Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 805 Strong soldiers and horses

What dissatisfied Li Xuan about this Kunpeng battleship was its rough workmanship, which was somewhat similar to the style of later generations of Lao Maozi.

To his satisfaction, Leng Yurou achieved a watertight compartment within the hull.

In this way, even if one part of the hull is damaged, it will not affect the rest.

Li Xuan then transformed into a light thunder and came outside the battleship to check the twin electromagnetic guns.

Since this battleship mainly fights against the outer domain Taixu at high altitudes, these electromagnetic guns can be arranged on the upper and lower sides of the battleship.

On each side are twelve turrets and twenty-four twelve-inch electromagnetic guns.

The Artifact Alliance's electromagnetic gun technology has improved again. The caliber has been enlarged and the bullet speed has been increased. Now the electromagnetic artillery shells used by these electromagnetic guns are as tall as a person.

Father Shang, what are you talking about?

When Li Xuan stroked the barrel, Yu Youxun also asked like a curious baby. .

Li Xuan smiled and said: This is a twelve-inch electromagnetic gun. It is the guy who looks after your father's house and eats. From now on, I will make a fortune and give your mother money, all by relying on this thing.

Yu Youyi didn't learn a few words and couldn't understand what he was saying. He chuckled on top of Li Xuan's head and patted Li Xuan's head hard with his small hands.

In fact, it can all be replaced with a 14-inch electromagnetic gun!

Leng Yurou continued with some reluctance: Inside the ship, there is still redundant space for three solar furnaces. It can support the Kunpeng battleship to sail at full speed. There are a total of fifty-six fourteen-inch twin electromagnetic guns. Its power is actually not developed to its maximum.”

Li Xuan thought Leng Yurou's design was good, but he really didn't have any money.

According to her plan, this battleship cannot be stopped even if it costs 300,000,000 silver dollars.

What's more, those solar furnaces and enlarged turrets will also occupy a large amount of material storage space on the ship's hull, and the cost-efficiency ratio is not high.

If he has this money, he might as well build more warships in the clouds.

Li Xuan looked at a huge fleet in the distance again.

A total of thirty-six Yunzhong battleships are hovering about three hundred feet away from the Kunpeng battleship.

Some of these warships are still undergoing outfitting and debugging.

Two of them belong to middle-class laymen, two belong to Tushanjun, and five belong to the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea.

The rest belonged to Li Xuan. Since the construction time of the Kunpeng battleship was greatly delayed to ten months, he placed an additional order for ten more Yunzhong battleships to the Artifact Alliance and upgraded and modified the original battleships.

Without exception, these warships are equipped with twelve-inch caliber twin electromagnetic guns.

Li Xuan's eyes showed a bit of headache: You still need to speed up the progress of miniaturizing the Sun God Furnace, otherwise I will not have any more orders for the Yunzhong Battleship.

These cloud battleships consume a lot of fuel. They mainly use 'flame stones' similar to flammable ice, supplemented by high-grade spiritual stones and some special materials to assist combustion.

But the output of 'Yanshi' has never been high, it is a by-product of Sichuan Sichuan well salt.

Over there, we dug 700 feet into the ground and accidentally discovered two pyrogenic stone veins. However, the mineral reserves of 'Yanshi' are difficult to detect and mine, so they are expensive.

Li Xuan has been searching everywhere in the past two years, but he only found a pyrite vein in Linhai, Qiongzhou. And because it is adjacent to water, mining is more difficult.

But the current output of Yanshi can only support these thirty-six Yunzhong battleships at most.

Leng Yurou also felt a headache, but how could it be so easy to miniaturize the Sun God Furnace?

At this time, the only people in the Artifact Alliance who really had research and development capabilities were her and a few master craftsmen from the Momen, but there was a lack of support below.

Although the Artifact Alliance and Momen, with the support of Li Xuan, built six technician schools based on factories in Tianjin and Nanjing. But I don’t know when these people will come in handy.

Leng Yurou couldn't help but clicked her tongue: Why don't you bring over the bones of the nine emperors' sons? I'm sure they will be more useful than the Sun God Furnace.

Li Xuan thought, I think so too, but the problem is that his mother and younger brother are both powerful from outside the territory.

The goddess Xihe is in the sun, but she can still bring her magic power to the world. Although the Golden Crow Prince is not very powerful, Lu Qiluo said that the foundation he has accumulated secretly is not inferior to any emperor.

You can't think of a way to compress the size of the Sun God Furnace, so you can only work on the materials.

Li Xuan could only shake his head: Didn't I bring back a lot of ore before? You study it first, and I will also find ways to bring you more new materials.

After he said this, he carried Yu Youxun to the front of the palace.

At this moment, the thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals on duty here all knelt down towards Li Xuan.

Let us meet the emperor!

This mountain-like roar made Yu Youxun slightly stunned.

However, he was also a child who had seen the world. Every time he visited the imperial court, Yu Hongshang would carry him to the palace and accept the worship of thousands of ministers.

So this little scene couldn't shake him.

He was just curious that these soldiers, who were two feet tall and covered in a dark golden halo, were a little different from his family's guards.

Li Xuan nodded slightly and continued walking deeper into the palace.

Just in April this year, Li Xuan conferred the title of two more divine generals.

One is Zheng He and the other is Yu Tonghai.

The former made seven voyages to Southeast Asia during the reign of Emperor Taizong, and became famous.

Li Xuan originally thought that the Three Treasures eunuch was named sick, but actually went to the outside world.

It was only this year that he accidentally learned that Zheng He really died of illness. During his seven voyages to the Southeast Asia, there were fierce naval battles. Zheng He himself had several battles with more than a dozen powerful people including Chen Zuyi, the pirate king of the Southeast Asia.

Although Zheng He was very talented in martial arts, he was not as talented as Taizong's generals. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, Zheng He's cultivation had only reached the Zhongtian level, and he died of an old injury while overseas.

Many local Han people were grateful for his kindness and built temples to worship him, so the true spirit of the Three Treasures Eunuch will never be extinguished.

After Li Xuan learned about this, he traveled thousands of miles and invited him back to his heaven.

What Li Xuan wanted to rely on was Zheng He's experience in integrating large-scale fleets. But Zheng He was capable of both civil and military affairs. In the name of the Three Treasures God General, he served as the Chinese Army Judge in the Heavenly Court. He assisted the middle-class laymen in running the army and organized the Heavenly Court's 80,000 heavenly soldiers in an orderly manner. .

Various rules in the military were gradually established.

For example, the heavenly soldiers guarding the palace gate were arranged by Zheng He.

Yu Tonghai was the first general of the navy during the reign of Emperor Taizu of the Jin Dynasty, and was passed down independently in later history books.

After this man died in Taohuawu, he was not only worshiped by the local people for generations, but also worthy of being enshrined in the Imperial Ancestral Temple of the Jin Dynasty, so his true spirit will live on forever.

However, due to his low reputation, he has never been able to achieve the status of a god.

After Li Xuan tested him once, he dug him up and named him the 'Sea-Suppressing Divine General'.

Li Xuan also ennobled some civil servants. Considering that his creation of heaven at this time was not large in scale. The Xinyuan Incense he mastered was mainly used to enhance his combat power.

So Li Xuan just found some scribes who were proficient in arithmetic to take care of his chores in heaven.

Only one of them can be considered a famous official, Li Shanchang, the famous founding official of the Jin Dynasty.

This man was the first civil servant when Taizu launched his army. He was extremely intelligent and good at managing politics. He followed in battles and fought through life and death. He ranked first among the honorable ministers.

Taizu called it Compared with the good and the good, Xiao He may not be too good.

Unfortunately, shortly after the founding of the Jin Dynasty, Li Shanchang was involved in Hu Weiyong's rebellion case and was convicted and sentenced to death.

In the second year after this man's death, the doctor in the Ministry of Yu (under the Ministry of Industry), Wang Guoyong, said, If Li Shanchang helps Hu Weiyong succeed in his rebellion, he will only be ranked first among the honorable ministers, grand master, Duke of the country, and king. Just marrying a princess and having a princess, could it still be better than today? ’

Taizu may also feel guilty for not punishing the king's crime.

However, although Li Shanchang's entire clan, young and old, were beheaded, his sons and Princess Lin'an's sons were all exempted from guilt.

The people in Huaixi were aggrieved by Li Shan and secretly built a temple to worship him.

Due to the sparse incense, when Li Xuan found this person, Li Shanchang's true spirit was already on the verge of collapse.

He easily recruited this famous official whose political talents were comparable to Xiao He's and was canonized as the 'Grand Scholar of Lingguan Palace'.

This person had been with Taizu when he founded the foundation of Jin Dynasty. He was fully responsible for managing the money and food of the Jin army at that time, and he was the best at increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

After Li Shanchang joined Li Xuan, the effect was immediate. The various losses in Heaven have been saved by nearly 15%.

He felt that weapons and armor were too expensive, so he personally joined the Artifact Alliance to help Leng Yurou sort out the supply chain. This caused the cost of the Wujin Heavenly Armor and the rifle to be reduced by three hundred silver dollars again.

He also felt that the efficiency of Heavenly Court's general supervision was too low, so Li Shanchang took over personally. The integration and sorting out has increased the output of various utensils there by 50%.

Li Xuan could even transfer many tedious affairs of the Jin Dynasty directly to Li Shanchang for his help.

Most of Li Shanchang's replies on official documents were in line with Li Xuan's wishes, reducing Li Xuan's workload by nearly half.

The two female secretaries were also able to devote more time to personal practice.

This has advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages are naturally beneficial to the future of Biluo and Qianqian. The disadvantage is that Li Xuan's time with the two female secretaries is greatly reduced.

Li Xuan was just thinking of Li Shanchang when he saw an old man wearing red official robes with white beard and hair striding over opposite him.

Your Majesty! You came just in time. The Nanzhili land registration records you asked me to compile the statistics are all in place.

Behind Li Shanchang were several heavenly soldiers following the guards. They all held a large number of documents in their hands.

At this time, Li Shanchang's footsteps suddenly stopped and he looked at Yu Youxuan above Li Xuan's head.

He looked at Yu Youxun, and his face, which was covered with knife-carved lines, suddenly showed a complicated expression: Is this the emperor of the Jin Dynasty?

Yu Youxun felt that the old man's eyes seemed to be extra cold and stern, and he immediately shrank his body behind Li Xuan: Father Shang, I'm afraid!

However, Li Shanchang had put away the resentment and hatred in his eyes. He noticed the similar faces of Yu Youxun and Li Xuan, and then raised the corners of his lips slightly: That's it! The imperial line of the Jin Dynasty was captured by your Majesty's blood today. It should be like this! It’s a pity——”

It's a pity that it's not a change of dynasty. He thought that it would be best if the Jin Dynasty adopted His Majesty's surname as Li.

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