Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 777 Scumbag Quotes

Jiang Hanyun was also stunned for a while. She glanced at the 'divine conch' in front of her, and then glanced at everyone: The weapon spirit of this divine conch seems to have recognized me as its master.

But she didn't do anything, and this 'divine magic conch' locked onto her soul breath without authorization and considered her its master.

After Xinyuelian died, it seemed to be very happy and couldn't wait to seek refuge with her.

The reaction of everyone on the altar was dull.

Xinyuelian died at the hands of Li Xuan, so naturally this 'divine magic conch' also belonged to the old Li family.

They have no control over who owns this thing in the end.

Although some of them are envious, can they still snatch it from Li Xuan?

Jiang Yunqi, however, raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling quite happy. He knew how much such a true divine treasure would help Jiang Hanyun.

Li Xuan didn't dare to say a word. If he forcibly intercepted and captured this object, it would eventually be handed over to Jiang Hanyun...

The perfect thing for him to have next to him is this violent little fox.

At this time, everything had settled, and everyone, including Jiang Yunqi, left one after another.

They actually wanted to know what happened after Luo Yan refined the Heart Moon Lotus True Spirit.

After all, this is the first time since the beginning of the world that the Lord of Heaven tried to seize his body, but was devoured instead.

But everyone knows the rules and knows that this is not appropriate.

Soon, only Li Xuan, Yu Hongshang, Jiang Hanyun, Lu Qiluo and other people were left on the altar of earth.

Li Xuan held the unconscious Le Qianqian in his arms, feeling a little weak.

He actually didn't think about anything just now, except that when Le Qianqian fell, it happened to land near him.

Li Xuan hugged her subconsciously, without any distracting thoughts in his mind.

But just now, everyone looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at him as a scumbag, and even Li Xuan himself felt strange.

Li Xuan was very helpless. On the one hand, he was thinking that my heart can discern the sun and the moon, but on the other hand, he was worried that this would trigger a new Shura field.

Fortunately, for some reason, Yu Hongshang turned a blind eye to the sight of the beautiful woman in his arms and did not react in any way; Jiang Hanyun might not have thought about it that much.

About three moments later, Luo Yan finally woke up from his trance.

The moment she opened her eyes, the surrounding spiritual energy went riot, and a huge whirlpool appeared.

The sky and the earth were also filled with violent storms, thunder and lightning.

This was a sign from the sky after Luo Yan stepped into the small heaven. She was adapting to this world again, and the world was also adapting to her.

To Li Xuan's delight, Luo Yan's white hair had turned from white to black.

Although the white-haired Luo Yan is also very good-looking and has a certain flavor on the bed, this is always a hurdle that Li Xuan can't get over.

So it's better to have black hair, and at most let Yan'er dye her hair in the future.

Luo Yan only opened his eyes when the surrounding spiritual whirlpool subsided.

Her eyes were shining with blue light, containing the mark of Heart Moon Lotus.

Li Xuan's heart sank slightly: Yan'er, how do you feel now?

I'm fine! At this time, the strangeness in Luo Yan's eyes gradually dissipated, and he regained his clarity: But my soul spirit still needs to be stable, and I may need to stay in seclusion for a long time to stabilize my mind and avoid future troubles.

Luo Yan then noticed Li Xuan's intense probing gaze and couldn't help but laugh.

She knew that her Xuanlang was extremely curious.

Luo Yan thought for a moment, then raised the corners of her lips slightly, showing a bit of a smile.

I have her mind now

She did not speak, but directly used the Buddhist power of other minds to transmit what she wanted to say into everyone's ears.

Li Xuan and Yu Hongshang couldn't help but feel slightly solemn. They both felt that their hearts were being touched and invaded just now.

Although Luo Yan's 'spiritual' power is definitely not as good as Xinyuelian in its heyday. But there is no doubt that this is the level of great supernatural power and freedom.

I also know what a seal is!

Luo Yan raised his hand and pointed a leaf falling in the sky, sealing it heavily.

If I want, I can be Heart Moon Lotus Bodhisattva!

When Luo Yan puts his hands together, he instantly becomes solemn and solemn, his body is as clear as glass, surrounded by waves of Sanskrit sounds and scents.

But then Luo Yan put away the Bodhisattva's image without interest, took out a pair of red sleeve knives, and poured the true essence into them.

The Great Heavenly Position and the Extremely Heavenly Position are within easy reach for me, but this requires step-by-step accumulation and cannot be achieved overnight.

Then she looked at Li Xuan with excitement in her eyes, joy and gratitude.

But now, I am still myself!

This was the most important thing. She couldn't imagine what the future would be like if her true spiritual consciousness was taken away.

Luo Yan's heart stopped in fear when she thought that not long ago, she might leave her child forever.

At this moment, Luo Yan finally noticed that Le Qianqian was lying in Li Xuan's arms, and her smile couldn't help but froze.

But then she sighed secretly and looked away.

Luo Yan was too lazy to be jealous anymore and to care.

Although the guy in front of me is a complete scumbag when it comes to relationships, he is very reliable outside of relationships.

It is as solid as a big mountain, making people feel at ease when leaning on it.

She knew what Le Qianqian was thinking, and she also knew that she couldn't stop it. Qianqian would be very kind to her this time.

What's more, she now has a little peace.

Ping'an is the nickname Luo Yan gave to his son. Luo Yan has experienced too many twists and turns in his life, and all he wants is for his son to be safe.

Luo Yan was thinking of her child, but her expression suddenly changed.

Then she didn't bother to say thank you to Li Xuan, and directly tore open the void leading to the Heavenly Punishment Platform, and hurriedly escaped into it: The child is crying, he must be hungry, Xuan Lang, if you have anything to say, we will talk about it later.

In order to refine the remnant spirit of Xinyuelian, she fed the child and gave it to Dugu Biluo to take care of.

Up to now, a full seven hours have passed.

Yu Hongshang also had children, so she was not surprised at all by Luo Yan's reaction.

In the past, her heart was always attached to Li Xuan.

But ever since she got Youxun, she has been thinking about men haha!

Sooner or later this scumbag will realize that he will become less and less important.

She glanced at Li Xuan meaningfully, then stretched her limbs lazily, stood up and said, I have to go back to the palace, even though Mr. Fulong is watching over you now, But in the end, I still don’t feel at ease. You don’t need to take care of the ‘Twelve Capital Tianzhen Divine Formation’ here, someone will naturally take care of it.”

Jiang Hanyun scratched his head: I have to study this thing too.

She pointed to the magical conch in front of her: Although this weapon spirit has recognized me as its master, there are still a lot of remnants of the Heart and Moon Lotus in it. This weapon spirit is quite disgusted. It asked me to drip in the essence and blood as soon as possible, and will The remnant refining of the Heart Moon Lotus.

Lu Qiluo glanced at Li Xuan sideways, and then flew away: I went to Shennongyuan to have a look. I haven't been there for a long time.

On the altar, soon only Li Xuan and Le Qianqian were left in his arms.

Li Xuan actually wanted to see Xiaopingan, but he was still holding someone in his arms.

It was absolutely forbidden to go inside the Heavenly Punishment Platform at this time, so the Le family and his wife worked inside the Heavenly Punishment Platform to help him build the second 'Sun God Furnace'.

If they saw their daughter unconscious, they didn't know what their reaction would be.

Li Xuan felt guilty and didn't mind being scolded by the two men. But if the Les and his wife were angry and just left their jobs, he would not be able to find a third weapon refiner with the level of the Les and his wife to help him make the Sun God Furnace.

Li Xuan thought about it and decided to take Le Qianqian home and leave it to his mother to take care of her.

Not long ago, her mother Liu and her sister-in-law Su Zhaojun had another conflict. She was so angry that she ran to live in the Fenyang Prince's Mansion.

It is very comfortable to be the wife of the royal family here. She is commanded by Yi Qi. There are two in-laws, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Xue, walking around next to her. It is extremely comfortable and comfortable.

The only regret is that I can't see my eldest son and grandson.

When Li Xuan came back, Mrs. Liu was looking at her dowry account book.

When she saw Li Xuan, she was immediately overjoyed: Xuan'er, how is Xiao Ping'an doing now? When can he bring the child back to see him?

At this time, Mrs. Liu had seen Le Qianqian in Li Xuan's arms. She was stunned, and then she thought that she was indeed her own Xuan'er. Her son was not important, she only valued women.

If it had been another woman, Ms. Liu would have been furious, but Coke Qianqian was her favorite girl besides Hanyun, UU Reading

Li Xuan found that Mrs. Liu looked at him as if he was looking at a disaster. He couldn't help but said: In order to save Yan'er's life, Qianqian's hard work and soul have been greatly consumed. He may have to be in coma for several days and cannot be cared for by anyone. The child is now very inconvenient, so he can only ask his mother to help take care of him.

As for Xiaopingan, I will go there and have a look later. When the time is right, Yan'er will bring the child back to the house.

Mrs. Liu's face brightened slightly at this moment, and then she remembered something: By the way, there is one more thing. Your third uncle's family has agreed that Xuan'er and you will take over his family's family. Yan'er doesn't have to worship his parents, and the child will also There is no need to send them over, as long as there is a memorial tablet for them in the incense memorial hall in the future.”

Although he had planned to marry Luo Yan into the family through the method of marrying both husband and wife, in fact, this matter has been discussed all the time.

Mrs. Liu would not allow her children to be sent to other people's homes to call them grandparents, not even their cousins.

She specifically mentioned this matter today to hint to Li Xuan to get married quickly!

After hearing this, Li Xuan felt slightly disappointed: Is this the only one we can negotiate with?

Not only that, your Uncle Jiutang's family is still talking about it, and currently only his family is suitable.

Ms. Liu answered subconsciously, but then her face froze and she said with a dark face: How many families do you want to be a family member? How many families do you want to have no heirs?

Li Xuan also felt that he had made a mistake, which was inappropriate, immoral and unkind.

He smiled coquettishly, and just as he was about to say something, he saw a maid hurried in.

Madam! The maid's eyes lit up when she saw Li Xuan: The prince happens to be here too, Young Master She is about to give birth.

Li Xuan perked up, and then thought helplessly, are you rushing to a show?

He was secretly grateful that he came back from the outer world in time and did not miss the most important moment of the child's birth.

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