In the Buddhist palace, after the Immortal Arhat took back his golden body, his face was ashen as he looked at the seven warships in the clouds in the distance, as well as the tens of thousands of 'evil demons' advancing at high speed from the ground.

"The Bodhisattva cannot be contacted." At this time, five more 'arhats' walked out of the deep palace.

One of them is a woman, whose dharma name is ‘Colorless Arhat’. Her face was blank, without any facial features. The person said in a cold voice: "Someone has used extremely heavenly methods to confuse and obscure the void in the outer realm. Now I can't send a message to the Bodhisattva, nor can I ask Lingshan for help. "

"It doesn't matter!"

Immortal Arhat shook his head: "If the Bodhisattva feels danger, her true spirit will naturally return from the mortal world, and we don't need to worry about her."

At this moment, there was another roar and vibration ahead, and before the sound came, there were several white lights bombarding...

They were as powerful as flowing light and easily tore apart the barrier in the Buddhist palace.

The white light was destructive wherever it passed, no matter how solid it was, it was easily destroyed, and once again blasted out several huge holes in this magnificent palace with red tiles and white walls.

Immortal Arhat's face couldn't help but twitch, and the anger and murderous intent in his eyes became even colder: "Let's kill those evil spirits first!"

He pointed at the heavenly soldiers and generals on the ground wearing the 'Black Gold Heavenly Armor': "Destroy their infantry first, and then we will work together to deal with those floating warships."

"This kind of armor looks like the Cold Silver Heavenly Armor of the Third Generation of Heaven, but with a different material."

The person who spoke was another Arhat in the "Pure Mind without Outflow World" named "The Angry Lion Arhat". He dominated all the Buddhist soldiers in the "Pure Mind Without Outflow World".

He looked contemptuous: "It's not a big problem. The 120,000 'ghosts, gods' and 'Dharma protectors' in my pure-hearted world all have the 'Ming King Buddha Armor' in their bodies, which is enough to eliminate these evil spirits."

The so-called "ghosts, gods" and "Dharma protectors" are the soldiers of the Buddha who have a pure mind and a world without leakage.

Under the command of Guanyin Bodhisattva, there are twenty-eight groups of ghosts and gods led by the "Golden Peacock King" to protect the practitioners of Guanyin Method.

The foundation of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva is not as good as Guanyin, but it still has 120,000 powerful Buddhist soldiers.

Buguo Arhat was not at ease. He clasped his hands and said, "Bring those true believers with you. The stone and gold puppets they control can also hurt people. The Bodhisattva has supported them for hundreds of years, and they are the ones who contribute to the Bodhisattva." It’s time.”

Angry Lion Arhat was a little dissatisfied, but he still agreed: "Yes! But this is actually not necessary. I will kill all these evil spirits in two hours at most."

But at this moment, there was another loud noise like thunder.

After that, several huge holes were torn open in the white Buddhist palace as pure and clean as milk, and a large amount of smoke and dust filled the air.

Immortal Arhat discovered that he was obviously testing the barrier of the Buddhist Palace. The enemy was looking for the core of the barrier and was preparing to destroy it in one fell swoop!

His face couldn't help but turn black and blue: "Go quickly!"

At the same time, on Li Xuan's flagship Xuanhuang.

The middle-class layman looked ahead in great surprise: "These electromagnetic guns seem to be many times more powerful than when they were in the mortal world?"

It was actually so strong that even the great heaven-level ‘Arhat’ couldn’t resist the interception.

Li Xuan thought to himself that the power was certainly greater. Not only was the gravity here smaller, but the air outside the Buddhist palace was also thin, so the resistance of the cannonball was minimal.

Speed ​​means power. These electromagnetic guns could originally reach Mach 150, but now their speed has increased by more than ten times, reaching 570 kilometers per second. Their power has naturally increased exponentially.

On the contrary, the monks themselves, in this environment, their combat power has been greatly reduced.

This is because after the air becomes thinner, the spiritual power also weakens significantly.

Although the heavenly monks can be self-sufficient, the spirits they produce are not enough to make up for the loss caused by the loss of heaven and earth souls.

This situation actually has disadvantages and advantages. Thin air is good for electromagnetic guns, but not good for gunpowder firearms.

Fortunately, in this world, there is such a thing as Taoist magic. You can use the power of pre-made talismans to temporarily collect enough oxygen for the explosion.

As long as these firearms and artillery can be used normally, their power will only be more powerful than the mortal world.

Li Xuan had already seen the hundreds of thousands of Buddhist troops in front of them, wearing the 'Ming King's Armor' and covered in golden light, forming square formations, blocking their way.

And around them, there were countless gold and stone puppets controlled by the spirits of good faith, surging in like a tidal wave.

Looking down from above, these spiritual believers are like a dense ant colony, covering the sky and the earth with their momentum.

"How stupid!"

General Tianxing Lan Yu snorted coldly, and then raised his fist towards Li Xuan: "Your Majesty, please command the army to fight."

Ever since he regained consciousness, he had wanted to command an all-musketeer army, but unfortunately he had never had the chance.

Li Xuan waved his sleeves with a magnanimous expression: "Go! I have only one request, to defeat all these Buddhist armies before Xinyuelian senses danger and returns to this world."

General Tian Xing Lan Yu immediately responded with an arrogant look: "The final general will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

He knew that these more than 100,000 Buddha armies and more than one million faithful souls were also the source of power for the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva.

But in Lan Yu's view, these so-called Buddhist armies are like chickens and dogs, and those spiritual believers are real ants.

He then flashed and went directly to the ground.

Li Xuan focused his attention on the Buddhist Palace opposite and tried his best to calculate the location of the center of the barrier opposite.

Although Li Xuan does not understand Buddhism, only he can accomplish this task.

Under Li Xuan's inspiration, the 'Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation' located deep in Taixu is operating at full capacity.

About half a moment later, after all the electromagnetic guns completed their ninth salvo, Li Xuan's eyes flashed: "Lower the gun body by half an inch and move it one foot to the left! For the other battleships, refer to the Xuanhuang The electromagnetic gun on the bow of the ship is adjusted to shoot at Zhu Yuan."

Just a moment later, a total of five white lights swept across the sky and slammed into the lower left corner of the magnificent Buddhist palace with ferocity.

The power this time was completely different from before, and the entire Buddhist palace roared and shook.

The Sanskrit barrier directly manifested its shape and was densely covered outside the Buddhist palace in layers. However, these Sanskrit barriers had large areas of damage at this time.

There are a total of twelve huge Heart Moon Lotuses at the four corners of the barrier, but they are also damaged at this time.

The face of the 'Unsullied Arhat' turned pale, knowing that if it dragged on any longer, the 'Vajra Heart Lotus Barrier' built by the Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva with a lot of money would be flattened and destroyed at most after a few more cannons.

The Immortal Arhat immediately roared like a lion: "Angry lion! How long do you plan to delay this?"

The 'Raging Lion Arhat' in the distance also had cold eyes, and he no longer hesitated: "All the Dharma protectors, all the ghosts and gods, in the name of the Raging Lion Arhat, I order the entire army to attack! Before our Bodhisattva is captured We have to kill all these evil spirits before they cause any disturbance. I promise you that all those with outstanding military exploits can obtain the Jialan Zhengguo!"

At this time, his 120,000 Buddhist troops were less than 45 miles away from the enemy's position.

The overall formation is in the shape of a half-moon, showing a semi-surrounding situation.

Originally meant to be an angry lion and an arhat, he advanced in a strict formation and crushed and swept away these evil spirits.

But at this moment, the situation has changed, and the boundary of the Buddhist Palace is in danger. Obviously, we can't wait until that time.

But the 'Angry Lion Arhat' was still confident. If he couldn't think of an array, it wouldn't be an array.

He used four times the army of ghosts and gods, plus millions of good faith spirits, even if he piled them with corpses, it was enough to wipe out these invading evil spirits. It was just that the casualties in this battle were slightly larger.

Just as he finished speaking, the 120,000 Buddhist troops all let out a roar that shook the sky.

They galloped vigorously on this land of the "Pure Heart and Innocent World", like a surging tide of golden light.

And due to the thin air and weak gravity, these 120,000 Buddha troops only took more than a hundred breaths to cross more than ten miles of space.


Lan Yuyaokong looked at this scene, but only felt funny and disappointed.

He originally had some expectations for this battle.

However, the actions of the opposing general made Lan Yu's interest in this battle drop to the freezing point.

What followed was nothing more than a massacre, the slaughter of more than a million chaotic sheep.

"Stop the entire army's advance, change the line formation, and get all artillery in position! Pay attention to the recoil, and the bases of the cannons need to be strengthened."

Lan Yu looked at the Buddhist army without changing his expression, and they continued to attack less than fifteen miles before the Heavenly Army Formation.

All one thousand field smoothbore cannons were already in place and were being loaded with shotguns under Lan Yu's instructions.

But the first ones to fire were the seven floating warships in the sky.

On both sides of the ship's sides, a total of 600 retractable rifled guns and 280 red cannons opened fire at the same time.

In an instant, countless scattered bullets and up to 600 open-fire bullets swept across the fan-shaped areas on both sides, sweeping away the incoming gold and stone puppets.

Tens of thousands of faithful souls were blasted to death by these cannonballs.

At this time, at the forefront of the Heavenly Army, General Lan Yu gave orders out of boredom.

"All field artillery, start firing volleys! All line formations, fire freely!"


In the battle formation, the one thousand and twenty field smoothbore cannons sprayed shotguns at the same time, covering an area up to twenty miles wide in front. UU Reading

All the line formations and all the heavenly soldiers and generals also triggered runes at this moment, causing the surrounding breeze to surround and oxygen to grow.

At this moment, they pulled the triggers at the same time, causing the entire front to emit gunfire sounds of "bang bang bang".

The 'rune firing needle rifle' in their hands has a range of less than 600 feet in the mortal world, which is about three and a half miles.

But in this 'pure world', the effective range of these firearms has been extended nearly five times, and due to the great increase in speed, the power has also increased several times.

At this moment, the 120,000 Buddhist troops in front felt as if they were hit by a huge heavy hammer. Thousands of 'Ming King Buddha Armors' were blasted to pieces. Countless ghosts, gods, and Buddhist soldiers inside were struck by these astonishingly powerful weapons. The rune bullets were blasted into pieces.

"What is this?"

The 'Angry Lion Arhat' at the back looked at this scene with a blank expression: "My Bodhisattva, what kind of weapon is that?"

He was completely unable to understand that at this moment, nearly one-fifth of the 120,000 Buddha troops under his command were completely destroyed.

At this time, opposite them, the 27,000 Xuanhuang Heavenly Soldiers were like perfect machines. They pulled the bolt machine at the same time, ejecting the cartridge case from the gun chamber, and then filled it with new bullets.

The whole process took less than two breaths.

At this moment, the commander of the Heavenly Soldiers commanding them issued an order as if he had timed it right: "Everyone, aim and fire!"

bang bang bang bang

At this moment, the entire line of 27,000 soldiers lined up and opened fire almost at the same moment.

At this time, the field smoothbore cannons were still loading and adjusting their positions, but the 27,000 bullets fired by these sky soldiers had already formed an insurmountable barrage of death, sweeping away thousands of people in front of them. Thousands of Buddhist soldiers were destroyed and reduced to rubble!

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