Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 811 The Secret of the Saint (Important Notice)

ps: Important notice, the update time will change in the future, and the two-in-one chapter will be updated around 12 noon.


When more than a dozen Su Confucian scholars led by Yan Jiu were burned to ashes, Li Xuan did not just leave. Instead, he ordered people to collect the ashes of the Su Confucian scholars and buy coffins for them.

Although these people attacked him in the Confucian Temple, Li Xuan saw it with the Heavenly Eyes of the God Protector. He found that these people were pure and noble and were not evil and hypocritical. They were just deceived by the forger and forger in the early Han Dynasty.

Between each other, it is a matter of position.

After Li Xuan, people were asked to sacrifice three animals to Confucius, Xunzi and other sages.

Although he believes that most of Confucius' knowledge is outdated today.

There is no doubt that this person is one of the sources of Chinese culture. .

Although this person promoted education mainly to educate scholar-bureaucrats. His disciples were all nobles, and none of them came from real poor people.

But thousands of years later, countless civilians still benefited from it.

Li Xuan still respects this sage master.

And since everyone has given him their stamp of approval, there is no need to break the relationship. The due respect is still necessary.

Continuing to cause trouble will not help him promote his own knowledge, and will only make him appear narrow-minded.

However, after Li Xuan offered incense and left, the Confucian Temple was still bustling with people. The people who were originally in front of the temple refused to disperse, and more people gathered.

This scene tonight will definitely shock the entire Jin Shilin and have a far-reaching impact.

At this time, on the east wall of the Forbidden City, Yu Hongshang was looking in the direction of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, with a strange light flashing in her eyes.

Helian Fulong beside her said with emotion: After today, the prestige of King Fenyang in the Confucian sect is equal to that of the most holy master. His name is not a saint, but his authority is equal to that of a saint.

——From now on, this King of Fenyang will definitely speak the truth among the Confucian sect.

There is no Confucian scholar in this world who can compete with him.

When he kicks his legs in the future, the court must canonize him.

But the key is that King Fenyang's knowledge will definitely flourish from this.

In the past, there were many Confucian scholars who liked Li Xuan's knowledge.

However, there are not many people who are really willing to study. On the one hand, these writings are not handed down by saints; on the other hand, the imperial examinations still focus on the Four Books, Five Classics and policy questions, and currently only involve a small number of calculation and legal questions.

Only those who really like to delve into knowledge will work hard on books such as Gewu and Guozheng.

But the scene in front of the Confucian Temple today will definitely turn the situation around.

Yu Hongshang looked sideways at the other person next to her: Does King Chu still want to make noises in my ears?

This is Chu King Yu Jiqi, the newly appointed Da Zongzheng.

This person also looked in the direction of the Confucian Temple with a complicated expression, his eyes showing a mixture of respect and fear.

He knew what Yu Hongshang meant. The Fenyang King would be a saint in the future. How could a saint steal the country?

So don't say anything in her ears that King Fenyang has ulterior motives and that he has too much power and must be careful.

King Chu Yu Jiqi couldn't help snorting coldly: The Duke of Zhou was afraid of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the throne. Xiangshi died at the beginning, who knows the truth in his life?

In the past, Wang Mang was also treated as a saint. No one can say for sure until the coffin is finalized! Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, relies so much on King Fenyang, she will regret it sooner or later.

Yu Hongshang laughed out loud. She shook her head and hugged the child tightly in her arms: What Da Zongzheng said, I don't rely on King Fenyang now, how can I rely on the clan?

She would not have said such explicit words originally, but when she saw the scene in the Confucian Temple today, she was so excited that she still said what was in her heart.

Yu Hongshang has indeed been annoyed by these clans recently. These Yu family members deeply hate the Clan Enshrinement Law and the Clan Succession Law formulated by Li Xuan. They are also afraid of Li Xuan's power to destroy King Ning and King Xiang, and dare not do anything with them. There was a stab in front of her, so she cried, begged, blew wind, and wrote one memorial after another to impeach Li Xuan.

But she had always known that if Youxun wanted to secure the throne before he came of age, the only people he could rely on were her, Yu Hongshang, and his father.

Chu King Yu Jicheng's complexion changed from blue to white.

He looked at Yu Youxun's face that looked more and more like Li Xuan, and felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

In the end, he flicked his sleeves and walked down the city wall with a livid face.

For a moment, Chu King Yu Jiqi even wanted to ignore it, tell the public the truth about Yu Youxun's bloodline, and call on all the clans in the world to attack.

But Yu Jiqi thought of the 200,000 Shenji Battalion commanded by Li Xuan and the five million long knives distributed in the guards all over the world. He thought that King Fenyang was invincible and could conquer all attacks. His fat body couldn't help but tremble slightly. Trembling, after all, I still don’t have the courage to fight to the death and defeat the enemy.

This evening, someone used the words of a civil servant, Wailang, to test the true intentions of the court officials, but the result was very unsatisfactory.

That official, Wailang, might not live for more than a few days.

After Yu Jicheng walked down the city wall, he sighed again.

He thought to himself, Emperor Jingtai didn't go too far, so he could still be considered a bloodline of the old Yu family - otherwise he would risk his life and fight with him!

At this time, at the top of the city, Yu Hongshang ordered the eunuch Bingbi, the eunuch beside him.

Tomorrow, ask the Ministry of Rites to prepare a ceremony to bring the throne of Duke Zhou back to the Confucian Temple. According to the regulations of the Han and Tang Dynasties, Duke Zhou is the 'Yuan Sheng' and sits to the west of the Confucian Temple, while Confucius is the 'First Master' and sits to the east of the Confucian Temple.

The ceremonial supervisor Bingbi next to him hesitated for a while: But it was Taizong's decision to enshrine the Duke of Zhou in the east room of Wenhua Hall.

Yu Hongshang couldn't help frowning and looking at this person.

I thought to myself, this guy is usually very smart, why is he so stupid now? From this point of view, this person may not be able to replace Qian Long, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony.

But then the ceremonial supervisor Bingbi came to his senses and said, I understand!

He had realized that Yu Hongshang wanted to use Zhou Gongdan to check and balance the sage master.

Yu Hongshang smiled slightly: I am very strange. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are the ancestors of Chinese humanities. Why are they not enshrined in the Confucian Temple? Also, King Fenyang's knowledge has been praised by saints and pre-Qin scholars. Can he be regarded as a saint? His knowledge was recorded in the scientific examination? You can pass these words of mine outside the palace.

Zhou Gongdan was originally the Yuan Sheng of the Confucian sect, so it was logical that his deity should be assigned to the Confucian Temple.

But if she wants to enshrine the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the Confucian Temple, Yu Hongshang must be wary of the Confucianism.

It would be best if enough noise is generated below, and then Yu Hongshang can take advantage of the situation and push the boat along.

The chief ceremonial officer saluted immediately with his pen in his hand: I will definitely do as you are told!

He thought that he would mobilize the relationship between the Ministry of Rites and the Hanlin Academy tomorrow to speak out for these two matters.


At this time, Li Xuan was inside the Fenyang Palace, looking at Lu Qiluo with suspicion.

Qiluo, what is your relationship with Empress Nuwa? Today's appearance of Holy Emperor Suiren and Holy Emperor Fuxi is also related to you?

In this world, there are also legends about Nuwa making humans out of clay and refining stones to mend the sky. She is the righteous god who bless the country.

Li Xuan knew that Nuwa definitely did not create humans, and humans had their own reasons.

But judging from the legend, this person must have saved the world and achieved the status of empress in ancient times.

Green Qiluo responded expressionlessly: Maybe it's related? Maybe not.

Li Xuan could not help but twitch the corners of his lips, and then he fell into deep thought: I remember others called you Suiren Qiluo. Nuwa and Fuxi are both children of the Suiren Holy Emperor.

At this time, his expression moved slightly, thinking of someone, but when he spoke, he found that the sound he spat out was nothingness.

Li Xuan immediately knew that this was Green Qiluo casting a spell, making it impossible for him to say this name.

He smiled slightly, knowing that he must have guessed the truth.

So he stopped being entangled and asked curiously: The true spirits of Suiren Holy Emperor and Fuxi Holy Emperor are now integrated into the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng? Can they break away?

Green Qiluo shook his head slightly and said with a solemn expression: It's impossible. Manifesting the Dharma Body like this today is already the limit. Today's Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are all like them. Otherwise, there is no way to resist the power of the saint.


There was a hint of strangeness in Li Xuan's eyes: You are not talking about Confucian saints, right? Are they the so-called Hunyuan Wuji saints and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in Taoism? These saints are gods and heavens? Where are they now? Is it possible? Interfering in the human world?

Most of the emperors in this world are in the realm of holy heaven and divine heaven. The saints in the Taoist sect are those who are at the extreme of divine heaven, half-step transcendent.

Lu Qiluo continued: They can interfere in the human world, but as long as the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng is still there, their intervention efforts are limited. Even if the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng fails, they can't stop the power of the heaven and the emperor. So you don't need to worry about them now. This Li Xuan, you will know the truth later, so don’t ask now.

Li Xuan frowned and continued to ask: There is something that has always been strange to me. Does the First Emperor Yuan Feng only cover the Middle Earth?

He had observed the First Emperor Yuan Feng in the outer lands and found that it only reached the lands surrounding the Middle Earth.

Li Xuan had previously gone to Nanyang to recruit the Three Treasures eunuch Zhenling, and found that outside Malacca in Nanyang, he was out of the range of the First Emperor Yuan Feng.

Taking Yangdi, the former summer capital, as the center.

Green Qiluo made a circle with his hand gesture: There are more than 30,000 miles around, all covered by the First Emperor's Yuanfeng. At that time, the rest of the places were either barbaric places that the emperors and saints were not interested in, or there were other powerful gods. Guarding makes them fearful. Just like the poison in the body, it has always been the territory of the Brahmin clan.

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and what Lu Qiluo said was generally similar to his guess.

At this moment, a fox fire suddenly appeared in front of Li Xuan's eyes.

I just returned to the mortal world today and saw a great scene. Congratulations to Your Majesty, you have become a saint today.

Following this chuckle, the figure of Nine-Tailed Tushanjun appeared in front of Li Xuan: You should have told me earlier, UU Reading Otherwise, I can give it a try, please Move the true spirit of Dayu and manifest it in the human world.

In the past, she had raised Nvjiao, who was Xia Yu's wife.

At that time, it was also the most prosperous season for the Tushan Fox Clan.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. With Xia Yuling's integration into Yuanfeng, the Tushan clan no longer had anything to rely on.

Li Xuan was more concerned about the errand he had entrusted to Lord Nine-Tailed Tushan. His eyes narrowed slightly: Have you inquired clearly about the situation in the outer realm?

Your Majesty, I am glad that I have lived up to my command! Tu Shanjun smiled and sent a jade slip to Li Xuan's hand: Your Majesty, please take a look. All the things in the foreign lands that I have learned about are included in it.

Li Xuan took it in his hand and sensed it with his spiritual mind, and then he smiled.

Tu Shanjun's ability in this area is quite good. Everything he wants to know is listed in it in great detail.

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