Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 808 Great Confucian Li Xuan

Li Xuan looked at the commotion and indignation among the Confucian scholars in front of him, but his face remained calm and calm as usual.

Shangshu is the first of the Five Classics and the core classic of Confucianism.

Shang means up, and Shang Shu means ancient book. Legend has it that it originated from the Three Tombs and Five Codes in ancient times.

However, Shang Shu can be divided into ancient and modern texts.

Jinwen Shangshu was dictated by Dr. Fu Sheng of the Qin Dynasty in the early Han Dynasty, and has a total of twenty-eight chapters.

The ancient Shangshu was said to have been dug out from the wall of Confucius' former residence by Liu Yu, King of Lu, the son of Emperor Jing. It contains twenty-five more chapters than the modern Shangshu.

Later, during the Wuhu period, Chinese literature was lost, modern and ancient texts were scattered, and even the stone scriptures carved by the imperial court were destroyed. Therefore, Shi Meiyi, a member of the Yuzhang Dynasty of the Eastern Xia Dynasty, presented a copy of The Book of Ancient Classics, which contained fifty-eight chapters, and was listed as the Five Classics of Justice...

But in later generations, Guwen Shangshu has been falsified.

Especially after the later Tsinghua Bamboo Slips came out, the fact that Guwen Shangshu was a forgery has become a certainty.

Zheng Xuan and Ma Rong were both Confucians of the late Han Dynasty and great Confucians of the ancient literature school.

Li Xuan didn't have any objections to these two people. His purpose of doing this was just to attack the Confucian school's advocating the ancients and pave the way for the promotion of his own knowledge in the future.

The Confucian people admired the rule of three generations and wanted to follow the ancients. This started with the sages and teachers, and reached its peak by the time of Wang Mang.

Wang Mang carried out reforms in the name of fagu, while his friend Liu Xin cooperated in advocating the rule of the Three Generations.

Liu Xin was the founder of the Ancient Classics School and compiled most of the Confucian classics after the Western Han Dynasty.

Although Wang Mang's new dynasty perished, Liu Xin repented in his later years, plotted to kill Wang Mang, and committed suicide. However, the classics and knowledge he left behind were passed down and remain to this day.

Since the development of Confucianism, the trend of worshiping the ancients has become more and more intense.

But this kind of atmosphere is undoubtedly not conducive to Li Xuan's promotion of new learning.

Li Xuan was determined to be a new saint to set an example for future generations of Confucian scholars and to protect the fruits of his reform and political legacy.

But if everyone goes to worship the ancients and envy the rule of three generations, then where does this new saint leave him?

Should future generations listen to his knowledge and learn his Geometry, Mathematics and Physics? Will he be deposed in the name of Fagu?

Therefore, Li Xuan is bound to sweep the school and classics of 'Ancient Classics' into the trash.

Only by knocking down old idols can new idols be erected.

Even if this shakes the foundation of Neo-Confucianism, Li Xuan will not hesitate.

This is actually in the same vein as Yuzi's Neo-Confucianism. Although Yuzi's theory also contains many contents from ancient classics, this Yasheng also realized that ancient classics were fake works, and most of the scriptures he wrote were biased towards modern texts.

Only after the fall of ancient classics, some of the classic meanings of Neo-Confucianism needed to be reconstructed, which was exactly what Li Xuan wanted.

The first step Li Xuan needs to do now is to exclude Liu Xin, Jia Kui, Zheng Xuan, Ma Rong and other great Confucian scholars from the Confucian Temple.

As for Gu Liangchi, it is rumored that he is the author of Gu Liang Chunqiu.

Spring and Autumn was written by Confucius. Later, Zuo Qiuming, Gongyang Gao, and Gu Liangchi made interpretations and supplements on the basis of Spring and Autumn.

Liu Xiang and Cai Qianqiu were great Confucians of the Guliang School, and they were also qualified to enjoy the Confucian Temple in later generations.

Li Xuan's dislike of Gu Liang Chun Qiu was even greater than that of ancient Chinese classics.

This is the root of Confucianism's advocating relative privacy, emphasizing etiquette and music education, respecting the king without limiting the king, advocating the rule of benevolence and virtue, and highlighting the absolute authority of the monarch everywhere.

They advocated the need to strictly distinguish between the noble and the humble, using the noble to govern the inferior, and the virtuous to govern the unworthy, but they did not impose any restrictions on kings and nobles.

As far as Li Xuan knew, when the Qing Dynasty came to dominate the Central Plains, Gu Liang Chun Qiu was highly praised.

The emperor said, Government depends on me, and moral integrity also depends on me. The slaves said, The master will always be the master, and the slave will always be the slave.

They also advocated emphasizing the patriarchal friendship. Although the most holy master said that the son should hide from the father and the father should hide from the son, Gongyang Chunqiu and Zuo Shi Chunqiu still recognized the righteousness of annihilating relatives, but Gu Liang Chunqiu believed that this was unethical.

Great Confucian scholars in the past dynasties used the concept of hiding relatives from each other in prison sentences, which formed a wide range of social influence and publicity. It was after the rise of Gu Liang Chun Qiu in the year of Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty.

It was from this era that aristocratic families began to flourish, and local clan power rose.

Nowadays, the imperial power of the Jin Dynasty cannot go to the countryside, and the patriarchal system is better than the law. This is undoubtedly unacceptable to Li Xuan.

This is also related to whether he can liberate tens of millions of female labor forces from the countryside in the future.

Therefore, Guliang Chunqiu must be pseudo-study, and all the masters of the Guliang school from Guliangchi on down are not worthy of being included in the Confucian Temple.

Li Xuan believed that this was the beginning of pseudo-Confucianism, a profound understanding of evil.

The words of King Fenyang are delirium!

In the crowd, the white-haired old Confucian was so angry that he fell down and said: The ancient documents have been handed down for thousands of years, containing the essentials of moral governance. They are the orthodoxy of the world and the model for hundreds of generations. How can it be pseudo-science? Even if you are a contemporary protector of Neo-Confucianism, It cannot be insulted.

Those great scholars were also shocked and furious. Those young students were even more furious.

Does King Fenyang mean that the Book of Documents we have read from childhood to university is all fake?

Isn't this reasonable? The Book of Ancient Literature was dedicated to the Emperor of the Han Dynasty by Kong Anguo, the twelfth grandson of the most holy teacher. How could it be a forgery?

Does King Fenyang want to praise Jinwen? However, Jinwen Shangshu analyzes the text and characters, talks nonsense, and memorizes biographies. This is the last master and not the ancient one.

Are you worthy of being a protector of Neo-Confucianism? Are you trying to dig up the foundation of my Neo-Confucianism?

The tradition of all ages, the example of hundreds of generations? Li Xuan's eyes flashed with a hint of impatience. He pressed his sword with his hand, and instantly a magnificent momentum swept across the entire audience, leaving many Confucian scholars and scholars present speechless.

The white-haired old scholar was an exception. He resisted the pressure of Li Xuan's sword and asked angrily: Is King Fenyang trying to convince others with his strength?

Li Xuan said coldly: I just want you to calm down and listen to what I have to say! You said that ancient literature and literature are not pseudoscience, so I have a few questions here that I would like to ask some great scholars to answer. First, did Yu Zi say Have you ever said that the ancient Shangshu can be divided into two types? And did you say that the major preface and the minor preface in the Shangshu were not written by saints?

Several great scholars present suddenly turned slightly green.

Yu Zi did question that Shangshu might be a forgery, and Yu Zi was the founder of Neo-Confucianism. Most of the people here were disciples of Neo-Confucianism and his disciples.

So when Li Xuan released his sword intent, most of the people present also fell silent.

Li Xuan sneered and walked towards these Confucian scholars step by step: Let me ask you again, Historical Records does not record that Fu Sheng lost his classics. Can the Wei and Xia scholars believe that Fu Sheng lost his classics?

Thirdly, why does the Book of Later Han·Rulin Zhuan record that Ma Rong and Zheng Xuan annotated the Gu Wen Shang Shu do not match the number of ancient articles in the plum version of the Eastern Xia Dynasty?'

Fourth, why is the so-called Preface to Ancient Wen Shangshu of the Eastern Xia Meizu memorial version Anguo Chengzhao Biography not found in Historical Records and Hanshu?

Fifth, the scriptures written by scholars in the Han Dynasty have never quoted the so-called Mei Zhi version of Guwenshangshu. Why is this?

Sixth, why do the titles of chapters in the Gu Wen Shangshu handed down from now on differ from those recorded in Mencius, Historical Records and other books?

Li Xuan's questions were not spoken quickly and his voice was very calm, but they were like swords and spears, and they penetrated directly into the hearts of many great scholars. Make them pale and have purple lips.

The white-haired old scholar moved his lips. He wanted to answer or refute, but found that he could not find any words to retaliate.

The many young Confucian scholars present also calmed down and looked at the great scholars of Hongxue in surprise.

Some of them who are knowledgeable have eyes that are filled with contemplation.

Also, the so-called Gu Wen Shangshu such as Dayu Mo combines Dian, Mo and Shi into one body, but Fu Sheng's modern Shang Shu has distinct genres of Dian, Mo and Shi. How can this be explained?

Eighth, the literary meaning of the ancient text Shangshu is questionable. Why is it that the following chapters of Song of the Five Sons are the same as before, with occasional differences, but they are just modified, added, and slightly polished to form one article. It is not like the chapters of Yusheng's Jinwen Shangshu It’s based on facts, but there are traces of forgery?”

Also, the place names of Henan and Jincheng appeared only in the Han Dynasty. Guwen Shangshu was written in the Spring and Autumn Period. Why are there two place names of Henan and Jincheng?

There were more than a thousand students in front of the entire Confucian Temple, and it became even more silent. The whole street could hear a needle drop.

Several great scholars from Hongxue were swaying and looking frightened.

Li Xuan glanced at everyone with cold eyes: Mencius said that it is better to believe in no books than to have no books at all. I have started teaching classes and have repeatedly asked you to learn logic and critical thinking. You must not fully believe in the principles in the books. You must learn to practice and verify them yourself. Unity of knowledge and action.

But so far, very few have been able to do so. If you have studied the knowledge of this king, you should first verify whether the Gu Wen Shangshu is a forgery. Find enough evidence and come to the Confucian Temple to cause trouble.

At this time, Li Xuan waved his sleeves again and said: Regarding Gu Wen Shangshu, I have recently published an article Shang Shu Ancient Wen Shuzheng, which proves that the current Gu Wen Shangshu is actually a forgery by Wang Su of the Wei Dynasty. Kongbi Ancient Text Chapter 16 was forged by Zhang Ba of the Eastern Han Dynasty. You can study it yourself to verify the authenticity.

As for Ma Rong, UU Reading Zheng Xuan and others are indeed profound in virtue and knowledgeable, but they spread pseudo-science, misled our Confucian school for thousands of years, and led countless students astray. Is there anything wrong with me removing it from the Confucian Temple?

The white-haired old scholar looked as if he had aged dozens of years. He wanted to speak several times, but was unable to speak.

In the end, I could only hold my fists: So what's the deal with Gu Liangchi, Liu Xiang, and Cai Qianqiu? Gu Liang Chunqiu is definitely not a pseudo-study!

After Li Xuan heard this, he laughed again: The earliest record of Guliang Chunqiu was Lu Jia's Xinyu in the early Han Dynasty. Before this, there was no record in any historical records, and there were no ancient bamboo slips left in the world. Its origins If there are doubts and there are suspicions of compilation by future generations, how can we make it a Confucian classic handed down from generation to generation?

Moreover, Gu Liang Chi was said to be a disciple of Zi Xia, but Zi Xia respected the unity of etiquette and law, which was incompatible with the knowledge of Gu Liang Chun Qiu. How can I allow this kind of knowledge to be stored in the Confucian Temple and mislead the children?

He then glanced at the many Confucian scholars present: Today's occasion is just right. I hereby warn you that next spring, all scholars will no longer quote the words of Guwen Shangshu and Gu Liang Chunqiu in their articles, otherwise the questionnaire It’s time to give up. I hope you will keep it in mind and don’t be careless!”

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