Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 767 It’s absolutely difficult to obey

When Li Xuan's warship set off, Ao Shuying returned to the East China Sea Dragon Palace excitedly.

It was different from the situation when she was left out in the Dragon Palace during Li Xuan's northern expedition a few months ago.

This time, Ao Shuying had just entered the scope of the East China Sea Dragon Palace and encountered warm treatment from many cousins ​​and uncles.

"Cousin, I heard that the Jin Dynasty is really planning to open a capital and envoy office in Mobei, and will also open a province in the future?"

"Shu Ying, is there still a shortage of people over there in Mobei? There are thousands of water systems, and they shouldn't be able to fill them up, right?"

"Shu Ying, you have to give me a way. I can take my time here in the Dragon Palace, but I am bored and have no money. There has been no vacancy for a good Dragon Palace in the past hundred years."

Ao Shuying didn't like these spoiled brothers and uncles at all.

When she returned to the Dragon Palace, these people all stayed away as soon as they heard that she was going to conquer Mobei with Prince Fenyang.

Now that Mobei has been pacified, the Mongol people have also suffered unprecedented heavy losses.

Seeing that the many water systems in Mobei could be stabilized, these tribesmen came eagerly to find them again...

However, Ao Shuying did not want to offend anyone. She just replied with a smile, saying that the water system in Mobei must be canonized by the imperial court, and it was not her family's decision.

She can help recommend him, but Prince Fenyang may not be able to like him.

What Ao Shuying really wants are those members of the Qiujiao family who have made great achievements in battle at the bottom of the Dragon Palace but have never had a chance to rise.

These are the real threats to the Dragon Palace. Those dandy dragons who only know how to eat, drink and have fun, although their bloodline is more noble, are not enough to cause trouble.

On the contrary, these warriors and dragons, who are fierce in battle and dare to fight and kill, will shake the entire Dragon Palace once they break out.

The old Xihai Dragon Clan is gone like this.

At this time, in Mobei, there are still many remnants of evil dragons that have not been completely eliminated, and they are in need of brave and capable warriors to help her guard the major water systems.

When Ao Shuying came to the Dragon Palace and saw her mother, Dragon Queen Ao Zhujun, her eldest brother, Prince Donghai Ao Mengsheng, and her father, she found that something was wrong with the atmosphere here. The palace was a little dignified and heavy. cold.

However, when seeing Ao Shuying, Prince Donghai Ao Mengsheng still forced a smile on his face: "I heard that Shuying also achieved a great victory in Mobei, killing more than a thousand evil dragons, even the one in Mobei." 'Hundred-eyed Qiu', all died at your hands? This time, second sister, you returned to the Dragon Palace to recruit troops and fill up the water system, right?"

But at this moment, a hint of worry could not help but appear in his eyes.

"Exactly! At least more than 500 important water systems in my area are still without owners, and there are more than 2,000 tributary water systems that also need to be guarded."

Ao Shuying admitted frankly: "But it's more than that. Now the military front of the Jin Dynasty has encompassed the entire North Sea, Lake Baikal, and even reached the northern ice ocean. I came back in the hope that my father would send a highly respected and powerful warrior to the clan. The people will go and rebuild the Beihai Dragon Palace there."

"Beihai Dragon Palace?"

The three people in the hall all looked slightly moved and looked at each other.

The Beihai Dragon Palace used to be located in the North Sea and governed the entire North Sea system and the northern ice ocean.

But as early as the Han Dynasty, the Beihai Dragon Palace had been destroyed, and the remaining troops retreated to the East China Sea.

At this time, the solemn expressions of the three people relaxed slightly, and even showed a bit of joy.

When Ao Shuying saw this, he raised his eyebrows in confusion: "Father, King and Queen, what happened to make you worry so much? But the Deep Sea Tribe invaded the territory again?"

Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, pondered for a moment before deciding to tell the truth to his sister.

The situation now is different from before. Ao Shuying, the 'Shuide Yuanjun', not only has a wide range of followers, but also has strong strength. He has become the pillar figure of their East China Sea Dragon Clan.

"There is something wrong. This year, it may be due to changes in the weather. Those deep-sea monsters have repeatedly violated the territory, and more than a thousand wars have broken out. But the problem is not big. Second sister, don't worry. Father and I can Handle."

Originally, he was worried that Ao Shuying's deployment of elite troops might lead to a decline in Dragon Palace's military strength.

But Ao Shuying's words about rebuilding the 'Beihai Dragon Palace' made him suddenly realize that the Beihai side was actually a retreat.

If they cannot hold on, they can retreat to a large area and move their tribesmen to Beihai.

And the war turtles and dragons below couldn't hold them down anymore.

If the Dragon Palace wants them to fight to the death without giving them a reward, it will lead to disaster.

Ao Shuying didn't take it seriously after hearing this. She knew that due to the cold wave, the depths of the ocean were also violently turbulent.

She raised her fist towards the Dragon King of the East China Sea: "Father, in fact, if the Dragon Palace's troops are in short supply, you can ask Li Xuan for help!"

"Li Xuan?" Ao Mengsheng, the crown prince of the East China Sea, was stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "Second sister, I know that Prince Fenyang is a famous general who surpasses Wei Huo, but no matter how superb his military skills are, he is afraid of things underwater. There is nothing they can do. As for the Jin Dynasty, their so-called 'navy masters' cannot go to the deep sea."

Ao Shuying opened his mouth. When he spoke, he felt that it was inappropriate to reveal that Li Xuan had planned to build the Heavenly Court. So he changed his words and said: "You can also ask Emperor Xuanhuang for help. As far as I know, there are people under that emperor. Many heavenly soldiers and generals.”

She thought that the combat power of more than 20,000 heavenly soldiers and generals under Li Xuan's command was not inferior to the 400,000 troops of Dragon Palace.

She has seen the 'Black Gold Divine Armor' built by the Artifact Alliance, which can not only fight in the boundless void, but can also be used in the deep sea.

The only thing that cannot be used in the deep sea is firearms, otherwise the more than 20,000 heavenly soldiers and generals alone would be invincible and sweep across the entire sea area.

"Emperor Xuanhuang?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea did not feel offended by his daughter's words. After pondering for a moment, he still shook his head with a solemn expression: "That's inappropriate!"

"I don't think it's right either," Ao Mengsheng sighed: "Firstly, the origin of this god is unknown, and secondly, his so-called heavenly soldiers and generals may not be able to be used in the deep sea; and we have no friendship with him in the past, so what should we do? Convince him to send troops to the East China Sea?"

Seeing that Ao Shuying was still trying to argue, he said earnestly: "Shuying, if you want to help me and my father, then managing the land of Mobei and Beihai well will be the greatest help to us."

Ao Shuying frowned and didn't speak again.

She thought that next, she would find a few reliable brothers and nephews to keep an eye on this place. If there is any disturbance in the East China Sea, report it to her in time and there will be no delay.

Li Xuan, with the dignity of Emperor Xuanhuang, commanded tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers to descend, which is more convincing than any words.

At this time, her mother, Dragon Queen Ao Zhu Junqing, said solemnly: "Speaking of Li Xuan, has he ever told you, Shu Ying, how the matter between him and you will end?"

Thinking of Li Xuan, Dragon Queen Ao Zhujun became a little angry.

Although the fact that 'Li Xuan' became the husband of Prince Ao Shuying was the fault of the Dragon Clan.

But over the past year, the East China Sea Dragon Clan has been trying its best to compensate Li Xuanfan. When Li Xuanfan asked for it, they did everything they could, and even made various explicit and implicit requests, except that they didn't ask for it personally.

As a result, this guy has been pretending to be confused and remains unmoved.

Ao Zhujun was a little angry. She thought that the Prince of Fenyang County was certainly a hero among men.

But her daughter is not unwanted.

But then, Ao Zhujun discovered that his daughter had a delicate blush on her face.

"Li Xuan said"

Ao Shuying turned her head and looked out of the palace with some shyness: "When this year is over, I will come to the East China Sea in person to propose marriage to my father."

According to that guy, he wanted to marry her now. However, when Heaven is established this year, it may experience many dangers.

Therefore, he did not want to involve Ao Shuying and the East China Sea Dragon Clan until the foundation of Heavenly Court was solid.

This moved Ao Shuying so much that she just wanted to charge into battle for Li Xuan, go through fire and water, and wipe out the evil spirits.

Dragon Queen Ao Zhujun looked at her husband in surprise.

The two people made eye contact for a moment, and Ao Zhujun stood up and said: "This is quite decent! Come with me, Shuying. Your father has a treasure to give you. It is the "Shui Jing Illustrated Notes" left by the previous generation. You Now, as Shui De Yuanjun, the Lord of the Two Rivers and Five Lakes canonized by the Jin Dynasty, he is suitable for this thing."

Ao Shuying couldn't help but look surprised. The "Shui Jing Illustrated Annotation" was a sacred artifact made by Li Daoyuan, a great master of the Taoist sect during the Northern Wei Dynasty in the previous generation. He collected the power of water sources from all over the world and made it.

The Donghai Dragon Palace has always regarded it as a weapon to suppress the clan, and has been devoting the entire clan's efforts to perfect it.

Father actually wants to entrust this important treasure to her?

Just after Ao Shuying left with Ao Zhujun with a confused expression, Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, stood up with an indifferent expression: "It's almost time, Meng Sheng, you come with me."

Ao Mengsheng also had a serious expression on his face as he followed Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

The two of them arrived in front of a deep well deep in the Dragon Palace of the East Palace.

The well is an unknown number of feet deep and seems to go straight into the center of the earth. Above it is a ball of green energy, which is connected to the boundless void.

Shortly after the two arrived, a figure with a tall nose and deep eyes, wearing a robe, appeared above the deep well.

He was condescending, UU Reading looking down at the two of them with the power of an emperor.

"The three-day time limit has expired. Have you thought clearly?"

Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, bowed deeply first, and then raised his head and looked at this person from a distance: "Emperor, our Four Seas Dragon Palace has been under the jurisdiction of the emperor since the day when the Three Dynasties Heavenly Palace was built, and it has been under the jurisdiction of the emperor until the pre-Qin era. You take care of me a lot.

Therefore, if the emperor asks for anything from him this time, we, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, will try our best to satisfy it. But this was the only order that Shu Ao could never obey. "

The figure suddenly became displeased, and he hummed, causing the surrounding seawater to surge.

"Are you sure? This is something that will be of great benefit to you and me, as well as to Emperor Shen Kun. Emperor Shen Kun has been standing in the world for hundreds of thousands of years, and his power is boundless, comparable to that of a saint. Your daughter will be hers when she gets married. Blessing.”

Dragon King Ao Shenghai half-closed his eyes and said with a cold face: "Then my family Shuying seems not to be so lucky."

His expression was indifferent, even a little disgusted.

It would be fine if Emperor Shen Kun really wanted to marry his daughter, but Ao Shenghai knew that this man had other agendas.

Once he agrees to the marriage, not only will Ao Shuying be unable to survive, but the dragon clan will also face a great disaster.

The emperor above the wellhead suddenly had a killing intent in his eyes.

"Is this true? Even if you are my enemy, even if the East China Sea Dragon Clan is wiped out, you will not hesitate?"

Ao Shenghai, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, took a deep breath, and then spoke decisively and as resoundingly as iron: "I have made up my mind, and it is absolutely impossible to follow it!"

The prince behind him, Ao Mengsheng, was also holding his sword at this time, looking at the emperor at the mouth of the well with an arrogant expression: "If the emperor wants to force the will of our dragon clan, he must first behead my father and son!"

The emperor didn't speak anymore. He glanced at the two of them coldly, and then his figure suddenly transformed into countless fire shadows and disappeared.

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