Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 772 Let’s forget it

In the pure and innocent world, Lan Yu and Fu Youde are commanding all the heavenly soldiers and generals, clearing the battlefield quickly and orderly.

They threw the ownerless 'Ming King Buddha Armor' into the five Yunzhong warships. Those with owners killed the ghosts and gods inside and threw them into the cabin.

These armors are extremely valuable at first glance, although their defensive capabilities and ability to strengthen the spirits of ghosts and gods are only slightly better than their 'Ujin Heavenly Armor'.

But the precious metal used in it is several times that of the latter, and its value must be ten times that of the 'Wujin Tianjia'.

In the final analysis, ‘Wujin Tianjia’ is just a simplified and cheap version derived from ‘Lengyin Tianjia’ by Leng Yurou using modern smelting technology.

But these 'Mingwang Buddha Armor' are products of the same era as the 'Lengyin Tianjia'.

Only the Buddha's power integrated into this armor is a bit difficult to handle.

However, Xinyuelian has fallen, and it can still be refined using the 'electric furnace' smelting method in the future...

The number of solar furnaces planned by Li Xuan has been increased to three! It's five seats, so he probably won't be short of thunder and lightning for the time being.

Above the Pure White Buddha Palace, Li Xuan held the bronze glove with a regretful expression, and then watched the 'divine conch' fly away in the air.

That is a divine treasure!

It was the third divine treasure that Li Xuan saw after the Qianqiu Bi and the Golden Que Tianzhang.

The divine power of the 'Golden Que Tianzhang' ranks among the top even among divine treasures. It cannot be compared with the divine power of the magic conch, but after all, the two are at the same level.

This thing can't escape. Green Qiluo was like a roundworm in Li Xuan's belly: It will go looking for Luo Yan with the remnant spirit of Xinyuelian.

Li Xuan was slightly happy, thinking that it would be fine.

Since the 'Divine Power Conch' wants to find Luo Yan, it cannot escape from his grasp.

Then Li Xuan raised his hand and threw his bronze gloves to the 'Pioneer God General' Qiu Fu next to him.

In this way, the four high-level divine generals under his command all have powerful magic weapons containing the most powerful magic.

The name of this glove is ‘Han Feng War Captain’.

Before the Han Dynasty, gloves were not called gloves, but wei, which was the wei from Taiwei, Duwei, Xiaowei.

This pseudo-divine treasure possesses the law of the heavens, which is ‘freezing’, and is considered to be a pseudo-divine artifact that is more suitable for the Heart Moon Lotus.

Her 'seal' and 'ice seal' complement each other perfectly.

However, this pseudo-divine treasure now belongs to his ‘Pioneer Divine General’ Qiu Fu.

The man just now not only participated in commanding the battle, but also fought against the two Arhats under Xinyuelian on his own.

After all, this person is a master of martial arts and has awakened to the ultimate method.

Even if most of his true spirit is scattered, it is enough to suppress the Buddhist Arhat.

With this 'Han Feng War Captain', Qiu Fu's combat power will not be inferior to the other three.

Dongfang Liang, Huang Jun and others who also participated in the war were salivating over this pseudo-artifact.

But they all know that their own achievements are far from enough to exchange for the title of Han Feng War Captain from Li Xuan.

Next, Li Xuan also began to plunder wantonly, moving all the things that could be moved in the Pure White Buddha Palace to the boat, or to the Sumeru Ring he brought.

Although food is scarce in Taixu Outer Territory, there are all kinds of mineral deposits.

Several warehouses in the Buddha Palace are filled with various metal ingots. There is also a lot of gold and silver in it, but it is the least valuable.

Li Xuan didn't have time to count the harvest. He knew that time was tight, so he only went all out to move all kinds of valuable things to the boat.

The middle-class layman has always been unparalleled in his magnanimity. The nine-tailed fox Tushanjun is usually frail and delicate, but at this time they both transformed into diligent porters.

Li Xuan thought that Leng Yurou didn't follow him this time, otherwise she would go crazy with joy.

About half a moment later, the five warships in the cloud were fully packed, but there were still a large number of silver and copper ingots in those warehouses.

Among them, the weight of silver ingots alone was nearly 30 million taels. Although Li Xuan was reluctant to part with it, he could only cruelly ignore these treasures.

Just because the five Yunzhong battleships have reached their load-bearing limit, they will sink if they continue to be loaded.

It's a pity that the other two battleships cannot be activated in the infinite void, otherwise they could have brought all the loot back to the mortal world.

When they hurriedly flew into the sky on the battleship, Li Xuan looked at the Pure Heart and Innocent World going away, and he had only one thought.

In this era, robbery is indeed the fastest way to make money.

Although Li Xuan has not yet counted the seizures, he predicts that the income this time will not be inferior to Dongdao, or even worse.

This made Li Xuan's eyes flash with excitement, thinking that this kind of business without capital has great potential!

After leaving the 'Pure Heart World', the five battleships began to gradually accelerate.

They did not choose to return the same way, but continued to move forward following the strange power like a slingshot. Prepare to circle around and return to the previous starting point.

Although the distance will be further, the actual time they use on the way will be reduced by more than 70%.

But just when all the warships were about fifteen thousand miles away from the Pure Heart World, Li Xuan discovered a large number of strange 'sailing ships' coming from the opposite side.

At a glance, he found that the number of these wooden sailing ships was as high as thousands, and most of them were equipped with ballistae.

Green Qiluo glanced at the opposite side from a distance: These warships should come from the nearby Mandala Sky, and are the Taixu fleet of King Mandala.

Different from a small world like the 'Pure Mind World', which is only a thousand miles in diameter, the Mandala Heaven is a 'celestial realm' that ranks among the top eight in the thirty-three days of Renli.

It is said that its land has a radius of three thousand miles, and there are all kinds of water, fire, wind and thunder in it. It is considered a relatively complete world.

Fifteen million people live in this land, and its leader, King Mandala, has a very close relationship with Buddhism.

Li Xuan pressed the emerald on his desk with an indifferent expression: Send the order! The ship's bow electromagnetic gun is ready to launch a salvo after ten breaths to open a channel for the fleet. After that, each ship can fire freely. Note that the gun doors on both sides are open. After that, the air must remain sealed! Keep all magicians on standby.

In this boundless void, people without cultivation will die in a few moments.

At this time, although most of the five ships were belonging to ghosts and gods, their spiritual bodies were protected in the 'Ujin Armor'.

But the more than 6,000 gunners on the ship are all alive, and they can only stay in an airtight environment.

Fortunately, Leng Yurou had made targeted enhancements to all the gun ports on both sides. Even when the gun door is opened and the cannon fires outward, the interior can remain sealed for a short time. Coupled with the presence of the magician, it is enough to ensure safety.

What Li Xuan didn't know was that right opposite them, there was a huge ship with a length and width of 150 feet, which was larger than Li Xuan's flagship.

Mandala Tian's prince and fleet commander Mandala Dallas were looking at the seven ships opposite with suspicious eyes.

Is it these battleships from the mortal world that destroyed your world of pure hearts and flawless hearts? And caused the fall of Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva?

Not far from him, there stood the Unsullied Arhat and Colorless Arhat who were subordinates of Xinyuelian.

Although Xinyuelian had died at this time, except for the angry lion who directly commanded the battle, the other five of the six arhats under her command were safe and sound.

Li Xuan and the others did not pursue him after killing Xinyuelian, which gave them a chance to escape.

Among them, Bu Guo and Wu Se encountered reinforcements coming from the Mandala Heaven not long after they left the world of Pure Heart and Wu Lu.

These despicable mortals just took our Bodhisattva by surprise. If it were a head-on battle, they would never be my Bodhisattva's opponent.

The colorless Luo Han's words revealed endless hatred and endless anger: Please take action to attack and destroy it, Your Highness. I believe that I, the Buddha, will definitely appreciate the prince's actions of helping people in distress.

Buguo Arhat also said with a solemn voice: Your Highness, this is the boundless emptiness. Even the power of the most powerful people in the emptiness will be greatly reduced. And opposite us, there are only seven battleships.

Also, as far as I know, we Bodhisattvas have accumulated wealth for thousands of years, and now they are all on the warships of those mortals.


As expected, Mandala Dallas's eyes showed great interest: He ordered the entire army to prepare their crossbows! Also, release all the fast boats.

But at this moment, he discovered that the opponent's five steel battleships blasted out five white lights in a thunderous flash.

Those five electromagnetic gun shells, which were the size of a human body, instantly accelerated to the extreme of thousands of miles with each breath in this emptiness without any resistance.

And wherever they passed, all the wooden warships in front were destroyed without any resistance!

Mandala Dallas' flagship also failed to dodge in time and was passed by one of the shells.

As a result, a small half of the hull of this huge Taixu warship was shattered in an instant. UU Reading

This made Mandala Dallas heartbroken. Gold and iron were hard to find in the outer realm of Taixu.

Large wood that can be used to make battleship keels is extremely rare, and there are only a few places in the entire Outer Territory of Taixu that produce such large wooden keels.

Damn it!

At this time, Prince Mandala was filled with anger and burning with hatred.

I'm going to kill them! Pass the commander's order, and all the fleets are ready.

Mandala Dallas was about to say that he was going to fight with help and board the ship directly.

But then, Mandala Dallas saw the five warships, opening nearly 900 gunports from both sides at the same time, and then spitting out tongues of fire at the same time.

At this moment, not only the clippers that were close to the opponent's warships were torn to pieces, but the large warships in the distance were not spared either.

A total of twenty-seven warships were torn to pieces under the impact of those high-speed shotguns.

Mandala Dallas couldn't help but suffocated, and then decisively changed the military order: Pass the commander's order, all fleets will move forward at full speed, and break away from the enemy as soon as possible! Let's go to the Pure Heart World to see it first.

Your Highness the Prince? Colorless Arhat couldn't help but look at Mandala Dallas in astonishment: Are you going to let them go?

Prince Mandala thought to himself that these five mortal warships were simply unrivaled ferocious beasts. How many casualties would he have to take to take them down?

Not to mention the presence on these battleships that killed Xinyuelian.

These so-called ‘mortals’ are too cruel.

It’s the world with a pure heart and no leakage

Mandala Dallas put his hands behind his back and looked at the small world in the distance.

He estimated that the size of the five mortal warships should not carry much.

So he hopes to gain something there to make up for their losses in this battle.

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