Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 834 Bading Divine Body

When Chen Xun settled in Hejian Mansion, Li Xuan was in the underworld of the capital, looking at a lake of blood to the south of this place.

At this time, beside him, Duke Wen Zhonglie stood with his hands behind his hands, his expression as solemn as iron.

The Emperor Qin's Yuan seal gradually opened up, and also opened the passage between the Sea of ​​Blood and the River Styx. Nowadays, lakes of blood appear in all major underworlds. It is all caused by the water from the tributaries of the River Styx flowing in the present world. This River Styx is not a nine springs. It belongs to Wangchuan. It not only contains the power of the netherworld, but also condenses all the filthy evil in the world.

The emergence of the Styx River and the Sea of ​​Blood is likely to bring unknown changes to the underworld and the human world. . Fortunately, perhaps because of your effective governance in recent years, the resentment in the world has been greatly reduced. The lake of blood that appeared in the capital's underworld is not as scary as I imagined.

When Duke Wen Zhonglie said this, he looked at Li Xuan specifically.

His eyes were slightly complicated, with a mix of relief and helplessness.

Fortunately, Li Xuan lived up to his expectations. Since taking office, he has managed the government well, making the people of Jin Dynasty rich and well-fed, and entering an unprecedented prosperous age.

The clues to this matter can only be seen from the evil spirits imprisoned in the underworld of the capital.

In the fourteenth year of Jingtai's reign, there were still 220,000 evil spirits in the underworld of the capital.

But by the fourth year of the Restoration, the number of evil spirits had dropped to less than 70,000, a drop of two-thirds.

This is not because they were eliminated and obtained the Dharma, but because these evil spirits were not replenished by the resentful karma of the human world, so they gradually died away and disintegrated.

But even in the so-called 'Yongle prosperous age', the number of evil spirits in the capital has never been less than 150,000.

Duke Wen Zhong predicted that the number of evil spirits would plummet further in a year.

As long as people have a way to survive, have clothes to wear, and food to eat, the karma in the world will not be so heavy.

However, the collapse of Emperor Qin Yuanfeng also stemmed from his disciple.

Since the Golden Que Tianzhang fell into the hands of Li Xuan, the influence exerted on the mortal world from outside Taixu Territory has been very little.

The heavenly thrones descending from the outer realms can basically be cleared immediately.

But at this time, it was Li Xuan himself and his subordinates who did the most damage to Emperor Qin Yuanfeng in the mortal world.

In the past few years, the number of Heavenly Divine Generals directly under Li Xuan has expanded to more than a hundred, which has doubled the number at the founding of the Jin Dynasty.

If we add the recently promoted East China Sea Dragon King Ao Shenghai and the Great God Amaterasu, there are eight people under Li Xuan in the Jitian Realm alone, and there are also eight high-ranking generals who master the laws of the Jitian. There are so many people.

——This does not include the many confidantes around Li Xuan.

It can be said that the strength of these heavenly thrones in tearing apart the Qin Emperor Yuan Feng is getting stronger day by day.

I know that the ancestor of Styx is said to be the consciousness born of Styx itself. It can be said to be the aggregation of all the evils in the world. A long time ago, this person was already in the realm of gods and heavens. There are many people under his command. The emperor, the rumored Demon King Bo Xun, is the biological son of Patriarch Styx.

Li Xuan raised his hand and summoned a ball of blood from the blood lake.

When his fingers came into contact with the bloody water, the water seemed to come alive, stretching out countless tentacles with the intention of integrating into Li Xuan's body and corroding his true spirit.

However, with Li Xuan's slight groan, the blood instantly dispersed without a trace. Everything about it was 'killed' and 'killed' by Li Xuan.

At this time, Li Xuan opened his Dao-protecting Heavenly Eyes again and looked at the source of the blood lake in the distance.

It was a blood-colored dark river flowing on the ground that ordinary people could not see. It also communicated with Taixu outside the territory and connected many heavenly realms.

When Li Xuan looked at the river, he also felt that he was being stared at by an unusually cold gaze.

Li Xuan's whole body was frozen by a cold force at this moment.

But in an instant, Li Xuan returned to his original state.

Behind him, a huge word reason condensed by pure white aura appeared, slowly rotating in a circle, allowing Li Xuan to avoid all the influences exerted on him by the Styx River.

Lord Lieutenant Wen Zhong looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel strange in his eyes.

He knew that nearly a year after the battle at the First Emperor's Mausoleum, Li Xuan had successfully condensed his first 'Ji Tian Technique'.

At this time, Li Xuan's whole body was filled with Buddha power.

This is because when he was peering along the River Styx, he saw a person on the bank.

It was a majestic Bodhisattva with majestic appearance and delicate features. He held a pearl in his left hand and a tin staff in his right hand, sitting on a thousand-leaf green lotus.

Sitting next to him was a listening beast, staring at the Styx with great power.

This man seemed to sense Li Xuan's attention, turned around and smiled and performed a Buddhist salute to Li Xuan.

Did you see Ksitigarbha?

Lord Lieutenant Wen Zhong looked at Li Xuan's vast Buddhist power and couldn't help but snorted: This Buddhist man is so shameless!

He knew that since the statues of 'Emperor Tathagata' were erected in several major Buddhist temples in the capital, the incense in the Buddhist temples had doubled, and was even better than before the Buddha's death.

Some people in Mahayana Buddhism even want to list the ‘Emperor Tathagata’ as the Buddha of the Three Worlds, replacing the burning lamp, and becoming the ‘Buddha of the Past’, listed in the last hall of all monasteries.

For this reason, believers need to worship the Bodhisattvas in various halls before they can come to the seat of the ‘Emperor Tathagata’.

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas along the way can be tainted with benefits.

Wen Zhonglie didn't know that this was called traffic import in later generations, but he was instinctively disgusted with this behavior.

Li Xuan was obviously a saint from the Confucian sect, but now he has become the 'Emperor Tathagata' of the Buddhist sect.

The Taoist sect is shameless enough. Recently, more and more Taoist temples have erected statues of Emperor Xuanhuang in their temples.

The Buddhist sect was still a little concealed, but the Taoist sect directly announced to the believers that the so-called Xuanhuang Emperor was the current King of Fenyang. As a result, the local incense was extremely strong, and the people were willing to donate money to King Fenyang.

Li Xuan burst out laughing: I have met Ksitigarbha, and this Bodhisattva is still worthy of respect. This Bodhisattva has sworn that 'until hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha; only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi', regardless of the Regardless of the original intention, this intention alone is still excellent.

For more than ten thousand years, Styx has been suppressed by this person, and the world has lost countless spiritual disasters and demonic karma. He is as patient and immovable as the earth, and his meditation is as deep as a secret treasure. He is well-deserved in his reputation.

He withdrew his Heavenly Eye to Protect the Way: Although this person is still a Bodhisattva, his combat power is no less than that of a half-step god. Under his suppression, the Styx should be fine in a short period of time. In the next few months, I have no time to take care of the River Styx, so I can only ask the teacher and the city gods to take more care of it and prevent evil spirits and monsters from coming into contact with these lakes of blood.

This blood lake has the magical power to cause all monsters, monsters, demons, cows, ghosts, and snakes to mutate and strengthen their attributes.


Duke Wen Zhonglie looked at Li Xuan suspiciously, Are you planning to go to the outer lands again? Is it too early? The emperors from the outer lands should all be eyeing you. The risk this time is not small.

He knew that in the ten months after the battle at the Tomb of the First Emperor, four Kunpeng battleships under Li Xuan had been built, and another one was on the slipway, not far from completion. The number of Yunzhong battleships had increased to one hundred and forty. .

The heavenly soldiers and generals under Li Xuan are also expanding rapidly. The number should have expanded to between 380,000 and 400,000, and the number of reorganized divisions has reached 45.

But even so, this military strength is still relatively weak compared to those of the emperors in Taixu Outer Territory.

The risk is not small, but if I don't fight now, I will have to drag myself down.

Li Xuan shook his head with a calm expression: There are still people on Da Luotian's side waiting for me to rescue them.

He had long since exhausted all the rivers and seas where he captured the flowers last time in Taixu Outer Territory, and all the bonuses from capturing Da Siming and Jinque Nangong.

In the past ten months, almost all of the more than 100 million silver dollars that Li Xuan earned through grain trade has been invested in the expansion of the army. At this time, the warehouse in Heaven is already empty enough for horse racing, and he still owes tens of millions to the Artifact Alliance. Silver dollar.

What's more, Daluotian's Red Scarf Army has reached the point of being at the end of its rope.

They said it could only last for half a year, but in fact it has lasted for more than a year.

Over the past year, Li Xuan has provided help to the Red Scarf Army in various ways, such as using the power of Buddhism and Mazu in the outside world to contain the emperors such as Anji and Gouchen, or using food as a bargaining chip to leverage the power of other emperors.

But as time goes by, the situation of the Red Scarf Army in the Daluotian Realm is still becoming increasingly embarrassing.

He noticed that Duke Wen Zhonglie was frowning, and immediately laughed: Teacher, don't worry, I am not hastily sending troops this time, but I have already planned it. And I estimate that after this war, the teacher will not have to worry about the collapse of Emperor Qin Yuanfeng.

Oh? Duke Wen Zhonglie said with curiosity in his eyes: I would like to hear the details.

Li Xuan shook his head when he heard this: This matter is complicated, and most of you, teacher, can't believe it, so I won't explain it. After a few months, teacher, you will naturally know the truth.


When Li Xuan returned to his Xuanhuang Heavenly Palace, he first looked in the direction of the sun furnaces.

At this time, the number of ‘domes’ had suddenly increased to nine. On their south side, there is a sphere three miles north and south, which is even larger in scale.

That is the 'Dyson Sphere' that holds Emperor Jun's skeleton, and it provides nearly 70% of the electricity for the current heaven.

The so-called Dyson sphere is a concept proposed by modern scientists. It is an artificial celestial body that surrounds the sun and exploits solar energy. It is a natural nuclear fusion reactor that uses the sun as a power source.

This Dyson sphere can actually be big or small. If there is a nuclear fusion source as small as the size of a fist, this Dyson sphere can also be as big as a fist.

The remains of Emperor Jun are undergoing natural nuclear fusion all the time, making them an excellent material for making small Dyson spheres.

But what Li Xuan focused on was a giant weapon-refining workshop between the nine 'Sun Furnaces' and 'Dyson Spheres'.

When Li Xuan saw the Qi of the Five Elements rising above the workshop, his eyes suddenly became slightly happy and he ducked into the workshop.

There is a huge stove in the center. There are ten thick pipes around, connected to this place.

In front of the stove, Mr. and Mrs. Le and Dugu Biluo were sitting cross-legged with their knees bent.

After Li Xuan came in, he looked at the stove with some hope: This cauldron has been made? Can I see it now?

It's best to wait a little longer. Mrs. Le shook her head and said angrily: Although the vessel is ready, it needs time to rest and settle. You can't even wait for this little time? At this time, one of the five elements in the cauldron is The power has not yet been stabilized and cannot withstand the stimulation of external forces, but your current spiritual vision is not trivial? Your essence and blood true spirit is inside, and you don’t have to worry about it running away, so why are you anxious?

Li Xuan smiled coquettishly: Then when will this cauldron be ready?

What is being sacrificed in this furnace is his Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron.

This device has always been in an embryonic state, and can only exert 10% of its power.

This time, the five strands of Hunyuan and Five Elements Qi that Li Xuan extorted from the Antarctic Immortal Emperor were integrated into it, not only intending to refine it into a real divine treasure. He also wants to go one step further to improve the quality of the Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron and generate the second method of Hunyuan.

In Hunyuan, the vitality is not divided, and chaos becomes one, which is the beginning of vitality.

Once this method is generated, Li Xuan no longer has to suffer from the lack of mana. He can directly extract the Hunyuan Five Elements Qi from the Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron to replace his mana, which is equivalent to an outer elixir close to the Holy Heaven level.

Moreover, this object is also an external weapon for him to practice martial arts and golden body.

Li Xuan's martial arts is based on the Fusion Nuclear Furnace to integrate various methods, and the Overlord Body Golden Body is based on the self-created Haoyi Bading Jue.

Hao Yi Ba Ding Jue blends dragon energy and vast intention into it to create a neutron golden body that is unique in the world.

But since this technique has the word overlord, how can it be without a cauldron?

In his vision, this cauldron would be his golden body, a key artifact to enter the seventh level of the Haoyi Hegemony Cauldron Art, the Hegemony Cauldron Divine Body.

Gather twelve dragon qi into a cauldron, blend into the incense of the mortal world, and condense the supreme divine body.

Originally, in the Taoist Nine-turn Yuan Gong and the Buddhist Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques, this level was called the 'Seven Apertures Golden Body'.

But the path Li Xuan took to refine his body had long since deviated from the path of Taoism and Buddhism.

Therefore, Li Xuan is looking forward to this weapon.

Three to five days at most. Le Huaiyuan closed his eyes and replied, I can't miss your expedition this time.

Li Xuan nodded slightly, and then looked at Dugu Biluo with some worry. The latter sat quietly, ignoring Li Xuan's arrival, as if he didn't hear anything outside.

You don't have to worry about her. Mrs. Le's lips curled up slightly: The moment the instrument is completed, even if she is cut off from the Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron, her vitality will not be damaged. This girl personally senses the five elements of Hunyuan After the changes, the Hunyuan Qi is condensed to refine the immortal body, maybe in three to five months, you can enter the Zhongtian position.

Dugu Biluo had been promoted to the Little Heavenly Position a year ago. With this opportunity, it is very possible that in a short period of time, he could overcome the obstacles that would take others more than ten years or even hundreds of years to overcome, and he could make a significant improvement in the true meaning of martial arts. promote.

Li Xuan did not simply believe Mrs. Le's words, but still stared at Dugu Biluo with his heavenly eyes to protect the Tao, UU reading www. uukashuunet

He knew that this mother-in-law did not like other women around her except Jiang Hanyun.

It wasn't until he saw that Dugu Biluo's true spirit was indeed stable and his vitality was deep that he relaxed and felt truly relieved.

In the past, Li Xuan was unable to bear the losses of the Huntian Zhen Yuan Ding, and wanted to use the Huntian Zhen Yuan Ding to suppress Dugu Biluo's real spirit and body that were riddled with holes, so he made Dugu Biluo his slave.

But as his cultivation level is increasing day by day, and he is ready to take back this cauldron as the foundation of Haoyi Domination Cauldron Jue, he needs to cut off Dugu Biluo's connection with this cauldron.

But this move is extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, Dugu Biluo will be in danger of falling.

But now this person no longer wants to die, and Li Xuan is reluctant to let his personal secret die.

However, judging from Dugu Biluo's current physical condition, the situation is still very good.

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