Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 792 24 Ironclad Ships

A moment later, Amaterasu opened his eyes in the temple of Takamagahara.

There was a trace of blood between her mouth and nose, and her eyebrows were full of anger: Damn it!

While angry, Amaterasu also showed a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Jiang Hanyun's power actually followed that ray of spiritual connection and forcibly traveled through hundreds of miles of void, directly hitting the root of her soul!

That mortal woman should have a real divine treasure, but she didn't just rely on that treasure.

It seems like there's no agreement?

This slightly softer voice came from the left side of the Amaterasu throne: That King Fenyang of the Jin Dynasty, a mortal who covets the position of Emperor of Heaven, refuses to retreat?

This is ‘Izanagi’, one of the ancestral gods of Fuso.

He is also the father of the three noble gods of Fuso, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susana.

However, in Takamagahara, Amaterasu is the most powerful and supreme deity. She is the ancestor of all Fuso emperors, the bloodline source of all nobles and warriors, and the supreme of all the 'Tianjin Gods'.

I was not able to have a detailed discussion with him, but judging from the situation at the time, it was unlikely that he would retreat. He accused me of conniving with the warriors to plunder the Jin Dynasty and colluding with Kunpeng, and his tone was very strong...

Amaterasu looked into the distance, looking at the fleet getting closer and closer to Fuso's homeland: Now only war can solve the problem.

Her original intention was to use her own magic power to show her power to the Fenyang King, and then negotiate with him.

But the sudden attack of that mortal woman made it impossible for her idea to be implemented.

Amaterasu is actually not disappointed. A person who is so arrogant that he wants to seek the position of Emperor of Heaven, how could he possibly understand his own benevolent thoughts? How could he value the opportunity for peace she gave him?

He would not even understand that Gao Tianyuan was a being that he had to look up to.

This is a disaster that should not have happened. This is a strange voice, which can be male or female. It is soft and sweet, but also has the masculinity of a man.

This is 'Tsukiyomi Ming', an indistinguishable androgynous god. He hides his face in black veil: We are not strong enough and should not provoke Middle-earth. We do not need to help those warriors, let alone It’s time to give Kunpeng the grain that Gao Tianyuan has saved for many years.”

The 'Susano'o' sitting below him sneered: Those warriors of the Genji, Taira and Fujiwara clans are all descendants of you and me. They sail on the sea and pray to me for protection. You want to make them Do I sit back and ignore it? Or, my dear brother, are you afraid of that mortal?

Tsukuyomi looked at Susano'o coldly: Grandfather's intention is for us to be patient and sharpen our claws. But this war will expose our strength. The two previous 'Kamikaze' have already made grandfather Your Excellency suffered great losses outside the territory.”

'Izanagi''s voice was strange: It is your grandfather's intention to give grain to Kunpeng. This disaster was originally caused by him. Even if there are any future troubles, it has nothing to do with us.

Shut up!

Amaterasu gave her father a warning look, then flicked her sleeves slightly to stop her brothers' argument.

Let us know and get ready to fight. That Fenyang King is here with bad intentions. Everyone, whether it's Gao Tianyuan or the mortal world, needs to mobilize their forces to the greatest extent possible.

Amaterasu was more than thousands of miles away, looking at those battleships with cold and ruthless eyes in the distance.

To borrow a word from the Grand Ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty, if he wants to fight, then he will fight. Since that mortal does not know his own capabilities, then we will bury him and his army in Fusang!


At the same time, in the imperial palace of Fuso Heiankyo.

Sima Qing, a member of the Great Jin Li Department, looked at the many Fusang monarchs and ministers in front of him with a cold expression.

I have three intentions for His Highness King Fenyang. First, the Fusang Kingdom must go to the emperor's honor and pay tribute to the Jin Dynasty from now on; second, severely punish the Japanese pirates along the coast of the Jin Dynasty. Within ten days, our government must see Their heads, and you Fusang monarchs and ministers, and the great names of all places must swear an oath to ensure that Fusang will never invade the land of the Jin Dynasty again.

The third is to review all the names of gods below Izanagi and Amaterasu. Only those who have been canonized by our Jin Dynasty and under the control of Emperor Xuanhuang can build temples to worship them. All others are regarded as wild gods, and their images must be destroyed, shrines razed, and sacrifices prohibited.

Before he finished speaking, there was a buzzing sound in the hall, with shouts and curses.

Especially the many warriors who could only stay outside the palace were even more emotional.


The rude Jin man, kill him!

It's a complete disgrace.

Not even the Emperor of Meng Yuan dared to speak to His Majesty like this.

At this time, there were countless killing thoughts, and Sima Qing was locked in the distance.

Sima Qing was completely fearless and calm.

He was originally the supervisory censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. After the defeat of Mengwu in the Jin Dynasty, he was promoted several levels and was transferred to Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Rites, because he was outspoken and outspoken and made outstanding achievements during his tenure.

This time, he was selected as the envoy of the Jin Dynasty to Fuso. He went to sea before the Eastern Expeditionary Army and announced the wishes of the Fenyang County King to the emperor and shogun of Fuso.

Sima Qing knew that he was transferred to the Ministry of Rites because he participated in the impeachment of King Fenyang, so he was promoted and demoted secretly.

This time he was chosen as the envoy by King Fenyang. It may also be that His Highness borrowed the sword to kill people and eliminate political enemies.

In the early years, the envoy sent to Fusang by Emperor Taizu of the Jin Dynasty was beheaded by the Fusang people.

However, when facing Fusang's monarchs and ministers, Sima Qing still showed the spirit of an angel from heaven, fearless and calm in the face of danger.

At this time, not only was his majesty shining brightly throughout the hall, but his loud voice also drowned out all the noise in the hall.

King Fenyang gives you three days. After three days, if any of these three conditions cannot be met, then my king will raise an army of 170,000 to crush Fusang!

At this time, the entire palace was in a commotion, as noisy as a market.

Those murderous thoughts that locked Sima Qing from afar were even colder and colder.

Those shouts of killing came and went one after another.

General, please kill this Jin envoy! Only with his blood can the shame brought upon Amaterasu by the Jin people be washed away.

Kill him! Just like Prince Huai Liang three hundred years ago, he sacrificed his head to the gods.

Your Majesty! General! I, Fusang, am protected by the divine wind. Why should I be afraid of the Jin people?

Sima Qing didn't take it to heart at all. He only had eyes for the Emperor Back Garden at the top and the contemporary shogun Ashikaga Yoshitsune.

Emperors have no real power in Fuso's system, but they are usually regarded as the carrier and incarnation of Amaterasu in the human world.

And this shogun is another hero of Fuso.

Although this person succeeded to the throne not long ago, he has restored the authority of the shogun and supported the Emperor Back Garden to succeed him. He used the power of the royal family to suppress the power of the governors and daimyo in various places in Fuso.

The Emperor of the Back Garden did not speak, but he frowned and clenched the folding fan in his hand, obviously very angry and displeased.

Shogun Ashikaga Yoshitsune looked at Sima Qing with a calm expression.

After a moment, Ashikaga Yoshitsune smiled coldly.

Messenger, is this the etiquette of your Jin people? So outrageous?

Sima Qing clasped his fists with a calm expression: Our country, the Great Jin Dynasty, is a country of etiquette. But His Highness King Fenyang has said that there is no need to pay attention to etiquette for shameless bandits like you. He only asks you and so on. , Surrender or fight?

Ashikaga Yoshitaka's face suddenly turned blue, and then he chuckled: Then please tell King Fenyang that if you follow the rules, you will not necessarily live, and if you go against it, you will not necessarily die. If we meet in front of Helan Mountain and have a game, what should I be afraid of? Come here, Cut off this Jin envoy! Shaving his hair is a punishment for his disrespect.

Sima Qing's thoughts also gave rise to endless anger at this moment.

He knew that Ashikaga Yoshitaka's words came from a letter written by the powerful Fuso official Prince Huairang in reply to Taizu of the Jin Dynasty three hundred years ago.

Although Sima Qing did not agree with Li Xuan's eastward expedition, at this moment, Sima Qing wished that His Royal Highness King Fenyang's army would raze this place to the ground, so that these Fusang ugly people would know what 'the power of God is not to be underestimated' !

At this time, more than a dozen wolf-like warriors came forward and knocked him down, then dragged him out of the palace.

Ashikaga Yoshitsune looked around at the many courtiers in the palace and the many samurai outside the palace.

Have you all heard what this envoy of the Jin Dynasty said? If this battle fails, not only will Amaterasu and Takamagahara be humiliated, but the honor of His Majesty the Emperor and my four surnames, 'Genpei Fujitachi', will also be destroyed. .”

Ashikaga Yoshitsune couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly when he saw everyone was filled with indignation and showed the spirit of united will.

Three days later, our Fuso Allied Forces, with 970 battleships and 200,000 navy, will leave the port from Namba Kyo (Osaka) to meet the Daijin navy. According to the Iga ninjas, According to reports, the Jin people have twenty-four warships. Although they are all large ships with a weight of more than 10,000 stones, and the hulls are covered with terrifying iron armor, they do not have even a small ship to accompany them.

So we have a great chance of winning this battle. I hope that all the warriors in the Minamoto Shogunate will fight bravely to take the lead in this battle. I have negotiated with the leaders and the lords and will give out one hundred thousand gold coins, seven million silver coins, and one hundred million copper coins as a gift to the warriors. reward!

In addition, the Ise Amaterasu Shrine has issued a decree. All samurai who died in this battle can be granted formal official positions. Among them, those with outstanding military exploits can be granted the title of 'Prince Master' under special circumstances.

When he finished speaking, the hundreds of warriors outside the palace who were lucky enough to participate in this meeting couldn't help but be moved, and some even turned red.

In Fuso, only warriors who have been officially conferred official positions by the Fuso court can live forever after death.

As the name suggests, the so-called Prince Master is a court official who can be allowed to ascend to the palace and enter the Emperor's Palace to participate in court meetings.

This will not only greatly improve their family status, but also allow them to become true gods after death.

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