianfa, are much more important than the war in Shaanxi.


Just as the turmoil in the court over the Law of Military Land Permanent Tenancy and the Law of Clan Enshrinement gradually subsided, in Prince Yi's Mansion in Xi'an, Prince Yi Yu Jianshen was frowning.

His eyes were full of confusion: Are you sure? There is indeed food in those grain ships and carriages? Isn't it a cover-up or a bluff?


The person who answered King Yi's question was the man in iron mask sitting in his hall.

He joined the Yiwang Army in August last year.

Due to his early contacts in the military, the Iron Mask also had some of the resources left by King Ning in his hands, and he quickly gained the trust of King Yi.

At this time, the Iron Masked Man's voice was hoarse: In the past few days, I sneaked in and looked at the grain ships one by one. In the past three days, there were a total of thirty-seven grain ships arriving at Sanmenxia, ​​and they were all piled with various grains.

There is also the morale of the Jin army, which has never shown signs of decline. It can be seen that the Jin court has no shortage of food and fodder, and the supply is sufficient.

At this time, they all faintly heard the cheers of mountains and tsunamis in the distance, as well as the roar and roar of hundreds of giant cannons.

——Those are the sounds coming from sixty miles outside the city. Since the beginning of the First Year of the Reform, two Yunzhong warships have joined the Shaanxi battlefield.

The imperial court's two armies in Shanxi and Henan were advancing at a sudden speed. Just the day before yesterday, the 370,000-strong army under the command of Henan Commander-in-Chief Fang Ying had advanced to 60 miles east of Xi'an. They were deployed at the last line outside the city. A line of defense.

In fact, the Prince of Qin's Mansion is far away from the battlefield, and ordinary people cannot hear the sound of the cannons over there.

But whether it's King Yi Yu Jianshen or the Iron-faced Man, they all have cultivation skills. The sensitivity of the ears and eyes is naturally beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

King Yi Yu couldn't help frowning when he saw the depth: But where did they get the food from? Mr. Tie, have you found out?

This involves another thing that makes Yu Jianshen worried and even panicked.

In the past few months, the spy system in his hands has suffered a heavy blow.

The embroidered guards in the court and the internal police factory suddenly became well-informed and capable.

In a very short period of time, they completely tore up the intelligence network left by the former Empress Dowager Sun.

In addition, most of the nobles and clan members who had flirted with them secretly and communicated secretly with them in the past have disappeared, and they have completely severed ties with Xi'an.

Yu Jianshen knew that some kind of change that he didn't know about must have happened in the world, which could even shake the general trend of the world.

But he was like a deaf and blind man, having no idea what was happening to the east.

Some of the news that occasionally came back was true and false, too mysterious to be trusted.

As a result, Yu Jianshen had to rely on the Man in the Iron Mask and the secret spies left by King Ning.

For some reason, nearly half of the secret spies left by King Ning were arrested by the Xiuyi Guards recently. However, Wei Chen risked his life and finally obtained something from Jiangnan. This may be the reason.

As the Iron Masked Man spoke, he took out two tubers, one large and one small, from his sleeve and placed them in front of Yu Jianshen.

The big one is about the size of a human fist and has a red skin; the other one is slightly smaller and has a yellowish-brown color.

The small one is called potato, also called Fenyang potato; the big one is called sweet potato, also known as champion potato.

The iron-faced man explained with a solemn expression: It is said that the output is very high. As for how high it is, I haven't found out yet. However, I have also seen these two things on the grain ships in Sanmenxia, ​​accounting for nearly half of the load.

Yu Jianshen looked at the things on the ground with a look of confusion on his face: What is this? Can it be eaten?

He grew up in the palace and had seen rice and wheat, but Yu Jianshen had never seen this type of tuber crop.

“Not only can I eat it, but I can also feel full.”

Following these words, Da Siming's figure walked in from the outside, her face as solemn as iron: The average yield of potatoes per mu is forty-two stones, and the average yield of sweet potatoes is forty stones. It is said that this time Before winter, the royal family of the Jin Dynasty planted this plant on millions of acres of land, and now it has harvested tens of thousands of stones.

She looked at Yu Jianshen with ugly eyes: I'm afraid it will be difficult to wait until the Jin army runs out of food.

Yu Jianshen's face suddenly turned livid. He was a little doubtful for a moment, thinking how could this be possible? Is there any crop with such a high yield in this world?

No matter how much he arranges for human suffering, he still knows the yield per acre of rice, wheat, etc. The gap is simply exaggerated.

But Yu Jianshen knew better about Da Siming's character. If she was unsure about this matter, she would never mention it in front of him.

If the Jin army cannot wait until the food is exhausted, then Prince Yi's palace will be exhausted.

He couldn't help but take a deep breath and suppress the anxiety in his chest: Can these things be planted near Xi'an?

It should be possible, but we lack seeds. Da Siming frowned: I will try my best. The Jin Dynasty has strict control over these two crops. It is difficult to carry them out of the country on a large scale. We don't know how to plant them. But as long as you work hard, you can still find a way. The problem is-

She turned her head and looked outside the Qin King's palace.

The problem is that they now have neither enough farmland nor enough manpower——

The armies of the Jin Dynasty in four directions, UU Reading www. have already suppressed them to less than a hundred miles away from Xi'an. They also recruited all the young men and women, even the strong women, just to build stronger stone walls and stronger camps.

Yu Jianshen also understood what he meant, and he couldn't help but look pale: Then there is absolutely nothing we can do? Is it possible that we have to sit back and wait for death?

I'm planning a solution to the situation!

Da Siming sighed secretly, but there was no abnormal expression on her face: The only good thing now is that these things called potatoes have a poor taste and should not be used as staple food.

As for the sweet potato, it tastes sweet and honey-like, but it is said that this kind of sweet potato is more difficult to cultivate, and the imperial court did not produce much. It is impossible for them to use these two things to deal with the millions of troops and millions of civilians outside Xi'an. If this goes on for a long time, the military morale will definitely be shaken.

After Yu Jianshen heard this, his face looked a little better.

But what he didn't know was that it was sixty miles away at this time. The officers and soldiers of the Henan Army who were retiring from the battlefield were sucking a strange kind of vermicelli from wooden bowls in the camp.

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