Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 754 Flying like a meteor

Just as the entire city of Beijing was cheering and cheering for the glorious victory in Mobei, King Yi Wang Yu Jianshen, who was far away in Xi'an, also received news from Mobei.

At this time, the imperial army had gradually advanced to Xi'an City from both the north and east directions.

There are not many secret spies left under the control of King Yi Wang Yu Jian, and the intelligence network is torn to pieces.

However, Jin's Northern Expedition affected the hearts of the world, and Yu Jianshen also paid close attention to this battle.

Although he is in embarrassment now, he can still get more than a dozen people who are used to observe the battle situation in Mobei.

After receiving the news from the north, Yu Jianshen locked himself in the dormitory and sat there silently.

His face was pale, his eyes were blank, his pupils were unfocused, and he was completely unaware of the passage of time.

Until night, the Iron Masked Man, who sensed something was wrong, together with Zhuang Yi, the former governor of Shaanxi, and several close advisers in the Yiwang shogunate, all came to wait outside the dormitory door...

The expressions on the faces of several people were extremely cold and ugly. They had also received the news that Li Xuan had defeated Mengwu at Po Enemy Mountain and beheaded up to 500,000 people.

At this time, their situation in Shaanxi was already bleak and difficult, and the imperial court's great victory in Mobei undoubtedly made their situation worse.

It can be foreseen that after this disastrous defeat at Poemishan, the Mongols will not only threaten the Northern Territory of Shanxi, but also whether the Khan Court can survive is a question.

The Jin Dynasty could mobilize millions of frontier troops from the north and divert a large amount of military resources to other uses.

This can make all the ambitious people in Jin stay silent and put away their disobedience.

It wasn't until late at night that the door of the dormitory suddenly opened from the inside.

Yu Jianshen walked out of the door with a calm expression. He looked at the counselors in front of him, and then laughed out loud: "What's wrong with you guys? Are you scared out of your wits by that Fenyang County Prince?"

Zhuang Yi, the former governor of Shaanxi, couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then his eyes showed relief. He thought to himself that this was truly a wise master that he was willing to sacrifice everything for.

"The battle at Po Enemy Mountain really shocked me."

The expression of Zhuang Yi, the former governor of Shaanxi Province, also returned to normal: "The Great Khan of Oara will also give up their Mongol tactics in fighting the Central Plains army first. This is one of the tactics. Li Xuan, a traitor, dares to take the initiative to attack in a foreign land. With 430,000 The army faced twice as many enemies and defeated them with twice as many casualties."

The Iron-faced Man said in a solemn voice: "First we had to fight the Jin army. The grassland has been suffering from drought so far, and soon it will be a cold winter. The Oara people's pastures cannot support the millions of people and tens of millions of livestock. .”

"That's why the Fenyang County Prince is terrifying. Ancient generals are good at military formations and tactics, and those who can make reasonable use of the terrain can be called famous generals. The Fenyang County Prince will be tomorrow, knowing the favorable terrain and commanding people. .”

Zhuang Yi sighed: "This person sent his troops northward in early May this year. He obviously had a glimpse of this flaw of the Mongol people and had a comprehensive strategy to win."

He was angry and resentful in his heart. The more Li Xuan's military exploits were shining brightly and the more invincible he became, the more irritated he became.

This King of Fenyang falsely claims to be a protector of Neo-Confucianism. Doesn’t he know where the world’s orthodoxy is?

But this son just helped Zhou to do evil. Do not use his unparalleled wisdom and military tactics for the right path.

If he can understand the truth and help King Yi, the world will surely prosper in three to five years at most.

"I am very happy. After this battle, our Da Jin can avenge its previous humiliation."

As Yu Jianshen spoke, he sat down on the ground on the steps: "To be honest, after receiving the battle report, I was extremely depressed. But after thinking about it carefully for half a day, I found that this battle has limited impact on our Prince Yi Palace. .

You can think about it, after the imperial camp and the border army conquered Mobei, the army will inevitably be exhausted. The king predicts that the imperial court will not be able to use the border troops in Shaanxi before the early spring of next year. Then there is King Fenyang. King Fenyang is invincible in every battle, but because of this, it is impossible for Chen Xun and others to let him take charge of the Shaanxi war again. "

"See you soon, Your Highness!"

The man in the iron mask couldn't help but show some admiration in his eyes. He was not only satisfied with Yu Jianshen's character, but he was also greatly surprised by King Yi's wisdom.

"The King of Fenyang is like the peerless sword in the hands of the imperial court. It can hurt others as well as yourself. If Chen Xun and others don't want this sword to get out of control and hurt themselves, then they must not let him unsheath it easily."

The corners of King Yi's lips raised slightly, and he spoke with emotion: "That's the truth! What if King Fenyang comes? We have already put all our wealth and lives on the line. How could King Fenyang come? Are we going to surrender and be captured? Although King Fenyang is invincible, I, Yu Jianshen, still have to risk my life to fight with him."

He waved his sleeves and motioned for the counselors present to sit down: "It's a good time for you to come. I am also about to discuss the next situation with you and plan how to deal with it. The first thing is the morale of the army. The news from Mobei It can’t be hidden, so we have to think of some ways to stabilize the mood of the soldiers."

Just as he was saying this, a talisman suddenly flew from a distance.

King Yi Yu Jianshen took it in his hand nonchalantly, but within a moment of taking the talisman book, Yu Jianshen's face turned blue and white.

The Man in the Iron Mask didn't care at first. He thought that at this time, even if there was any bad news, it would not be able to ruin the battle to destroy the enemy mountain.

But then he saw a trace of blood spilling from the corner of Yu Jianshen's lips.

And not long after, the man in the iron mask knew the reason.

One day ago, Shao Siming returned to Jinque Tiangong and fought with Da Siming on the top of Tianshan Mountain, causing Jinque Tiangong to split.

In the end, Shao Si ordered to occupy the Seventh Heavenly Palace and still occupied the Tianshan Mountains. Da Si Ming only relied on the third one and moved the palace to Kunlun.

The situation is obvious. This battle was a disastrous defeat for Da Siming.


When Li Xuan knew the details of the Tianshan battle, it was not long after he killed Ye Xian.

What made him rather regretful was that Yuan Taiwei did not do his best and failed to capture the entire Jinque Tiangong.

This was because Yuan Taiwei was injured and unable to compete head-on with Da Siming.

Even with Zhu Mingyue, Qiu Qianqiu, and the help of middle-class laymen, Yuan Taiwei still only captured about 70% of the floating islands in Jinque Tiangong.

The second thing that made Li Xuan regretful was that Jinque Tianzhang was not in the Heavenly Palace, and was hidden somewhere by Da Siming.

This means that the hundreds of immortal treasures and nearly ten pseudo-divine treasures that Yuan Taiwei took back from Jinque Tiangong cannot be used.

Most of these things are included in the system of "Jinque Tianzhang." Only those who are officially canonized by the Golden Que Tianzhang can use it, with only a few sporadic exceptions.

However, if these immortal weapons and treasures are not used by Da Siming, it is a profit for them.

And this battle is not fruitless. Yuan Taiwei has rescued six Tianbi subordinates from the prison of Jinque Tiangong, and obtained the surrender of five Tianbi led by Shenhua, the head of Qinglong Palace.

This greatly reduced the pressure faced by the Six Paths of Demon Subduing Division. As long as Beitian Palace, headed by Yuan Taiwei, calmed down, these numerous heavenly masters could be invested in the restoration of Emperor Qin Yuanfeng.

Then there was another piece of news that I don't know whether it should be good or bad. Shao Siming personally wrote him a talisman book and prepared to borrow money from Li Xuan again.

This time it was 80 million silver dollars, to be repaid in three years, with a monthly interest of three-thirds per year, and some of the treasures of the Tiangong were used as collateral.

Da Siming obviously learned the lessons from the previous battle on the East Island and concentrated all the belongings of Jinque Tiangong into her ‘Destiny Palace’.

After the split of the Golden Palace, the Heavenly Palace was still in the hands of Da Siming and was taken to Kunlun by her.

Therefore, Yuan Taiwei is still very poor, or even poorer.

Most of the subordinates she rescued from the prison were seriously injured and were in urgent need of elixirs.

The Nine Palaces Immortal Formation of the Great Buzhou Pros and Reverse in Jinque Tiangong is even more seriously damaged and is in urgent need of repair.

Yuan Taiwei is obviously not worried that this formation will still maintain its previous appearance.

In addition, she has to maintain the twelve heavenly positions of Jinque Heavenly Palace and the fourth gate of hundreds of people. Such a large body requires financial support.

Li Xuan agreed without hesitation, since the money was not borrowed from him anyway.

Borrowing money from the imperial court and flipping it, you can earn tens of millions of silver dollars a year, why not do it!

Li Xuan also agreed to Yuan Taiwei's request to change the collateral and get back the 'Slaying Immortal Order'.

The greatest value of the 'Immortal Killing Token' to him is the authority to open the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation'. Now the Le family and his wife have copied an 'Immortal Killing Token' for him.

Although this object does not have the supreme power of the Immortal Killing Order, the parts related to the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation are completely imprinted.

So this thing has little value to him.

With the counterfeit Immortal Killing Order in hand, Li Xuan can also command the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation.

At this time, he had taken care of all the matters related to the battle to break the enemy mountain and was having a banquet with the soldiers.

Li Xuan didn't act like a prince at all, he just ate meat, drank wine and boasted.

However, he soon discovered that the generals in the tent were not very comfortable and felt very cramped.

Li Xuan immediately understood that he would never be able to get along with the soldiers again. This method of winning over military morale was outdated for him.

Li Xuan wisely chose an opportunity to leave, and then visited the camps one by one, toasted the soldiers with a few glasses of wine, talked about the situation, and drank some chicken soup for the soul.

As a result, the atmosphere in the camp became extremely lively, and every camp was filled with joy, singing and dancing.

And just after Li Xuan walked through the last camp, he left the camp alone and flew silently to more than thirty miles away.

This is a small hill next to the river, UU Reading www.uukns. net There is a snow-white 'Dragon Blood Horse' with a strong and elegant body lying prone on a bluestone beside the river, waving its tail in boredom.

Li Xuan's eyes couldn't help but show a strong sense of joy.

He thought that as expected, Meng Qingfan could not leave him five hundred miles away. It is even more impossible for Meng Qingfan not to pay attention to a battle like Po Di Mountain.

‘Divine Blood Thunder Luan’ did not disappoint him this time and helped him find the traces of Meng Qingfan.

As soon as Li Xuan raised his hand, he used the power of the 'divine power' of the Haotian Divine Seal to hide his Qi, and then quietly sneaked behind Meng Qingfan.

"Damn it! He has really fed up this appetite. I really want to eat the North Sea ice fish. It's like eating jade-cold candle shrimp. It is nourished by the extremely pure water of the North Sea and has no fishy smell at all."

When Li Xuan approached, Meng Qingfan used the flames she summoned to grill a few fish.

However, Meng Qingfan had a languid look on her face. She was drooling and chanting: "You can't do this! Qingfan, Qingfan, you have to have some backbone, and you must suppress this animalistic consciousness. Otherwise, you Will I still be a human being from now on? Where should I put my face?"

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. He had already walked behind Meng Qingfan and was about to speak.

Meng Qingfan suddenly felt something. As if she was frightened, her whole body suddenly jumped up and kicked the horse's hind legs back violently.

Li Xuan was frightened and instinctively wanted to resist.

Meng Qingfan's kick actually used Qilin's magical power, and the power of timing instantly froze part of the time and space behind him.

Li Xuan was completely unable to react. He was kicked in the chest by a pair of hind hooves before he could temper himself, and then he soared into the clouds and flew into the distance like a meteor.

At this time, Li Xuan only had one thought in his mind, this horse's butt was really untouchable.

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