Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 841 Are you attracted to her again?

What Li Changgeng presented was a partial fragment of the Haotian Divine Seal. It was extremely thick, accounting for about one and a half percent of the fragments of the Haotian Divine Seal. There are also 19,000 Taibai Gengjin sword energy without any spiritual mark.

Just by refining it a little, it can be transformed into the 'positive and negative Liuhe Immortal Killing Sword Qi' and integrated into his sword diagram.

I know that the more sword energy in your majesty's sword array, the more powerful it will be. I hope these nineteen thousand Taibai Gengjin sword energy can be beneficial to your majesty. As for these divine seal fragments, they are mine and The fourth level meritorious officers of Heavenly Court were collected by the remaining members of Six Divisions, Seven Palaces, Eight Extremes, Nine Lights and Ten Capitals.

Li Xuan smiled slightly and put it away unceremoniously: Taibai Xingjun, this is not a small gift, but a gift in the snow. But speaking personally, I would like to praise Huarong for having someone as big as Taibai Xingjun to strategize for me. Opportunity is the real happy event. Now my cabinet still lacks a first assistant, I wonder if Mr. Taibai Xing is willing to give in?

His cronies are undoubtedly people like Li Lexing, Li Shanchang, and Song Lian.

But he must free up some positions for these Haotian old troops.

The secret of snowballing is that the larger the snowball is, the faster it will roll.

Although there is a risk of insufficient foundation, he can also use these external forces to enhance his internal strength in the future.

Li Changgeng smiled at this and bowed again: That's exactly what I wanted, but I don't dare to invite you!

At this time, Li Xuan looked sideways at Duke Dong next to him: May I ask Emperor Fusang, why are you here today?

Prince Dong's face could not help but twitch slightly, knowing that Li Xuan was hinting to him to ask for a gift of surrender.

He has more than ten heavenly realms under his control, and they are all in front of Li Xuan's troops. How could he not show any signs?

He immediately raised his hand slightly and sent two long knives to Li Xuan: These two knives, one is Mingzhao and the other is Yangyan, are the same set as the previous light traces and broken light. They are combined into one. Just two divine treasures.”

Dongwang Gong's heart ached slightly. These two swords were made a year ago when he learned that Emperor Gouchen and Emperor Anji were defeated in the mortal world, so he began to sacrifice them, which cost a great price.

At that time, he wanted to be prepared, but the situation was already here. What if he was sent to the outer realm of the void? Now it turns out to be true.

He regretted it even more, thinking that he would have voted if he had known at that time, but in the end he had to give two copies of the meeting gift.

When Li Xuan saw this, he laughed with satisfaction and put away the two swords with a flick of his sleeves: As expected of Duke Dongwang. In the past, I asked Amaterasu to tell him that the door of my heaven will always be open to Duke Dongwang. As long as Duke Dongwang is willing. If you surrender to me, you will be regarded as the first male immortal in heaven.

Prince Dong suddenly felt relieved, thinking that this gift was not in vain after all.

And just when Li Xuan was about to invite these two people in for a detailed discussion, a loud voice came from the distance.

Your Majesty, today my little son is in a stateless state and has offended your Majesty. Please bear in mind that your majesty will not argue with him because of his recklessness and ignorance. If you can be magnanimous and release him, Li Jing will be grateful.

Li Xuan immediately raised his eyes, looked over, and found that the person coming was none other than Li Jing, the King of Tower Towers.

Lingguang Divine Lord Zhuque, whom he sent to announce the decree, followed closely behind.

Li Xuan immediately shook his head slightly: The King of Tota is joking. My son has an upright and bold temperament, and he is proud and proud. I like it very much. It is right for my spleen and stomach. The battle between me and him today is just a competition between fellow Taoists. He has Liu Li, I also have a sense of proportion, why do I need the King of Heaven to step in and stand up for him?

He then changed his voice: Has the King of Heaven read the edict I asked Suzaku to bring before? What do you think?

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Pagoda, trembled, and then he leaned down and bowed: I am an old member of the Heavenly Court, and now Your Majesty will inherit Haotian's legacy and become the Heavenly Emperor. I will surrender to His Majesty and accept the reorganization.

Li Xuan nodded with satisfaction this time, and the smile returned to his face: Come to heaven, you are here just in time. I am preparing a banquet to entertain Duke Dongwang and Taibai Xingjun. You are also the minister of humerus in the past heaven, so you are right. Let's talk about old times together.

By the way, he also gave me some advice. Those like Jade Emperor, Ziwei, Gouchen, Anji, etc. are still stubbornly resisting. How should I capture them?

However, Li Jing, the king of the pagoda, smiled bitterly and bowed in the air again: Your Majesty, this time Li comes here with the order of a master.

Li Xuan's face suddenly darkened, and a cold aura filled the void.

There are two masters of the Pagoda King Li Jing, one is Zhenren Du'e and the other is Taoist Randeng.

The latter is the Lantern Buddha, his mortal enemy.

Li Jing, the King of Pagoda, noticed Li Xuan's coldness. He did not dare to neglect, took out something from his sleeve and offered it in front of him: He knows that he has offended your Majesty many times recently and has done a lot of sins. Now he is willing to offer this thing in exchange for Your Majesty. understanding.

Li Xuan took a closer look and found that it turned out to be a wisp of chaotic energy, which was the Xuanhuang mother energy.

Legend has it that it was born when the heaven and earth were first born, and it can evolve all things, which is stronger than the energy of the five elements of Hunyuan.

In Li Xuan's understanding, these things are pure particles that are solidified by the monk's magic power and can be transformed into elements under the guidance of the monk's mind.

With this object, his Haotian Divine Seal can be further repaired, or the power of the sword diagram can be further improved.

At the same time, Li Xuan also sensed that the God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, was looking at Li Jing from a distance with extremely cold eyes.

But there was more helplessness on his face.

Li Xuan put his hands behind his back and smiled slightly: If I don't agree, will the King of Heaven be my enemy?

Li Jing was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Li Xuan to say such words.

Duke Dong was also puzzled as to why Li Xuan rejected Li Jing.

Taibai Jinxing was thoughtful, with a slightly strange look in her eyes.

Marshal Zhao Gong also looked surprised. He did not expect that Li Xuan would make such a choice.

Li Xuan just looked at the look on Li Jing's face and knew what he was thinking: In that case, please go back and prepare your troops to fight with me!

The face of Li Jing, the king of towers, was extremely ugly. He immediately hugged his fists towards Li Xuan and then disappeared in a flash of light.

When this person left, Emperor Fusang raised his thick eyebrows and said, Your Majesty's move is a little unwise. This is for your great cause of being the Emperor of Heaven and adding a big enemy.

But I'm even more worried about my inner worries!

Li Xuan's eyes were dark and his voice was cold: If I don't get rid of Ran Deng, I won't be able to rest in peace!

Emperor Fusang thought to himself that this guy might have taken a fancy to the 'Dinghai Divine Pearl' and 'Qiankun Ruler' in Ran Deng's hands, right?

The value of these two things is indeed not comparable to that of a mere wisp of chaotic energy.

Taibai Jinxing could understand Li Xuan's thoughts. He sighed, thinking that this man was able to achieve the great deeds of the Emperor in a few years, and it was indeed not without reason.

In this outer realm of Taixu, Emperor Xuanhuang knows very well who can be enemies and who can be friends.

At this time, the voice of Maitreya Buddha also reached Li Xuan's ears, and he said with helplessness: Your Majesty's move has put us and other Buddhists in trouble.

Li Xuan laughed dumbly, and echoed the same secret words: But since there is Emperor Tathagata in this world, what is the use of the lamp-burning Buddha? There can't be two past Buddhas? Don't worry, you Buddhists just don't help each other.

Maitreya's breath suddenly suffocated slightly and he stopped talking.


Half a day later, both Taibai Jinxing and Dong Wanggong, who were full of wine and food, returned with satisfaction.

Li Xuan's standards for entertaining them were still very high. He had just raided Wuzhuang Temple and took more than 300 ginseng fruits from Zhenyuan Immortal.

It's a pity that after the ginseng fruit tree left the mortal world, not only has its output been greatly reduced, but its efficacy is also far less than before, but it is still the top spiritual fruit in the world.

The two Shengtian Immortals each ate two ginseng fruits, and their faces showed a look of intoxication.

Li Xuan could understand. He had tasted the taste of ginseng fruit. It was indeed indescribably delicious, and the delicacies in the world could not compare with it.

After the banquet was over, Li Xuan released Nezha, the great god of the Santan Haihui.

This person in the sword diagram is helpless with Li Xuan's 'Huntian Zhenyuan Cauldron', but his Lotus Body is extremely powerful, and Li Xuan's sword energy can't move it.

How about we call this a draw?

Li Xuan looked at Nezha, who was still locking him with his gun, and said helplessly: I still have a fierce battle to fight, and I have no time to compete with the marshal.

If the fight continues, he will have to use the 'Group Fight' skill to let Nezha fight a group of them alone.

Nezha made a sound, and put away his three-headed, six-armed body and fire-pointed spear: What kind of tie? I lost this game. If I am trapped by you and can't get out, I will be beaten to death by you sooner or later. . Since you have such ability, then I am more than willing to work for you.

Li Xuan just smiled dumbly, thinking that this person's temperament was really upright and straightforward.

Marshal, does he know that your father was already angry with me just now, and judging from his intentions, it seems that he still wants to have a fight with me on the battlefield?

I feel a little bit, but he is him and I am me. This Taixu Outer Realm has been fighting for nearly ten thousand years. Now everyone can't even eat and hug. What's the point of fighting? There is a Heavenly Emperor in charge. There is nothing wrong with letting everyone live in peace of mind. Don’t worry, the soldiers and horses under our command are all the old troops of Heaven, and my father can only take away one-third of them at most.

After Nezha finished speaking, his eyes showed a bit of dismay: To be honest, I have to thank you for not letting me owe him a favor for nothing. But Li Xuan, are you really prepared to kill Ran Dengxia? Although that person The true spirit has been damaged twice, but the magic is still in the realm of the Holy Heaven. Especially the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls are even more powerful.

It's natural.

Li Xuan looked calm: Marshal also thinks I did something wrong?

Nezha said with a hey smile: If you can really kill him, I will be happy to see it happen. I suffered a lot at the hands of their masters and apprentices in the past. It's a pity that I can't help you.

There is no need for the Marshal's help in this matter. Li Xuan looked solemn at this time: But I have a question, and I would like the Marshal to answer me. I want to know what the Marshal's master Taiyi Zhenren thinks of me?

Taiyi Zhenren is the Qinghua Emperor of the East, and Taiyi saves the suffering god.

This person is the remnant spirit of the former Eastern Emperor Taiyi. In his heyday, he was like Yunzhongjun, Xingtian, Jiufeng, Zhuque, Zhurong, Xiangjun, Mrs. Xiang, Da Siming, Shao Siming, Feng Bo, etc. Rain Master, He Bo, Jiu Ying, Xiang Liu, Gui Che, Ba She, Shan Gui, etc. are all subordinates of Donghuang Taiyi, competing with the Haotian divine system in the north.

Among them, Zhu Rong, Da Siming, Shao Siming, etc. have all fallen, but Yun Zhongjun transformed into Yun Zhongzi and personally trained Emperor Gouchen. He is the leading Holy Heaven God Lord in the Taoist sect and the number one Fortune Golden Immortal in the world. Among them, the Nine Phoenixes became Haotian's wife, the Queen Mother.

Most of the others are still alive and have a wide range of influence.

Now, Emperor Qinghua's status in the Taoist sect is extremely high.

The Infinite Heavenly Lord that Taoist priests call when greeting people in the mortal world refers to the Taiyi God who saves suffering.

This person's power in the Taixu Outer Territory is actually not inferior to Ziwei Gouchen, but this person no longer wants to compete for the Emperor of Heaven, so his momentum is not obvious.

Nezha scratched his head and considered his words: I don't know what Master is thinking. But I came here this time on Master's order.

Li Xuan immediately realized that Nezha's attitude when he came here was Taiyi's.

Li Xuan suspected that the ‘spiritual pearl’ of the three altars of the Great God of the Sea in his previous life might have a very close connection with Zhenren Taiyi, and might be his illegitimate son!

The heaven and earth circle, Hun Tian Ling, Hot Wheels, Fire Spear, Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, Gold Bricks, Yin and Yang Sword and other treasures in Nezha's hand were all given by Master Taiyi.

After Nezha committed suicide, Master Taiyi even rebuilt the Lotus Dharmakaya for him and treated him as his biological son.

Strictly speaking, at this time Nezha and Li Jing are no longer a father and son, but they have a closer relationship with Taiyi Zhenren as a teacher and a father.

That's it. Li Xuan nodded slightly and looked at Nezha expectantly: I want to canonize the marshal as the Great God of Santan Haihui, Grand Marshal of Dutian, how about he also serve as my martial arts teacher?

Okay, but I usually don't like to take care of things. Don't come looking for me with those tedious chores. I'm only responsible for fighting.

Nezha agreed very readily: As for the martial arts teacher training, do you want me to teach you martial arts?


Li Xuan knew that Nezha's martial arts was actually not inferior to that of Fighting Victory Buddha and Erlang God Yang Jian, but it was only due to his innate deficiencies that he was not a real flesh and blood body, so he was congenitally limited.

He thought that he was not the only one who needed to learn, his wives also had great shortcomings in this area and needed the guidance of Nezha, a god with superb martial arts.

But I'm not good at teaching people to practice martial arts, and I'm impatient with UU reading——

Nezha was a little hesitant, but then he thought of Li Xuan's amazing learning speed when he competed with him just now: That's all, I'll try it first. But Your Majesty, you have to wait, I have to go back to Jingwuzhong Altar first God, we can’t let my father take away all those soldiers and horses.”

He then turned into a golden light and escaped from the Kunpeng battleship.

When this person left, Luo Yan clicked her tongue and said, My husband is really compassionate. He has been merciful to her several times. Could it be that he also likes her?

Li Xuan suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: What are you talking about? I thought that if I could recruit this person, my heaven would not only gain another general, but also win over Master Taiyi. How could I still fall in love with a man--

When he said this, his expression suddenly changed: Are these three sea gods female?

He thought that this world was really strange. He heard that Taishi and Nezha were both women.

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