Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 80 Admiration is like a surging river

What am I doing? Of course I'm here to apologize to you.

Mrs. Jiang glanced sideways at Jiang Hanyun: You have a loud voice. It seems you have an opinion?

Jiang Hanyun immediately lost her temper. She could only turn her gaze to Li Xuan, her eyes as cold as a blade.

Li Xuan was originally going to refuse, but he has been able to catch up on his anger recently. If he drinks this bowl of tiger elixir soup, he is afraid of catching fire.

But after his eyes turned around Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Hanyun, he picked up the spoon with a smile: The elders gave it to me, but I don't dare to say goodbye. The younger generation is more respectful than to obey.

As soon as the first spoonful of soup entered his mouth, Li Xuan narrowed his eyes with an expression of enjoyment.

It's so delicious! I didn't expect that my aunt's cooking is so good, comparable to the chef of Sanweiju. This junior is really in luck this time.

Mrs. Jiang was happy when she heard the words: No, I have some experience in making soup, but there is still a gap between me and a real chef. If you like it, Xiaoxuan, my aunt will cook it for you next time. Anyway, your uncle always cooks it for you from time to time. I will bring back some delicacies from the mountains and seas.”

Why can't we compare?

Li Xuan wolfed it down without losing elegance: I've eaten Sanweiju a few times, and it just tastes like that. I have some skills as a chef, but how can I compare to my aunt's expertise?

Jiang Hanyun couldn't stand it anymore, her eyes were full of contempt: Li Xuan, are you disgusting? Even if you want to please my mother, please have a certain bottom line, okay? A bowl of tiger pill soup, you said it was like a fairy delicacy It’s like jade food.”

To me, it's a delicacy. Li Xuan said with a smile. He lifted up the casserole, poured the last soup base into his mouth, and then praised: It is indeed delicious, Captain. Don't you think, sir, I probably drink a lot of Auntie's soup every day, so I'm used to it.

Mrs. Jiang was originally very angry at Jiang Hanyun's words, but when Li Xuan said this, her expression was as if she had drank a bowl of iced drink in the summer: The food committee of Xianyuyu has passed, but Li Xuan, you have It's right to say that Hanyun and his daughter are not aware of their blessings when they are in the midst of blessings. They only need soup to drink, but in the end they find faults in all kinds of ways.

Jiang Hanyun was speechless. She glanced at Ma Chenggong with blazing eyes: Xuanwu Street is also under the control of your team today!


Ma Chenggong was shocked. With the addition of Xuanwu Street, their city patrol mission today had at least doubled.

He wanted to protest, but Jiang Hanyun had already walked out with anger.

At this time, Mrs. Jiang put the casserole into the basket with a smile: Captain Ma, right? Xiaoxuan is not in good health recently, you must not let him get tired, you know? I will keep an eye on it.

At this moment, Ma Chenggong was as speechless as if he had turned into a clay sculpture.

He felt like crying but had no tears. Jiang Hanyun was his immediate boss, but he couldn't afford to offend Mrs. Jiang.


Until Li Xuan led everyone fully armed onto the street, Le Qianqian, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue all looked at Li Xuan with the eyes of worshiping a god.

Qianzhi! Qianzhi! Peng Fulai shouted Li Xuan twice, with a look of disbelief on his fat face: Do you know how I feel now?

You can probably guess it. Li Xuan was trying hard to control the mount on his crotch. It was getting harder and harder for him to ride a horse now, but he understood Peng Fulai's thoughts very well: Do you have such admiration for me? The river is endless? It’s like the Yellow River overflowing and getting out of control——

Peng Fulai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and praised: What a sentence! I wrote it down. This can probably describe my feelings.

Zhang Yue asked curiously: I heard Mrs. Jiang call you Xiaoxuan. Does this mean she thinks of you as her son-in-law? Are you really planning to discuss marriage with that female devil?

We are talking. Li Xuan said quietly: But when it comes to marriage, it is best for you to be consensual.

In fact, he wanted to find a backer to avoid the clutches of the devil, and he had no intention of actively leaning towards the devil. But if such words were spoken, it would not only trample Jiang Hanyun's reputation into the mud, but also betray Mrs. Jiang's feelings.

Really? Zhang Yue had a look of admiration on his face. After thinking about it carefully, he cupped his hands towards Li Xuan with a complex tone: Brother, my admiration for you is like a torrential river, endless.

When Zhang Yue thought that the female devil might become his younger brother and sister, his legs became weak and he felt that he could no longer be his friend.

Peng Fulai sneered: What do you know? Qianzhi is calling Mrs. Jiang to control the female devil. Didn't you see that the captain is as afraid of her mother as a tiger?

He thought he had seen through the truth: With Mrs. Jiang's protection, from now on, how can the female devil dare to touch Qian's finger?

But why are you happy? Why are you gloating about others' misfortunes? Le Qianqian looked at them in confusion and said with a worried expression: Master Xiaowei, she can't do anything to Li Youxi, will she treat us as a punching bag?

At this moment, both Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue felt as if they were struck by lightning. The former turned his neck stiffly: Li Xuan, I will sever ties with you now!

He thought that if he came to Jiang Hanyun to beg for mercy now, he should still have time to make amends.

At this time, Le Qianqian exclaimed again: Master Youyou, your orifices are bleeding!


Li Xuan took out his handkerchief like a normal person, wiped his nose, and wiped his ears: I have taken too many tonics recently.

This handkerchief was not enough, so he asked for another one from Peng Fulai. Somehow, UU reading www. He discovered for the first time that his best friend also had a pretty face.

While Li Xuan tried to suppress himself, he thought that this was the price for holding Aunt Jiang hostage to control the female devil.

At this time, they saw a group of teenagers riding similarly coming from the opposite side. Li Xuan is very familiar with the leaders of them.

What a coincidence, it's Cui Hongan and Zhang Jinnaba.

Peng Fulai's eyes lit up, and then he smiled evilly and took the initiative to say hello: Hey~ Isn't this Cui Dayanei and Mr. Zhang from Beijing? Is he coming back from the Qinhuai River? How about it? The thing below is not broken. Bar?

When Cui Hongan and his companions saw Li Xuan and the others, their expressions were all disgusting, but they invariably looked around, not daring to look directly at Li Xuan.

They were thrown into the dark prison of Zhuque Hall by Li Xuan and kept there for several days. They were not released one after another until four days ago. It was not easy after returning home, and all the elders were furious. Therefore, most of them now have lingering fears about Li Xuan and are extremely afraid.

So when Peng Fulai said these provocative words, no one in this group of dandies dared to answer.

Even Cui Hongan looked up at the sky and pretended not to hear.

What is this guy talking about? Does it have anything to do with me?

Only Zhang Jin was filled with anger: Fuck you, ancestor Banban, so your things are broken! Peng Fulai, just wait, I will make you look good sooner or later.

Previously at the Xuanwu Lake Pier, after he was thawed by Li Yan, he was also beaten violently by Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, and was stepped on more than a dozen times.

He was tougher than Cui Hongan and had higher cultivation, so he received more severe beatings.

This was Zhang Jin's deepest hatred. Whenever he thought about it, he still felt a dull pain down there.

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